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@Unionhawk this is going to get worse
as long as border patrol and the military are allowed to use force at all, yes
lol no way, a double-down?
We are actively working to confirm the condition of the young girl reportedly injured by tear gas. We will update once we get confirmation!
(this had been reported as a death, but it's not clear if that is the case or not)
@Unionhawk would not surprise me of a death, would surprise me that it was from tear gas
(the current information is critical or worse)
was expecting bullet for that
@Memor-X children, the elderly, people with asthma, and people wearing contacts, are most susceptible to very serious injury by tear gas.
Reports are also that the victim in question was hit directly, but it's not entirely clear what "directly" means here
1 hour later…
"Little Free Library" honoring Michelle Obama vandalized and tagged with Trump's name http://hill.cm/ZsOlhns
> In November, Obama's name, which appeared to be painted at the top of the structure, was crossed out. A vandal reportedly wrote "Trump's" beside it in what appears to be black marker.
@Memor-X very symbolic in that trump just takes credit for others' work
@GodEmperorDune it's almost like there's a dog in the Trump Base, except not using urine to mark what is Trump's
reminds me of an episode from The Angry Beavers where Daggett learns about their musk and starts marking everything of Norbert's going "Mine"
Each black dot is a tear gas canister thrown by USCBP at asylum seekers into Mexican soil. While police & military embrace it as a “humane approach” and “less-lethal”, its vital not to forget that it IS a chemical weapon, designed for physical and psychological torture.
2 hours later…
UPDATED: GM closing all operations in Oshawa, Ont.: sources http://ctv.news/wKnIEZE
8 hours later…
Man 'pulled a bag of cocaine from his penis' during strip search in Newcastle police station https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/james-mason-whitley-bay-tyneside-15442297
There were some jokes on Social Media about crack cocaine too
1 hour later…
@Nzall cc: @Arperum
1 hour later…
On Fox & Friends, Border Patrol Foundation president defends pepper spraying latinx migrants because “it’s natural. You could actually put it on your nachos and eat it.” https://t.co/QLdQXqqNno
P.S. Don’t eat pepper spray. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/about-pepper-spray/
Plus, you know, the whole part where it's being used a chemical weapon not a party topping but nbd
Question: What is "latinx"? I never heard that term until like... yesterday
gender-neutral latino/latina
@Unionhawk Which is completely odd to me as someone who knows Spanish because of the way Spanish works.
It feels like some really weird form of cultural appropriation.
It's imposing an Anglo-centric view of language onto Spanish.
Granted, "Latino" is now also a loanword so who knows how that's supposed to work out.
....hundreds of people closely involved with my campaign who never met, saw or spoke to a Russian during this period? So many campaign workers, people inside from the beginning, ask me why they have not been called (they want to be). There was NO Collusion & Mueller knows it!
"Boss I think I did some crimes why aren't they talking to me?"
@TimStone There were plenty of Enron workers who weren't involved in crimes at all.
I suppose that makes Skilling innocent.
Yeah, I assume he thinks they're like...character witnesses? Which is not how any of this works
I mean, this is also the spin used for "a few bad apples" regarding the police.
Regarding the "latinx" thing, I suppose I'm also spoiled by growing up with a language where there is no gender conjugation and the only gendered pronouns are all homophones.
what a world
Oh wow shocker it's also from the NY Times
他 (he), 她 (she), and 它 (it/they) are all pronounced "ta" with the same intonation.
> is offended when someone doesn't instantly see them when they're in a room
> is also called "Mr. White"
Please tell me that's a pseudonym/moniker.
Nope, that is not a name made up for anonymity.
Reality is too fake, man.
So the theme of this year's Christmas trees is...blood?
It's been this years theme for america anyway sooo
Just reported on @MSNBC: Jerome Corsi, a former associate of Roger Stone, tells NBC News that he has been offered a plea deal by Mueller on one count of perjury, related to WikiLeaks and Assange.
Weird flex but okay
@TimStone oh yeah, they're phasing out the stuff on Oshawa, despite Ford's whole look at me slashing worker protections and giving businesses tax breaks because I am going to make sure there are jobs for Ontarians, because that's totally working out
there's a dumb Ford the automaker joke in here somewhere but eh
@TimStone lol:
Corsi tells me he’s been offered plea deal on one count of perjury. “They want me to say I willfully lied. I’m not going to agree that I lied. I did not. I will not lie to save my life. I’d rather sit in prison and rot for as long as these thugs want me to.”
tfw you were definitely not offered a plea deal but do want a pardon but are also on the wrong channel
@TimStone So he's saying he committed crimes but not that crime?
I mean he makes shit up all the time, that's his thing, so probably
Politico: “More than a dozen” prominent Democratic donors say they’ll never donate or fundraise for Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand because they’re upset with her for pushing Al Franken to resign when he faced groping allegations: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/11/26/al-franken-kirsten-gillibrand-2020-1014697
Remarkable how the grumbling at Gillibrand continues even after Sen. Tina Smith won by a bigger margin (10.4 points) and more total votes than Franken ever did. https://twitter.com/EggerTWS/status/1067034612474568706
@TimStone That's a weird statement to make, tbh.
As if Smith's margin and vote count was based totally on the differences between her and Franken.
Not having anything to do with a current administration.
The pretext for the donors being mad is that it "jeopardized the seat"
Or some crap
But he did a bad thing and the seat clearly wasn't an issue
He definitely did a bad thing but I still have some misgivings about how it all shook out.
Then again, I probably don't know enough about it.
The new paint-job has some more hurdles to get over. It will need approval and will cost somewhere between $750-thousand and $1-million dollars to complete. https://wben.radio.com/articles/hamburg-watertower-design
@TimStone ugh, eat the rich
Also if you really want to cover for abusers then you can go in the sea
Brazil Says Deforestation In The Amazon Is At Its Worst Level In A Decade https://sc.org/2AmX8Wj @buzzfeed @davidmackau
BREAKING: GM will kill the Chevrolet Volt, Chevrolet Cruze and Chevrolet Impala in North America, I've confirmed.
can they at least give them more standard brake light configurations
the chevy cruze was the only car we couldn't get
@GodEmperorDune wat
I suppose I'm getting the Bolt sometime down the road then.
Or maybe a newer gen Volt since mine's like gen 1.
and we tried a god damn vw which I expected to be way harder
use screws for the brake light thing like literally every other car manufacturer god dammit
also vw: use wheel nuts like literally every other car manufacturer (when you change a vw tire, you have to take out and replace the entire bolt so it's hard to get it lined up)
@TimStone also uh, prove it
Fuckin go for it
On live tv
3m scoville, nbd
Ghost weighs in around 1
"It's natural" is also a hell of a claim.
So is arsenic.
And cyanide.
Yeah, he should put some cyanide on his nachos
My lawyer has advised me to not comment on the above
@Unionhawk tbf 3m is not that bad, but it's definitely hot and I wouldn't want it in my face
Although I guess the scovilles might be reduced in sauce form but not in the chemical agent 🤔
Not that it matters but cross border use of chemical agents is Questionable either way
(domestic is legal)
CNN: The most dangerous place for women is the home, a new UN study says.
Cc @GodEmperorDune probably
@Wipqozn lol @ mobile copy paste
That anti-fake news “war room” Facebook gave a PR tour to pretty much every news outlet in the world? It’s already been disbanded. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-11-26/facebook-s-sheryl-sandberg-is-tainted-by-crisis-after-crisis
jury selection is moving along slowly. when we were allowed into the courtroom shortly before 10am, only 69 jurors remained. a pool of 28 has been selected at random & they’ll do the majority of voir dire individually in chambers.
@Unionhawk nice
*screams but no sound comes out* https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/25/business/china-artificial-intelligence-labeling.html
ICYMI-- the Trump admin released TWO climate related reports Friday. This one found drilling on public lands contributes nearly a quarter of all US greenhouse gas emissions https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/418242-public-land-drilling-contributes-a-quarter-of-all-greenhouse-gas
Yeah we keep talking about the need for a monumental shift which is still true but uhhhh it seems like we could start with this very specific, singular thing and get a good head start!
Between this and the top 100 polluting companies all being energy firms, largely oil, mmm
i’m going to head back to the courthouse momentarily but my ears are burning with the sound of defense counsel hill asking jurors “does anyone feel like using violence to defend yourself is never appropriate?”
we knew this was what defense was going to argue going in
but fuck man
>@costareports: Seth Moulton now wants to negotiate with Pelosi https://wapo.st/2QhS3se
That classic negotiating position of strength, being the clear loser
seth is the problem solvers guy?
I'm not sure if he's in the clique or not but I think they at least endorsed him at one point so close enough
With conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi facing a potential Mueller indictment, his one-time pal "Q" is now saying Corsi is a traitor who tried to infiltrate QAnon for the deep state.
I so badly want to meet Q
I'm normally not a fan of trolls, but man are they good at it
@GodEmperorDune This cost 2500 jobs in Ontario. Around 12k across all of North America. This is really gonna hurt.
dont worry tho, $GM is up 5% on the day
shareholder value
@TimStone hue
@Wipqozn trade wars are so easy to win
An NPM package with 2,000,000 weekly downloads had malicious code injected into it. No one knows what the malicious code does yet. https://github.com/dominictarr/event-stream/issues/116
I for one am super glad this keeps happening
While I agree with the principle of the "you need to (somehow) audit your dependencies" camp, seems extremely bad to just hand the keys over to the first complete rando who shows up!
In the github comments it seems that the malicious code is trying to steal bitcoin wallets, because of course
@TimStone why does it seem that this is always in npm?
I think it's just the nature of npm packages being dependencies upon dependencies, so it's a lot easier to sneak something like this in
> I've included a break down of what I have so far on flatmap-stream below. It includes the portion of code not found in the unminified source of [email protected] but found in the minified source. The code has been cleaned up a little to get a better understanding.
Plus a higher likelihood of code executing on client machines instead of servers, I guess, either in the browser or in an Electron-type app
uhhhh why is there not an automated process doing the minification directly from source?
Minified JavaScript is essentially the "binary", so
@Unionhawk oh so long as the 1% are fine then it's all good
gotta generate paperclips faster somehow
@Unionhawk the value will trickle down to all of us
Goldman Sachs financed a deal that got special treatment in the tax code for backing real estate in low income areas. The neighborhood where they did the deal: Long Island City. And the deal closed the exact same day as Amazon's HQ announcement. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-11-26/goldman-lucks-into-amazon-windfall-chasing-a-tax-break-in-queens
@TimStone thinking.gif
How fortuitous
There’s a new Draft Beto PAC. https://www.fec.gov/data/committee/C00692020/?tab=filings It shares a treasurer with the scammy Democratic Coalition Against Trump PAC. https://www.thedailybeast.com/cash-for-coalition-against-trump-going-into-consultants-pockets-instead
Draft Beto? What does that even mean?
For 2020 I assume
Can he get a cease and desist if it's ostensibly in his name?
I mean, I suppose they could rules-lawyer and say that it's technically for a different Beto.
@TimStone #griftsistance
.@AndreaSCousins has been elected leader of the Senate Democratic Conference by her colleagues. She becomes the first woman to lead a major conference in New York State state history.
first WOC too
Inbox: “FOX Nation, the new on demand subscription-based service debuting tomorrow, will present a weekly video with conservative social media stars Diamond & Silk, announced John Finley, Senior Vice President of Development and Production.”
why would you subscribe to on-demand news videos
like what kind of maniac would sub to CBSN
For that sweet, sweet Diamond & Silk content, apparently
@Unionhawk because ads to sell gold are no longer lucrative enough
This is a cursed world and it needs to all burn
if it's any consolation, this type of thing has been tried several times and failed every time
see glenn beck, for example
imo the target audience likes watching tv on a tv and not through an internet browser
and they don't have fancy internet connected tvs
but also like on the other hand,
Unfortunately old people do like iPads for some reason though
it's literally already a 24 hour network
or even good internet because we are terrible at providing rural broadband and still waiting for the "market to decide"
Yeah but they have to put Shep on sometimes to maintain the faintest semblance of actual reporting so they can just skip that part now
If you want details on what happens as @NASAInSight lands on Mars, @elakdawalla has you covered. http://www.planetary.org/blogs/emily-lakdawalla/2018/mars-insight-landing-preview.html
Yay, it did it!
relatedly: I learned today that some segment of flat earthers do believe in the roundness of mars
@Unionhawk u wot m8
@Unionhawk Right? I was amazed too
And also those 9/11 truthers who think the planes didn't exist being shunned
so the flat earthers, who can fly in a plane across the earth to see how round it is, are ok with mars being round, depsite not being anywhere close to experiencing it?
in a reply to our favorite billionaire from south africa named elon, to a tweet about "why is there no flat mars society", some I think blue check flat earth account was like "we've seen mars is how we know"
Elon's on the case
@GodEmperorDune Yeah you can observe it being round from earth but any time you try to observe earth being round that's just people in on the conspiracy working against you
which is why the horizon is fake
and not an observation of curvature observed from the surface of the earth
@Unionhawk actually in that surviving mars game @Yuuki mentioned in bridge, there is a "flat mars society" event that can happen and it is amusing
in donut county, Possum is both a flat and hollow earther
turns out he was right about at least one of those two things
BREAKING: Trump on dire warning issued by his administration on economic effects of climate change: 'I don't believe it'
not surprising
it doesn't matter if he believes it or not, we saw a preview of the republican climate policy yesterday
@Unionhawk spray toxic gas on protestors?
not protesters, refugees, but yes.
@Unionhawk 🤔
....and false way. Something has to be done, including the possibility of the United States starting our own Worldwide Network to show the World the way we really are, GREAT!
(complaining about CNN)
I guess somebody did teach him about threads
We're going to start our own CNN? With blackjack and hookers?
@TimStone uhhhh we did some radio USA thing for a long time
wwii, iirc
we broadcast propaganda into cuba, russia, north korea, etc
and cold war yeah
yeah i think it started back then and is still going
And for the record I don't think there's anything particularly sacred about the human form, I care about it more from a standpoint of reckless unintended consequences and furtherance of inequality.
@GodEmperorDune @Yuuki Played the free weekend, enjoyed, wishlisted
WSJ interview with President Trump on GM's Ohio cutbacks: “They better damn well open a new plant there very quickly" https://on.wsj.com/2DY5szN
> Others found little comfort in the assurances from He’s YouTube video. “It would be if you and I as physicians developed a cold fusion reactor ... without ever having done nuclear reactor design, flipped the switch without any safety inspection or even checking if it produced power, and then posted a vid on Instagram,” said Sandip Patel, an immunologist at University of California at San Diego on Twitter.
Narrator: They would not, that would be dumb
@GodEmperorDune Except that the cold fusion reactor is a person.
@GodEmperorDune Okay it's bad that this will almost definitely now happen
But also even if they weren't, it's also dumb.
@TimStone next time, on logan paul
$1 billion seed funding for cold fusion reactor discovered on Instagram
oh yay, it seems the team messed up the informed consent for the parents too
> It is also unclear if the participants in He’s trial were fully aware of what they were signing up for. The team’s informed-consent document describes their work as an “aids vaccine development project,” and while it describes crispr gene-editing, it does so in heavily technical language. It doesn’t mention any of the risks of disabling CCR5, and while it does note the possibility of off-target effects, it also says that the “project team is not responsible for the risk.”
@GodEmperorDune Indeed, the scientist making the claim wouldn't even clarify how they made sure there were no misplaced edits/cuts.
shrug It just worked, folks.
> He owns two genetics companies, and his collaborator, Michael Deem from Rice University, holds a small stake in, and sits on the advisory board of, both of them. AP’s Marchione reports, “Both men are physics experts with no experience running human clinical trials.”
there we go, this makes the most sense of it
> from Rice University
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, Voice of America is still kicking
@TimStone Indeed, was just about to Google what it was called, thanks.
@GodEmperorDune Amazing
@TimStone stay in your lane, science bois
When you’re chatting with customer service, know that the “send” button is an illusion. Most of the agents see what you are typing in real time: https://hmmdaily.com/2018/11/26/customer-service-chats-are-watching-you-type-before-you-hit-enter/
This shouldn't be surprising and yet never registered on my list of bullshit companies would pull
@TimStone yeaaaaaah
guess i better stop swearing, deleting it, and retyping
> "Please check out my Twitch channel and subscribe."
> *delete*
Kushner pushed Trump admin to inflate value of arms deal with Saudi Arabia: report http://hill.cm/jo4Z7k0
lol of course he did
@TimStone ever the good boi
2 hours ago, by Unionhawk
Seeing as Bitcoin is going so, so well, Ohio becomes first US state to take biz taxes in BTC http://reg.cx/2QJg
lol @Unionhawk
@TimStone kasich 2020
pounding on table 3000! 3000! 3000! 3000!
@Unionhawk lol did it crash again?
it's down to 3700
lol some coworkers of mine got in around 9k
talking about building mining rigs and such
was 6400 30 days ago
it's to the point that large miners literally dismantled warehouses because it's not cost effective to keep it running
@GodEmperorDune F
@GodEmperorDune the best is antman's post at literally the peak
"it's never going down below 10k"
4 days later
@Yuuki i am not concerned, they were bro-ey
and smart enough to know better too
@Unionhawk adds to pounding and chanting
This is like 10 months later than I wanted, but I'll take it.
@GodEmperorDune Lowering taxes by having the method of transaction bottom out between the time of payment and the time of processing by the state, everyone's favourite lose-lose scenario
@TimStone ohio is trying to speedrun kansas, RIP @uni
yeah we're going to be the ones to bring the roe case
it looks like
kasich will either sign 6 weeks or full ban with death penalty, and it'll get upheld by justice k
and then fuck off to whatever speaking gig he wants at like, liberty university
maybe teach a master class in like, telling middle aged midwestern dad stories
though he did say that he's got his finger on the pulse of america and may run in the democratic nominee clowncar
Insomuch as Megyn Kelly is technically news-tangential, this second screenshot here is just a nesting doll of whew
which is going to suck insane amounts of ass
But also please definitely do that
@Unionhawk Won't he just try to primary Trump though?
@TimStone maybe, but I doubt it
He'd get crushed if he tried
his best hope is to sneak in with other noted republicans mike bloomberg and probably others
@TimStone own the libs by helping the nazis leave twitter quietly
My 0% surprise face at Molly going to bat for Instapundit, the classiest of people
that's just regular conservative mode
Jury seating in the trial of James Alex Fields is going slow, but will probably be done tomorrow (it's a larger pool, and a higher profile case than previous trials related to events of that day)
defense motion for change of venue is under advisement, but hasn't been ruled on. If they somehow strike everyone, it could come up, but that seems unlikely.
New from @thedailybeast: An autopsy of Roxsana Hernández Rodriguez, a trans asylum seeker from Honduras, shows evidence of physical abused and medical neglect while she was in ICE custody, leading to her death in May. #JusticeForRoxsana
Slightly uncomfortable with CGP Grey's recent video implying that federal/public land is a bad thing.
@Yuuki how is public land a bad thing?
@GodEmperorDune Are you familiar with the Bundys?
@Yuuki y'all qaeda? yep
That's who thinks federal/public land is a bad thing.
The implication of Grey's video, I think, is that public land is somehow the government owning land that people could otherwise use.
Except that public land is land that people can use.
yes, it is land specifically designed for the public to use
That everyone can use rather than one person/entity who owns it.
Basically why I'm slightly uncomfortable with the tone of his video on public land.
rather that have a small group of people exploit the resources on it, make their money, and leave the mess for the public to clean up
The thrust of his video seems to be that the federal government owning public land is BAD and that public land should be transferred to the states because states are GOOD. Something something true democracy something something the people.
Completely ignoring that so many states want public federal land so they can go on ahead with drilling and selling stuff to corporations.
@Yuuki i mean maintaining public lands can be expensive, california has trouble keeping up with the state lands and we have a lot of tax revenue
and yeah, not even counting that state lawmakers/regulators are cheaper to buy off than federal ones
I've noted a ton of CGP Grey's videos have this libertarian-esque bent to them, but it's never been so blatant as this video.
federal regulators have a lot of problems, but i don't understand how shunting responsibility to the states is supposed to solve all of them
The IS the shot of the day as Tunisians, who managed to preserve their revolution against tyranny, protest the upcoming visit of #Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. #Khashoggi #Tunisia
2 hours later…
I'm sorry but how is he a real person?? SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME
'An act of national self-harm': May comes under fire over Brexit deal https://bit.ly/2r7NLWi
@TimStone in todays world, that level of stupid is real
@TimStone is... is he trying to take up the gator mantle or something?
puts face in hands I DON'T KNOW
Ted Cruz grew a beard over Thanksgiving!
it's still better than tomi lahren's take on tear gassing refugees though
throws a table
Oh holy hell I haven't even seen that yet
@TimStone bro forgot to shave a few days
@TimStone "best part of my thanksgiving"
@GodEmperorDune I don't understand how he looks more grimey
@GodEmperorDune I don't wanna know but I wanna know but I am going to hate it
@GodEmperorDune Well we knew it wasn't gonna be the taste of the unseasoned slop but smdh
@TimStone Oh, honey, no
@TimStone it could also be the zodiac smile
@TimStone because owning a gaming console means you don't have a job? What?
@Yuuki In general, less and less of his videos have sat well with me.
@Ash i mean i would like to game all day instead of doing my job but capitalism frowns on such things
Trump suggests US start its own state-run global TV network http://hill.cm/XVf6N4W
specifically the bills from adulting
didn't he already do that?
@Memor-X the "Voice of America" has done this since the 1940s or so
@GodEmperorDune ok didn't know that
@Ash I just…and the "let's do it on video to own the live by destroying our own stuff" is just…jsjdjdbfbhdh
but radio, not TV
@TimStone yeah, like wooohooo go you you broke your shit good for you?
@Memor-X tbf clearly neither does Trump
@Ash from what i've heard, it is considered a "privilege flex" in that "look how privileged i am, i can afford to wreck this thing"
@GodEmperorDune ah yes
Im in a hipster coffee shop and the leftists here fear the power of gamers rising up and breaking free from their video game shackles
@Unionhawk if i was drinking something it would be all over the monitor now
@Unionhawk Thank you for making me choke on this delicious edamame salad I am eating :P
It's not a hard bit to do you just have to start with "hipster coffee shop" and then say you overheard something absurd that absolutely happened
i'm in a hipster coffee shop and the leftists here are all jealous that i've been banned from futures trading by the SEC
Status report on Manafort: "After signing the plea agreement, Manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel’s Office on a variety of subject matters, which constitute breaches of the agreement."
Speaking of crimes, cc @TimStone’s veins
@TimStone this is also just, same energy as proud boys rule 1

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