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@Shalvenay: They seemed to believe the wall would give way. I can't say that I blame them; as soon as I read the 5e rule that says it's simply impossible I started looking into ways of getting a relativistic impulse out of it.
Morning all
When did the facelift happen?
@Joshua LOL!
@Joshua if you can get that degree of impulse, your lich has officially ascended to the point where they can challenge the gods
relativistic weapon damage....I think that's not something D&D can reasonably account for
1 hour later…
@Shalvenay: I did find a destroy a plane weapon. The only relativistic impulse I could find depended on getting two specific rulings: 1) Walls of force are stationary in their reference frame which somehow corresponds to the frame of the caster (this ruling is likely when casting in deep space) and 2) Force cages do not pass through walls of force. (If they don't I have a different destroy a plane weapon instead.)
If I could find a movable force cage or wall with the same level of does not take damage I'd have it.
3 hours later…
@doppelspooker Call it pescomancer, sounds fancier
just call it fishomancy
best name for it
no argument necesary
What do you call a French cheese wizard? Obviously a fro-mage.
Or afro-mage if they've got big bushy hair
I don't know if I can support this one?
I feel like that would send conflicting messages
Aquamancy, on the other hand, is the ability to summon Aqua-Man.
@BESW Surely that would be the ability to see Aquaman?
....fair enough.
I'm talking this over with a friend, and we've realized that this skill is necessary because Aquaman exists on a different plane.
3 hours later…
@kviiri Long ago, Ultima Online... they decided to give a purpose to the fishing skill (other than early-game money/food source). So, suddenly... fishermans were able to fish SOS bottles which in turn would provide coordinate to fish artifacts and other treasures.
Among the treasure there were enchanted fishing nets that could be used only in deep sea (which usually would mean - take a boat and go far out, away from town). Those nets would usually grant the user a lot of stuff.
And a lot of nice monsters too.
Most of the times, that meant at least one free kraken for you, sometimes two.
free the kraken?
Then, some fisherman noticed that the water barrels often found in cities (and often near banks/taverns even) were for some obscure reasons considered deep sea water.....
Obviously a bug, but for some time the fishermen had access to an ancient spell
That said, even without bugs involved....
Considering that krakens used to spawn on failed fishing attempts at low skill levels too.... city docks areas were usually something you wanted to avoid...
Yea I remember when my paw was teaching me to fish, he warned me about that
random kraken attacks yep
Obviously, it could have been worse too. If you were lucky enough to play on an unofficial / private server (which many did back then, online payment options were very primitive at the time so many couldn't find a way to pay a monthly fee and had to resort on unofficial shards) you probably got some free customization atop on that
I will always remember the time I lost gathering the legendary 8 seashells that supposedly would allow the user to have a "wish" granted (read: free awesome armor)
In case anyone was interested, the aforementioned "awesome armor" was just a recolored and renamed iron armor.
Nice for display purposes, otherwise basically the UO equivalent of the "I did .... and all I got was this T-shirt"
@Derpy fantastic story, thank you.

Ultima Online and the Barrel Kraken

2 hours ago, 7 minutes total – 10 messages, 2 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 1 min ago by doppelspooker

Hey friends—I've been reminded we have a Community Events feature on the site that we can use to reference upcoming events (and point to a place on the site network, such as a tag or meta post). Mi Yodeya uses this as a reminder of Jewish holidays. What comes to mind for our site might be to use this for referencing special RPG events or release dates. Does anything come to mind for events we'd set for that purpose?
@doppelspooker I think we should have a Cheese Fair, for one
We could time it to coincide with some actual cheese event
just-for-fun activities have a spotty record of acceptance & good function here, so we haven't before attempted something like a specific event around it (beyond a couple of specific questions)
@doppelspooker Free RPG Day, obviously.
@BESW Perfect
I can't link offsite so we'd have something like a meta post for that. If there's enough recurring events that'd mean a tabletop RPG calendar meta with answers representing events. If there aren't many we'd have a handful of questions for the events and we'd point to those. Something like that.
Me asking this in chat is kind of a trial to see how viable each approach is and how much we can/should do with this.
Geeks and Sundry also has international tabletop day in April each year.
(what I want to not do is track conventions, because there's hundreds of those and that's better handled by each user seeking out calendars relevant to their locale—the benefit-vs-cost ratio is not worthwhile for us to do that.)
2 hours later…
Guys can i ask a slightly opinion based question?
@MaikoChikyu You can ask it here :)
You can ask almost anything (not offensive) here
Well my first GM had ran me 3.5 and told me that 5e was terrible however i recently tried 5e and it turned out to be rather fun for me. A similar thing was valid for oWoD and CoD and what i wish to ask is how is CoD gameplay wise compared to oWoD?
pretty sure i can not answer this, but to confirm : CoD=Call of Duty and oWoD=(old)World of Darkness?
CoD= Chronicles of darkness
@BESW When you are around and have some spare time. This message and the following one were supposed to go in the other room. If you could move them it would be great.
@MaikoChikyu Which bit was valid for oWoD and CoD? That someone told you it was terrible, or that someone told you it was terrible but it turned out fun?
Not that I can answer the question in either case, mind you.
Sorry. I am a bit bad at explaining. Someone ran me a game of old world of darkness and told me that chronicles of darkness was a terrible edgefest.
And since i recently discovered that people might not have been completely honest about the new versions of the systems they like i am thinking of trying chronicles of darkness out.
@MaikoChikyu And it as the same person that told you 5e wouldn't be fun?
Different person.
But ultimately, no one can tell you what you will and won't like and unless you have a history of shared likes/dislikes on that subject you're discussing.
@MaikoChikyu CoD and WoD do use a very simlar system, but they tell so different stories and CoD is more stramlined, that I don't dare to compare them.
@MaikoChikyu People do have different preferences, and changes tend to not resonate well with people who liked the old stuff. So on general principles, it could go either way…
@MaikoChikyu I dislike the CoD setting, so I don't touch it with tongues unless necessary.
@Anaphory Yeah, my old 3.5e group virulently hates 4e.
@Yuuki As far as I can tell, a lot of people virulently hate 4e (for reasons I'm still not sure of)
@Yuuki D&D 3/4 is a particularly strong case of not paying attention to the customer base when updating a product.
Going by what I know of 4e, it's also a case of the customer base being really stuck in their ways.
Like I brought up how I heard that 4e did a much better job of balancing martials and magicals than 3.5e and my old group went on about how 3.5e magicals were totally balanced and not at all as strong as martials.
Wait what?
Casters are like gods in 3.5
@MaikoChikyu Depends on what level you play at
Not sure if it's "to be fair", but they brought up a metric ton of houserules to balance casters and I felt the discussion had already gotten too heated to mention that houserules shouldn't really count for actual game design balance.
Like something about how wizards are "academics with no life experience" and should roll Will saves when they incinerate enemies with Fireball or else get PTSD.
@Yuuki What is that quote of BESW's? “It is not broken if you can tell just the user to fix it”?
Jul 10 at 22:18, by BESW
It's not broken if you tell the end user to fix it.
(Dammit, wrong clipboard buffer. Not that I think Willem Breuker's rendition of Maurice Ravel's Pavane pour une Infante Défunte is not worth sharing, but it's really off-topic.)
@Anaphory It's BAAFling. Bug as a feature.
is this question really just asking if they can narrate decks based on what their players say with no mechanical changes to the hit?
At least i don't think it is.
andy by decks i meant attacks. I have no idea how that happened.
I think he is asking if he can add fluff without involving mechanics.
@MaikoChikyu right, so isn't that just can i narrate?
@MaikoChikyu Yeah this is my take on it as well.
@NautArch The whole question is fairly confusing honestly.
@Rubiksmoose yeah, i may delete my comment - but it seems like they have confirmed that their narration will have zero mechanical consequences.
ANd if that's true, it's just "can i narrate but let my players give me direction as to how to narrate"
I think he is asking whether someone had a good or bad experience with allowing players to narrate their criticals. Like a player narrating his critical in a way that rips out the intestines of the enemy and asking to intimidate as a bonus action.
Which if i am honest i would ask that.
@MaikoChikyu I agree up until the last part. That seems like something mechanical that OP is not considering right?
Yeah and he is asking if there is something he isn't considering though i agree that OP's post is rather confusing and it needs some large edits.
@MaikoChikyu Yeah. I would almost say the question itself isn't confusing, what is confusing is what answers OP could have possibly expected to it to get.
@Rubiksmoose @MaikoChikyu Right - once you remove mechanics...it's all just narration. But I think their issue is what to do when a player tries to introduce mechanics in narration. But then that's out of the question scope.
@Rubiksmoose Other than "of course you can let them narrate"
@NautArch Right.
@NautArch It wouldn't be bad to consider in an answer (as some do already). Better backed up by experience though.
@NautArch I run into that with my players coming up with backgrounds and then attempting to assert proficiency or skill sets as a result.
@ColinGross Although 5e at least has a system to make that balanced and fair. Flexibility on the effects of a critical hit.... not so much.
@Xirema Which is one of the things that was so cool about the PbtA system: if they player succeeds (most of the time) they have most of the control about how that success looks and even what mechanical effects there are to some extent. Nothing special in Masks at least for rolling a crit (12) but anything over a 10 is considered a "complete success" and whatever they were trying to do just happens.
@Rubiksmoose Jump to moon?
@ColinGross Depends on the game. In my superhero game, I would absolutely allow that roll for certain characters.
@Xirema 5e has a background system that spells out mechanical effects of a background. When a player writes a background it usually has more description than simply "criminal" or "folk hero" and it's that added stuff that can be problematic when they expect it to have mechanical effect.
Of course the DM still has final word on when rolls are made based on Moves and when/how they trigger.
@Rubiksmoose kick moon out of orbit?
@ColinGross Sounds like a stellar idea to turn the tide of battle. Roll Unleash your Powers.
Ouch. Given my roll you succeed in kicking the moon, however the moon grazes an important Military satellite on its way out and you know that you are going to have a lot of explaining to do when back on terra firma.
I'm starting a game where the group is allowing Xanathar's Lost Notes and some of the features work almost as poorly as the average dndwiki... Just not accounting for things and messing up how wording usually works.
@ColinGross Given your roll, you bat the moon out of orbit in a spectacular fashion and it heads exactly the distance away you need it to go to raise the tide levels to flood Magma Man's base and cool down the supervolcano that was going to destroy the planet.
@Rubiksmoose 10/10 Would moon with @Rubiksmoose again.
@ColinGross Moon buddies [fist bump]
@DavidCoffron oh dear... you DMing or playing?
@DavidCoffron What's Xanathar's Lost Notes?
@ColinGross a 3rd party compilation of added material.
@Rubiksmoose A pdf of dndwiki ?
Literally the first thing I found when I looked up Xanathar's Lost Notes is a reddit post about how poorly balanced it is.
@Rubiksmoose playing. It's a X-Com style combat focused game where each player gets multiple characters (one in use at a time) and the ones you aren't using can be resting (only way to long rest), training (homebrew rules), or doing a mission. I'm super hype about the ruleset but not sure about this homebrew
@Xirema yeah. It's pretty bad, and a lot of the features do some of the major pitfalls of homebrew that we see on here. Like weaknesses to balance strengths, excessive math, and poor wording (especially in that RAW clearly contradicts RAI in a number of cases).
@ColinGross it's not quite that bad, but the worse subclasses in the pdf are about as good as the average dndwiki
Speaking of which...about that Artificer...
@Rubiksmoose What about that artificer?
@DavidCoffron So you're going to pick some game breakingly fun stuff, correct?
@ColinGross heh... maybe
Trouble is, some of the features that are "gamebreaking" are only gamebreaking because of how they're worded. They'd probably get overruled
I'm coming in late so I'll probably min max a bit on my first few characters to catch up ;)
@Rubiksmoose The Warbody has 11 hitpoints, which do not scale with level.
There's a lot else that could be said about that homebrew, but that, to me, says a lot about where it's at in terms of balance.
> . You can send your gen to find and
retrieve the knowledge of an additional spell you don’t
know. The spell must be of a level you can cast and can
be from any class spell list. As a bonus action, you can
request a spell for your gen to retrieve and it returns in a
number of rounds equal to 1d12 minus your Charisma
modifier (minimum of 1). When the gen returns, it immediately imparts the spell
knowledge to you at the beginning of your turn, which
you can then cast normally by expending a spell slot. If
@DavidCoffron ooo feyblood gets charm for free
But does the spell knowledge disappear if I do cast the spell? Or do I just learn all the spells? (An official release would also say it doesn't count against spell known while learned in this way)
@Xirema Yeah I thought that was super weird. I mean there is just no way that will work at higher levels. There is also a bunch of missing details. (eg "The machine deals 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning damage and has a range of 10 feet": is it unarmed? weapon? what stat to hit? proficient?)
@Rubiksmoose I suspect it may be a typo. There's a lot of typos in the writeup, from missing words to misspelled features.
@Rubiksmoose is it actually 10 range or reach is 10 feet?
> Your Warbody has 1d6 + 8 hitpoints per level ...
That would at least make it overpowered.
@Xirema 1d6 per level +8 would be good
@Xirema This very much reads like a first draft and not enough initial effort. I'm giving it a downvote.
@DavidCoffron Actually, yeah, that might be right on the mark.
Then it's about on par with rangers companion
@DavidCoffron TBH, I think Wild Shape might be a more appropriate comparison.
I'm tempted to suggest that iterations on this design should hew more to that kind of archetype.
@Xirema Or somewhere in between the two. @Xirema I deleted my last 2 comments, i'm not sure they're helpful.
@Xirema yeah. I meant in terms of HP. The proficiency increase in health is kind of like the 1d6 per level
@Rubiksmoose INT to damage? Whyyyyyyyyy?
@Xirema That might acdtually be a good and relevant answer. No judgement on balance, but suggestions on what they can do first before running it by us.
Hey! There's a Beguiler in Lost Notes. It's more balanced than the Beguiler we had on here (and it's a wizard subclass)
@Yuuki Presumbly to better align with the Artificer's primary stat but yeah pretty strange.
@Yuuki better construction as a virtue of your INT
1d10 is already a pretty good weapon die.
Not saying you can't successfully create good and balanced homebrew without much experience, but it's really hard.
@NautArch I would actually say that. Unless you understand the rules of the game and how it plays really well, there is no way to create a balanced homebrew outside of striaght luck.
You could at least avoid things like adding a primary stat to damage though.
It’s such a dog whistle, IMO.
@Rubiksmoose I'm trying to stay Nice :) I don't want to tell people not to do stuff, but i'm also not sure what to do when they just want to plow forward.
@Rubiksmoose agreed. And not even deeply studying the rules. That's not quite enough. I've deeply studied Pathfinder and would not trust myself to homebrew it because I haven't played enough. You need that experience
Especially when I get a response of "Yeah, but i'm gonna do it anyway".
@NautArch Oh I meant I would say that it is true. I wouldn't say that to someone's face in that manner necessarily. Definitely not here.
@NautArch I mean... they can do it if they want but it will be very difficult to get it right
Sometimes I screw up a homebrew hard and I've been playing 5e as long as you can have
@DavidCoffron And it puts all of the work on the community here. Hence my -1.
I feel likei 'm pretty familiar with 5e...and I don't homebrew.
@DavidCoffron To be fair, at first glance it doesn't seem to scream out as being OP or broken or terrible in any glaring ways which means it is already better than a lot of the homebrew we get. So kudos to them for that I suppose.
Mostly because my local tables are pretty anti-homebrew.
Except for DMs making monsters.
@Rubiksmoose True. Looks pretty conservative on that respect
@DavidCoffron Oooo... make one of your guys a wizard from the school of reconstruction. That one seems broken in very interesting ways especially around L6.
@NautArch I read that as the energy drink at first and was like "/me tilts head"
1d4 rounds of regeneration for a 1st level spell.
@DavidCoffron rum punch
@NautArch Now I need to figure out a clever D&D pun for a couple of my rum punch drinks involving unarmed strikes or something like that.
@ColinGross that's what i mean. It's poorly designed. There are ways to get healing spells almost at-will. Multiclassing with that is infinite healing
@DavidCoffron If the DM wants to play with it, I'd say see how far you can run with it.
It's going to force the encounters to scale up ridiculously, so that's going to scale the XP rapidly as well.
@ColinGross idk. Not sure how the environment is. Like I said, it's XCOM style with multiple characters in rotation
Deadly encounters would be... kinda dangerous with 3d8 healing per 1st level spell slot available.
And level disparities are expected (and accounted for in houserules)
Chromatic orb doing healing instead of damage with the autohit feature... that's pretty ridiculous.
Burn all of those at the end of the day, and you don't have to worry about long healing.
I know this wasn't missed but... "I hate my connection"
What's worse than a disconnection while playing Hearthstone?
Having just played Nozdormu (all turns last 15 seconds instead of 2 minutes)
Not to get too personal, but it is things like this: "I am putting together a campaign for my daughters - late high school / early college age" that more than anything make me more inclined to the idea of having children of my own. Related: thinking about reading them all the best books.
@Rubiksmoose I recommend nieces or running an after school game at a community center. Children are far more enjoyable to teach & play games with than to raise.
@Rubiksmoose Hehe :) I'm not saying I leave character sheets/books around for my son to find and ask about...
@NautArch Verrry sneaky lol
@ColinGross I'll bet. Parenting, like all things I'm sure, has its ups and downs.
@Rubiksmoose I don't know the a strong enough term for that kind of understatement.
@ColinGross but like. What's the save DC?
@DavidCoffron It doesn't specify.
@ColinGross exactly my point
@DavidCoffron You could have saved a lookup and a line of text by stating that instead of a rhetorical question.
@ColinGross sorry. I didn't think of that
W/r/t that Artificer Subclass, I'm reasonably confident that a Second-Level casting of Armor of Agathys is as powerful as that War Body.
Change my mind™.
@DavidCoffron Me too. I'm inexplicably just cranky today.
Are there any additional tags we should be put on the jedi treasure question?
@NautArch treasure?
@Xirema Yeah, war body isn't that great. Armor of Agathy's and endure elements is basically the same if not better
At 6th level a straight caster is doing more than 2d6+INT in a round anyway. Seems like a waste of an action.
@Rubiksmoose Yeah, i'm almost tempted to remove 5e.
@NautArch I mean it really seems like a tag should be created for this system maybe?
@Rubiksmoose Probably, I didn't actually click through to reddit and read it
@NautArch It looks like they use the full 5e ruleset but with a star wars theme? Not sure. The link just goes to the subreddit about it.
@NautArch Impressive, they actuyally took the PHB and modded it really heavily actually.
How did we get two dandwiki wrong links at the same time?!
In two separate answers. Weird.
@Rubiksmoose I edited out the links
I also didn't see them in the basic rules
@NautArch Not even the DM basic rules?
@Rubiksmoose Hmm, let me check...
(I always forget there is such a thing)
Not seeing it
It's part of the dndbeyond Basic Rules, but I don't see the Other Treasure bits.
@NautArch Interesting.
@Rubiksmoose Searching Blessings and then filtering by compendium only gives links to paid content.
It's almost like...they want you to buy something for more detailed rules options.
@NautArch Fancy that!
That content is nowhere in the SRD.
Which means Dandwiki is partaking in a smattering of piracy I guess technically
@doppelspooker Was I okay in my comment language?
@Rubiksmoose insert Fry shocked face.
@NautArch you expressed it a bit poorly. "not a legitimate publication" sounds like it's an issue with linking to dandwiki. Instead describe it in terms that the content appears pirated because it isn't actually in the SRD, and we have both ethical and pragmatic reasons not to link to pirated content: we don't want link rot nor to facilitate piracy.
@doppelspooker Gotcha - I was trying to walk a fine line of not being too aggressive. But feel free to remove my comment and update with something more mod-appropriate :)
although legitimate republication is piracy.
It's fine, I'm just mentioning this for future reference.
It wasn't a statement on the dandwiki,. But I can see the misinterpretation of my phrasing.
Okay, but you see I didn't say Legitimate Publication, right?
oops, legitimate republication
hmm, that changes it a bit
anyway, it's fine
heh, okay: But still free to remove/update as needed :) I think the point is across for those folks.
I'm also confused as to how someone 'cannot' have a dndbeyond account.
@NautArch Maybe not available in their country.
@Rubiksmoose Is that a thing with dndbeyond/twitch?
Could also theoretically be too young (though I doubt it and when has that ever stopped anybody)
@NautArch The cannot stand the cognitive burden of one more F*&^$!#@ login screen?
They don't want to login with Twitch of Facebook?
@NautArch I mean generally it is a thing for almsot all types of published content I think. I am not aware of any specifically with dndb though.
@ColinGross that's Will not, not Can not.
@NautArch Oh, that is forced twitch login. Yeah, that's a hard no.
@totorococo @Wizards While purchases are unavailable in some countries in the mobile app, you can purchase ALL content in ANY country via the website, and that content will also be unlocked for you in the mobile app.
so availability isn't the issue.
Well I'm out of ideas lol
@ColinGross And a reasonable statement. But that's still firmly in Will.
@NautArch Actually, it's an INT save.
@NautArch Well we'll have to just assume that this person really cannot access it for reasons that they are not required to divulge.
@Rubiksmoose Roll deception :P
for hyperbole
@NautArch lol
Online forum DC 8. You passed.
looking at the PHB for SW @Rubiksmoose. Ability scores go to 30...
@NautArch You mean normal ability scores do?
@Rubiksmoose i'm not sure. THere's an early table with modifiers through 30.
@NautArch Same table is in stock PHB
@Rubiksmoose now i feel stupit.
I only remeber it because I wrote sevel answers on the topic of ability scores and it was a thing I looked at a lot lol.
Hmmm Doppel's answer to my meta question is surprisingly controversial IMO. Although I guess 3 downvotes and a couple of dissenting comments aren't that much.
@Rubiksmoose I think the issue is just in the controversial nature of that tag
it's a meta post discussing RAW, it would be surprising if it wasn't controvertial
@NautArch Seems like that is the reason.
Yeah I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I did dig through a bunch of the old Q&As talking about it and it got very heated.
Not really liking the CoS final dungeon
It was fun at first, but I think the cognitive load of these vast dungeons with tons of branching, traps and secrets is just overwhelming
Any dungeon where backtracking is a major feature is best saved for singleplayer play, I think.
The cognitive load of any Metroidvania-esque or Zelda-esque dungeon is multiplicatively increased when you need to have everyone in the party on the same page.
Yea, I never got into metroidvanias and they sound exactly like the stuff I hate :)
I'm not sure if this one is heavy on backtracking already, but...
Well, it's the kind of dungeon that'll potentially kill one for not metagaming like crazy, or not paying attention to each of its bazillion little details.
I like the dungeon design aspect of Metroidvanias because I like crawling all over the place and figuring out weird meta puzzles.
I just suck at the core gameplay part of the average Metroidvania (2D platforming shooter).
I'm a big fan of Zelda's dungeon design, but I know it's nothing something you want to unload onto a group of people.
It's best for one-on-ones because then the person has all the time in the world figure out the dungeon layout at their own pace.
Whereas in group play, there'll inevitably be someone who feels like they're holding the rest of the group back because they don't grok your dungeon puzzle as quickly as everyone else.
@Rubiksmoose @NautArch FYI I managed to get in touch with dandwiki admins and report the page for them to deal with.
@doppelspooker Oh good! Thanks for doing that, it is very upstanding of you.
For group play, I prefer self-contained puzzle rooms.
If y'all happen to spot this situation occurring again, let me know and I'll pass it on.
Will do. I know I've seen other cases of it there too.
2 hours later…
@doppelspooker :P my current rogue would be more likely to be making a housecall for them :P
@GalacticCowboy: Yup! I just wanted to make sure answerers were aware that there may be differences and that they need to be familiar with those if they are going to answer. Good question and I hope you and your daughters have a stellar time :) — Rubiksmoose 5 hours ago
@Rubiksmoose <groan> "stellar" <slow clap>
@doppelspooker any rogue? many of anything else too really

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