Conversation started Oct 8, 2018 at 9:37.
Oct 8, 2018 09:37
@kviiri Long ago, Ultima Online... they decided to give a purpose to the fishing skill (other than early-game money/food source). So, suddenly... fishermans were able to fish SOS bottles which in turn would provide coordinate to fish artifacts and other treasures.
Among the treasure there were enchanted fishing nets that could be used only in deep sea (which usually would mean - take a boat and go far out, away from town). Those nets would usually grant the user a lot of stuff.
And a lot of nice monsters too.
Most of the times, that meant at least one free kraken for you, sometimes two.
free the kraken?
Then, some fisherman noticed that the water barrels often found in cities (and often near banks/taverns even) were for some obscure reasons considered deep sea water.....
Obviously a bug, but for some time the fishermen had access to an ancient spell
That said, even without bugs involved....
Considering that krakens used to spawn on failed fishing attempts at low skill levels too.... city docks areas were usually something you wanted to avoid...
Conversation ended Oct 8, 2018 at 9:44.