$D = A \cup B \cup (\{c\} \cup \{d\})$ is even if $A$ and $B$ are both weakly even, or neither if $A,B$ both weakly odd
ok I tie myself up again. Start over
Let $D$ be d finite and $A,B,\{c\},\{d,e\} \subset D$ such that $|A|=|B|$. Then:
Strongly even: $D = A \cup B$
Strongly odd: $D = A \cup B \cup \{c\}$
Weakly even: $D = \bigcup_{d,e} \{d,e\}$
Weakly odd: $D = \bigcup_{d,e} \{d,e\} \cup \{c\}$
Suppose $D$ is strongly odd. Then for $D \cup \{d\}$ where $\{d\} \not\subset D$, we have:
$$D \cup \{d\}= A \cup B \cup \{c\} \cup \{d\}$$
Now since $|A|=|B|$, $A,B$ must be both weakly even, weakly odd, strongly even, strongly odd or neither
Case 1. $A,B$ weakly even. Then we have:
$D \cup \{d\} = A_1 \cup A_2 \cup B_1 \cup B_2 \cup \{c\} \cup \{d\}$
actually what am I doing. I only need there exists, not for all
Because we can group the union as follows:
$D \cup \{d\}= (A \cup \{c\}) \cup (B \cup \{d\})$
and because $|A|=|B|=\Delta$ for some Dedekind cardinality $\Delta$ and the union is disjoint. It follows that $|A \cup \{c\}| = |B \cup \{d\}|$. Hence we have a partition which has two equinumerous sets. Hence $D$ is strongly even QED
@Holo Let me knew if my proof miss something
By generalising the above proof, we should get:
weakly even + weakly even = weakly even
weakly even + weakly odd = weakly odd
Weakly odd + weakly odd = weakly even
strongly even but not weakly even + weakly odd = neither
strongly odd but not weakly odd + weakly odd = neither
strongly even but not weakly even + weakly even = neither
strongly odd but not weakly odd + weakly even = neither
strongly even + strongly even = strongly even
strongly odd + strongly odd = strongly even
strongly odd + strongly even = strongly odd
So in conclusion, it is like having two sets of natural numbers plus something that is not natural numbers
@Evinda don't see anything wrong. In fact, you can reason it much easier by considering the two subsequence that consists of even terms and odd terms respectively. Then you see the odd subsequence will converge to 0 from above and the even subsequence will converge to 1 from below
and therefore, this sequence is divergent as a whole because its limit at infinity does not agree at at least two subsequence