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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

1:30 AM
But you are selfish. How can you ask not to write about it if this is a pertinent part of any reasonable answer? You want everyone else to suffer with substitutes (often quite disgusting, like rice milk), learn a lot of new ways of cooking, be extra vigilant, all just because of you. It's fully your responsibility to handle the situation. — Zeus 1 min ago
#18894 Zeus (101 rep) | Q: How to communicate to my mother that I find it hurtful when she cooks dessert for everyone except me who is vegan? (score: 24) | posted 6 days ago by Noon (2847 rep) | Toxicity 0.61896145 | edited 4 hours ago by stannius (107 rep) | Has magic comment
1 hour later…
2:32 AM
Hey @thesecretmaster I just opened a new pull request: github.com/thesecretmaster/ips-comment-bot/pull/18
Normally I wouldn't ping you here about it, but I made some big changes and with my (lack of) Ruby experience, I wanted to make sure things look good
The goal of this one is to add the ability to respond to howgood messages to see which comments are matched
The one part I'm least certain on is my change to scan_comments. I'm 90% sure it'll work, but since I don't have dual rooms setup, this is something I wasn't able to test
Let me know how things look and feel free to reject the pull if there's stuff to fix!
2:51 AM
Unfortunately, there is a lot of being joined at the hip. Samantha can't drive and therefore Alex drives her. Alex is underemployed and is in their apartment more often than Samantha is. Still, making more time for shorter-length hangouts for the times when Alex isn't there is definitely a good idea, and I could definitely push harder to find those times. — FriendHelpYeah 1 min ago
#19058 FriendHelpYeah (71 rep) | A: How do I deal with my friend's abusive partner who I've cut contact with? (score: 2) | posted 9 minutes ago by Arcanist Lupus (2464 rep) | Toxicity 0.17731321
3:02 AM
@scohe001 Looks OK to me, except the mytest function
Gonna merge and pull it, lets see how it goes
!!/pull ips
Starting at rev 3dd1d2d on branch master (Merge pull request #18 from thesecretmaster/scohe-dumpAdded reply-to functionality for howgood to see what it's howgooding about)
!!/howgood ips * *
!!/alive ips
I'm alive!
!!/howgood ips * *
@scohe001 I got you an error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
        7: from /home/ipsbot/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/bundler/gems/ChatX-f4f687c25251/lib/chatx/hooks.rb:25:in `block (3 levels) in handle'
        6: from /home/ipsbot/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/bundler/gems/ChatX-f4f687c25251/lib/chatx/hooks.rb:94:in `block in command'
        5: from comment_scan.rb:258:in `block (3 levels) in <main>'
        4: from /home/ipsbot/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/activerecord-5.2.1/lib/active_record/relation/calculations.rb:49:in `count'
Starting at rev 072621f on branch master (Merge pull request #17 from thesecretmaster/scohe-dumpAdded manscan to help and new feature to display tp/fp when manscanning)
3:06 AM
!!/howgood ips * *
Errr howgood shouldn't be failing
The only thing changed there was logging the message....
@thesecretmaster yikes totally missed that in the git diff, sorry!
Starting at rev 6d970a8 on branch master (Merge pull request #19 from thesecretmaster/revert-18-scohe-dumpRevert "Added reply-to functionality for howgood to see what it's howgooding about")
!!/howgood ips * *
isn't * a bad regex?
!!/howgood ips * test
 Type | # Matched | % of Matched | % of All Type | % of ALL Comments
  tp  |     5     | 1.96850394%  |  1.12359551%  |   0.01387887%
  fp  |     2     | 0.78740157%  |  1.2987013%   |   0.00555155%
Total |    254    |      -       |       -       |   0.70504636%
3:11 AM
Oh yep
@IPSCommentBot fp
lol happens
It just logged to the console "That was not a report"
3:12 AM
I think you mixed up a "say" and a "puts"
Nono the "That was not a report" was already in there from you
it means that the howgood message didn't register for whatever reason...
basically elsif !hg_comment.nil? is false
But normally "That was not a report" is said in chat, not on the command line.
Oh is it?
It looks like that's commented out and replaced with puts
Oh maybe not
Huh yea just checked the diff, I think it was like that already
3:14 AM
Huh. I'm not thinking straight. Well, stuffs been reverted for the moment.
Starting at rev 3dd1d2d on branch master (Merge pull request #18 from thesecretmaster/scohe-dumpAdded reply-to functionality for howgood to see what it's howgooding about)
!!/howgood ips * .*
 Type | # Matched | % of Matched | % of All Type | % of ALL Comments
  tp  |    445    | 1.23521901%  |    100.0%     |   1.23521901%
  fp  |    154    | 0.42746905%  |    100.0%     |   0.42746905%
Total |   36026   |      -       |       -       |      100.0%
@IPSCommentBot tp
3:15 AM
Are we running my changes though? or after the revert?
@IPSCommentBot tps
Invalid comment type. Reply to howgood with <comment_type> <num> to print num matches of comment_type where comment types are tp, fp, and *
@IPSCommentBot tp 5
To begin with they may not have much time for it. But it depends upon how you start - if you start by giving casual good information for free which would be of help to them, they may in time realise just how poor their own knowledge and abilities are, may see the value of good sense in data security. and may begin to be interested. Being critical will achieve nothing and so the options are limited so why not actively help them? — Elsdon Ward Jun 30 at 14:54
#16020 Elsdon Ward (607 rep) | A: How to interact with people who are indifferent to information security? (score: 2) | posted 95 days ago by Elsdon Ward (607 rep) | Toxicity 0.041771203 | Comment on inactive post | tps/fps: 1/0
You should find a good argument to nr 2 (you provide code that could be unsafe) :-) You can't do more than inform them, too much nagging doesn't help - and you are not responsible for them. What accessories do you talk about? — puck Jul 1 at 17:25
#16018 puck (910 rep) | Q: How to interact with people who are indifferent to information security? (score: 13) | posted 95 days ago by tonychow0929 (249 rep) | Toxicity 0.1313749 | Comment on inactive post | tps/fps: 1/2
That's not 5
3:16 AM
That's 5 messages
It's not trying to send more and erroring?
It's not erroring
It just stopped
I have some puts for debugging I left in. If you want to uncomment them you can see all the parameters along the way
(in the shell)
When you just ran with tp it should've output 3 messages by default...
I found on my personal bot, some of the older comments wouldn't manscan anymore. Maybe something similar is happening here? I figured it was just my defective database...
Anything deleted won't manscan anymore
Cuz it can't get that data out
3:19 AM
Ahh maybe some of those that it's trying to pull are deleted?
Could be
Let's try fp, those shouldn't get deleted
@IPSCommentBot fp
@Raditz_35 I believe you are right about it just being a worry, just from everything she’s said so far, she is one of the nicer people that I am friends with. A lot of people I have been around have made crude teen jokes and other related gimmicks, but I don’t think that everyone responds the same to that, and unfortunately, that’s what comes to mind first. — Sean May 9 at 12:57
#14211 Sean (312 rep) | Q: How do I talk to my friend without offending her? (score: 6) | posted 148 days ago by Sean (312 rep) | Toxicity 0.06548576 | edited 148 days ago by J A (2480 rep) | Comment on inactive post | tps/fps: 0/2
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
You just got 1
3:19 AM
@IPSCommentBot tp 1
I think the first 3 it's pulling on tp are bad^
@IPSCommentBot tp 2
@IPSCommentBot tp 3
Is there some easy way to check if a comment's been deleted before I try to scan it?
@IPSCommentBot tp 4
To begin with they may not have much time for it. But it depends upon how you start - if you start by giving casual good information for free which would be of help to them, they may in time realise just how poor their own knowledge and abilities are, may see the value of good sense in data security. and may begin to be interested. Being critical will achieve nothing and so the options are limited so why not actively help them? — Elsdon Ward Jun 30 at 14:54
#16020 Elsdon Ward (607 rep) | A: How to interact with people who are indifferent to information security? (score: 2) | posted 95 days ago by Elsdon Ward (607 rep) | Toxicity 0.041771203 | Comment on inactive post | tps/fps: 1/0
3:20 AM
@scohe001 Nope, bot can't track deletion
(also good news is that possible-aic didn't print to TAS, so at least that works)
@thesecretmaster aren't we just fetching the comment from the sqlite db on your machine tho?
Why does deletion make a difference?
@scohe001 Manscan does the exact same thing that getting a comment from the websocket does. The idea is that it's for comments the bot missed.
Starting at rev 5f37f24 on branch master (Scoping is a thing)
Ohhhhh. Then maybe I should just print the comments myself instead of using your scan function? I thought it'd be easier to use the existing framework, but with deleted comments maybe not...
!!/cid will fetch comments from the database
I forget if that uses the SE ID or the DB ID though
3:24 AM
Yea I've already done the Comment.find in the function, but I run it through manscan since it already does the reporting. I guess I could just do the same thing it does and print the body alone since I already have it
I'll make the changes and try for another pull request either later tonight or tomorrow morning
You could prolly decouple reporting from manscan
That'd be handy
Oof looks like scan pulls a little from cli and a little from Comment
I guess I could just force it to pass me something found with Comment.find_by
Is there anything cli would have that Comment wouldn't?
@scohe001 ... they're totally different things? I'm not sure what you mean.
cli is the SE::API object, whereas Comment is an ActiveRecord object
I mean if I do cli.comments(...) and Comment.select will the resulting hash have different values?
Or will they both tell me the same things about comments?
We don't store everything the API gives us
3:31 AM
Like is there a difference in how much they each store about comments?
Starting at rev 3dd1d2d on branch master (Merge pull request #18 from thesecretmaster/scohe-dumpAdded reply-to functionality for howgood to see what it's howgooding about)
Is there anything in there we use for manscan output that we don't store?
Starting at rev 5f37f24 on branch master (Scoping is a thing)
@scohe001 Doubtful?
@thesecretmaster cool cool cool
I'll work on "decoupling" and refactoring manscan and updating my howgood responses tomorrow morning then
Thanks for the help!!
3:32 AM
Wait, there's something you should know about SE::API
Don't cross the streams?
You can construct a SE::API::Comment if you can emulate the json the api returns
So covert the record to API-esque json and then construct a SE::API::Comment from it and you should be good.
Why would I want to go from ActiveRecord -> SE::API? I figured going the other way would be easier so I'd want to write the print function with an ActiveRecord
@thesecretmaster it's getting pretty late over here so I'll take a look back and fix this up tomorrow. Thanks again for taking the time to help me out with this!
4:22 AM
@scohe001 IIRC currently scan_comments takes SE::API::Comment objects.
1 hour later…
5:45 AM
Hey, thanks for the answer! Can you please explain exactly why you think that this is a good idea? Why do you say to take this course of action? What’s the thought process behind this answer? As this currently stands, this is essentially a “Try this!” answer. We require that answers provide some sort of explanation for why they are suggesting this solution, and unfortunately, at the moment this answer doesn't appear to do that. — Noon 1 min ago
#19060 Noon (2852 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: -1) | posted 1 hours ago by Shoshin Samurai (1 rep) | Toxicity 0.071007505
6:30 AM
Hey there! A few things: "what should I do" is off topic. The only things we might be able to answer on IPS are your third and your last point, so if you could edit your question to narrow it down to those, that'd be great. Also, you might want to tell this story on Law Stack Exchange, they might be able to tell you what to do about the scam. — avazula 1 min ago
#19054 avazula (7495 rep) | Q: How involved should I be with my brother-in-law's problems? (score: -1) | posted 5 hours ago by Wes Sayeed (505 rep) | Toxicity 0.32170364
1 hour later…
7:31 AM
I think this is more a legal question. I do want to say though that it’s awful you focusing on your brother-in-law’s supposed “intellectual disability” and that for all anyone knows the card was a dud anyway. I think greed is at play here. — Matthew E Cornish 56 secs ago
#19054 Matthew E Cornish (612 rep) | Q: How involved should I be with my brother-in-law's problems? (score: -1) | posted 6 hours ago by Wes Sayeed (505 rep) | Toxicity 0.3454996
@FriendHelpYeah walks are great and cost effective :) — Matthew E Cornish 25 secs ago
#19058 Matthew E Cornish (612 rep) | A: How do I deal with my friend's abusive partner who I've cut contact with? (score: 3) | posted 4 hours ago by Arcanist Lupus (2474 rep) | Toxicity 0.06893886 | edited 1 hours ago by Arcanist Lupus (2474 rep)
8:27 AM
Down-voters: Why? And why would you flag for deletion my answer? — Vlastimil 15 secs ago
#19063 Vlastimil (99 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: -1) | posted 36 minutes ago by Vlastimil (99 rep) | Toxicity 0.29570717
During these 10 seconds, does Bob need to concentrate to glance over the paperwork? Does he seem bothered in any way by the fact that you two are talking during that time? — Cashbee 36 secs ago
#19062 Cashbee (4085 rep) | Q: What is the etiquette for smalltalk in a workplace when the context and person is always the same? (score: 3) | posted 46 minutes ago by Jesse (5043 rep) | Toxicity 0.052221395
8:47 AM
Hi, can you extend on why you think this is the best course of action? Do you have previous experiences where you use this technic successfully? — Noon 5 secs ago
#19036 Noon (2851 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: 32) | posted 20 hours ago by Matthew E Cornish (612 rep) | Toxicity 0.06427688
Adding a country/region tag might be useful, because the culture seems to be relevant. — QEDemonstrandum 48 secs ago
#19064 QEDemonstrandum (459 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 0) | posted 59 minutes ago by Alex A (134 rep) | Toxicity 0.1256587 | edited 53 minutes ago by Alex A (134 rep)
To expand on Noon's comment, this answer is not enough as is, and needs explanation in order not to get deleted. Would you mind make the abovementioned edit accordingly? — avazula 2 mins ago
#19036 avazula (7504 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: 31) | posted 20 hours ago by Matthew E Cornish (610 rep) | Toxicity 0.04480094
9:49 AM
Hey, can you please explain exactly why you think that this is a good idea? Why do you say to take this course of action? What’s the thought process behind this answer? As this currently stands, this is essentially a “Try this!” answer. We require that answers provide some sort of explanation for why they are suggesting this solution, and unfortunately, at the moment this answer doesn't appear to do that. — Noon 1 min ago
#19068 Noon (2854 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: -2) | posted 49 minutes ago by RedSonja (727 rep) | Toxicity 0.0829212
I'd go along with this - my brother is always pleasantly surprised when I remember his birthday. At 47 I'm pleasantly surprised when I remember my own birthday. — Darren Bartrup-Cook just now
#19036 Darren Bartrup-Cook (101 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: 33) | posted 21 hours ago by Matthew E Cornish (638 rep) | Toxicity 0.03688513
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp) Currently marked 0tps/1fps
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp) Currently marked 0tps/1fps
@IPSCommentBot tp
9:58 AM
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp) Currently marked 0tps/1fps
@IPSCommentBot fp
9:58 AM
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp) Currently marked 0tps/1fps
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp) Currently marked 0tps/1fps
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp) Currently marked 0tps/1fps
@IPSCommentBot fp
9:59 AM
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp) Currently marked 0tps/1fps
@IPSCommentBot fp
@IPSCommentBot rp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp) Currently marked 0tps/1fps
Invalid feedback type. Valid feedback types are tp, fp, rude, and wrongo
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps
This. If he gets this emotional over such a simple thing, something else is going on, either regarding TS or something else. — Martijn 22 secs ago
#19036 Martijn (4013 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: 35) | posted 21 hours ago by Matthew E Cornish (658 rep) | Toxicity 0.08998408
10:18 AM
I don't understand how this is downvoted. It really showes the interpersonal part of the answer. The mother obviously cares about her daughter or she would not let her back into the house. She doesn't intentionally hurt her. Other answers are more helpful to achieve the goal, but this one gives insight. — Pudora 1 min ago
Matched regex(es) ["chatty-weak", "chatty"]
10:48 AM
@avazula What should be explained about it? Citing sources has never been a requirement on this SE. — Mast 16 secs ago
#19036 Mast (119 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: 36) | posted 22 hours ago by Matthew E Cornish (668 rep) | Toxicity 0.050023075
11:15 AM
@Mast (and Matthew too): Please take a look at our meta on answering on IPS. Citing sources is indeed not a requirement, but experience can be a source and it's highly encouraged people include it in their posts. But besides that, we at least expect an explanation of why or how an answer should work, which circumstances in the question led Matthew to give this as an answer? — Tinkeringbell ♦ 1 min ago
#19036 Tinkeringbell (20376 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: 36) | posted 23 hours ago by Matthew E Cornish (668 rep) | Toxicity 0.027685586
I would probably try telling him a short joke or riddle every day just to keep it fresh. If he doesn't laugh, then stop. Maybe you and Bob will actually start to look forward to his daily visit. — James 12 secs ago
#19062 James (1240 rep) | Q: What is the etiquette for smalltalk in a workplace when the context and person is always the same? (score: 5) | posted 3 hours ago by Jesse (5053 rep) | Toxicity 0.11964665 | edited 1 hours ago by Spagirl (11401 rep)
@Noon If someone gets that upset about a birthday missed and overlook the entire friendship then the person need not care after saying I'm sorry — LampPost 16 secs ago
#19036 LampPost (393 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: 37) | posted 23 hours ago by Matthew E Cornish (678 rep) | Toxicity 0.1191523
@Tinkeringbell My apology for the re-post. It won't happen again. I am several years a member of Unix & Linux, and I don't know what the h*ck, what's gotten into me. — Vlastimil 57 secs ago
#19036 Vlastimil (97 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: 37) | posted 23 hours ago by Matthew E Cornish (678 rep) | Toxicity 0.6079781
I just had this situation a few days ago. I removed the birthday from my facebook and told no one XD. Only 26 and I no longer care people know or celebrate it. To me it feels awkward. — LampPost 1 min ago
#1163 LampPost (393 rep) | Q: It's my birthday! How do I tell people who don't know, who might want to know, without being awkward? (score: 42) | posted 428 days ago by Zyerah (563 rep) | Toxicity 0.06979091 | edited 428 days ago by NVZ (9180 rep) | Comment on inactive post
11:50 AM
Double-posting can happen. Usually we don't mind, if the second post is a good improvement ;) Please take some time to edit this one though. Try to answer the actual question asked, which is how to convince a friend to forgive/effectively apologize. Right now, your answer is too focused on answering 'do I have to apologize' which isn't the question, DDD has already decided they want to do so and beg forgiveness. So, how would you handle apologizing/begging forgiveness for forgetting a birthday? — Tinkeringbell ♦ 43 secs ago
#19063 Tinkeringbell (20376 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: -2) | posted 3 hours ago by Vlastimil (97 rep) | Toxicity 0.07990798 | edited 2 minutes ago by Vlastimil (97 rep)
@Tinkeringbell I will edit this one thoroughly, I don't like to get down-votes, especially if I am used to ask / answer with a good style and positive points. Just give me time to read your Meta. — Vlastimil 52 secs ago
#19063 Vlastimil (97 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: -2) | posted 4 hours ago by Vlastimil (97 rep) | Toxicity 0.119719975 | edited 5 minutes ago by Vlastimil (97 rep)
12:18 PM
No answer so far touches on the point that asking to eat someone's left-over hamburger is weird. Where I live people at the table would laugh, although I'm fortunate enough to work in a place where it wouldn't matter and everyone would just laugh with you. So yes, a culture tag would be very useful, and information about your relationship with the other person. — pipe 1 min ago
#19064 pipe (105 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 1) | posted 4 hours ago by Alex A (139 rep) | Toxicity 0.22838993 | edited 4 hours ago by Alex A (139 rep)
#19063 Vlastimil (101 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: -2) | posted 4 hours ago by Vlastimil (101 rep) | Toxicity 0.13108085 | edited 2 minutes ago by Vlastimil (101 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["short-comment"]
Sure. To avoid some of the downvotes, you could technically self-delete this one again, and only undelete it once you've finished editing. I can't do it for you, as that would mean you need me to undelete it again too. — Tinkeringbell ♦ 23 mins ago
#19063 Tinkeringbell (20386 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: -2) | posted 4 hours ago by Vlastimil (101 rep) | Toxicity 0.23247299 | edited 2 minutes ago by Vlastimil (101 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
Perhaps I'm being overly cautious, but it feels like this answer needs more backup/evidencing based on your experience. In particular, the first point - to manipulate them - is a behaviour that puts up big red flags for me, and seriously reduces my opinion of the person doing it. That doesn't mean it can't be the correct answer, but I feel it needs at least some warning of how it could potentially be perceived badly. — Bilkokuya 9 secs ago
#19069 Bilkokuya (1681 rep) | A: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 1) | posted 3 hours ago by Eveleen (39 rep) | Toxicity 0.078421004 | edited 2 hours ago by Eveleen (39 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["chatty-weak"]
@Tinkeringbell I am unsure. Is this better? — Vlastimil 1 min ago
#19063 Vlastimil (101 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: -2) | posted 4 hours ago by Vlastimil (101 rep) | Toxicity 0.105099775 | edited 3 minutes ago by Vlastimil (101 rep)
@pipe Really? Weird? I ask my mother or my sister sometimes this. It is natural thing to feel taste of something, why would it be weird? And according to my logic, it is polite to ask someone. If that person says, no, then I respect his/ her wish. Have you ever asked someone, perhaps your friend to give you some chips? Or some drink? This is one of the ways you can build good relationship. — Alex A 22 secs ago
#19064 Alex A (139 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 1) | posted 4 hours ago by Alex A (139 rep) | Toxicity 0.06936555 | edited 4 hours ago by Alex A (139 rep)
@AlexA There is a huge difference between asking a family member for chips and asking a colleague for a bite of something they've had in their mouth. — pipe 52 secs ago
#19064 pipe (105 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 1) | posted 4 hours ago by Alex A (139 rep) | Toxicity 0.2755889 | edited 4 hours ago by Alex A (139 rep)
Did you flag it for moderation intervention and write a comment to submit for undeletion? — Jess K. 1 min ago
#3282 Jess K. (19499 rep) | Q: Regarding the deletion of an answer (score: 1) | posted 2 hours ago by ArtificialSoul (526 rep) | Toxicity 0.0
@JessK. Comments are disabled in deleted posts, but I totally forgot about the flagging option. Thanks! I'll do that. — ArtificialSoul 1 min ago
#3282 ArtificialSoul (526 rep) | Q: Regarding the deletion of an answer (score: 1) | posted 2 hours ago by ArtificialSoul (526 rep) | Toxicity 0.0
1:05 PM
@AlexA Depends on who is doing the sharing. My fiance and I pretty much share all our germs so taking a bit of each other's food is pretty normal. If I've eating a hamburger and you want a bite, I'm sorry, I don't want your saliva on my hamburger. — DaveG 1 min ago
#19064 DaveG (3494 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 3) | posted 5 hours ago by Alex A (149 rep) | Toxicity 0.379507 | edited 5 hours ago by Alex A (149 rep)
@avazula thanks!! More data is better data :)
1:24 PM
@scohe001 Hehe, I'm trying :)
I am in awe that this is your first answer on stackexchange. Great job, and welcome to the site! — Vincent just now
#19053 Vincent (101 rep) | A: I forgot my friend's birthday, how can I convince him to forgive me? (score: 4) | posted 15 hours ago by Aurinxki (64 rep) | Toxicity 0.19461675
I didn't intended it to be perceived in a bad manner. I will edit my answer in order to look more kindly, offering more details. — Eveleen 21 secs ago
#19069 Eveleen (37 rep) | A: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 0) | posted 4 hours ago by Eveleen (37 rep) | Toxicity 0.1734871 | edited 2 minutes ago by Eveleen (37 rep)
I agree with @Tinkeringbell’s closing point. Why make things awkward by forcing yourself into conversation with someone you’ve no interest in and who after all this time hasn’t appeared to show interest in you? — Matthew E Cornish 28 secs ago
#19065 Matthew E Cornish (698 rep) | A: What is the etiquette for smalltalk in a workplace when the context and person is always the same? (score: 6) | posted 4 hours ago by Tinkeringbell (20426 rep) | Toxicity 0.12208221
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
Hey, thanks for the answer! Can you please explain exactly why you think that this is a good idea? What’s the thought process behind this answer? As this currently stands, this is essentially a “Try this!” answer. We require that answers provide some sort of explanation for why they are suggesting this solution, and unfortunately, at the moment this answer doesn't appear to do that. I'd also advise taking a look at How do I write a good answer?. — Arwen Undómiel 1 min ago
#12539 Arwen Undómiel (2085 rep) | A: How do you deal with someone who's pushing you without explaining yourself? (score: 0) | posted 188 days ago by Freedom Lover (9 rep) | Toxicity 0.06884697 | Comment on inactive post
Matched regex(es) ["experimental(@mith)", "chatty"]
1:43 PM
pff, caught myself
“Given the context, I would guess that he was "performing", or essentially playing a role for comedic effect.” Utterly tone deaf projection. Incorrect on many levels. This person was not performing, but was 100% aggressive. — JakeGould just now
#19057 JakeGould (858 rep) | A: How to deal with someone attempting to “push buttons” and pick fights during casual social gatherings? (score: 0) | posted 11 hours ago by apaul (46694 rep) | Toxicity 0.4368298
Matched regex(es) ["chatty-weak"]
Great answer! Selected. — JakeGould 33 secs ago
#19059 JakeGould (858 rep) | A: How to deal with someone attempting to “push buttons” and pick fights during casual social gatherings? (score: 3) | posted 10 hours ago by Monica Cellio (15137 rep) | Toxicity 0.025980303
Matched regex(es) ["short-comment", "chatty"]
Thinking twice over what I wrote the 1st time, you are totally entitled to be suspicious about what I meant to say. I used the 'manipulate' word wrongly, although in a way or other we all use it day by day with ourselves or the others and it doesn't mean it is used in a bad purpose. I rephrase my answer and I am looking forward to see if I succeed in making an acceptable answer and if not (I wait for more suggestions). I new around and still learning about this site and maybe since my English isn't that perfect I lack some manners . Thank you! :D — Eveleen 49 secs ago
#19069 Eveleen (37 rep) | A: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 0) | posted 4 hours ago by Eveleen (37 rep) | Toxicity 0.17792301 | edited 9 minutes ago by Eveleen (37 rep)
Whoever down voted, please explain. — JakeGould 1 min ago
#19056 JakeGould (858 rep) | Q: How to deal with someone attempting to “push buttons” and pick fights during casual social gatherings? (score: 1) | posted 11 hours ago by JakeGould (858 rep) | Toxicity 0.12503423 | edited 3 minutes ago by JakeGould (858 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["short-comment"]
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps
@Mixxiphoid Maybe you’re right. — Alex A 28 secs ago
#19064 Alex A (149 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 3) | posted 5 hours ago by Alex A (149 rep) | Toxicity 0.19935404 | edited 5 hours ago by Alex A (149 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["short-comment"]
We require answers here to respect the OP's request and answer the actual question asked, which in this case is "How to communicate to my mother that I find it hurtful". Saying "don't do this" is only acceptable as a frame challenge answer if you explain why OP's proposed course of action won't accomplish their goals, and provide an alternative course of action. This meta post has more info on that. — Em C ♦ 1 min ago
#19050 Em C (8684 rep) | A: How to communicate to my mother that I find it hurtful when she cooks dessert for everyone except me who is vegan? (score: -2) | posted 18 hours ago by Carl Witthoft (307 rep) | Toxicity 0.16610128
@AlexA I would never ever ask my mother or sister something like this. Even if my wife would ask me I would tell her to get her own. Which is fine, because that is normal where I come from. Cultures differ a lot, in my experience especially on food and sharing! — Mixxiphoid 2 mins ago
#19064 Mixxiphoid (101 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 3) | posted 5 hours ago by Alex A (149 rep) | Toxicity 0.088379696 | edited 5 hours ago by Alex A (149 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
@QEDemonstrandum I wish there would be a tag called Romania or Europe. That would be fantastic! — Alex A 1 min ago
#19064 Alex A (149 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 3) | posted 6 hours ago by Alex A (149 rep) | Toxicity 0.19594373 | edited 5 hours ago by Alex A (149 rep)
@AlexA Where I live(Germany) it is ok in most families to ask if you can taste their food. In the workplace environment it is a big NoGo, even their leftovers. That is the reason, why I think a country/region tag might be useful. — QEDemonstrandum 1 min ago
#19064 QEDemonstrandum (459 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 3) | posted 6 hours ago by Alex A (149 rep) | Toxicity 0.20670904 | edited 5 hours ago by Alex A (149 rep)
@EmC I understand that laudable goal, but reality overrides rules. When a posted question conflicts with {physics, biology, history} it does nobody any good to answer directly. — Carl Witthoft 1 min ago
Matched regex(es) ["chatty-weak"]
It almost sounds like he suffers from some mental disorder. Are you sure he is mentally stable at all? — Nat 2 mins ago
#19056 Nat (612 rep) | Q: How to deal with someone attempting to “push buttons” and pick fights during casual social gatherings? (score: 1) | posted 12 hours ago by JakeGould (858 rep) | Toxicity 0.45068172 | edited 14 minutes ago by JakeGould (858 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
@Nat please keep in mind in the future that we have a policy of not questioning/diagnosing mental health issues on this stack. — avazula 2 mins ago
#19056 avazula (7501 rep) | Q: How to deal with someone attempting to “push buttons” and pick fights during casual social gatherings? (score: 1) | posted 12 hours ago by JakeGould (858 rep) | Toxicity 0.098184235 | edited 20 minutes ago by JakeGould (858 rep)
2:08 PM
@thesecretmaster it looks like this is what we store in the sql db:
#[{"id"=>77, "body"=>"I was just referring to the OP's point that the person in question never referred to themselves as LGBT or said anything that suggested that. I don't mean that I believe they act a certain way at all :P  The checking for age part is necessary because a 17 years can sometimes look 25 (through makeup and clothing), you need to check before going out with them. I mentioned it because that's where I practiced how to see someone's ID, it adds background to the method so the OP know it's a tested and true way to casually seeing someone's ID to ensure everything they tell you
And this is what's in the SE::API
#    {"owner"=>
#             {"badge_counts"=>{"bronze"=>7, "silver"=>0, "gold"=>0}, "reputation"=>147, "user_id"=>8878,
#              "user_type"=>"registered", "profile_image"=>"https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9af46c56f084518c7be4c2f1fa711191?s=128&d=identicon&r=PG",
#              "display_name"=>"DCOPTimDowd", "link"=>"https://interpersonal.stackexchange.com/users/8878/dcoptimdowd"},
#  "reply_to_user"=>
#             {"badge_counts"=>{"bronze"=>89, "silver"=>63, "gold"=>16}, "reputation"=>19499, "user_id"=>8936,
So I'm not sure I'll be able to do a print the same way you are now with just the sql data. I don't have a display name or rep to name a few...
@Mixxiphoid I live in Romania, and when I share my foods and drinks with someone, I feel much better, because I have someone with whom I can share. And we treat each other as brothers and sisters by helping each other, sharing anything with each others etc.... But anyway, I respect other cultures too. — Alex A 59 secs ago
#19064 Alex A (149 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 3) | posted 6 hours ago by Alex A (149 rep) | Toxicity 0.0835926 | edited 9 minutes ago by Arwen Undómiel (2086 rep)
@scohe001 We can add columns to the database, if needed.
Just to be sure, Alice isn't part of your family, you are in bad term with her but you still want to be friend with her, that's why you wish that she would invite you. Did I understood right? — Noon 1 min ago
#19072 Noon (2857 rep) | Q: Prompt a person to invite me (score: 0) | posted 22 minutes ago by Sara (113 rep) | Toxicity 0.21909282 | edited 3 minutes ago by Noon (2857 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
Oh, wait no
@scohe001 We've also got a users table
that's what owner ID refers to IIRC
2:26 PM
@thesecretmaster ahhh yea I see owner is a foreign key
Got it
2:49 PM
One more question @thesecretmaster--I see you're pulling information on the answer/question the comment is on through the SE::API. Will the api still pull data even if the question/answer is deleted? Is that reliable?
I did get a different feel from OP's description. He specifically said it was more passive-aggressive hostility without real humour-coating. So your plan would be fighting fire with fire. Not really a good way to deal with someone irrationally hostile, in my opinion at least. — ArtificialSoul 16 secs ago
#19057 ArtificialSoul (526 rep) | A: How to deal with someone attempting to “push buttons” and pick fights during casual social gatherings? (score: 0) | posted 12 hours ago by apaul (46704 rep) | Toxicity 0.17768534
Can you provide any life example? — DDD 25 secs ago
#19074 DDD (356 rep) | Q: How to deal with unreasonableness (score: 0) | posted 17 minutes ago by Xophmeister (101 rep) | Toxicity 0.06589208
While this would have avoided the scenario, no one in their right mind would expect something as benign as this situation to escalate to that height of hostility. — ArtificialSoul 2 mins ago
#19059 ArtificialSoul (526 rep) | A: How to deal with someone attempting to “push buttons” and pick fights during casual social gatherings? (score: 3) | posted 11 hours ago by Monica Cellio (15137 rep) | Toxicity 0.04444466
First of all you should clarify why you are blamed for things you haven't done. Can you simply call her and say you heard about "something" and want to see if she is ok? (probably not - but why?) The description sounds like you better have no contact so can you explain to yourself what the desired result is. — puck 16 secs ago
#19072 puck (910 rep) | Q: Prompt a person to invite me (score: 0) | posted 59 minutes ago by Sara (113 rep) | Toxicity 0.14975317 | edited 41 minutes ago by Noon (2857 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
btw might be nothing wrong to let others have a little bit fun with you. Makes people feel close. — akostadinov 52 secs ago
#19064 akostadinov (131 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 4) | posted 6 hours ago by Alex A (154 rep) | Toxicity 0.13365039 | edited 51 minutes ago by Arwen Undómiel (2086 rep)
I posted a request for the down voter to explain why they down voted. That comment was deleted. I will ask again: Can the down voter please explain their rationale for down voting? — JakeGould 23 secs ago
#19056 JakeGould (858 rep) | Q: How to deal with someone attempting to “push buttons” and pick fights during casual social gatherings? (score: 1) | posted 13 hours ago by JakeGould (858 rep) | Toxicity 0.058120944 | edited 1 hours ago by JakeGould (858 rep)
@Noon She is a distant family, but well known even in the near family circle. I do not want to be friends with her but want to attend this particular event; it is related to a close one's mourning. — Sara 1 min ago
#19072 Sara (113 rep) | Q: Prompt a person to invite me (score: 0) | posted 1 hours ago by Sara (113 rep) | Toxicity 0.21509416 | edited 2 minutes ago by ArtificialSoul (528 rep)
Also @thesecretmaster where do you actually write to the db? I've been looking for an INSERT or something, but I don't see it anywhere. It looks to me like scan/manscan just fetches the comment from SE::API and sticks it in chat without storing it...
@ArtificialSoul As the person on the receiving end of this interaction, I assure you it was quite hostile. — JakeGould 1 min ago
#19059 JakeGould (858 rep) | A: How to deal with someone attempting to “push buttons” and pick fights during casual social gatherings? (score: 3) | posted 11 hours ago by Monica Cellio (15137 rep) | Toxicity 0.16644014
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