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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

12:18 AM
@Tinkeringbell my example sentence is intended to not describe the process. I guess this wasn't clear enough from OP, but he doesn't owe random people an explanation of either an answer or his process. OP's precise question is "How do I not give them an answer?" [without being rude]? My example does exactly that. The first part frames why this is truthful and consructive. Can you elaborate on why you feel this does not answer the question? — Harper 1 min ago
#18879 Harper | A: How do you deal with colleagues, acquaintances asking you for knowledge that you gained with months of effort? (score: 1) | posted 7 days ago by Harper (2735 rep) | edited 13 minutes ago by Harper (2735 rep) | Toxicity 0.3615775 | tps/fps: 0/0
12:47 AM
@TessellatingHeckler I will edit in an example for reference. — Jesse 1 min ago
#19062 Jesse | Q: What is the etiquette for smalltalk in a workplace when the context and person is always the same? (score: 14) | posted 17 hours ago by Jesse (5104 rep) | edited 9 hours ago by Jesse (5104 rep) | Toxicity 0.14879842 | tps/fps: 0/0
@alephzero refer to edit — Jesse 57 secs ago
#19062 Jesse | Q: What is the etiquette for smalltalk in a workplace when the context and person is always the same? (score: 14) | posted 17 hours ago by Jesse (5104 rep) | edited 9 hours ago by Jesse (5104 rep) | Toxicity 0.07356001 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["short-comment"]
1:09 AM
@thesecretmaster nooooooo :(
What was the output in the console?
Also this might be from a deleted answer/question (the one thing I couldn’t really test). Could I use your database? Or is there too much info in there for a regular user?
@scohe001 That's running on prod
@scohe001 Nothing, any errors in that bit of the code get caught to avoid kabooms
@thesecretmaster prod?
@thesecretmaster yea I’m more curious how far it got to narrow down where that happened
@scohe001 The production machine, the one with all the data.
@scohe001 It doesn't spit out anything to the console, the error never gets thrown.
1:26 AM
@thesecretmaster there was no “grab metadata...”, “grab post data...” type stuff?
1:42 AM
Let me look. I think it wouldn't have.
!!/howmany ips * .*
I've scanned 36169 comments
!!/howgood ips * .*
 Type | # Matched | % of Matched | % of All Type | % of ALL Comments
  tp  |    458    | 1.26627775%  |    100.0%     |   1.26627775%
  fp  |    166    | 0.45895657%  |    100.0%     |   0.45895657%
Total |   36169   |      -       |       -       |      100.0%
@IPSCommentBot tp
Got excpetion undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass trying to accept your feedback
1:48 AM
@scohe001 Just "grab metadata"
!!/howgood ips * wait
 Type | # Matched | % of Matched | % of All Type | % of ALL Comments
  tp  |     8     | 2.05655527%  |  1.74672489%  |   0.02211839%
  fp  |     0     |     0.0%     |     0.0%      |       0.0%
Total |    389    |      -       |       -       |   1.07550665%
@IPSCommentBot tp
> Downvoted because waiting one more year for marriage is by no means a universal method for improving your brother-in-law's life.
#17084 elliot svensson | A: How to talk to my brother-in-law about my concerns about his intent to propose to his girlfriend? (score: 20) | posted 66 days ago by Ludwik (317 rep) | Toxicity 0.23495278 | tps/fps: 2/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
> The danger with option 2 is that it morphs into a different problem. <code>V: Why is it always so hard to get information out of you? Me: Well when I tried giving more detail you said I was patronising. [argument continues]</code>. I prefer option 1 - wait until a time when you have both cooled off and then come to a mutual agreement of how to communicate better in the future.
#17394 user2390246 | A: How to answer a technical question without sounding patronizing (score: 59) | posted 58 days ago by Daniel (8269 rep) | edited 57 days ago by Tim (448 rep) | Toxicity 0.09568618 | tps/fps: 2/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
> @freedomn-m I believe it's also an attempt to game the waiting time metrics. If the surgery tells you "You can't have an appointment until next month", that's baaaaad. But if the answer is always either "Yes, come in today" or "No, try again tomorrow", nobody ever waits more than a day for an appointment, right? That's goooood. You've been phoning every day for six weeks? Sorry, that's not recorded on our system. You phoned today and you got an appointment today! We're awesome!
#17872 David Richerby | A: How to respond when a Doctor's Receptionist asks the reason for the appointment, after confirming appointment is made? (score: 48) | posted 42 days ago by Separatrix (939 rep) | edited 35 days ago by Em C (8682 rep) | Toxicity 0.055649217 | tps/fps
Yea, must be a deleted question/answer. Grrrrr
At least it printed those three deleted comments^
Guess I’ll just have to leave mine running until it catches a comment on something that gets deleted
!!/manscan ips 77115
1:53 AM
@TessellatingHeckler I will edit in an example for reference. — Jesse 1 hour ago
#19062 Jesse | Q: What is the etiquette for smalltalk in a workplace when the context and person is always the same? (score: 15) | posted 18 hours ago by Jesse (5109 rep) | edited 46 minutes ago by Jesse (5109 rep) | Toxicity 0.14879842 | tps/fps: 0/0
!!/cid ips 77092
> Hello! We expect answers on Interpersonal Skills to respect the premise of a question, and to <a href="https://interpersonal.meta.stackexchange.com/q/3266/1599">actually answer the question asked</a>. Mugen doesn't want to share the information, that was their premise. You instead wrote your answer from a premise that Mugen should share, and then answered how to go about it. Could you please <a href="https://interpersonal.stackexchange.com/posts/18875/edit">edit</a> your answer to actually ans
#18875 Tinkeringbell | Toxicity 0.06503105 | tps/fps: 0/0
Huh that's a deleted answer so it's definitely doing fine there...
Maybe it was a deleted question?
!!/cid ips 3482
Could not find comment with id 3482
!!/cid ips 21389
1:59 AM
Could not find comment with id 21389
!!/cid ips 74898
> Asking "What should I do" is off-topic here. I suggest you edit your question in order to ask for a specific goal. For example: "How can we tell them that the house smells urine without offending them (too much) and that if your house smells the same after they staid, they are expected to for cleaning?". However, you are supposed to ask one question at a time and thus, asking the second question separately might be a good idea.
#18492 Noon | Toxicity 0.21491209 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
That's a deleted question, so it couldn't be that
!!/howgood ips * .
 Type | # Matched | % of Matched | % of All Type | % of ALL Comments
  tp  |    458    | 1.26627775%  |    100.0%     |   1.26627775%
  fp  |    166    | 0.45895657%  |    100.0%     |   0.45895657%
Total |   36169   |      -       |       -       |      100.0%
@IPSCommentBot fp
2:02 AM
Got excpetion undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass trying to accept your feedback
What the heck could you be doing...
!!/howgood ips * question
 Type | # Matched | % of Matched | % of All Type | % of ALL Comments
  tp  |    45     | 0.60983873%  |  9.82532751%  |   0.12441594%
  fp  |    50     | 0.67759859%  | 30.12048193%  |   0.13823993%
Total |   7379    |      -       |       -       |   20.40144875%
@IPSCommentBot tp 1
Got excpetion undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass trying to accept your feedback
@IPSCommentBot fp 1
2:02 AM
Got excpetion undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass trying to accept your feedback
!!/howgood ips * test
 Type | # Matched | % of Matched | % of All Type | % of ALL Comments
  tp  |     5     | 1.96850394%  |  1.09170306%  |   0.01382399%
  fp  |     2     | 0.78740157%  |  1.20481928%  |    0.0055296%
Total |    254    |      -       |       -       |   0.70225884%
@IPSCommentBot fp
Got excpetion undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass trying to accept your feedback
@IPSCommentBot *
2:04 AM
Got excpetion undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass trying to accept your feedback
!!/howgood ips * wait
 Type | # Matched | % of Matched | % of All Type | % of ALL Comments
  tp  |     8     | 2.05655527%  |  1.74672489%  |   0.02211839%
  fp  |     0     |     0.0%     |     0.0%      |       0.0%
Total |    389    |      -       |       -       |   1.07550665%
@IPSCommentBot tp
> Downvoted because waiting one more year for marriage is by no means a universal method for improving your brother-in-law's life.
#17084 elliot svensson | A: How to talk to my brother-in-law about my concerns about his intent to propose to his girlfriend? (score: 20) | posted 66 days ago by Ludwik (317 rep) | Toxicity 0.23495278 | tps/fps: 2/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
> The danger with option 2 is that it morphs into a different problem. <code>V: Why is it always so hard to get information out of you? Me: Well when I tried giving more detail you said I was patronising. [argument continues]</code>. I prefer option 1 - wait until a time when you have both cooled off and then come to a mutual agreement of how to communicate better in the future.
#17394 user2390246 | A: How to answer a technical question without sounding patronizing (score: 59) | posted 58 days ago by Daniel (8269 rep) | edited 57 days ago by Tim (448 rep) | Toxicity 0.09568618 | tps/fps: 2/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
> @freedomn-m I believe it's also an attempt to game the waiting time metrics. If the surgery tells you "You can't have an appointment until next month", that's baaaaad. But if the answer is always either "Yes, come in today" or "No, try again tomorrow", nobody ever waits more than a day for an appointment, right? That's goooood. You've been phoning every day for six weeks? Sorry, that's not recorded on our system. You phoned today and you got an appointment today! We're awesome!
#17872 David Richerby | A: How to respond when a Doctor's Receptionist asks the reason for the appointment, after confirming appointment is made? (score: 48) | posted 42 days ago by Separatrix (939 rep) | edited 35 days ago by Em C (8682 rep) | Toxicity 0.055649217 | tps/fps
What the heck...
!!/howgood ips i\Wwill\Wedit
2:06 AM
Type must be q/a/question/answer/*
!!/howgood ips * i\Wwill\Wedit
 Type | # Matched | % of Matched | % of All Type | % of ALL Comments
  tp  |     0     |     0.0%     |     0.0%      |       0.0%
  fp  |     0     |     0.0%     |     0.0%      |       0.0%
Total |    20     |      -       |       -       |   0.05529597%
@IPSCommentBot tp
There are no tp's on that howgood.
@IPSCommentBot *
2:07 AM
Got excpetion undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass trying to accept your feedback
Oh wait
@thesecretmaster what would User.where(id: comment["owner_id"]) return if the user was deleted?
If that's null or an empty array/hash then that'd explain this. I forgot about the case where a user is deleted
It'd be an empty array
But .where with id is kinda weird
I figured that was how you'd select with SQL? .where is like a SELECT WHERE command, right?
@thesecretmaster that must be the issue then
Let me see if I can find a comment by a deleted user to manscan/cid to test
!!/manscan ips 23580
Isn't avoiding someone the opposite of interpersonal skills? — user2921 Nov 1 '17 at 14:28
#1 [user2921]() | Q: How to deal with avoiding someone I don't like (score: 37) | posted 464 days ago by Crafter0800 (5472 rep) | edited 418 days ago by WeaselADAPT (726 rep) | Toxicity 0.12449711 | Comment on inactive post | tps/fps: 0/0
!!/cid 23580
!!/cid ips 23580
2:15 AM
I'm alive!
Looks like that did it
So it's not when a dead user gets manscanned, but when I try to pass the stored ActiveRecord comment to report
What's console say? @thesecretmaster
2:38 AM
Hmm I can't reproduce it like that on my side so I'm not sure what happened to ips-bot
let me know what the console says when you get the chance
Thanks for all the help!
5 hours later…
7:14 AM
@scohe001 here
Traceback (most recent call last):
        10: from /home/ipsbot/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/bundler/gems/ChatX-f4f687c25251/lib/chatx/hooks.rb:25:in `block (3 levels) in handle'
         9: from /home/ipsbot/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/bundler/gems/ChatX-f4f687c25251/lib/chatx/hooks.rb:94:in `block in command'
         8: from comment_scan.rb:346:in `block (3 levels) in <main>'
         7: from comment_scan.rb:374:in `scan_comments'
         6: from comment_scan.rb:374:in `each'
Starting at rev 3603b89 on branch scohe-dump (Merged with master (basically undid the revert--probably the wrong way))
!!/restart ips 18
Starting at rev 3603b89 on branch scohe-dump (Merged with master (basically undid the revert--probably the wrong way))
My experience would usually go like this: - Argument - Well the thing you support does the same, so you can't really say that - It may do that. So what? - What do you mean "So what"? It's hypocritical of you to criticise that thing then - No, not really. I hope my thing changes that as well. Plus, I don't have to be an expert to be able to judge it, I'm an outsider to this entire thing. Look, all I'm saying is Argument - I agree/I disagree Etc... — Pierre-Alain Tietz 19 mins ago
#19071 Pierre-Alain Tietz | A: How to deal with people who instantly end discussions with a "you aren't any better" kind of argument? (score: -3) | posted 19 hours ago by Pierre-Alain Tietz (1 rep) | edited 6 hours ago by Em C (8682 rep) | Toxicity 0.44198787
Matched regex(es) ["chatty", "short-comment"]
!!/manscan ips 77117
No comments found for id(s) 77117
7:19 AM
!!/manscan ips 77118
Welcome to IPS! Please take a minute to read through How to Answer and How do I write a good answer?. We prefer answers on this site to include some explanation of why you're suggesting this course of action. For example, have you done this successfully in the past, or read about this technique somewhere? — Em C ♦ 6 hours ago
#19089 Em C | A: How to deal with people who instantly end discussions with a "you aren't any better" kind of argument? (score: -1) | posted 8 hours ago by sohnda (1 rep) | Toxicity 0.085553266 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
!!/manscan ips 77119
Welcome to IPS! Please take a minute to read through How to Answer and How do I write a good answer?. We prefer answers on this site to include some explanation of why you're suggesting this course of action. While your logic may be correct, why do you think this will encourage discussion? Has this been your experience using this technique? — Em C ♦ 6 hours ago
#19071 Em C | A: How to deal with people who instantly end discussions with a "you aren't any better" kind of argument? (score: -3) | posted 19 hours ago by Pierre-Alain Tietz (1 rep) | edited 6 hours ago by Em C (8682 rep) | Toxicity 0.17195128 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
!!/manscan ips 77120
Welcome to IPS! Please take a minute to read through How to Answer and How do I write a good answer?. We prefer answers on this site to include some explanation of why you're suggesting this course of action. Can you explain why you think this will avoid the argument, and not be awkward (or at least minimally awkward)? For instance, have you done this or something similar before? — Em C ♦ 6 hours ago
#19086 Em C | A: How can I get someone to stop paying for my meal? (score: -2) | posted 10 hours ago by user22351 (1 rep) | Toxicity 0.16771582 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
7:20 AM
!!/manscan ips 77121
Where is this happening (a fancy restaurant, a cafeteria, etc.)? Can you be more specific about the relationship between you and your colleague? BTW, in English that word usually refers to coworkers, but in a previous comment it sounded like you were referring to classmates? — Em C ♦ 6 hours ago
#19064 Em C | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 8) | posted 23 hours ago by Alex A (180 rep) | edited 3 minutes ago by Martijn (4013 rep) | Toxicity 0.08445685 | tps/fps: 0/0
!!/manscan ips 77122
Welcome to the site. I'm having trouble understanding the kinds of things you're talking about -- what you say that causes bad reactions. Could you edit to add some examples? — Monica Cellio 6 hours ago
#19090 Monica Cellio | Q: Everytime I try, I fail. How and why does it goes wrong Everytime? (score: -1) | posted 5 hours ago by Mayank Joshi (6 rep) | edited 5 hours ago by Mayank Joshi (6 rep) | Toxicity 0.28173137 | tps/fps: 0/0
!!/manscan ips 77123
No comments found for id(s) 77123
7:21 AM
!!/manscan ips 77124
@MonicaCellio example added — Mayank Joshi 5 hours ago
#19090 Mayank Joshi | Q: Everytime I try, I fail. How and why does it goes wrong Everytime? (score: -1) | posted 5 hours ago by Mayank Joshi (6 rep) | edited 5 hours ago by Mayank Joshi (6 rep) | Toxicity 0.049059086 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["short-comment"]
and that killed the bot somehow
Starting at rev 3603b89 on branch scohe-dump (Merged with master (basically undid the revert--probably the wrong way))
!!/manscan ips 77125
@Tinkeringbell the title reads: "How do you deal with colleagues..." and further text explains that the problem is they don't want to just give it away freely. So the "question as asked" is: "How to avoid sharing information with nothing in return?" — ivan_pozdeev 5 hours ago
#18836 ivan_pozdeev | A: How do you deal with colleagues, acquaintances asking you for knowledge that you gained with months of effort? (score: 3) | posted 9 days ago by ivan_pozdeev (325 rep) | edited 9 days ago by ivan_pozdeev (325 rep) | Toxicity 0.2378487 | tps/fps: 0/0
7:22 AM
!!/manscan ips 77126
@Tinkeringbell there are two possible solutions for that: not share it at all, and get something in return. The latter is a far superior solution, so I go with it, and the former is detrimental with no gain whatsoever, so I don't even consider it. — ivan_pozdeev 5 hours ago
#18836 ivan_pozdeev | A: How do you deal with colleagues, acquaintances asking you for knowledge that you gained with months of effort? (score: 3) | posted 9 days ago by ivan_pozdeev (325 rep) | edited 9 days ago by ivan_pozdeev (325 rep) | Toxicity 0.13314252 | tps/fps: 0/0
!!/manscan ips 77127
@user58697, Yes! I have put this answer by taking professional's advice only. Professional is in our home. It is told by experience only. (It is not random point) — DDD 3 hours ago
#19084 DDD | A: How to tell my girlfriend I'm uncomfortable with her getting jealous when I look at other people? (score: 2) | posted 13 hours ago by DDD (413 rep) | edited 2 hours ago by DDD (413 rep) | Toxicity 0.044234034 | tps/fps: 0/0
!!/manscan ips 77128
@MayankJoshi, Have you done any self behavior analysis? — DDD 3 hours ago
#19090 DDD | Q: Everytime I try, I fail. How and why does it goes wrong Everytime? (score: -1) | posted 5 hours ago by Mayank Joshi (6 rep) | edited 5 hours ago by Mayank Joshi (6 rep) | Toxicity 0.11389577 | tps/fps: 0/0
7:24 AM
!!/manscan ips 77129
I agree with the previous commenter. This seems like a case where professional help is necessary. A point to add could be "7. Encourage her to get professional help". I think it's also worth noting that separating a person from their friends is one sign of an abusive relationship (as are extreme jealousy, controlling behavior, extreme anger, and demeaning behavior; all of which are presented in the post). — tim 1 hour ago
#19084 tim | A: How to tell my girlfriend I'm uncomfortable with her getting jealous when I look at other people? (score: 2) | posted 13 hours ago by DDD (413 rep) | edited 2 hours ago by DDD (413 rep) | Toxicity 0.20601916 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
Starting at rev 3dd1d2d on branch master (Merge pull request #18 from thesecretmaster/scohe-dumpAdded reply-to functionality for howgood to see what it's howgooding about)
!!/manscan ips 77130
Starting at rev 6d970a8 on branch master (Merge pull request #19 from thesecretmaster/revert-18-scohe-dumpRevert "Added reply-to functionality for howgood to see what it's howgooding about")
!!/manscan ips 77130
@EmC It happened only in the class. — Alex A 57 mins ago
#19064 Alex A (180 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 8) | posted 23 hours ago by Alex A (180 rep) | Toxicity 0.22020221 | edited 9 minutes ago by Martijn (4013 rep)
7:26 AM
!!/manscan ips 77131
Matched regex(es) ["short-comment"]
Many a times, and in many relationship, extreme case occurs in Love (i.e. possessiveness). Not always but happens lots of time. — DDD 47 mins ago
#19084 DDD (413 rep) | A: How to tell my girlfriend I'm uncomfortable with her getting jealous when I look at other people? (score: 2) | posted 13 hours ago by DDD (413 rep) | Toxicity 0.03935435 | edited 2 hours ago by DDD (413 rep)
!!/manscan ips 77132
No comments found for id(s) 77132
!!/manscan ips 77133
This will encourage discussion as it will force the other party to respond, to explain their logic. That in turn will give OP new arguments to rebut. — Pierre-Alain Tietz 38 mins ago
#19071 Pierre-Alain Tietz (1 rep) | A: How to deal with people who instantly end discussions with a "you aren't any better" kind of argument? (score: -3) | posted 19 hours ago by Pierre-Alain Tietz (1 rep) | Toxicity 0.054127965 | edited 6 hours ago by Em C (8682 rep)
7:27 AM
!!/manscan ips 77134
My experience would usually go like this: - Argument - Well the thing you support does the same, so you can't really say that - It may do that. So what? - What do you mean "So what"? It's hypocritical of you to criticise that thing then - No, not really. I hope my thing changes that as well. Plus, I don't have to be an expert to be able to judge it, I'm an outsider to this entire thing. Look, all I'm saying is Argument - I agree/I disagree Etc... — Pierre-Alain Tietz 29 mins ago
#19071 Pierre-Alain Tietz (1 rep) | A: How to deal with people who instantly end discussions with a "you aren't any better" kind of argument? (score: -3) | posted 19 hours ago by Pierre-Alain Tietz (1 rep) | Toxicity 0.44198787 | edited 6 hours ago by Em C (8682 rep) | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty", "short-comment"]
In my opinion, this is the number one skill that distinguishes people who can happily live in a foreign country / culture from the ones that can't. Be aware that your social norms may not apply anymore, be aware that you are going to run into little faux-pas, take them in stride and learn from them. — xLeitix 9 secs ago
#19080 xLeitix (1891 rep) | A: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 22) | posted 15 hours ago by BlackThorn (2783 rep) | Toxicity 0.16966665 | edited 8 hours ago by BlackThorn (2783 rep)
@scohe001 @thesecretmaster I did git checkout master and git pull because scohe-dump kept breaking
7:51 AM
On a side note: This doesn't look like it deserves those downvotes. It isn't tagged feature-request, so please don't use your votes to say whether or not you think the answer is okay, but provide actual feedback in answers. I find this an admirable post, we've seen far worse when it came to people asking about the deletion of very high scoring answers! — Tinkeringbell ♦ 1 min ago
#3282 Tinkeringbell (20625 rep) | Q: Regarding the deletion of an answer for not answering the core question (score: 1) | posted 21 hours ago by ArtificialSoul (538 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | edited 3 minutes ago by ArtificialSoul (538 rep)
@Tinkeringbell I was wondering, too why all the downvotes. I did not act all butthurt and agreed with the reason it got deleted for. I checked again and the question of "how to communicate" was already in the original form of the question and I did not adress that. That is obviously a flawed answer, despite people agreeing with the points I made. I might be new to IPS, but not new to StackExchange, I am aware that things usually do not get deleted because of a mods personal vendetta or opinion or something. — ArtificialSoul 1 min ago
#3282 ArtificialSoul (538 rep) | Q: Regarding the deletion of an answer for not answering the core question (score: 1) | posted 21 hours ago by ArtificialSoul (538 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | edited 6 minutes ago by ArtificialSoul (538 rep)
Is there any reason why you feel you can't go (to offer your condolences) without being invited? — Lost Soul 1 min ago
#19072 Lost Soul (366 rep) | Q: Prompt a person to invite me (score: 1) | posted 18 hours ago by Sara (120 rep) | Toxicity 0.06479054 | edited 14 hours ago by Em C (8682 rep)
"if you haven't seen other people doing or saying something before in a particular social context, then don't do that thing", This rule, maybe more then any, is one you should first learn how to follow well, and after that learn how break well if you ever want or need people to notice you. — Douwe 1 min ago
#19080 Douwe (129 rep) | A: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 22) | posted 16 hours ago by BlackThorn (2783 rep) | Toxicity 0.118340455 | edited 8 hours ago by BlackThorn (2783 rep)
Hey, thanks for the answer! Can you please explain exactly why you think that this is a good idea? What’s the thought process behind this answer? As this currently stands, this is essentially a “Try this!” answer. We require that answers provide some sort of explanation for why they are suggesting this solution, and unfortunately, at the moment this answer doesn't appear to do that. I'd also advise taking a look at How do I write a good answer?. — Arwen Undómiel 32 secs ago
#19094 Arwen Undómiel (2090 rep) | A: How do I tell my my parents I want to switch schools from their alma mater to a new one? (score: -1) | posted 3 hours ago by zanahorias (1591 rep) | Toxicity 0.06884697
Matched regex(es) ["experimental(@mith)", "chatty"]
8:14 AM
!!/regexes ips experimental(@mith)
- a: advise
- a: wow\b
Other Regexes:
!!/del ips a advise
Destroyed advise (post_type a)!
I don't think "orthogonal" (independent of one another) is the word you want there. Perhaps "antithetical" (directly opposed to)? — Dave Sherohman 1 min ago
#19095 Dave Sherohman (103 rep) | A: How to tell my girlfriend I'm uncomfortable with her getting jealous when I look at other people? (score: 2) | posted 1 hours ago by Stian Yttervik (641 rep) | Toxicity 0.33323714 | edited 1 hours ago by Stian Yttervik (641 rep)
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp) Currently marked 0tps/1fps
8:29 AM
Hello WJackon. Could you explain how this answers the question of 'what is the etiquette'? Also, please take a look at the meta post we have on writing good answers, especially the part about duplicate answers that I linked. What does your answer add, that actually answers the question, that I didn't address already in my answer? Could you edit your answer to clarify that? — Tinkeringbell ♦ 1 min ago
#19087 Tinkeringbell (20634 rep) | A: What is the etiquette for smalltalk in a workplace when the context and person is always the same? (score: 0) | posted 11 hours ago by W Jackson (25 rep) | Toxicity 0.07239677
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
9:12 AM
Could you expand some of the acronyms in your answer? — Pyritie 1 min ago
#19095 Pyritie (305 rep) | A: How to tell my girlfriend I'm uncomfortable with her getting jealous when I look at other people? (score: 3) | posted 2 hours ago by Stian Yttervik (651 rep) | Toxicity 0.046733405 | edited 2 hours ago by Stian Yttervik (651 rep)
9:29 AM
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp) Currently marked 0tps/1fps
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp) Currently marked 0tps/1fps
@LostSoul Condolences were already offered. The event I have mentioned is where certain rituals are performed and it is customary to invite everyone. — Sara 1 min ago
#19072 Sara (120 rep) | Q: Prompt a person to invite me (score: 1) | posted 19 hours ago by Sara (120 rep) | Toxicity 0.07068934 | edited 16 hours ago by Em C (8682 rep)
did you know the person you were asking? Or was it just someone in your class that you don't interact with often? — DhDd 1 min ago
#19064 DhDd (174 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 9) | posted 25 hours ago by Alex A (185 rep) | Toxicity 0.2309188 | edited 2 hours ago by Martijn (4013 rep)
@IPSCommentBot fp
Marked this comment as caught incorrectly (fp) Currently marked 0tps/1fps
@DaveSherohman Ah, true. I was thinking mathematically (going in different directions) I will fix. — Stian Yttervik 34 secs ago
#19095 Stian Yttervik (651 rep) | A: How to tell my girlfriend I'm uncomfortable with her getting jealous when I look at other people? (score: 3) | posted 2 hours ago by Stian Yttervik (651 rep) | Toxicity 0.078474015 | edited 2 hours ago by Stian Yttervik (651 rep)
10:35 AM
This is obviously not taking place in Britain, as there is no mention of the weather! — Mawg 1 min ago
#19062 Mawg (101 rep) | Q: What is the etiquette for smalltalk in a workplace when the context and person is always the same? (score: 21) | posted 26 hours ago by Jesse (5141 rep) | Toxicity 0.1181401 | edited 9 hours ago by Jesse (5141 rep)
10:48 AM
@DhDd There is someone in class which I don’t talk all the time with her. But sometimes. — Alex A 11 secs ago
#19064 Alex A (190 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 10) | posted 26 hours ago by Alex A (190 rep) | Toxicity 0.12121528 | edited 3 hours ago by Martijn (4013 rep)
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 1tps/0fps
11:23 AM
@Mawg If you'll notice I just added the Australia tag and mentioned the heat in the example conversation :^) — Jesse 1 min ago
#19062 Jesse (5141 rep) | Q: What is the etiquette for smalltalk in a workplace when the context and person is always the same? (score: 21) | posted 27 hours ago by Jesse (5141 rep) | Toxicity 0.12370877 | edited 5 minutes ago by Jesse (5141 rep)
"It's hot enough to boil a monkey's bum, your majesty" ;-) — Mawg 22 secs ago
#19062 Mawg (101 rep) | Q: What is the etiquette for smalltalk in a workplace when the context and person is always the same? (score: 21) | posted 27 hours ago by Jesse (5141 rep) | Toxicity 0.83785176 | edited 14 minutes ago by Jesse (5141 rep) | High toxicity
11:46 AM
@Mithrandir oops! That's the code for posting to TAS. Maybe I should setup a second chat room for myself so I don't keep messing up that code. Looks like I forgot to change the name of one of the variables there.
Thanks for posting the error! I'll submit a new pull without the silliness...
@IPSCommentBot tp
Marked this comment as caught correctly (tp). Currently marked 2tps/0fps
@scohe001 testing instance sounds like a good idea
Feel free to use this one:

  Beep Boop Bingus Bin

I've unfrozen it and added you to the access list, @scohe001
12:03 PM
Hi! Welcome to Interpersonal Skills! As the close reason states, we can't tell you what to do. This is what you have to decide. Please state an interpersonal issue you're having and what you want to achieve. Also mention what your country/culture. Thank you. — A J ♦ 39 secs ago
#19098 A J (6674 rep) | Q: Girlfriend writes messages on your behalf (score: -1) | posted 6 minutes ago by Joselin Jocklingson (1 rep) | Toxicity 0.112846844
Currently at rev 6d970a8 on branch master
Currently at rev 5f37f24 on branch master
12:32 PM
@StianYttervik In general I would always try to avoid acronyms like this. They are not acronym names like "NASA" or "EU" which are very commonly known, it is just phrases being shortened. It simply reduces readability for the vast majority of readers and thus does not help you get your point across. Just write out these phrases and there is not even any reason why anyone would need to ask for clarification. I spent a fair share of time on the internet and have never come across one of these and would not have known any of them. — ArtificialSoul 43 secs ago
#19095 ArtificialSoul (538 rep) | A: How to tell my girlfriend I'm uncomfortable with her getting jealous when I look at other people? (score: 3) | posted 5 hours ago by Stian Yttervik (651 rep) | Toxicity 0.09134759 | edited 2 hours ago by Stian Yttervik (651 rep)
This question is all over the place. Try to structure it more and try to form an IPS related question :) Interesting topic but bad wording :) — MansNotHot 24 secs ago
#19098 MansNotHot (1517 rep) | Q: Girlfriend writes messages on your behalf (score: -2) | posted 40 minutes ago by Joselin Jocklingson (1 rep) | Toxicity 0.06934315
Why on earth was the short spelling + a legend necessary? It's more effort than just speling it out..... — MansNotHot 1 min ago
#19095 MansNotHot (1517 rep) | A: How to tell my girlfriend I'm uncomfortable with her getting jealous when I look at other people? (score: 3) | posted 5 hours ago by Stian Yttervik (651 rep) | Toxicity 0.22697513 | edited 2 hours ago by Stian Yttervik (651 rep)
Every single thing? It sounds like it happened just once. — RedSonja 40 secs ago
#19064 RedSonja (731 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 10) | posted 28 hours ago by Alex A (190 rep) | Toxicity 0.037838336 | edited 5 hours ago by Martijn (4013 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is more of a phrasing request than a development of interpersonal skills — baldPrussian 1 min ago
#19091 baldPrussian (22665 rep) | Q: How do I tell my my parents I want to switch schools from their alma mater to a new one? (score: 0) | posted 11 hours ago by user146073 (6 rep) | Toxicity 0.10450487
I have different ideas from my partner. If we are eating e.g. in an Indian restaurant, and he has something I've never had before, I'll say "ooh, that looks good, can I try some?" and as a Brit I would find it normal if he tidily separated a piece from the other side and pushed it over to me. 30 years ago he refused every time. He's got used to the idea now. But he will very seldom try mine; "I ordered what I wanted and I don't want yours." I personally find that a bit rude, but it seems to be a German thing. — RedSonja 1 min ago
#19080 RedSonja (731 rep) | A: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 34) | posted 21 hours ago by BlackThorn (2903 rep) | Toxicity 0.26894295 | edited 13 hours ago by BlackThorn (2903 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["chatty-weak"]
@RedSonja Yes, it has happened once. But in elementary school many times it happened. And now, I think it happened for the last time. — Alex A 1 min ago
#19064 Alex A (190 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 10) | posted 28 hours ago by Alex A (190 rep) | Toxicity 0.09742618 | edited 5 hours ago by Martijn (4013 rep)
Offcourse the other party will just reply with "Smith" and a wink ;-) — Konerak 58 secs ago
#202 Konerak (101 rep) | A: How can I get someone to say their first name without letting on that I've forgotten? (score: 48) | posted 464 days ago by SQB (4303 rep) | Toxicity 0.15780422 | edited 157 days ago by SQB (4303 rep) | Comment on inactive post
Offering food: I never eat more than half of what normally gets delivered on my plate in a standard eatery, so before I start I cut e.g. the schnitzel in two and say, who wants this? — RedSonja 17 secs ago
#19096 RedSonja (731 rep) | A: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 1) | posted 3 hours ago by alephzero (149 rep) | Toxicity 0.09324664
It would improve your question if you said how old you and your classmates are. To start with I thought you were adults, but now I get the feeling you are schoolchildren... — RedSonja 47 secs ago
#19064 RedSonja (731 rep) | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 10) | posted 29 hours ago by Alex A (190 rep) | Toxicity 0.084222235 | edited 5 hours ago by Martijn (4013 rep)
1:18 PM
Since they didn't pressure you at the beggining, what makes you think the will pressure you to stay ? Is there a way for you to easily transfer from one school to the other without loosing too much money/credits ? — Aserre 1 min ago
#19091 Aserre (107 rep) | Q: How do I tell my my parents I want to switch schools from their alma mater to a new one? (score: 0) | posted 11 hours ago by user146073 (6 rep) | Toxicity 0.115363434
1:55 PM
Alright @thesecretmaster this should be the last one (hopefully). Give me a ping when you pull
I read parts of the chat and reworked my answer. I do have a tendency to be very blunt and changed the wording significantly. Also, I added reasoning to why this approach is beneficial. — ArtificialSoul 1 min ago
#3287 ArtificialSoul (538 rep) | A: Regarding the deletion of an answer for not answering the core question (score: 5) | posted 6 hours ago by Cashbee (4095 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | edited 5 hours ago by Cashbee (4095 rep)
@ArtificialSoul it's much better, thank you for your time and for you edit — Noon 1 min ago
#3287 Noon (2877 rep) | A: Regarding the deletion of an answer for not answering the core question (score: 5) | posted 6 hours ago by Cashbee (4095 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | edited 6 hours ago by Cashbee (4095 rep)
2:13 PM
It very poetic, not really my style but thank you for the answer anyway :) — Noon 59 secs ago
#19100 Noon (2877 rep) | A: How to communicate to my mother that I find it hurtful when she cooks dessert for everyone except me who is vegan? (score: 1) | posted 1 hours ago by DDD (452 rep) | Toxicity 0.023074856 | edited 25 minutes ago by DDD (452 rep)
On a side note, could specifically tell what the poem is supposed to accomplish? I think I understand without the explanation but it's always better to have some — Noon 8 secs ago
#19100 Noon (2877 rep) | A: How to communicate to my mother that I find it hurtful when she cooks dessert for everyone except me who is vegan? (score: 1) | posted 1 hours ago by DDD (452 rep) | Toxicity 0.09142314 | edited 21 seconds ago by DDD (452 rep)
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
@Noon, As said there, you can replace your own wordings...(not poetic but something else...that will appreciate her) — DDD 55 secs ago
#19100 DDD (452 rep) | A: How to communicate to my mother that I find it hurtful when she cooks dessert for everyone except me who is vegan? (score: 1) | posted 1 hours ago by DDD (452 rep) | Toxicity 0.029621342 | edited 29 seconds ago by DDD (452 rep)
Starting at rev f4de5d7 on branch scohe-dump (Cleaned up silly mistakes)
@scohe001 Running on your branch now
!!/howgood ips * test
c'mon baby
 Type | # Matched | % of Matched | % of All Type | % of ALL Comments
  tp  |     5     | 1.96850394%  |  1.08225108%  |   0.01380682%
  fp  |     2     | 0.78740157%  |  1.16959064%  |   0.00552273%
Total |    254    |      -       |       -       |    0.7013862%
@IPSCommentBot to
Invalid comment type. Reply to howgood with <comment_type> <num> to print num matches of comment_type where comment types are tp, fp, and *
2:17 PM
@IPSCommentBot tp
Got excpetion undefined method `>=' for nil:NilClass trying to accept your feedback
Ohhh that might be the toxicity
Do the older comments not have a toxicity column?
@scohe001 The column exists for every record, but they might be null.
Any comments before 2018-07-14 21:45:20 UTC will have null toxicity
Okay I added a .to_i conversion so that'll just be 0
Didn't realize that was nullable
!!/pull ips
Starting at rev 81da8f8 on branch scohe-dump (Convert toxicity to_i so null -> 0)
2:21 PM
!!/howgood ips * test
 Type | # Matched | % of Matched | % of All Type | % of ALL Comments
  tp  |     5     | 1.96850394%  |  1.08225108%  |   0.01380682%
  fp  |     2     | 0.78740157%  |  1.16959064%  |   0.00552273%
Total |    254    |      -       |       -       |    0.7013862%
@IPSCommentBot tp
> Jousting with them is similar to the testing that men regularly experience on the dating scene so that's bad, especially since for some it just makes you more attractive. Being cruel is bad because she should just get them to accept the role of coworker or at most friend, rather than office enemies. I do agree that going to HR as is is a bad idea for a similar reason. Clarity is her best friend here, simple as that.
#16163 (removed) | A: I'm in a committed relationship and I'm being hit on in the workplace - how do I stop it without bringing it to HR? (score: 4) | posted 92 days ago by Raz (57 rep) | edited 90 days ago by Raz (57 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 1/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
> Could you tell them to get a fan for themselves, and you'd test the electronics for them so they could use it?
#17130 Cliff | Q: Reclaiming my desk fan when the office I lent it to is also really hot (score: 32) | posted 66 days ago by Magisch (9236 rep) | edited 65 days ago by Tinkeringbell (20674 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 1/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
> Hello, It doesn't warrant an answer but I had a friend that suffered similar problems. Very low energy, getting tired quickly, low motivation for anything. It turned out to be Iron Deficiency Anemia. Have you by any chance checked for that? It is a simple blood test and sometimes when the case is milder it isn't something that doctors check for right away.
#17604 Ontamu | Q: How can I talk with my friend about her burn out problems when I disagree with some things she says? (score: 10) | posted 52 days ago by Caroline (153 rep) | edited 49 days ago by Caroline (153 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 2/0
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
@IPSCommentBot fp
> @F1Krazy The breed doesn't matter. I had a German shepard mix who was the absolutely sweetest dog in the world. Pitbulls can be sweet. Don't go by breed.
2:22 PM
@scohe001 Do you still need the ability to turn the 500 char truncation off?
#15971 (removed) | Q: How to tell a lady that she is doing wrong by inviting/feeding street dogs? (score: 38) | posted 98 days ago by paul (682 rep) | edited 95 days ago by A J (6674 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/1
> How much protesting about minimum wage do you do? Have you considered that might be a more effective way of achieving your goal than hitting the wallets of workers you are trying to support? Have you also considered that your motivations for not tipping might not be what you claim they are?
#17780 ollie299792458 | Q: How do I deal with Americans who are trying to force me into tipping? (score: -5) | posted 45 days ago by Carlo (31 rep) | edited 44 days ago by HDE 226868 (7018 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/1
Matched regex(es) ["possible-aic"]
@thesecretmaster yea it'd be nice but it's not super pertinent
Yikes those are both poorly marked fp's
Actually, if there's a newline it shouldn't trigger truncation
Hmm I added one
content.to_s.split("\n").any? { |line| line.length > 500 }
2:24 PM
It looks like if any one line is >500 it truncates each line
I'll try that
content.to_s.split("\n").map { |line| line[0...500] }.join("\n"))
No, those are the lines from ChatX
Oh lol oops
So you were prolly passing it a 500+ char message
Yea the comment character limit is 600 chars, so some comments fall right in that sweet spot of 500-600 chars
@Noon, yes added. — DDD 30 secs ago
#19100 DDD | A: How to communicate to my mother that I find it hurtful when she cooks dessert for everyone except me who is vegan? (score: 1) | posted 1 hours ago by DDD (450 rep) | edited 1 minutes ago by DDD (450 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["short-comment"]
2:28 PM
If you try to post a message with 600 chars to chat, as long as it leads with a newline, it posts fine (I tested), so I just need a way to override the API
Ah, I forgot that the line length limit goes away for multiline messages
!!/restart ips
Starting at rev 4bb3eb6 on branch scohe-dump (Update deps)
@scohe001 Fixed
2:46 PM
!!/cid ips 73581
> I was just referring to the OP's point that the person in question never referred to themselves as LGBT or said anything that suggested that. I don't mean that I believe they act a certain way at all :P The checking for age part is necessary because a 17 years can sometimes look 25 (through makeup and clothing), you need to check before going out with them. I mentioned it because that's where I practiced how to see someone's ID, it adds background to the method so the OP know it's a tested and true way to casually seeing someone's ID to ensure everything they tell you is real thus far.
#18110 Ying Li | A: How to tactfully check whether my new partner is a man or a woman? (score: 19) | posted 34 days ago by Ying Li (462 rep) | edited 23 days ago by Ying Li (462 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
That's 594 characters, so looks like things are working
Thanks for the fix @thesecretmaster!
@Tinkeringbell Just because she wants to communicate the hurtfulness does not mean that it is an amicable thing to say. It will always have a connotation of negativity in that it accuses the mother and implies that she is bad. If the mother outright degraded her vegan choices then that would be a good time to bring up hurtfulness. OP's scenario does not warrant such a terse accusation. — MonkeyZeus 56 secs ago
#19009 MonkeyZeus | A: How to communicate to my mother that I find it hurtful when she cooks dessert for everyone except me who is vegan? (score: 12) | posted 3 days ago by MonkeyZeus (4554 rep) | edited 6 minutes ago by MonkeyZeus (4554 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
@RedSonja I’m 19 years old, and she’s 18 years old. Some of my class are 18 years old. And I’m 1 year ahead of them in grade 12( the final school year) — Alex A 37 secs ago
#19064 Alex A | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 9) | posted 30 hours ago by Alex A (188 rep) | edited 26 minutes ago by Em C (8678 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Yo Rick, what an excellent answer bro. Keep up on doing this and you’ll become a Diamond moderator one day!!! — Alex A 1 min ago
#19085 Alex A | A: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 9) | posted 20 hours ago by Rick (191 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty"]
3:02 PM
While I fully agree with the overall assessment here, my main frustration is these comments were deleted in less than 24 hours after posting. Which seems unnecessarily (excuse the term) anal. I would like to think like a comment to request explanation for downvoting can stand for at least 24 to 48 hours before it becomes a truly stale and fruitless effort. So in total, I think the “strictness” of comment moderation here is self-defeating. The speed of removal seems to imply a desire to have utterly no comments on the site which seems ridiculous. — JakeGould 1 min ago
#3286 JakeGould (858 rep) | A: Why would a moderator delete a comment to a question which requests down vote clarification? (score: 7) | posted 14 hours ago by Em C (8678 rep) | Toxicity 0.0
@JakeGould can you elaborate on what you mean by "self-defeating?" — scohe001 1 min ago
#3286 scohe001 (8709 rep) | A: Why would a moderator delete a comment to a question which requests down vote clarification? (score: 7) | posted 14 hours ago by Em C (8678 rep) | Toxicity 0.0
3:22 PM
Hey there! I think there's already enough information to work with. I'd maybe add for how long you've been friends with each of them. I can't think of a dupe either. — avazula 1 min ago
#3289 avazula (7509 rep) | A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions (score: 2) | posted 20 minutes ago by scohe001 (8709 rep) | Toxicity 0.0
@avazula good call! Updated with when "we" met info. Thanks! — scohe001 21 secs ago
#3289 scohe001 (8709 rep) | A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions (score: 2) | posted 21 minutes ago by scohe001 (8709 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | edited 40 seconds ago by scohe001 (8709 rep)
Please note that if your goal is to let your friend know, that's a premise answers need to respect. So even though they may advice against telling him, an answer should end up with your friend knowing about this.... Otherwise, your question is basically 'should I let him know or not'. — Tinkeringbell ♦ 23 secs ago
#3289 Tinkeringbell (20673 rep) | A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions (score: 2) | posted 26 minutes ago by scohe001 (8709 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | edited 5 minutes ago by scohe001 (8709 rep)
@Tinkeringbell ahh I guess that means it's cheating then. And here I thought I'd found a way around it :P I'll take out the part in parenthesis then. — scohe001 1 min ago
#3289 scohe001 (8709 rep) | A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions (score: 2) | posted 31 minutes ago by scohe001 (8709 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | edited 55 seconds ago by scohe001 (8709 rep)
3:45 PM
"I can't escalate to their landlord because they own their apartment. " Who owns the apartment is irrelevant. What matters is who owns the parking lot. "(what car is not able to climb a 4cm step?)" Cars are designed to drive on flat roads. Requiring cars to climb a 4cm step is frankly bizarre. On the other hand, it doesn't seem that difficult to put in a ramp. — Acccumulation 48 secs ago
#18091 Acccumulation | Q: How to try to get my neighbour to park their car in their assigned spot? (score: 62) | posted 35 days ago by avazula (7508 rep) | edited 3 hours ago by avazula (7508 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
@Acccumulation Note the OP says "The 4cm step I mentioned is actually a slope". So it is in fact a ramp. — DaveG 28 secs ago
#18091 DaveG | Q: How to try to get my neighbour to park their car in their assigned spot? (score: 62) | posted 35 days ago by avazula (7508 rep) | edited 3 hours ago by avazula (7508 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
This originally came up over a month ago... has there been a resolution? — DaveG 1 min ago
#18091 DaveG | Q: How to try to get my neighbour to park their car in their assigned spot? (score: 62) | posted 35 days ago by avazula (7508 rep) | edited 3 hours ago by avazula (7508 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
"Are you going to finish that?" can come across badly depending on how/when/what tone it is used with. — Tim B 1 min ago
#19080 Tim B | A: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 36) | posted 24 hours ago by BlackThorn (2913 rep) | edited 16 hours ago by BlackThorn (2913 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
So you don't know what a burger tastes like? :o — Tim B 44 secs ago
#19064 Tim B | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 10) | posted 31 hours ago by Alex A (193 rep) | edited 1 hours ago by Em C (8678 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
@Limechime I think your situation is different from the OP's because your reaction is different or the OP's flaw is brought up in more disrespectful way. But either way the argument isn't meant stop the conversation, but in fact continue it. I find it hard to take a hypocrite seriously. — jcmack 2 mins ago
#19029 jcmack | A: How to deal with people who instantly end discussions with a "you aren't any better" kind of argument? (score: 2) | posted 2 days ago by jcmack (1481 rep) | edited 2 days ago by jcmack (1481 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty-weak"]
I don't think it's meant to get out of the discussion at all, but it does in a way discredit the OP as a hypocrite and I never take a hypocrite seriously. — jcmack 1 min ago
#19030 jcmack | A: How to deal with people who instantly end discussions with a "you aren't any better" kind of argument? (score: 3) | posted 2 days ago by Negotiate (213 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["chatty-weak"]
4:10 PM
@JakeGould "The speed of removal seems to imply a desire to have utterly no comments on the site" - yes, that's pretty much the platonic ideal. There is some discretion / randomness in how fast they get deleted, sure. Typically comments about votes are noticed and flagged fairly quickly though. It's still fine to ask for feedback, we just ask that you do so in the parts of the site meant for discussion of posts (chat/meta). — Em C ♦ 1 min ago
#3286 Em C (8678 rep) | A: Why would a moderator delete a comment to a question which requests down vote clarification? (score: 8) | posted 15 hours ago by Em C (8678 rep) | Toxicity 0.0
@BlackThorn, For same question, I had given the answer. But I am not getting same experience which you have got. I am getting +10 reputation in notification for my answer. — DDD 1 min ago
#3283 DDD (458 rep) | Q: Answer votes getting +5 rep in notifications instead of +10 (score: 0) | posted 20 hours ago by BlackThorn (2913 rep) | Toxicity 0.0 | edited 19 hours ago by BlackThorn (2913 rep)
4:34 PM
@TimB 🤦🏻‍♂️ no. I know, but you know. Some people are very greedy for eating something. — Alex A 1 min ago
#19064 Alex A | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 10) | posted 32 hours ago by Alex A (193 rep) | edited 2 hours ago by Em C (8678 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
@scohe001 By self-defeating it seems the urge to clean up comments so quickly overwhelms the desire of the comments themselves. Is it really a problem to have a request for feedback in a comment stay there for a day or two or does that really mess up the site? For example, in my case I reposted my comment 3x over. It left a bad taste in my mouth. If the original comment stood and nobody responded perhaps I myself would have removed it after a day or so. Instead, inadvertent conflict is bred by cleaning up comments so quickly. — JakeGould 1 min ago
#3286 JakeGould (858 rep) | A: Why would a moderator delete a comment to a question which requests down vote clarification? (score: 8) | posted 15 hours ago by Em C (8678 rep) | Toxicity 0.0
I was only craving for it. — Alex A 2 mins ago
#19064 Alex A | Q: How do I deal with people that when I ask them something, they tell to others what you told them? (score: 10) | posted 32 hours ago by Alex A (193 rep) | edited 2 hours ago by Em C (8678 rep) | Toxicity 0 | tps/fps: 0/0
Matched regex(es) ["short-comment"]
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