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Dear Esther is 50% off on steam. Good chance to buy it if you already haven't.
@agent86 I'm going to try your tips again tonight. if i lose, you get all the blame. :<
@Aarthi hah, well, as long as there's blame on the line, it's not my fault!
@agent86 shh don't say those words
This question is going to haunt me until it's dead, dead, dead!. isn't dead until that question is deleted. I'd rename it, but I can't even think of a tag that would apply.
@Aarthi if you lose the game he loses the diamond. Seems fair!
@badp :P Not one of my powers.... OR IS IT?
@Aarthi I'm sure Shog doesn't lock his workstation when leaving for dinner.
@badp doesn't matter if he does; he doesn't work out of New York
@Aarthi doesn't matter if he doesn't; VNC
Hmm. Was there only 4 acts in diablo 2?
@badp I literally don't know how to do that.
@Aarthi superuser.com/questions/ask
Wooh, my dad brought home my new MIDI keyboard!
@Aarthi "How can I pwn Shog9's computer?" might sound a little too localized but it really isn't. A lot of people would be interested in the answer!
Buddy already on act 1 hell :)
Q: Can I use Mass Effect 3's coalesced editor to make it think I've completed a certain mission?

ChelleI've been having an issue with the Grissom Academy mission. It's a glitch, one that doesn't seem to have a chance in hell of getting fixed in the near future, and EA didn't seem interested in a problem that only a handful of people are experiencing. I suppose servers have to explode before they'l...

> What the fuck? Quit torturing that lion & feed him/her that baby.
Wow, I just got my first bounty
And it qualified for the gem.. Go me :)
@badp stop that :P
@agent86 could you pop the same key here one more time? I had this awkward moment, when you forget about importance of the opened text editor and close it without saving. :)
luckily my moderator powers allow me to view posts prior to editing :P
@agent86 awesome. Thanks one more time.
steals all the codez
@badp you can haz codez if you want codez
but I don't what codez they are
@badp all the better
@agent86 @LessPopMoreFizz did. He's a hero.
hey guys :(
I am at work :(
it's one of my guest passes for D3, Eugene wanted to try it out.
@spugsley I just came home!
@badp :(
@agent86 +1. Got it.
@agent86 oh, then I think I'll pass, I've already played Act 1 in the beta
@spugsley, I am out of dolan to taunt you with :(
@Eugene rawk!
@agent86 thank god
@agent86 those abilities
@spugsley That means he's found gooby-only strips
@badp don't even start
@spugsley You know what you should do?
this time with mikcy though! (amidoinitrite)
@BenBrocka Can I click that at work?
hovers link, does not click
@BenBrocka not sure if trolling, spam, or NSFW
is reminded of mod responsibilities
@DaveMcClelland If you can look at my gravatar at work, then yes
@BenBrocka I am at work. Having 'naked' in bold doesn't really work for me :/
@badp :P :P
@agent86 trolling. From her, always trolling
@Wipqozn what should I do?
Ugh. Pony-rolled again
Q: Create a free high-quality scrollable map for a game online?

romkynsI am looking for a service where I can upload some images that compose a 2D map, mark certain locations, and let others view/pan/zoom through this map via a URL. Are there any services that let one do this, without hosting one of the free mapping tools on my own? (I quite like Google Maps softw...

@spugsley fixed?
thank you
@agent86 Tara's a total troll
Cast a close vote on that.
@Wipqozn with pleasure
@spugsley Thank you
@Wipqozn I'm a hero!
One more close vote and I can cast a delete vote.
THen I can start bugging people for delete votes! And then will finally be dead! DEAD I SAY! MUWHAHAAHAHAH!
Oh, dang. Questions need to be closed for two days for me to delete them, don't they?
Can one more person consider re-opening this question? I invite you to read the comment chain:
Q: When should I consider using the Auction House?

JamesI understand the basics of the world-of-warcraft auction house and it would seem logical to draw some parallels between that AH and this AH. There are two differences between them however that makes it seem like the AH is something to be picked up later in the game, hence my question. The AH in ...

Q: How does aggro work in Diablo III?

RachelHow does aggro work in Diablo III? I'm fairly sure it's not the closest player or the one that hits first based on some of the longer boss fights I've done with some friends. I don't think it's damage-based either, although I'm not positive on that one. I don't think its entirely random either b...

Q: How do I get my fisherdwarf to fish (or how to create a fishing zone)?

LeoHow do I get my dwarves to start fishing? I have enabled the fishing labor, and made sure that the standing orders do not forbid fishing outside of zones, but my dwarves never seem to go fishing. There are a couple of murky pools on the map, but whenever I try to create a fishing zone on or aroun...

Q: Are +maximum damage and +minimum damage enchantments factored into weapon DPS?

BrysonicFor weapons that have +x minimum damage and/or +x maximum damage such as the Longshot, is the increase in damage already factored into the DPS that's displayed for the weapon? As an example: Weapon 1 is has +1 minimum damage and +2 maximum damage enchantments, and is listed as having 35 DPS in...

Q: How does X% Chance of Finding gold work for a party?

Michel AyresI was reading this question. Works the same way for gold or is it different? Could someone provide a explanation for this?

Q: What are the major changes from the Diablo III Beta to the retail release?

EBongoEverywhere I look, there is tons of information based on the Diablo III Beta (including Gaming.SE). I think most of this information is still good, but since so much of the game is new to me, and because I didn't participate in the Beta, I feel out of the loop on the key things that changed. Ca...

@LessPopMoreFizz, what did I do?
@LessPop_MoreFizz this summoned me
@NickT what random user?
@badp oh, you destroyed him...
@Fluttershy @Wipqozn @murgatroid99 @AshleyNunn Pony temporal mechanics @_<
I wanted to cross reference stuff...
It's best if we never know
@FAE I'm assuming you watched the time travel episode? O.o
@badp I want the truth!
@JuanManuel It is true we'll never know.
true dat
@Fluttershy Yes.
@FAE I did not care for that one much.
It is also true that my cat parked herself on top of my mouse in the vain hope that it'll get me to feed her faster
Fool! I have a touchpad!
@badp That's alright. Cats need to be put back in their place from time to time.
@Fluttershy I... can relate to unnecessary worrying...
@FAE I can too.
@Fluttershy Unfortunately, I do not have the powers of time travel to go back and tell myself not to freak out over stuff. Though apparently that doesn't work so well anyway.
@FAE It seems like it would, in theory...
@Fluttershy Theory != practice.
Whyyyyyyyyy do you download so slooooooooooow, PS3
@FAE Because it doesn't want you to play with it.
@FAE All the internet is being rerouted to D3 servers.
@Fluttershy But I want to play with it so baaaaaaaadlyyyyyyyyyy
@FAE I'm not going to star that.
D3 achievements got reset again?
@Sterno you were probably cheating. or something.
@agent86 shhhh
It's only cheating if they catch you!
€60 peripheral to play a $10 game <_<
@FAE ah, the "Wii Syndrome"
@FAE Steel Battalion would like to have a word with you
@Resorath Is the controller 6x the game price? I've never looked it up.
@FAE the game came with the controller and it costed... I think $250?
Aaaaaaaaaaand now it's downloading an update
The game came out yesterday
and this update's apparently as big as the entire game proper
@spugsley Nay, Pixeljunk 4am.
Q: Dual-wield vs. 2-hand for Monk?

Lasse V. KarlsenI currently had two weapons equipped on my Monk, and I picked up a 2-hander. Now, all the items are magical, but for the context of this question, let's make it much easier. Assuming I have two 1-hand weapons equipped, each dealing 12 dps, and I pick up a 2-hand item dealing 18 dps. My questio...

Q: How can I increase my carrying bag/capacity size in Diablo 3?

JohnIs there a way to increase the amount of items that I can carry with me in Diablo 3, much like you could purchase more/bigger bags in WoW?

Q: How to get the remaining follower conversations?

ThiefMasterI've just finished Diablo III and try to get the Listen to all <...> conversations for the followers. However, no matter if I talk to them while they are hired or not, some options are not available: (Templar) Adria's Betrayal (Scoundrel) A Dark Outlook (Enchantress) Eirena's Journey (Encha...

Q: Where is the jeweller in Diablo 3?

Sadly NotHow do you get the Jeweller in Diablo 3? Is he acquired automatically as a quest later in the game or is he a random encounter?

@FAE oh goodness. I almost had a heartattack.
@spugsley Haha, sorry!
Gr... trying to answer questions, get a popup that the question has been deleted.
I wonder if I should be concerned this managed to get 4 stars aside from my own:
9 hours ago, by Mana
shut up, I'm going to cram your turtle face into your turtle shell and toss it off a cliff.
@RavenDreamer Can't you just undelete it?
@Wipqozn this is my favorite thing
@Wipqozn I'm not going to undelete a question the original asker deleted themselves
@spugsley Yeah. I laughed for a good 10 minutes when he said that.
@RavenDreamer Hence why I linked to abuse of power on wikipedia.
Didn't notice that.
Your jokes are too sbutle, @Wipqozn.
@RavenDreamer I'm very clever.
@Wipqozn No you aren't. @RavenDreamer is just very dense.
Give me an hour, and I'll tell you if I've realized I should be offended yet.
@RavenDreamer Only an hour?
If there is a Forum with a Witch Doctor Thread anywhere that is not named some variant of "Oo ee oo ah ah, ting tang, walla walla bing bang", well, that's a forum that doesn't deserve to exist.
@Wipqozn Your post, this response and your's to it is right up there with bringing a grin to my face as the tortoise shades are man ;)
so does MC X360 not use the awful Java platform?
@James Excellent.
@NickT Correct
Java is not allowed on a 360
can I get this on Windows then? :P
@NickT I wish
What is the item the Jeweler wants you to recover called? I just did it and I can't remember.
@OrigamiRobot Nazi Gold
@NickT Thanks, I'll add that to my answer.
Oh man, this is gonna be a game I'm gonna have to play at least once while not sober >_>
np, hth
@FAE which
Pixeljunk 4am
I really wish I could come up with something else to tag this question as so I wouldn't need to wait 2+ days to finish off the maps tag.
@FAE well, where you live you can get legally all kinds of not sober that are typically touted as increasing enjoyment.
@Wipqozn fixed it.
@RavenDreamer I LOVE YOU SO MUCH <3<3<3<3<3<3
Wow I have to say the amount of duplicate questions today (of which even I am guilty though I searched for every keyword EXCEPT Upgrade for) is just astounding!
@james meh, pretty normal for a new release TBQH.
It happens, it's nbd.
@agent86 True indeed
@LessPop_MoreFizz Except for those people who take it personally.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It did not seem to jump this high so quickly with ME3 and Skyrim is all.
Q: Why do Mighty Blow and Massacre not always give experience point bonuses?

BeofettI've noticed that sometimes I'll get notices that I achieved a Massacre or a Mighty Blow, but without the bonus experience that normally goes with it. What causes me to miss out? I know it is typically only a small bonus, but every bit helps on the road to Inferno....

Q: How much health does my Mystic Ally have?

OrigamiRobotI cannot see the exact amount of heath my Mystic Ally has. I tried having it take damage to see if it would show a health bar (similar to monster's health), but this did nothing. How do I know how much health he has? Does it ever increase?

Q: How is follower DPS calculated?

OakWhen I equip my follower with a weapon his DPS value changes. But his DPS value is far lower than the weapon's DPS. How is the follower's DPS determined? Is it only some percentage of their weapon's DPS?

@fbueckert those people need to chiiiiillllll maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
@James yes it did. Particularly w/ ME3
@LessPop_MoreFizz Indeed
The worst part is that our search engine sucks
I asked a duplicate Treasure Goblin question because the other question asked about Goblin s.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, and by the way, I shamelessly used one of your answers to expand on mine. Thanks muchly.
@RavenDreamer I can change the plurality in the body so it picks up both.
yeah, and I asked a question about dungeon randomization that was a dupe due to "random" not matching "randomly"
You shameless whore.
I don't think I've answered many D3 questions yet.
maybe... 1?
I'm a slacker :(
@agent86 I know! I closed it!
I think it helped us bond.
@RavenDreamer smooches
And now we're unbonded.
I'm surprised every time I ask a question that is not a dupe
given the beta head start the questions have, which I wasn't really paying attention to at the time since, well, no beta for me
@LessPop_MoreFizz haha, Guess I just was not interested enough in ME3 to notice it :D
@RavenDreamer :*
@agent86 Yeah I was noticing most of the questions that have a good amount of views or votes are all from over a month ago.
Does anyone know if pre-release questions are valid for participation in the contest? Or only questions asked within the stated time frame?
@James I'm actually rather happy that one of mine is about halfway to 1k already.
@James just ones asked since the contest started.
@agent86 Haha, Which one? (And if I go to look at it is that skewing its view count? LOL)
@agent86 Ah, good to know.
Q: How can I avoid clicking quite so much?

agent86Diablo games tend to be very click heavy - click to move, click to attack, click to loot. Diablo 3 appears to be continuing this tradition. I find this problematic for a couple of reasons: Clicking is overloaded - I might move when I want to attack, for instance. Clicking hurts - I have a RSI...

@agent86 Haha, Nice.. seems people want an easier experience :D
Curse you contest bar!! You will show me I have 2/5 towards Act two but not tell me which of the 9 are the 2!!
Q: When should I consider using the Auction House?

JamesI understand the basics of the world-of-warcraft auction house and it would seem logical to draw some parallels between that AH and this AH. There are two differences between them however that makes it seem like the AH is something to be picked up later in the game, hence my question. The AH in ...

Last time Im asking for reopen consideration, just needs one more person as passionate about the player based economy as me and apparently @EBongo are :D
@James I can't really vote on that since I haven't played Diablo 3, but if diablo 3 has auction houses like WoW then the price of items will vary from server to server. The price of items also changes drastically over time. Some items will be worth nothing one week, and then worth a bunch of money the following week, and then return to be worth very little again the third week.
I fear my latest question is either a) a duplicate that I could not find, or b) a misuse of "i.e."
@Fluttershy Link?
Q: Do enemies have elemental weaknesses?

FluttershyI've come across several weapons that add damage in the form of Fire, Poison, Holy, etc. A lot of the times, I equip them simply because that extra damage is helpful when doing battle with the demon spawn from hell. However, it occurred to me that there was a chance (albeit a slim chance) for so...

Q: Is magical/enchanted damage more effective against certain types of monsters than others?

ManaPresumably each monster has its own resistance stats to different types of damage, such as 5% lightning resistance and 10% holy resistance, much like how the player does, but is there a general pattern to which types of enemies are weak on some kinds of elemental damage? For example, will zombies...

You did.
@Wipqozn There are some subtle changes that make it differ greatly.. First I believe the AH are only separated by their monetary basis and location.. Second is that the economy in place in WoW make the AH viable at level 1.. that is not the case in Diablo3 so, as I am asking when the AH becomes viable :D
e.g. means for example, and i.e. means that is.
@Wipqozn Ah, thank you. =D
People normally think i.e. stands for "in example, but it actually stands for the latin phrase "id est", which means "That is".
Going to snag lunch
@FAE I found the time travel one very weird. Like I get that it was supposed to be like oh hey don't worry about things that haven't happened yet because then the worry will just make badness happen, but it just felt like such a non-plot.
@Wipqozn Could i.e. then also mean "That is [to say]"?
@Fluttershy The way I think of i.e. is "in other words..."
Damn. It was a duplicate. Delete time.
@Fluttershy Don't delete it.
Flag it to be closed as a duplicate.
@Wipqozn Done did it. >.>
@Fluttershy You shoudl undelete it.
@Wipqozn Won't it just get closed eventually anyway?
@Fluttershy but not deleted.
The dup-close is a special type of close reason which is not meant to be deleted.
@Wipqozn But don't closed questions eventually get deleted?
It exists to help the searchability of the site. The idea is that, in theory, the only reason that question was asked is because the asker was unable to find the other questions. Either due to thinking about the question in a different way, the original question being worded terribly, or the search engine just failing.
So by keeping the dup around it makes it so other users are more likely to find the answer to their question if their search terms are able to match your question, but not the original.
@James I see. Well, I'm not going to vote myself since I'm really not sure. Although it seems like it would be a worthwhile question. Right now I don't think anyone could have any hope of answering it.
@Wipqozn I see... Well, I'd undelete it if I could, but when I try to go back to it, it just says "Page not found."
This needs 2 more undelete votes by 10kers (or a mod) so it can be closed as a dup.
@Fluttershy here's an example
> The three U.S. states on the west coast (i.e., Washington, Oregon, and California) have favorable climates.
@Wipqozn I undelete voted
Q: Guards killing me, can't do anything

David ForsterI killed someone in a shop and killed the witness. Then as I walked out of the store one of the guards started attacking me. I ran away but soon enough there were more and more guards. Now I have about 25 guards on me and they kill me before I can do anything. I can't go to jail or pay because th...

Q: How do I get rid of my bounty?

nabbeloffI accidentally killed a noble, now every guard wants to kill me. Is there any way I can get rid of the bounty?

@Wipqozn Undone
@Wipqozn That is pretty spiffy.
@FAE great, thanks.
Q: Do enemies have elemental weaknesses?

FluttershyI've come across several weapons that add damage in the form of Fire, Poison, Holy, etc. A lot of the times, I equip them simply because that extra damage is helpful when doing battle with the demon spawn from hell. However, it occurred to me that there was a chance (albeit a slim chance) for so...

Need some close votes on that :P
@Wipqozn Also already done
@AshleyNunn Yeah, I often find many time travel eps in shows to be like that
@FAE Yeah. Not my favourite episode - I kept waiting for something interesting to happen, and then the ep was over and I was still waiting
@AshleyNunn I think the writers just wanted to have another "Twilight Sparkle has a mental breakdown" episode.
@Wipqozn This is a decent possibility
Argh. Dear Canada - please stay the crap AWAY from terrible things like this whole Access Copyright thing. It will only end in badness.
aaand Steam just crashed and burned on me for some inexplicable reason
@FAE =(
@FAE sadface
@Wipqozn Is that a rule of the site? Cause I have seem to run into the 'it can not be answered right now so close it' thing a couple of times, maybe that is a problem with my question?
@James What I mean to say is that it's impossible to tell if the question is even answerable right now.
@Raven Apparently Skype's coming to the Vita (like they had it for PSP) so you will kind of be able to use it as a phone now.
@FAE Woo!
@Lazers What I meant to convey is that question is a duplicate of the one I linked below it.
@FAE Hm. I suppose I still need a wifi hotspot for that, though.
@RavenDreamer The G.SE prize was a wifi one, not a 3G one iirc, so likely.
Does anyone know where Grace Note has been lately? I haven't seen her in here for some time now.
That is to say I can't recall the last time I seen her.
Q: What causes Familiar to disappear?

KotsuThe Wizard skill, "Familiar", summons a small helper that helps you attack enemies and cannot be hit. There doesn't seem to be a spell duration on it (no icon indicator as far as I can tell), but I have noticed at times that it would disappear and I would have to re-cast it. Beyond the obvious si...

Q: How do I get the special prizes?

Ashley NunnI have played Scrat's game every day using the silver coins you get daily. I have even done pretty well (not hitting any spiny fish or missing any of the chompy fish.) Problem is, all I ever seem to get are a few coins, never Acorns or the special prizes (usually an animal). What do I have to...

Q: Do the bullets fired at the final enemy in an area subtract from your total ammunition?

BrysonicIn Max Payne 3, when you start shooting the final enemy in an area, the game goes into a slow motion "overkill mode" (not sure if there's a proper term for it) allowing you to fire many rounds at the unfortunate straggler. Is the ammunition used in these "overkill" sequences subtracted from your...

crashes through finding questions for a D3 TShirt.
@Lazers Somehow I think this might never get an answer, being a) cute and b) not D3 has a sad
These pictures are nice, too bad they were ruined by some blur filters. (I assume it was post-processing, not how they were taken)
Plus me up so I can get a tshirt! I'm naked here! gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/67046/…
You could get 25% of a T-Shirt!
Me, asking for plus votes. I should be ashamed.
@Fredy31 down votes
Oh noes.
Note to self: Do not alt-tab out of Diablo 3 without pausing the game.
Raven Dreamer death count ++
@RavenDreamer Armor repair time?
@RavenDreamer That's not a proper variable name at all. Look at all those spaces!
@FAE What's sadder was that it was one single, standard, weak monster, and my follower couldn't kill it.
@RavenDreamer eeyup*
@RavenDreamer haha
@Fluttershy You voted to close your own question :P
So, first run through clocked in at 15 hours.
The title to this, and opening, are a little... odd.... but this is good:
I rushed through the beta portion of the game, but was pretty thorough with the rest, so I'm guessing 16 hours for a normal thorough playthrough?
That seems like something gnome would enjoy. Although I'm not sure if he could see past the ponies.
@FAE Image not found is the best kind of not found.
@Wipqozn That is like. ADHD in a raw video format :)
@Wipqozn Aw really? :(
@Wipqozn I see it.
Sucks to be you. It's pretty awesome.
@OrigamiRobot Yes I did.
@Wipqozn The title to that is because it's "Kill Everybody" by Skrillex done to MLP sounds.
@FAE I saw it by clicking, and he is a good hulk :D
NOw I'll get all the stars!
@Wipqozn You force me to star @FAE's post instead.
I'm sure you all knew that video was coming.
Ive not posted a video to youtube in almost 2 weeks
and I still get a handful of subscriptions a day
@James Yay?
@AshleyNunn I dunno, I get the impression crazy people are stalking me.. very lazily :)
@James lazy or not, give them points for trying ;)
@AshleyNunn Haha, Must respect our stalkers eh? :)
@James Precisely!
So I have not seen many people on here today remarking about connectivity to D3, is all quiet and ok on that front or will I work a full day again just to get home when the servers go down?? :)
I'm $6k~ Beat Hazard money from Mad Maxed!
@badp Woo!
Somebody give me a bounty so I can get ALL the gems!
Hi @JuanManuel! Have you heard the news?
Nightmare is hard.
@StrixVaria Is it a nightmare?
@Wipqozn In places.
Q: When will I get my followers?

Fredy31I'm still at the very beginning of Diablo 3, and I wonder when I will get my followers... Do they come all 3 at the same time, or do they come in one by one? I do think I'll have a hard time soloing, so they might get handy real fast.

Q: In Diablo3, once I have socketed an item, how do I view it's full tooltip?

Nathan BellI have socketed some of my armor in Diablo 3, but once they are socketed the tooltips condense into short versions: A single line of tooltip text for the armor's attributes and a single line of tooltip text for the gem attributes. There are small triangles in the UI next to each line of the to...

Q: Do all monsters of a given level reward the same XP?

dlanodAt the moment there is no way to conclusively determine a monster's level other than the XP rewarded from killing it, relative to your player's level according to How do I determine the level and XP reward of mobs in Diablo III?. However, if you do determine a monster's level and kill it, does i...

Waller + Frozen = Death
This is what I learned.
Is there a Diablo 3 chat room yet?
That way we don't bother @Wipqozn with our silly game.
Why do you feel the need to have a Diablo 3 chatroom when the entire site is plastered with Diablo 3
@StrixVaria It doesn't bother me.
I just had the chance to make a really clever and hilarious joke after all.
@badp There are chat rooms for other popular games. If you feel it should go here, then I'll stay here.
I lied, I hate @Wipqozn.
@StrixVaria I'm not a fan of per-topic chatrooms. Look what they did to chat.SO
Things that are actually on topic for the site should stay on the site where applicable
@OrigamiRobot I'd unstar that, but that was clever. You took advantage of my ego, which is by far my greatest (and only) weakness!
@Wipqozn My weakness is bullets.
@StrixVaria They bounce right off me.
a single room approach dominated by off-topic content but that still allows room for on-topic discussion feels like a balanced approach to me :P
Someone else needs to get to Nightmare because my friend I've been playing with is going back to work tomorrow.
so are the gems 1 and done or can you get more than 6 entries?
1 and done
Wow. Leah is The Hulk.
is good?
broad, blah blah
What the hell?
Multiple >! in an answer force them all into the same block quote and if separated by an empty line for spacing, it shows all of the !
Q: Why did the Fallen Star wake the undead?

Nick TThe Fallen Star in Act I is not in and of itself demonic, so why did it crashing into the Tristram Cathedral cause minions of hell to burst forth? Was it intentionally directed to impact there? If it simply broke some seals containing all this badness, the odds for it to hit just so seem astron...

Q: Is there any practical purpose to breaking railings?

agent86I'm exploring the Cathedral, and occasionally I'll swing and miss at an enemy and bust the fragile stone railings along the edge of certain walkways. Does breaking these railings do anything, like dropping chandeliers or breaking the supports for sections of the wall, which causes damage to enem...

Q: What is the optimal Marine stutter step frequency and timing?

ayckosterIn Starcraft 2 Marines can stutter step, meaning they attack move and start their attack animation, this is canceled by a move command and then attack move again. Theoretically there should be a sweet spot. With the optimal frequency the marine does the same damage as a standing marine, but move...

Q: How does experience work in groups of heroes with different levels?

Nick TWhile "XP is simply shared", when in a group with characters that are of wildly different levels (say 5 and 10), sometimes it seems like the high level character is quite effective in suppressing experience gains from the lowbie. In another first-hand experience last night, two fresh level 1 c...

ffffffffffffu cannot find bottle opener
I have a crecent wrench, but it doesn't work; just rolls off
Sweet! The card case is back in stock for NA Club Nintendo. Managed to grab one this time :D
success, needle nose pliers 1, bottle cap 0
@AshleyNunn I have something like that, though I bought it from a regular store. I quite like it
@FAE I have a case for my 3DS that is supposed to hold 6 games - practically it holds 3. So this will be nice. AND I like having the different art options (although I will totally just cut paper to the right size and make my own designs....)
@AshleyNunn Woooo
@NickT hurrah!
I have a feeling this has been discussed, but any ratings/opinions on Diablo 3?
apparently I wasn't the only one
@NickT So few Witch Doctors!
How the hell do I identify items? O.o
I meant with making charts, etc
@Fluttershy read the tool tip...right click
@NickT Oh wow... o.o I completely overlooked that.
Anyone know who changed the spread sheet so I can not show the two character types that I play? (Now three? :))
@NickT That still just feels like a hack ...
Q: How to be self-sufficient in the sky?

JeffreyAlong the topic of this question, I was wondering whats the minimum amount of stuff you need from the surface to be self sufficient living in the sky? I tried living in a cave for long time and it wasn't a challenge enough. I though that I could build a floating sky platform a live up there. Co...

Q: Can I manually activate my follower's skills?

agent86My Templar follower has a skill that lets him heal me, which I was hoping would be good in extended fights against strong enemies. However, he doesn't seem to care that I'm taking damage, and only seems to want to heal me if there's nothing around that needs stabbing/murder. Is there any way I ...

No opinions?
@OrigamiRobot Tank is technically a tortoise.
@Pubby The vast majority of us are currently playing it.
What does that tell you?
@fbueckert Not much to tell you the truth! I saw the Metacritic score and it's at a measly 3.6/10, wondered if anyone agreed.
@Pubby People are bitching about the launch instability
The game is good, it is what you would expect
Was it worth waiting 10 years for? Nah, but nothing ever will be.
@Pubby It's a lot of people putting in 0 scores because of login server problems.
@Pubby Those are people who are butthurt about the always online stuff and whatnot.
But the launch of the game on the servers made the general nerd ragers rage hard.
And now
Back to finishing my work so I can go home and play D3 while the servers are still up :D

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