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@MartinSleziak (and everybody else): I have a site-suitability question for you for a change: Would this question of mine be suited for MO?
For the benefit of others, I'll repost the same link here so that at least title and a bit of preview is is visible: Which mathematical subfield or formalism deals with local but non-pointwise function approximations?
Q: Which mathematical subfield or formalism deals with local but non-pointwise function approximations?

WrzlprmftMain Question I have a class of high-dimensional functions which obey certain constraints (of value or partial derivative) on specific submanifolds of their domain. I am quite confident that there is a more specific class of functions that matches these functions on these submanifolds and approx...

@Wrzlprmft It will probably better if you get response from some more experienced MO users. I cannot be of assistance here, sorry. Let's hope somebody else will notice your message.
I see you have even offered a bounty on Mathematics.
@MartinSleziak Since you seem to be the only regular of this room, I would value your opinion and experience. Otherwise I would just post it and live with the consequences.
Well, it's true that only you and me are pingable here at the moment. This room does not have much activity, but if you look at the starboard, I am definitely not the only person who posts here.
@Wrzlprmft Since you already asked here, maybe you could wait and see whether somebody notice your messages in chat.
If you're not worried too much about possibility of question ban, then simply trying to post the question and see what happens might be a reasonable plan. It's worth explicitly mentioning that you have posted this on Mathematics and you did not get any answer even after adding a bounty. (Maybe that would count a bit in your favor.)
And even if you take question ban into account, one question probably does not mean that much - even if it gets closed.
@MartinSleziak Yeah, I was planning to do that.
What I am mostly uncertain about is how much I need to emphasise the research angle here. This question actually comes from my interdisciplinary research, but I don’t say much about it.
Well, MathOverflow is much less strict about including context in questions than Mathematics.
If somebody asks for origin of the problem in comments, probably you should include it.
And also if it helps in some way to clarify mathematical problem.
Completely hypothetical example, just to clarify what I have in mind: "I came to this problem while trying to modify Stewart's model for spreading diseases using Hendricks-Jackson PDE. This means that typically the functions I am interested in are smooth and they live in some Sobolev space. Still, I would also be interested in also in other kinds of approximations, not only related to my specific problem."
@MartinSleziak The problem is that I don’t think I can communicate the context without writing a paper. I will just post and see what happens.
Q: Which mathematical subfield or formalism deals with local but non-pointwise function approximations?

WrzlprmftMain Question I have a class of high-dimensional functions which obey certain constraints (of value or partial derivative) on specific submanifolds of their domain. I am quite confident that there is a more specific class of functions that matches these functions on these submanifolds and approx...

You beat me by a few seconds.
Thanks for your help.
@Wrzlprmft I am not sure to which extent it is useful, but I will ask anyway: Have you saved somewhere the answer which was posted on Mathematics and is now deleted?
I see that you are below 10k on that site.
I haven’t saved the answer, but the paper. It’s not what I was looking for at all.
Ok. Since you have the paper - I don't think the answer has much to add.
Still if there is some reason you think that some part of the answer might be useful, I can copy the text of the answer somewhere.
Thank you, but no, I don’t think it is useful.

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