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12:02 AM
It's not insurmountable but it's extremely geared towards preserving itself, especially in light of the Supreme Court continuing to back it up
12:13 AM
Wow. Sen. Lamar Alexander — chair of the Senate's health committee — just eviscerated the DOJ's ACA brief. (My story on the brief: https://www.buzzfeed.com/chrisgeidner/obamacare-trump-aca-individual-mandate-preexisting-condition?utm_term=.dyNxNBWq3#.phy81DMLA)
12:35 AM
why is #TrumpKimSummit promoted
1:03 AM
@TimStone wow, lamar alexander
1:20 AM
@quartata That's Twitter diplomacy 😎
@GodEmperorDune The individual mandate was easy enough to attack because it was a tax but directly telling sick people to get bent is still quite unpopular
What does God look like? Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that Americans generally think God looks like a young, Caucasian man. https://nbcnews.to/2sO3smH
Okay, the latter part doesn't surprise me but why does everyone think he's young? 🤔
i honestly thought that was a picture of alex jones. i should actually do that
1:55 AM
I've always found their polling stuff very interesting. They really have a different approach to it.
no one on the waluigi crimes?
posted twice in the bridge
my faith is restored
The process used to strip someone of US citizenship typically was rare and applied mostly to war criminals who lied on immigration paperwork. A new federal office aims to change that. http://apne.ws/NWuM3gA
gone again as we target people who messed up their papers
1 hour later…
3:14 AM
Dems PICK-UP a state Senate district in Wisconsin! Democrat Caleb Frostman wins by 3% in #SD1, a district Trump had carried by 17%. This is WI Dems' 2nd Senate pick-up *this year.* Remember: Scott Walker had refusing to call a special election here until courts compelled him to.
Also Steve King was being trash again, shocker
It’s so disturbing & depressing how a sitting US congressman can tweet out neo-Nazi propaganda & it’s not a national scandal & none of his colleagues are calling for him to resign. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/steve-king-white-nationalist-neo-nazi-retweet_us_5b200eaee4b0adfb826e8e40
Mark Sanford trailing in the SC Republican primary after Trump trashed him
Oh that's nice Twitter, a promoted QAnon tweet 🙄
3:41 AM
they'll take anyone's money
Amazon and Comcast explored the idea of teaming up on a Fox bid, splitting the assets, @shalini reports. Shows that the media appetite for tech companies is there. Apple, too. When will they pull the trigger? https://www.wsj.com/articles/green-light-for-at-t-deal-sets-up-comcasts-fox-bid-merger-frenzy-1528840347 via @WSJ
A father, veteran, and anarchist walks into a city council meeting https://t.co/707N1DBHcL
his whole segment minus that bit
for some reason
that guy fuckin rules
4:05 AM
Startup Clarifai also worked on the Pentagon's Maven AI project https://www.wired.com/story/startup-working-on-contentious-pentagon-ai-project-was-hacked It got hacked. Ex-employee's lawsuit alleges she was wrongfully dismissed for arguing the company should disclose a hack to DoD.
Yeah that's normally a good idea since they'll, you know, probably find out
4:20 AM
Scoop: A federal agent questioned @AliWatkins about her sources, and he had detailed records of her travel. He’s now being investigated, after we inquired about his actions. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/customs-and-border-protection-examining-agents-questioning-of-national-security-reporter/2018/06/12/05dac696-6e74-11e8-afd5-778aca903bbe_story.html?utm_term=.3f73191435ef by me, @mattzap, and @jackgillum
5:14 AM
@Unionhawk `awww, the sup bootlickers was the best part
@TimStone the dude working for DHS is literally named rambo
It's just so weird
extremely weird
5:48 AM
GOP Maine governor threatens not to certify election results http://hill.cm/vxFwSfU
Literally pick him up and throw him in the trash, Maine. Just walk up and toss him in there
@TimStone you can't spell certify without c, as in get in the sea
6:12 AM
1 hour later…
7:16 AM
@TimStone I want to see that...
2 hours later…
9:33 AM
@Unionhawk pro taxes + anarchist = ???
10:32 AM
Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea. Meeting with Kim Jong Un was an interesting and very positive experience. North Korea has great potential for the future!
Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with North Korea. President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!
He really believes he just solved North Korea
Since we all have to act like he did so he doesn't start a nuclear war out of spite maybe it'll all work out...we'll all end up with heart conditions, but hey
10:45 AM
Actually my favourite part about this is that I'd like to imagine he's going to walk back in and relentlessly make fun of Kushner for not having brought peace to the Middle East yet
11:11 AM
We save a fortune by not doing war games, as long as we are negotiating in good faith - which both sides are!
I shouldn't be surprised, but I didn't expect Trump to be this delusional on this topic.
@TimStone What a shitty human being
I really wish Canada would introduce rank ballots
Like I'dm rather a proportional system by far
but ranked ballots would be a nice backup to stop the split the vote nonsense that always splits the left vote
12:08 PM
I prefer approval voting but frankly anything but IRV would be an unambiguous improvement over what we have now
And I'm still very cross with the Liberals for punting on voting reform
@KevinvanderVelden pro taking Jeff Bezos' money
one might argue that real anarchist praxis would be just stealing it but
12:25 PM
Maybe most important one yet: EPA chief Scott Pruitt tapped aide, donors to help wife land job at conservative group. By @eilperin @jdawsey1 @brady_dennis @ShawnBoburg https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/epa-chief-scott-pruitt-tapped-aide-donors-to-help-wife-land-job-at-conservative-group/2018/06/13/f54c87fa-6db1-11e8-afd5-778aca903bbe_story.html?utm_term=.e686a67ed158&wpisrc=al_news__alert-national&wpmk=1
Okay first off how much free time does his wife have and where can I get some
Congratulations to Corey Stewart for his great victory for Senator from Virginia. Now he runs against a total stiff, Tim Kaine, who is weak on crime and borders, and wants to raise your taxes through the roof. Don’t underestimate Corey, a major chance of winning!
Ah yes, great victory for the checks notes oh
@Unionhawk ooh, I am also in favour of that, I have a bank account number to send it to somewhere around here
Feds label Fiat Chrysler, UAW as co-conspirators https://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/autos/2018/06/12/feds-label-fiat-chrysler-uaw-co-conspirators/695076002/
> Cohen telling friends he expects to be arrested soon
I mean yeah probably
Inspector General: Interior axed study on health of Appalachians living near mountaintop removal coal mining because "costs would exceed the benefits." Stopped after nearly half of $1.0 million had already been "wasted," IG says h/t: @ValerieVolco https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-interior-coal/us-interior-department-axed-health-study-on-coal-without-clear-reason-watchdog-idUSKBN1J82Z5
Brothel owner defeats incumbent in GOP primary: http://hill.cm/JtFszx6
rubs temples
Roger Stone associate and also a reality TV star 🙄
1:28 PM
You know what's better than nuclear war and a general trade war?
Oil prices are too high, OPEC is at it again. Not good!
It's a gas war, bringing back the 70's, aw yeah
So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have “begged” for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!
there is no deal
there's a document with a bunch of vague promises to do something in the future
He's just really, really dumb and we will be lucky to survive
mm let me wait for a second confirmation of that
Did we decide on a status for low effort political memes?
@MadScientist And thank you Pot Coin™!
why is my comment pinned?
@MadScientist The rules say nothing about pins
@TimStone God looks like Elon Musk?
2:13 PM
Former Obama staffer says lawmakers could learn political lessons from soccer http://hill.cm/c6rr01z
NOT FIFA, NOT FIFA waves arms
Stormy Daniels is coming to a local strip club this weekend. I feel like that's a terrible, terrible idea.
@TimStone Well, good thing is the aide said that lawmakers could learn from soccer players and not soccer administrators.
2:44 PM
May 18 at 23:20, by Ash
Alright, here's the deal. I've updated the room description as follows: "The news discussion offshoot of the Bridge. Stars reserved for news items. Discussion should primarily be about news topics." Please attempt to follow this thing - this is not your Twitter playground, this is not for every Hot Take (TM) or well crafted dunk or "haha someone said a stupid".
@Fluttershy she still has to earn her living and was going to strip anyway, now she can charge more because she's more famous
@GodEmperorDune :(
@fredley yeah maybe we should start a side room just for dunks
2:59 PM
@TimStone "nearly half of $1.0 million" Twitter lower the character count again. Seriously, is "~$0.5M" so hard?
@fredley "stars reserved for news items", as has been the case forever.
@MadScientist Good, sing sing sing please.
On the one hand, @fredley is probably pointing out "pins !== stars". But on the other hand, pins still use a star icon.
@Yuuki Ah okay, that's my mistake.
Thanks for pointing that out.
Sorry to be wrong here, @fredley
@GodEmperorDune I live in a deeply red state. One that doesn't require a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
@GodEmperorDune Or just put dunks in the Bridge if we're not putting them here.
I really don't think we should add a third room.
3:16 PM
@Fluttershy :/
@Yuuki we have many rooms, bridge and TIF are just the main ones
(and i usually post any gaming related dunks in bridge)
@GodEmperorDune Those many rooms are all game-specific ones.
true, i suppose we will have to take the dunks to another venue
My position is thus: either put dunks/memes in the Bridge or just ban them altogether. I don't support endless partitioning of "things we don't want here".
maybe i need to set up an alternate twitter account for just the dunks
3:23 PM
Uh oh, Laura Ingraham turning on Pruitt
The Latest: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the U.S. wants North Korea to take major nuclear disarmament steps within the next two years. http://apne.ws/jzSbhFw
"Before the next election please", lol
just in time for the 2020 elections
like how they asked the court not to decide the "destroy obamacare" lawsuit until 2019
Augh, Lindsay Shepherd you need to like...stop. (She's suing Laurier now)nationalpost.com/news/canada/…
@Yuuki pinning something also stars it. even after you unpin it, it will still have your star on it (which incidentally allows ROs to star their own messages)
@quartata I'm also like 60-70% certain the entire thing was a joke.
@fredley is almost certainly aware of that functionality as I'm pretty sure he's done that at least once before.
wellll as long as we're debating the semantics
3:44 PM
Maybe @fredley was trolling the star list
What would you know about @fredley?
Leave this discussion to us subject-matter experts.
I don't know, when this room was initially created to get depressing Trump/Brexit material out of Bridge, but then became news only.
I still feel like I need a place to shitpost
If it were completely up to me, I'd be fine with putting it in the Bridge.
Nah I do see the reason to get it out
The problem is that we now have one room that is nice, one room that is depressing. What I need is a room that is depressing and funny.
But, like, shitpost-tier funny
@fredley So not funny at all
Actually I think depressing and unfunny could describe either room
3:49 PM
Honestly shit post style humor just like exponentially adds to my general depressed state
I mean once you get past the existential horror of our current moment, it's pretty funny to think of how we got here
But like, that first part
@Ash Hmm, It probably does for me too. But I guess it's sort of a balm to the general fuckedness of everything if you can at least make stupid memes about it.
@Unionhawk My problem is that this room is just the first part
Listen I'm trying to post red victories whenever I can but it's hard when like, Seattle City Council is a group of 7 cowards, a socialist alternative member, and one other councilmember
red as in GOP red?
red as in the color associated with the left in every other country
3:52 PM
@Uni's just having a grand old time.
and throughout history
When you think about it, I guess the invention/discovery of fire would be considered a progressive/leftist move.
@Yuuki God damn it I want to star this
@fredley i guess we gotta make a slack or discord for just memes and crossposting
3:59 PM
@Yuuki Niiiice.
@fredley I mean in socialist victories, one of our members canvassed a cat twitter.com/nobodystabbedme/status/1006327018798141440
this kentucky medicaid stuff is just, fun
@Unionhawk Tacking on to the replies, calicos actually can be male.
It's just very very rare and I think they're sterile.
We really should have been on top of when this was rolling out, but at least we have it figured out I think
We originally scheduled a canvassing launch in another cincinnati neighborhood this weekend, but we got it shifted to kentucky with the medicaid materials
@Unionhawk Yeah, I really do think you guys need to have a firmer understanding of feline genetics.
@Unionhawk like this?
4:11 PM
oh the felony charges and instead is moving forward on misdemeanor posession of an instrument of a crime and misdemeanor reckless endangerment
4:23 PM
lol that video is getting used by various other chapters
At least we already have canvassing maps for where we're looking to go
4:56 PM
Meanwhile, in the house of gammon commons:
Someone's broke Ken Clarke https://t.co/6bofiFJD42
@fredley guess EU is keeping his ability to speak
@Ash Wait, she's suing because she got fired for showing a video about gender neutral pronouns? Or did I read this wrong?
5:24 PM
As if we weren’t already living in bizarro-verse.
@Fluttershy it was a debate with jordan peterson about gender neutral pronouns being bad
who, speaking of which, has reached heretofore unexplored levels of Assholery
not like a "here are what gender neutral pronouns are and how they work"
@quartata pretty much this
one sec trying to find the thread
he likes to take inflammatory stances, then fundraise from the inevitable outrage
5:32 PM
Wow. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning https://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2018/06/283183.htm
fuck, my TL blows
I can't find this thread
@Fluttershy She didn't get fired though (was my understanding), and she got an apology for everything
I swore Ash was the one who retweeted it, it was about a patient Peterson "treated" who was date-raped multiple times
maybe deleted? I can't be going crazy over here
it was in his book
blah, whatever. it's not much of a surprise anyways
tl;dr he didn't believe her, basically made fun of it in his book, "but what about the men falsely accused hurrrr," lobster.avi
House Republicans propose financial penalties for states that block offshore drilling https://wapo.st/2sUCJF7
Extremely Normal
5:39 PM
love to literally target coastal elitists
also kind of ridiculous for republicans to whine about govt revenues being low when they literally passed a tax cut that does the same
@fredley use Twitter, that's what I do
1/ Today @abcnews reported that Michael Cohen is likely to cooperate with federal prosecutors in Manhattan. He has reportedly fired his defense attorneys. https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-lawyer-michael-cohen-cooperate-attorneys-leave-case/story?id=55861988
russia investigation drama continues
cohen flipped before manafort, lmao
manafort owes money to a lot more dangerous people that cohen, iirc
Also, IIRC, Cohen's ties are mostly US-based?
5:50 PM
@GodEmperorDune Ohhhhhhh
The College Board, the non-profit that administers Advanced Placement classes, has made a decision to remove pre-colonial civilizations from the curriculum of AP world history courses. https://www.colorlines.com/articles/teachers-fight-keep-pre-colonial-world-history-ap-course
dammit i thought i wouldn't have to deal with them after getting out of school
to be fair, AP world has always sucked
true dat, but i figured since its about the world, it would be about the world instead of just europe and the US
also convenient to cut off all the times that europe and the US were not dominant
6:12 PM
@GodEmperorDune Very much so.
@quartata I didn't take AP world. Did it have the Mongolian empire or the Ottoman empire previously?
@puzzlepiece87 From my memories of AP World, not really.
I think the extent of coverage on the Ottoman Empire was mentioning (really just name-dropping) Suleiman the Great.
And the Mongolian Empire mostly centered around them invading and possibly causing the bubonic plague and not really the power structures they left behind and the significant influence they had throughout Eurasia.
I mean, there's some sense in their justification that "10,000 years of history is too much for a single AP course" but the better solution would be to create an AP Colonial History course/exam rather than cut out of significant parts of AP World History.
Crazy that the world's biggest geographic empire is barely covered and the half of the Roman Empire that survived the "Dark Ages" (Europe-centrism again ahoy) is given the same treatment.
@puzzlepiece87 Not just that it's barely covered but also that the coverage that exists is centered entirely around their effects on Europe.
6:27 PM
@Yuuki The dumbest.
when i took it there was some mention of african tribes and how they were awesome way back in the day
but even then it was mostly eurocentric
if the argument is that "world history" is too broad then maybe split it into different courses, none with the name "world"
@GodEmperorDune That would be better prep for college anyway.
@GodEmperorDune I propose they can kiss my ass
6:52 PM
🚨 PA Senate has passed a redistricting reform bill that was dramatically changed to include a proposal to create districts for state appellate courts, including Supreme Court. Democrats call it a poison pill; activists pulled support & lobbied against. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/state/pennsylvania-senate-gerrymandering-redistricting-reform-bill-sb22-judicial-district-20180613.html
God damnit, I can only go to so many chambers and kick everyone square in the shins at once
Senate intelligence aide James Wolfe pleads not guilty to lying to FBI in federal leak probe, attorney Preston Burton says it is "highly likely" defense will seek gag order in case citing "glib remarks" by Trump, DOJ officials suggesting he leaked classified information. https://twitter.com/ByLynhBui/status/1005159689984856065
@TimStone (video statement)
Tough situation
No easy answers I guess
fuck, I just got breitbart'd
Irrelevant also I tried a bunch of other sources and none of them had as comprehensive an article
Yeah like that one
What made Breitbart more comprehensive than other sources?
7:09 PM
I wonder if Brietbart has an ideological horse in this race that they keep posting "trans people are winning at sports" again
I guess, you know
we will just never know
who can say
@Yuuki @Unionhawk well said.
Could it be possible that they're baiting their far right audience who want reasons to be mad at trans people existing again
The world, may never know for certain
""""'biological girls</html> bolded in the headline was enough for me to realize i had made a dreadful mistake
@quartata Same
Friends don't link friends to Breitbart or Milo.
7:21 PM
Breitbart lies, it's as simple as that. Even ignoring the extreme bias, they simply don't care about facts, which makes them entirely useless as a source
ok it's a hilarious coincidence that bombsfall tweeted this right after I typed that
wait, what if Uni is bombsfall
I will be visiting his city in a couple months for a DSA conference
And I speedrun his game
I mean, there is an interesting question about gender division in modern competitive sports being an almost entirely binary interpretation of gender in conflict with a growing nuanced view of the gender spectrum.
i;m sorry, burden of proof is on you
i'm just asking questions here
And I agree that it's something that should be discussed.
7:25 PM
has anyone seen you in the same room with him, no, checkmate
But Breitbart should not be anyone's source of information in this discussion.
@quartata not yet, is what I'm saying
we all know DSA has cloning technology
@quartata Is that what they mean by "copyleft"?
yes exactly
rms is in on it too
lizardpeople. lobster. please retweet
OK I was genuinely surprised to see that Musk beat Roseanne in the Meltdown May poll thing
7:43 PM
Strong New York Times editorial in favor of ranked-choice voting. The case is clear: - Higher turnout - More civility in campaigning - Better representation - More satisfied voters https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/09/opinion/ranked-choice-voting-maine-san-francisco.html
hell yeah
@quartata woo multi-member districts
A lot of people talk alternative voting systems to fix our electoral mess, but there's significantly fewer discussions about alternative representational systems.
to be fair, that's harder to change
toss 👏 the 👏 senate 👏 in 👏 the 👏 trash
as if that would actually improve anything
@Unionhawk everyone has an ideology
7:50 PM
did we do this yet?
Thats not really news
he writes for the new york times, hell yes it is
this is not a random person
well, he should be
@GnomeSlice Is this the "but both sides" justification?
@GnomeSlice That is a highly reductive point and you know what I mean.
7:56 PM
@Unionhawk no it's not, all news sites have bias they all report on stuff they like. Everyone knows brietbart is right wing just like everyone knows like CNN or whatever is left wing.
It's a non-point
cnn is not a left wing publication, first of all
@GnomeSlice You're implying that CNN is therefore just as honest (or dishonest) as Breitbart.
That's not what was being discussed
He said 'hey almost like brietbart has an ideological horse in the race' well yeah so does every news outlet
The article appears to be correct I looked at a bunch of sources
My point was Brietbart's entire purpose for publishing that article was to get people mad about trans people beating "biological girls" because that's who their audience is.
Some of them had interviews with other students and some talked about the petition, brietbart mentioned both so I posted that one
7:57 PM
And that's who they are.
You guys are being willfully obtuse
They literally have a huge pride flag as the article header image
Part of me just wants to remove that rule on stars because it's apparent that nobody cares about it.
Everyone has an ideology, sure, except their angle is based on this as some grand injustice against Real People
@Yuuki you're an RO, you can cancel the stars
Plus 'i don't like this news outlet' doesn't negate the news
7:59 PM
@quartata I'd really rather not have to do it as often as I do.
It's deeper than not liking it
How the fuck are we the intentionally obtuse ones in this scenario
@GnomeSlice Sure it doesn't. But when a news outlet and the opinion writers that associate themselves with it consistently lie and say really dumb horrible shit, it's just not worth my time anymore
@GnomeSlice If we're being willfully obtuse, this is equally willfully obtuse.
You've just shortcutted all the "Breitbart is a lying organization of liars" to "you guys just don't like Breitbart".
Idgaf about brietbart I just wanted to post the best article about that
Unlike you guys I don't care where my news comes from as long as it's accurate
And if you think I don't double check shit before I post it then ???
Get over yourselves
I think you posted an article whose content may indeed be a thing that happened but whose intent was to fuel hate.
Is what I think.
Whether the second was your intent or not, I don't really care and I'm assuming not
But that it was their intent, I think is plainly evident.
8:11 PM
It's just an article dude if I wanted to fuel hate I'd have posted the one on Milos site which is where I first read it
Plus I think we're all adult enough to read things without automatically absorbing the writers beliefs like come on man
Are you five
That's like justifying the daily stormer as a source by saying "I mean I don't agree with it it's just an article" what
Giving it the time of day begins to normalize it.
"look you have to admit this is a Real Problem with No Easy Solution"
@Unionhawk That's what is always said when a Breitbart or Milo article is linked. I eventually got tired of it and just ignored. Being able to discern good information is an important prerequisite in having a good discussion.
It's just a pair of bad faith publications operating in bad faith
8:21 PM
Too much of the same discussion over and over again, without enough change for my tastes. "How do you know Trump is racist?", etc.
And I will call it out every time. You don't get to just post clickbait designed to attract transphobes without getting called on it. Sorry.
JUST IN: Mueller requests 150 more blank subpoenas in Manafort case http://hill.cm/EucYqop
@Unionhawk Fully agreed, well deserved.
@quartata Holy crap.
it;s actually so good
It really is
That's gonna need updating baby
8:26 PM
The headline is a tad bit misleading since it's not for 150 witnesses
And also maybe rescaling to allow for bigger bubbles
it's like 75
Let's make it logarithmic and hope for the best!
@quartata I'm glad someone in power cares about this stuff.
Let's just make Mueller special prosecutor of all crimes for as long as he wants.
@Unionhawk In fact, amendment: strike the last sentence. Absolutely not sorry.
Sorry guys, can't find any left wing news outlets reporting that story. Guess it's fake news right
8:36 PM
That you find this story so important is frankly a little telling. Have a good day.
It's important because I wanted to discuss and you guys seem more interested in discussing my choice of hosting site
Which is frankly, retarded
I'd reconsider the previous message before 2 minutes
@GnomeSlice If you cared about accuracy, you should probably not consider sources with a history of inaccuracy.
Let's back up then, ok, fine. Why is it important that a trans person is winning at sports then
Failing to address contentions that Breitbart regularly lies in their stories but instead focusing on a linked dog whistle story is definitely missing the big picture in favor of the little one.
8:41 PM
Also, this definitely isn't the first time we've talked about how Breitbart is a terrible source because they're lying liars who lie.
Mark Leno is conceding. San Francisco's next mayor will be London Breed, a Black woman who grew up in public housing and is a full-throated YIMBY (https://medium.com/@LondonBreed/an-affordable-city-for-all-of-us-3ba5bb17c720) https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Mark-Leno-expected-to-concede-SF-mayor-s-race-12991190.php
This isn't even the first time we've talked about the "trans person wins at sports" scenario, though that one was because he was forced to compete as a girl (idk what this specific arrangement was)
YIMBY -> "Yes In My Backyard"?
8:43 PM
I don't even remember what exactly they believe
Free market build more houses will solve it I think?
@Unionhawk Unrelated to current discussion, which city was this video for? I can't hear well. NYC, CVille, or other?
@puzzlepiece87 this is cville
@Yuuki Yup, those discussions tend to happen again and again without change or learning. It's disappointing.
@Unionhawk Thank you!
Comcast offers $65 billion cash bid for 21st Century Fox http://hill.cm/E30wjh7
@TimStone ... is Comcast trying to be the Thor to Disney's Thanos?
8:50 PM
@Yuuki Absolutely not. They're trying to be (competing villain).
BREAKING: Republican Senator Inofe says EPA's Pruitt may need to leave his post. Inhofe represents Oklahoma, where Pruitt was state attorney general.
Fair enough, they're trying to also acquire 21CF (the Stone) rather than trying to kill Disney.
@Yuuki I dunno but these full verticals are bad :/
So... more like Ronan or Malekith, I guess.
Giuliani's son gets West Wing access revoked after Trump tried to promote him: report http://hill.cm/1DDnzVm
lol fantastic
Things going swimmingly for the Giulianis

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