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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

[bruglesco/memory-card] 6 commits. 365 additions. 303 deletions.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 1 commit. 1 opened issue. 1 addition. 2 deletions.
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] 11 commits. 7 opened issues. 6 closed issues. 11 issue comments. 451 additions. 331 deletions.
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] 2 commits. 2 additions. 1 deletion.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 2 opened issues. 1 closed issue. 13 issue comments.
[Zomis/Server2] 1 opened issue.
> This should be reasonably easy to implement in Vue.js client.
> Doing this as suggested with "Health: 2 base + 2 from Healer" I believe would require modifications to the server code, as right now the server only tells the client what its stats are, and not why they are that way. We added a mouse-over text for all the buttons that tell what the meaning of the button is, which I think is close enough for now.
> Closing as no longer needed #144 as we have chosen to go with Vue.js and have implemented the new client.
> Closing as no longer needed #144
> Closing as no longer needed #144
> This behavior has been fixed in new Vue.js client #144
> This may not be too hard to do with the new Vue.js client, we would just need to find a way to persist a chat component between page loads, perhaps we could try putting a JSON object in `localStorage` and then loading it into a smaller version of the chat?

One idea is perhaps this mini-chat could be accessed from top navbar at any time (except before login). Let's revisit this after #147 is done.
@FreezePhoenix Yes?
Sorry about the spam, this cleanup is WAAAYYYYY overdue
You guys are busy.
There's just several years' worth of ideas and stuff
@Phrancis you know you can disable the webhook.
I don't have access to do that on this repo. I'll stop for a while though, if you like
No, continue. It's fine.
Oh wait, yeah I do. I switched it to commit events only instead of everything
I'll switch it back later
Can @Duga set a reminder? :P
No, why?
@SimonForsberg TODO:
- Make a way to set up a reminder on Duga
There's already a million ways and apps that do just that, I don't see a point in adding it to @Duga just because it can be done...
@Phrancis Ok.
Wish I could help you.
You could contribute with code :)
@Phrancis recently, on the workforce body...
5 hours ago, by FreezePhoenix
This must be the work of the admins who for their sake can't even set up a secure blocking service!
@Marc-Andre o/
@Phrancis I can try and help... but I can't just contribute like I normally could.
@Marc-Andre hows your day/night going?
@Phrancis What parts of the code need worked on / written?
@FreezePhoenix I found a few easy GUI HTML/CSS issues I can assign to you if you like
Should be a good way to familiarize yourself with the code base
Will it ping me (In github) if you assign something to me?
I had already made the changes in vanilla branch, basically just copy the design
@FreezePhoenix Great I'm taking time to relax a bit. Might program a bit too
Members have to be added by an owner - @SimonForsberg Can you make me an owner of Cardshifter organization and/or add @FreezePhoenix as a member?
@FreezePhoenix You can still work on the issue though, just fork develop to your own account, and we can do a pull request later
@Phrancis I may not have this done untile tommorow evening.
There's no hurry at all
It works fine as it is, this is just an enhancement to make it more modern HTML/CSS
@Phrancis so chat needs to use a grid instead of divs?
Yes the chat, and the table in the deck builder
If you have any questions let me know
I'm done with issues so I'll turn the webhook back on
@Phrancis Test out `Lobby.vue'
> I found Bootstrap Charts that may be a good way to achieve this in Vue.js client.
@FreezePhoenix Do you have Node and npm on your machine?
@Phrancis Yes, but node is installed as nodejs which is a pain.
Well, we just use npm to build and run it, so it may not matter
Just point a cmd prompt to the root directory of the repo, then run npm run build
Actually, run npm install at first
That takes a while but once it is done do: npm run build
And after that is done: npm run dev
Then you can just open it in the browser at http://localhost:42637
npm WARN engine [email protected]: wanted: {"node":">=4"} (current: {"node":"0.10.29","npm":"1.4.21"})
LOL I have node 6 installed wut do you mean!
LOL I just saw you pop in the chat in game
Hummm play.cardshifter is not friendly anymore
bit.ly/codereview-games - use the link from there
I'll edit the wiki to remove that link
to play.cardshifter
we don't want to direct people there
Oh. Yeah.
I'm planning to (eventually) have all this static content as part of HTML client, it's just not top priority right now
That looks pretty good
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] Phrancis pushed commit bcd83ae7 to vuejs-css-fixes: improve Lobby CSS by adjusting font sizes
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] build for commit bcd83ae7 on vuejs-css-fixes: This commit looks good
All the CSS is referencing elements by ID instead of by class... who wrote this shit? Oh wait, I did...
[banane-io/PDB] marcandregirard pushed commit 0e4dd1d9 to java-rewrite: Fix the layout issue when inside a view folder
[banane-io/PDB] marcandregirard pushed commit 8da56519 to java-rewrite: Preparing to show your character
These are all cardshifter notifications
you've been busy
Hey @DanPantry
I went tonight and updated a shit ton of issues, that must be what they are from
But yes, we've been (finally) busy again :D
We've settled with Vue.js, so all this Angular, React and Redux stuff was no longer relevant
I think I'm getting pretty decent with front-end stuff, maybe I should try to find work in that field some day
I've ended up being the front-end expert within AppSec in Riot as a result of my previous experience, haha
Well, that and no one else wants to touch the front end
It's a good time to get into it, though. It's a lot more stable than a few years ago with most users converging on evergreen browsers (i.e browsers not named IE)
Front-end as in the public-facing Riot websites and such?
No, more to do with internal tooling
the security team has no public facing websites yet
Ah OK cool
Our weapon of choice is React
Still liking it pretty well at Riot?
But that's because it's just myself and another programmer and we both like functional languages a lot
And React is pretty functional
Yeah, it's okay. I'm looking to move to mid level engineer this year or next year and hopefully that precipitates emigrating to the US
React is a good choice indeed
You would be surprised how much of this job is code reviewing
And communication
As opposed to engineering
BTW, we're having a home-made games event tomorrow afternoon, if you're interested
CR prepped me well for this.. lol
May 22 at 17:16, by Simon Forsberg
If you want to play on Saturday, please go to the event and register yourself
I saw :) I can't commit to anything since i'm not even sure whne I will be awake, lol
it's 4am here and im not tired yet, which means im probably not going to be awake for the event unless i stay up
Well it's in 12 hours, still plenty of time to sleep lol
i'll see
thanks for the offer, either way
Unless you're a night owl like me
@bruglesco up for a few rounds?
Do you want to play Cardshifter - see if there are any kinks before tomorrow?
We could if you like, up to you
Don't matter - you decide
I've tested it as I go along so I don't expect anything breaking, but never hurts to double check
assassin isn't allowed to attack on subsequent turns - he was only able to attack in 1st round
He is ranged I believe, he attacks every other turn
ohh okay
Ranged allows you to override the Taunt effect
the dynamic sizing has differing heights
Summon 2 Terracotta Soldier to your Hand
This appears to have failed
@bruglesco Minor display bug but we can put in an issue
Wait, I got the Terracotta Soldiers, false positive
@Phrancis I can add the issue - which branch?
@Phrancis but do you want that effect to trigger on play or on start of next turn
@bruglesco It works as intended, I just failed to read it correctly :)
@bruglesco Add the issue on HTML-Client repo after the match
ahh to hand not field
just end it
It's missing a Game Over, we have yet to put that in, I need to put in a issue for that
You'll just have to reload to the loading screen
I thought Simon mentioned that
> Right now when a game ends, nothing happens, the only way to go back to play is to go back to the login page manually. This functionality existed in Angular client, we just need to implement in Vue client.
He did
also toward the end of our match I had very few cards to play
Yeah, game balance is going to be something to work on an ongoing basis
I assume that's how the game was designed but it seems to counteract the building mana pool aspect if you can't gather lots of cards to use
I didn't have any good cards but I had 5 weak ones that I could play
@Phrancis always. blizzards rebalances their games all the time
I haven't ran into that as much with Cyborg Chronicles, let's try a game?
@Phrancis I had 1 card - I had 40 spare mana I couldn't use
sure brb first
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] Phrancis pushed commit 5b954463 to vuejs-css-fixes: copy name of HTML id into a class for each element
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] Phrancis pushed commit 79f0210b to vuejs-css-fixes: apply same indentation to whole file
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] build for commit 79f0210b on vuejs-css-fixes: This commit looks good
> [2018-05-26 00:03:41] Phrancis: These timestamps are a little much, I'll fix that soon
[2018-05-26 00:03:52] bruglesco: yes
[2018-05-26 00:04:06] Phrancis: [May-26 00:03] would be plenty
[2018-05-26 00:04:17] Phrancis: Or 26-May
[2018-05-26 00:04:44] Phrancis: Or even just [00:06] since these are not stored anyways, completely ephemeral
Is the game stuck?
my fault I thought I chose
steroid implants has no name under it
That's expected, though we should probably add a card type for it
or just a spacer
Spareparts' only purpose is to give you scrap so it's best to just scrap when you cast it, fyi
All cards have Taunt in this mod, so bear that in mind
@Phrancis thanks for the tip
I mis-remembered the Ranged effect, it's not meant to override taunt, rather it overrides the counter-attack damage from the opponent when you attack their card
Like what I just did with my Longshot
dat Commander
I'm toast
yeouch, not even close
That sorta seems to be how this game goes
OK I'm going for a smoke, how's HotS sound after?
Yeah it gets kinda lop-sided
Once one side has an advantage I don't think it is likely to shift back
Now that we have a platform to play on, it shouldn't be so difficult to balance gameplay
I can do 1. 2 if we are fast
OK I'll smoke later, let's jump in
I'm in voice channel too on Discord
6 hours later…
@bruglesco nice new profile pic.
@Phrancis I might be a bit late for the event today but I will try to make it in time
1 hour later…
@SimonForsberg ok no problem
@FreezePhoenix thanks
I was checking out my email specs and almost died:
Limit 1TB of files total per email
Holy cow
Limit 10GB per file
That's ridiculous
Yeh it is...
Another day, another Java update...
Does that look reasonably OK?
ty Hosch
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] Phrancis pushed commit f980aabd to vuejs-css-fixes: CSS improvements to DeckBuilder
yes it looks okay.
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] build for commit f980aabd on vuejs-css-fixes: This commit looks good
change lines 25 - 30 to this;
 <table id="lobby-chat-messages">
                  <tr v-for="message in chatMessages" :class="{'user-chat-message': message.from === currentUser.username}" id="lobby-chat-message">
                      <!-- Only display from if there is a from. Errors will not have a from -->
                      <th>[{{message.timestamp}}] {{message.from ? message.from + ":" : ""}} {{message.message}}</th>
A: Find out which process is locking a file or folder in Windows

frank PowerShell method: IF((Test-Path -Path $FileOrFolderPath) -eq $false) { Write-Warning "File or directory does not exist." } Else { $LockingProcess = CMD /C "openfiles /query /fo table | find /I ""$FileOrFolderPath""" Write-Host $LockingProcess } More details How to find out ...

[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] Phrancis pushed commit 4ffddf61 to vuejs: CSS improvements to DeckBuilder
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] Phrancis pushed commit 67851aa7 to vuejs: Merge branch 'vuejs' of github.com/Cardshifter/HTML-Client into vuejs
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] build for commit 67851aa7 on vuejs: This commit looks good
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] Phrancis pushed commit c0039655 to vuejs-css-fixes: Merge branch 'vuejs-css-fixes' into vuejs
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] build for commit c0039655 on vuejs-css-fixes: This commit looks good
@Mast medium time no see.
I'll play a couple of rounds, but got to finish something first. Back in 5.
@FreezePhoenix lol
If anyone's interested in some little tests, I found a cool website: humanbenchmark.com
> I’ve always thought that one of the the great things about physics is that you can add more digits to any number and see what happens and nobody can stop you.
@skiwi No thanks...
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] Phrancis pushed commit c554681a to develop: CSS improvements:
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] build for commit c554681a on develop: This commit looks good
I'm ready!
Want to play Connect4?
I'm streaming :)
I hope this works. I hate merging branches.
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] build for commit 9896284f on master: This commit looks good
Game request sent.
I'm on and down for Connect4 / Ur / UTTT
@Phrancis can you stick my test in there too?
@FreezePhoenix I'd prefer to wait on that
Ok. Thats fine.
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit ef39eeb7 to master: Added box words
Gitting the hang of git...
@DainIronfootIII Quite the analysis you made in your stream :-)
Yes, we can see your cursor.
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit 64249740 to master: Touched up descriptions to be accurate, added a few
Yea, that's me.
@Mast Discord channel if you want
@Phrancis I'd have to figure out my mic settings and all again. But I'll keep it in mind.
You can still listen in to voice if you want
It's more real time compared to Twitch which is a good 10-20 seconds behind
Anyone up for a game of Ur?
me me!
@DainIronfootIII Is there any way to have git remember my password and Username?
Git? Not sure.
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit a3a0a9cc to master: This is nodescript, not coffeescript
I use VS, and VS handles it for me.
Wow, I missed how I forced myself out of there.
Notice how I had two directions to complete that 4 in.
You should have blocked that far earlier.
You were way spread out.
I was very consolidated.
Tried throwing you off. Which kind of worked.
The wrong way.
I need to get this streaming working at some point - maybe @DainIronfootIII youcan help me out later?
I was worried about the 6 column early in the game.
@Phrancis Yes.
Install OBS.
Set up your Twitch account.
Notice anything odd?
I just got that on UTTT!
I had to re-log-in.
Ugh. It won't let me play anyone until I finish my game.
I can't move :(
@SimonForsberg We broke your server.
I think it needs a kick in the shins.
gg! @Phrancis
Yes indeed!
That was a helluva close game.
Lucky capture near the end gave me victory
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit c5fa59a4 to master: Didn't git git
Taking a quick break then hopping in Cardshifter
I may be losing cell service soon, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to grab another game.
Final game state for anyone interested ^
Close indeed.
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit 24069fda to CoffeeScript: Coffeescript not NodeScript
@EthanBierlein Whoa that is close.
OK... do I have this right? git push [target] [target branch]
@DainIronfootIII lol
I kind of expected a Wukong picture for Monking.
@FreezePhoenix Looks like it.
@FreezePhoenix Yep, Phrancis managed to capture my last piece before I could get it to the end of the track.
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit 3c24c0c9 to CoffeeScript: Same as before, this is Coffeescript not anything else.
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit 2e903de6 to CoffeeScript: Why were those there? Hm?
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit ff37da6c to CoffeeScript: Added coffee box words!
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit 0710c52a to NodeScript: Add NodeScript box words
@Phrancis uhoh.
Upgrado still having issues replacing itself
@Phrancis should I disable the webhook or are you fine?
You're fine
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit 9f2bff72 to master: Whoops got the spacing wrong
I should just put everything for one branch on one PR.
I've seen a few better cards... Yeh OUCH that one is the worst I've seen now that I look at it
Now you've seen worse.
Da heck...
muses how to delete a remote branch with git...
@FreezePhoenix If you are on GitHub, use the web UI.
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit d4b9acb9 to CoffeeScript: Those Files would not bee found.
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit 10411034 to LiveScript: Those wouldn't be found...
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit 22fd62f3 to TypeScript: Same here...
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] FreezePhoenix pushed commit 8460d8f6 to NodeScript: Should've figured out how to put these all in one PR
But don't bother telling me how to put them in one PR. I have a search engine...
anyone want to play ur?
@Phrancis here now
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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