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@fluttershy, were you still confused about weird worlds? I can probably answer questions now
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think I used to know a song that involved that as a line
that was like the part where people got burned or something
@agent86 Yeah, it's a biblical reference.
three jews who were to be burned alive for heresy, but they didn't die and danced in the flames instead.
because they were right and jew god is awesome etc.
I had a quite religious upbringing, so bits and pieces of things stick with me, but the larger message about hating gay people did not.
@agent86 Probably my favorite Beastie Boys song.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can't say that I've listened to their entire catalog, but I'll check this out. At the moment I am obsessed with superstition by stevie wonder
@agent86 I don't recall a larger message about hating gay people.
I mean, you've got that sick Sly Stone sample, some of the smartest lyrics of their career, and it's probably the high point for the sort of 'lets finish each others sentences', Run DMC tag team rhyme style that the Beasties were so god damned good at.
@RedRiderX you may have been/are part of a different branch than I.
Also, the first music video MCA ever directed.
@agent86 You should listen to Paul's Boutique in it's entirety today. In memory of MCA. :(
Whoo! Videos uploading @James
@LessPop_MoreFizz ah, was there a death? that's unfortunate, I feel like I tangentially encountered this news today, but it didn't sink in
@RonanForman Nice :)
Ooh, @TheRedX You were asking when UHC would go up right.
@James I almost forgot.
@RonanForman Yes I've seen day 1 now.
Something I'm constantly doing.
@agent86 Yes. Adam Yauch, AKA MCA, succumbed to cancer today. :(
He was 47. :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz sad days :(
I must say @James you were doing very well right from the beginning.
@RedRiderX I think I lucked out a bit with all those pigs around me.
@James The cave hidden in a stream was very awesome.
@agent86 You have no fucking idea.
I heard...:(
crashes through Fridays
are videos of UHC up that have actual gameplay?
based on some of the videos it seems like a wash; so much lag it's irritating to watch
What is an "enrage timer" on WoW?
How long you have until the boss gets a huge buff in damage
Oh weird.
Some people on the D3 forums (which I have been reduced to browsing) are complaining about the prospect of enrage timers for normal mobs on Inferno difficulty in D3.
Obviously we don't know how it'll work yet.
@StrixVaria It's used to prevent a variety of ridiculous strategies from working.
i.e. You can't bring 20 healers to a boss fight because you won't kill it fast enough.
I like ridiculous strategies :(
@StrixVaria Ridiculous as in stupid and tedious.
Oh that's okay then.
The 20 healers thing didn't sound like my kind of ridiculous strategy anyway.
it kind of sounds like this is going to be World of DiabloCraft
Diablo of WarWorld?
Most of the hardest fights in the history of WoW have been, among other things, defined by having very 'tight' enrage timers.
Q: Descent 2, level 24 - how to deactivate this force field?

ConcernedOfTunbridgeWellsThe screenshot below shows the room through the yellow door. One of the secret doors in the main chamber with the final boss leads to a room where you can get to the other side of the force field (i.e. the one behind the guided missiles). How does one deactivate this force field?

@agent86 One thing about WoW, is it means that Blizzards designers have spent the past several years thinking very very hard about encounter design and how to create challenges that can't be trivialized by resorting to tedium.
@agent86 I wouldn't call it that based on the possibility of one mechanic.
@StrixVaria more of a general observation, that they've been trying to incorporate more of the learnings of WoW into D3. Not saying it's a bad thing, just hadn't really considered it to this point for whatever reason.
I am reminded of killing a giant in Skyrim by climbing on a rock where couldn't reach me and shooting hundreds of arrows at it.
as long as I can get a giant flaming axe and use it to smash the shit out of some skeletons, I'm good
@StrixVaria Yeah, that sort of shit.
It's necessary to be a nanny when it comes to MMO games because what you do affects a ton of other people, but one of the great things about single-/small-multi-player games is being able to decide for yourself what you want to cheese and not cheese.
Patchwerk = simplest boss ever
@MarkTrapp Having mechanics that prevent cheese via tedium isn't really nannying though, IMO.
other people can go all nutty about this or that build or this mechanic or whatever, I just want to crush thousands of demons under my ginormous boot and/or with infinite gouts of hellfire
only reason it was "hard" was because of enrage timer
as long as "smack things hard until they stop moving" is still a game mechanic, it's all good.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If the fight is properly beatable via normal means, I don't see why you'd actively try to prevent people creatively using game mechanics to beat it in silly ways
It's making it clear that the intended challenge isn't just 'do lots of damage', it's 'do lots of damage in a short period of time', and is intended to make it clear that you can't just stack survivability and get through.
@LessPopMoreFizz on one of the D3 panels they summed up the MMORPG vs. RPG character builds as MMO = "optimal build only", while in more traditional RPGs you could explore the other "viable builds" to be creative
@agent86 The key is that you have to 'smack things hard enough'
@LessPop_MoreFizz oh, I'm always smacking things hard enough.
@agent86 Uh huh.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have no idea what you're talking about!
<--- angel
ha ha double entendre!
@MarkTrapp manly highfive
"Crazy Builds" in D3, petless Witchdoctor, melee Wizard...
Really kinda wish they'd let you opt out of the AH business as I have a feeling that's the root cause of all the stuff
@NickT The video needs to be by itself to one-box.
fight the power! the man is censoring us!
oh wait, I'm the man :/
This is literally worse than 14 Hitlers
Must...resist...urge...to check all removed messages...
Ugh I dread the "Is X a viable build?" D3 questions.
@MarkTrapp we're at 14 hitlers on the hitler scale? that's pretty severe.
@agent86 14 literal Hitlers. Which is like… 3 x worse than a normal Hitler
@MarkTrapp holy crap
SO chatrooms can get up to .2 kilohitlers on a bad day
these are not figurative hitlers people!
this is serious business.
@BenBrocka I think at around .4, the containment unit around the chat servers starts to buckle
and the nonsense starts to spill out onto other parts of the site
Last time that happened, Programmers.SE broke out
10 satirical Hitlers = 4.3 metaphorical Hitlers = 2 figurative Hitlers = 1 normal Hitler = 0.333 (repeating) literal Hitlers
Re: literal
apparently this exists - Buffy vs. Alien
@agent86 shouldn't it be Buffy the Alien Slayer?
Where do Literary Hitlers fit in? I always get those confused.
And let's not forget about the allegorical Hitlers
okay, now I need a hitler conversion chart.
this is worse than that time I needed a james brown graph.
Literary Hitlers are part of the Imperial system. 680 ferro-Hitlers = one Literary Hitler.
Is Hitler ferromagnetic?
Only on Tuesdays.
@agent86 I made you that James Brown graph!
Hitlers shouldn't be capitalized if they're a unit according to SI brochure section 5.2
A la volt, amp, ohm...
@LessPop_MoreFizz indeed you did, I never forget a person who makes me a james brown chart. and that person was you.
And what's the conversion of a hitler to a mao or stalin?
Oh, Dungeon Village - I think the guy that moved to my village is going for a Don Quixote reference with his name, but "Donkey Hotty"? Really? Oh. kairosoft...
I'm pretty sure a mao is a hitler raised to the pi'th root of tau
what's tau
@NickT 2pi
@NickT A stalin is equal to a hitler, with an even distribution of it's component parts across the measured space.
@MarkTrapp Hypothetical Hitlers?
@OrigamiRobot I could be wrong, but I think one mole of hypothetical Hitlers is the same as 13 satirical Hitlers
if 1 hitler ~= 14 Megamurders, and 1 mao ~= 63 Megamurders, than 1 mao ~= 4.5 hitlers
@MarkTrapp Did Hitler have moles? I'm no history buff.
I dunno, but he apparently had a deviated septum and extreme flatulence
but I thought winners do drugs, it says so on the right --------------->
I think we need to create a standards board for this.
Is Hitler an SI unit?
I would think so.
@NickT someone trustworthy said this, so you can trust it.
I trust it.
You know who trusted things? Hitler.
Q: How do I get people to move in?

Ashley NunnI am playing Dungeon Village on Android, and built some vacant houses for adventurers to live in. Problem is, no one wants to live in my town! What do I have to do to lure people in? I would love a town bustling with adventurers.

@NickT Only users lose drugs.
@agent86 Sometimes I think you are @Wipqozn's sockpuppet.
@OrigamiRobot He wishes.
@OrigamiRobot that's a silly thing to say turtle glasses
@Wipqozn I wish I was your sockpuppet...
@OrigamiRobot I think everyone wishes they were my sock puppet.
@Wipqozn Needs more Steel Battalion.
@RedRiderX Honestly man I wish I had gotten to explore it! I never did! :(
@agent86 You spelled turtle wrong.
@Wipqozn 5 monitors, only plays Minesweeper
user image
Apr 7 at 22:41, by OrigamiRobot
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm famous!
@agent86 let me know when your Hitler fan-fics are done
@OrigamiRobot quite right, quite right. I have corrected it.
@NickT badum-tish
that's meta starred out of context. that's as many as 2 missing contexts. and that's terrible.
We need nedroid one-boxes for the same reason we need xkcd one-boxes
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 3 hours ago, by Daniel Fischer
Q: Fastest way in C# to iterate through ALL Guids Possible

SpoiledTechie.comEDIT I know this might sound stupid, but please stop voting the question down. The point has been made. No need to keep voting it down. In fact, Im pretty sure this is the most negative votes for any SO question ever. I have access to one of the top 50 fastest computers in the world. This qu...

in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 3 hours ago, by Popular Demand
You might have access to one of the fifty fastest computers in the world, but what you lack is an intuition about the size of large numbers, as all these comments and answers are pointing out. Basically you are saying "I need to put the entire contents of the Pacific ocean into this swimming pool", and when people point out that this is impossible, your response is to say that you have one of the fifty largest pools in the world, and a great hose. Guids have been deliberately designed to be in practice impossible to enumerate, so don't try. Find a different solution to your problem. — Eric Lippert Apr 5 at 15:04
too much fucking text imho
I read comics cuz I don't wanna
A: How to change other users' nicknames in multiplayer?

BobbyShort: You can't. Long: You can if it is your server. If you have f.e. Bukkit installed, you can install/write a plugin which will allow you to temper with the names of the players. This brings two problems: Only the chat-name can be easily altered. If you want to alter the name above the head...

so for answers like this, what?:
A: How to change other users' nicknames in multiplayer?

snorterMickey12You can't, it has to be your server.

probably the laziest copy ever
Q: Why are games like Quake Live and BF3 hacked so much?

Jakub P.I believe Quake Live and Battlefield 3 are flooded with bots and hacks of various kinds. I'm confused how this is possible. Isn't it possible for the game authors to digitally sign the game executables so that when they run, the server can ensure only the allowed client is running, thus prevent...

@NickT You don't need to read anything other than the caption to get the joke.
@Lazers OT?
They're making a portal 2 test chamber maker coming out May 8th. That will be a good way to distract myself for a week before I can play D3.
Step 4:
> Step Four: Now we're looking at this picture of Gabe someone made in the Puzzle Maker.
@StrixVaria They had me at "... for science"
If this is PC exclusive, I will buy a PC copy of portal 2 for this
Gaming.SE Portal 2 Test Chamber Contest?
@NickT Not sure if sarcastic...
@NickT I hope not sarcastic....
I would go make an actual post on meta but with Diablo III coming out it probably guts that idea
@NickT No.
jeez, what's with the Portal 2 hate
...Who said anything about hate?
I thought it was a great game.
@StrixVaria Yeah, okay, I'm fully accepting 'trolling' now.
Blow me, Tezzeret.
@GnomeSlice I got some guy down to < -100
@NickT Heehee.
I'm going to keep posting this until it gets starred.
Climb to the top of the Castle! has recently been updated and made FREE! Play it!
@GnomeSlice What is that 22/22?
@OrigamiRobot Dauntless Dourback. Power/Toughness equal to the number of forests you control plus the number of treefolk you control.
Also, Trample.
This is the only deck I've been using since I started playing.
Mostly because I have a forest deck myself.
So what do you guys think?
wait a sec... this sounds wrong.
Oh ballsack... did I make an error in exporting?
Yes, I did.
@GnomeSlice Here, have some pretty cool music.
@GnomeSlice lol
Naw, man.
Adding it in tomorrow morning, bright and early.
I'm guessing you want us to use a different one now, though?
@RavenDreamer Man, I forgot what a pain collision detection is to do in XNA!
I just noticed an error in it.
(Also, is my timing serendipitous or what!)
@Mana How are you doing it?
And I only have... 15 minutes to get it fixed exported and sent to you
You can send it tomorrow when your internet comes back, yeah?
@RavenDreamer The way suggested in Riemer's tutorial, with the check of the textures and the adjusted matrices that accomodate for rotation and scaling and whatnot.
No need to rush in the next 15 minutes.
@Mana Yeah, I stuck to 2d XNA, so not an issue for me.
Still, it's going to be annoying remembering how to do all that for TOJam.
Rectangle.Intersect is hella easy.
@RavenDreamer Ah, no, this is still in 2D
Bounding Boxes? Pssssssh.
but it's pixel perfect collision detection.
I guess I should just be lazy.
Link? I think I found the wrong Riemers XNA collision tutorial
and then the next two sections as well.
@RavenDreamer Internet curfew.
@GnomeSlice Tomorrow morning too?
You have until at least Noon.
@Mana Ooh, this is interesting.
@RavenDreamer I forget, which file format do you want?
@GnomeSlice .WAVs are fine, unless uploading is an issue, in which case MP3s work also
Ah, if you want wav, that'll be tomorrow.
Not sure I can do it in 10 mins
If anyone has an NG account, vote and comment, if you don't mind. =]
...Weird that the panning didn't transfer out to this player. Maybe NG doesn't support panning
Which doesn't make sense, because it's an mp3, ignore me.
Does it loop properly, or does NG's loop clip it?
Ah, looks like it was a 1-time glitch
Works fine.
@RavenDreamer NG clips it a bit.
@GnomeSlice It fixt itself the 2nd time through. shrug
They both loop perfectly. The 'short' one used to loop perfectly on NG and now it doesn't.
But the actual file does.
@RavenDreamer I'll get you the wav tomorrow, but for now, here's a low-quality mp3: dl.dropbox.com/u/29281634/FIXED.mp3
@GnomeSlice Is this different than the version on Newgrounds?
@RavenDreamer Exactly the same
Ah, then I already got it from NG, :P
newgrounds takes mp3s only, and I've been uploading the LQ ones
And you changed your eyes again
A: <kbd> elements are way intrusive

Hilarious Comedy Pesto`1234567890-=Bkspc Tabqwertyuiop[]\   Capsasdfghjkl;'Enter Shift zxcvbnm,./ Shift This is the most fun I've had all day.

@GnomeSlice Apparently I used to be somewhat active on the Newgrounds programming board. I was kind of a dick back then...
> He was harsh, but you deserved it. Learn to read, then actually read, then comprehend, then think, then post. Posting comes last, not first.
Noooooooooooooooo NOT THE CASTLE.
@StrixVaria Back then? :P
That was six minutes slower than I expected the joke to come.
@StrixVaria I was watching something on youtube, sorry.
@Mana Did you stub your toe?
A: <kbd> elements are way intrusive

Jeff AtwoodDue to abuse of the <kbd> tag here on Meta, I have disabled it. edit: now that we support [tag:name] and [meta-tag:name] syntax I have re-enabled it. example: java discussion

@NickT I know why it was done.
I like the bug where you quote a bunch of quotes
@StrixVaria Did you just now notice a "you've been banned" email?
@RavenDreamer Uh...?
I'm trying to understand what it is you're quoting
Myself 4 years ago.
On the Newgrounds forum.
Oh it looked like it was more video games related at first glance :/
Q: How do I Distribute Online Games to Other Websites?

daveyI am currently starting a website that promotes the collaboration of artists programmers and musicians to develop web and mobile games. Once these games are complete I would like to distribute them to other sites but I have no idea where to begin. All I need is a point in the right direction, I a...

It's important to have both and
There's web stuff that doesn't have to do with websites, but not the other way around. Maybe they included it for the convenience of those watching those tags?
I like on SO
I want to be able to find out who follows these bullshit tags so I can stab them in the face over the internet
someone's following on Gaming, who the fuck
Yeah. Controls is kind of a weak tag to begin with. If they're asking about controls, shouldn't it be obvious? It's not like it's really an area of expertise or anything.
@NickT And now it's got two ;)
milliseconds tag? I can't even conceive of a reason to use that tag. What information does that possibly provide? Does it have a tag wiki? I...don't even know what to say to something so silly.
1 hour later…
synonymous with
Neither really adds anything to the questions in my estimation. Lag/Latency/Ping is in the title on nearly every one of those questions and it's not like this tag identifies the question better.
Looking back on , it is conceivable that there could be a game-agnostic subject matter for a question about controls, but they are all covered by such better tags as , , , and while it hasn't come up here yet, voice commands would likewise serve to cover that area where is concerned. I just can't see how is useful so I just won't use it. I'll let the community decide or not.
Q: Frag the "lag" tag

Nick TThe lag tag (on 30 questions) seems awful. In common parlance "lag" is a catch-all term for poor performance; attributable to myriad things. Many of the questions it's on have a network bent, but several seem to be just about a local slowdown (graphics card/CPU overload, slow input) (Right now...

Are vampires and zombies mutually exclusive? If a vampire drank a zombie's blood, would it become a zompire?
If a werewolf was turned into a zompire, would it be a zompire-werewolf? Drinks blood, has fleas, and rends and eats flesh.
Q: Does a Pokémon Crystal game degrade after playing a lot?

Garmen1778I have an official Pokémon Crystal game and after playing more than 450 hours I see that my game is degrading, or I don't know why is this happening. Imagine that I have a Feraligatr in the first place of my team, well, if I'm battling against a Parasect (let's say), and he does thunder wave the ...

Q: Lumosity.com - Is it really effective? What would it improve in me?

Rishabh PoddarIs Playing games as in Lumosity.com really effective. Can that boost my attention span, concentration skills? How else can it benefit me?

@GamingnotonGaming Is there anything gaming cannot do? :P
1 hour later…
Q: Are there any efficient spider traps on minecraft?

user24376I have a full suit of iron armour but i cant kill any spiders withoutout dying myself. I was wondering if there was a simple yet efficient spider trap/killer on minecraft.

Q: How do I gain Boost?

BoraIn the end-game screen, there is one item that says: "Boost : Not earned" It doesn't show any progress, either. How do I earn a Boost?

Here's to a Liverpool win tonight. YNWA.
four scrambles, four losses
the TF2 gods smile on me not today
I even set up on the damn attics as blue engie on goldrush B
with awesome pybro support
and yet I succumbed to sheer spam and the fucking horn thing
@YiJiang Is the robot @OrigamiRobot?
@badp I haven't played a lot of TF2 in general - I've played it to the point of 80% of the achievements, but I'm not entirely knowledgeable about all of the equipment and playstyles - horn thing?
Oh. You meant the buff banner.
The secondary of choice of the soldier who only plays on servers without random crits.
The achievement(s) involving that one are super lame - requiring I play with Steam friends - requiring that I even have friends - the gall of some developers.
@skovacs1 80% achievements is a lot of achievements
I'm only at 70% myself, or 274/394
more than 300 if I recall, but the rest are either lengthy, require friends or are recently added.
Darn. The new ones pushed me down a percent - 79%
@badp soldiers without random crits? Crazy
Q: What's the age of Deckard Cain?

KappeiSearching in the Diablo Wiki I happened to stumble upon this timeline of Sanctuary's history. When we first encounter Deckard Cain, in Tristram, he's already an old man. He claims to be the last of the Horadrim (even if this seems to be disproved in Diablo III), which seems unlikely, because mor...

Q: Arkham City 'full screen on' does not fill the screen

Steve TownsendRunning Radeon HD6800, Win7 64-bit Home Premium - cannot get rid of black border around the game on fullscreen. Arkham Asylum did not have this problem. DX9 and DX11 both have the problem. Resolution changes make no difference. Also, the benchmark process hangs when it gets to 'Hit Esc to fi...

@BenBrocka Get kritzed, when it's done activate buff banner.
I'm just saying, doesn't seem right for soldiers to be running around without overpowered, unpreditcable crit rockets
Nearby soldier gets enough damage to charge his own buff banner, so he gets a buff of his own.
And then the second kritz medic has his own uber ready.
And so on, without any random critical hits from the enemy to ruin your crit party.
cos, dude, skills.
What do other people think about this being a dupe (especially with the accepted answer)
Q: How can I turn off the bot spam messages?

seanDiablo 2's multiplayer has been a wasteland of spam messages for years—bots who enter, post long, green, gigantic messages, and leave. I've asked several party members about how to stop this and they said I can only try to squelch them from the party menu if I'm fast. Is there truly no other way?...

They're the same who complain about the enforcer btw
I think we only need one question about Diablo 2 spam bots
@OrigamiRobot Technically they're different questions. The first question didn't ask about the ignore list, it just happens to be a better solution than the one they were looking for
@BenBrocka That's because the ignore list did not exist at the time. The original was begging the question
3 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
I think we only need one question about Diablo 2 spam bots
@StrixVaria I would watch this.
"I know", said Notch. "I'll make my own physics! Surely slopes will be no problem at all!" Tadaa walking up 85 degree slopes but not stairs.
Q: What is the default weapon switching time?

badpHow can I calculate with the help of the numbers in the TF2 wiki how long does it take, in seconds, for any class to: Fire with one gun (start stopwatch) Switch to another weapon Fire with the second gun (stop stopwatch) The one specific scenario I need help with is the minimum time between s...

I really wish I could adopt a natural laugh like this:
Oh goodie. Looks like my Vindictus account, which I haven't used in almost a year now, has hacked at some point. All my characters appear to have been deleted.
Well I think I just lost any will I had to play.
@Wipqozn Your account hacked? BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!
@Wipqozn YOU
Q: Trainers for games

AshuI have seen many trainers (never tried them though). They usually have, at their end of the name, a number like +3 or +4 or +10 etc.. My question is what do those numbers stand for?

@StrixVaria Why did you approve this edit?
Because a trainer, in the context of that question, is a third-party program that modifies the memory state of a game.
I didn't realize it until I saw the edit.
So that re-tag makes sense, even if the question is still atrocious.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, that question is terrible and the OP should feel bad.

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