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10:21 AM
Adám has added an event to this room's schedule.
Note that today's lesson will be one hour later than usually; at 18:30 UTC.
@Adám should've said 19:30 GMT...
Note that today's lesson will be one hour later than usually; at 18:30 UTC, that is 19:30 GMT.
wow, you actually posted a second message
@EriktheOutgolfer Well, I couldn't delete, and the more clarity the better, no?
10:36 AM
@Adám well, you just took my reply a little bit too literally as it seems :P (but yeah, for a few 30'' I was kind of like "has Adám lost his logic o_o")
ah, DST, the eternal stupidity of changing the representation of time every ~half a year
@EriktheOutgolfer Btw, I just came up with a neat little template for having a function in TIO's Input without f←: Try it online!
@Adám wow, that's better than the previous one you had linked me some time ago
@EriktheOutgolfer It seems pretty simple at first, but then you realise that a member of a namespace is defined in terms of the namespace itself, before the namespace has been fully established.
@Adám yeah, the "⎕SRC⎕THIS" is what was there before the line, right?
(like, source code)
@EriktheOutgolfer No it actually includes everything, including itself and subsequent lines: Try it online!
10:46 AM
@Adám hm, so the ⊃¯3↑ lets you do stuff like, e.g., ⎕IO←0
@EriktheOutgolfer Yes, that's why I didn't do 3⊃⌽. However, it will still fail with ⎕ML>1.
@Adám you mean 2⊃
@EriktheOutgolfer No, the last line is :endnamespace, the line before is the templating, and the third last is the actual code.
@Adám but the "third last" is the second from the first, no?
that is, if we assume no ⎕IO←0 and only single-line code
@EriktheOutgolfer Oh, I misread as 2⊃⌽. Right, but there may be other stuff in the Header, like tuning boxing on, etc.
For full ⎕ML and ⎕IO immunity I'd have to do ⎕IO⊃¯3↑ or (3-~⎕IO)⊃⌽.
10:51 AM
@Adám isn't just f←⍎{⎕ML←1 ⋄ ⊃¯3↑⍵}⎕SRC⎕THIS enough?
@EriktheOutgolfer Sure, but then you might as well set both ⎕ML and ⎕IO in the dfn, and use the obvious 3⊃⌽.
@Adám like f←⍎{⎕ML⎕IO←1 ⋄ 3⊃⌽⍵}⎕SRC⎕THIS?
the reason I use a dfn is scoping
@EriktheOutgolfer Yes, but for a one-off like that, why not just use ⎕IO⊃¯3↑?
@EriktheOutgolfer Btw, how often do you use ⎕ML≥2?
@Adám just different approaches to the same problem
@Adám never for now, ⎕ML←2 would only be useful if I want ≡ to always return a positive result
however, we should be ready for it, no? :)
@EriktheOutgolfer Save a byte from ⎕ML←1 ⋄ ↑[.5](1 2)(3 4 5) to ⎕ML←3 ⋄ ⊃[1](1 2)(3 4 5).
@EriktheOutgolfer Feel free to use whichever template you think is best. I think you've convinced me to use the more universal one, though.
11:02 AM
@Adám well, I'm not a professional convincer, but the main reason I would use it would be, well, ninja
@EriktheOutgolfer :-D
@Adám btw the template might just come off as obsolete in the near future (duh, then it's me who's got to work that out), I think Dennis is considering replacing Header/Code/Footer with Code having multiple sections, just like Driver, Command-line Options, Compiler Flags and Arguments
@EriktheOutgolfer Hm, what happens to all the Footers?
the thing is, I so want to bookmark this
@EriktheOutgolfer I already did.
11:08 AM
@Adám woah, don't rush yet
11:23 AM
Join Adam tonight (one hour later than usual at 18:30 UTC/17:30 GMT) for his 28th Informal APL learning session in The APL Orchard https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/52405/apl See https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/41299896 … … … … if you don't have 20 Stack Exchange rep points
@EriktheOutgolfer ^
@Adám that's only an infinitesimal portion of the big proof that DST is an absolute stupidity
yet even that makes it so obvious
@EriktheOutgolfer IMHO, the whole world should just switch to UTC and be done with it. Understanding flight schedules and planning of video conferences would be so much easier…
@Adám yeah, it's like us humans can't understand the time difference between Greece and Kiribati, for instance, so they make time accommodate for it
however, that's what actually causes more trouble, since then you have to know what time zone a written form of time uses to be able to parse it
and, oh, you also have to know when it was written, because time zones change over time
@EriktheOutgolfer One of my co-workers showed me how his C code for parsing time zones in our shared calendar is larger than his C code for a complete emulator of the BBC Micro.
11:38 AM
@Adám did he say how much more maintenance it needs to keep up with the current time zones?
@EriktheOutgolfer Well, it may need maintenance, but the BBC Micro emulator probably doesn't. (He did find an error message which didn't look exactly like the real one though…)
@EriktheOutgolfer Are you going to do the CRLF challenge? I have a solution in 44 bytes, but may be able to shorten it.
@Adám saw it already, but currently doing another challenge (time anagram)
and that challenge needs clarification regarding leap seconds...
12:14 PM
Join Adam tonight (one hour later than usual at 18:30 UTC/19:30 GMT) for his 28th Informal APL learning session in The APL Orchard https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/52405/apl See https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/41299896 … … … … if you don't have 20 Stack Exchange rep points
@Feeds nice re-tweet
4 hours later…
4:00 PM
@Adám something doesn't work here...
⎕←⎕UCS'\r'⎕r'\n'⍠'Mode' 'D'⊢⎕TC[3]
oh, so I need to set "Mode"
great, more bytes added to my solution :/
@EriktheOutgolfer yeah, it's linewise by default
@EriktheOutgolfer sorry
@ngn it's not you who I blame :P APL isn't a golfing language anyway
4:20 PM
65 66 67 10 68 69 70 10
@EriktheOutgolfer you could do something like this^ instead
4:35 PM
@ngn well, possibly more like ¯1↓∊'.*'⎕S'&\n'⊢'ABC',⎕TC[3],'DEF' in my case
@EriktheOutgolfer -1 byte: 1↓∊'.*'⎕S'\n&'⊢'ABC',⎕TC[3],'DEF'
@ngn no, it's the last element I want to remove
@EriktheOutgolfer I swapped & and \n in the replacement string
@ngn ah, what an invisible change, and I checked over it twice
@ngn uh, for some reason yours doesn't quite work...
@EriktheOutgolfer I copied your .* (instead of .+) without thinking
4:45 PM
@ngn but how am I going to detect empty lines with .+
@EriktheOutgolfer unfortunately .* leads to double line separators
@ngn for example, abc\r\ndef consists of 3 "lines": abc, empty and def
I need to detect them, and then prepend \n to them and flatten: \nabc\n\ndef
then remove the first element: abc\n\ndef
would .+ work here?
@EriktheOutgolfer well, no
maybe something with @ will work and be short enough, let me think
oh like ⎕TC[2]@⎕TC[3]∘=?
hm, no
maybe ⎕UCS 10@13∘=⎕UCS
bah, that's longer
@EriktheOutgolfer the first one should work, you just need parens around @'s right operand
4:54 PM
@ngn yeah
but it's too long :(
2 hours later…
6:30 PM
Welcome to APL Cultivation
Last week, we used a user command ]RunTime to compare the speed of two otherwise equivalent expressions.
Today, let's talk about user commands then.
You may remember system commands like )save and )clear and )off.
The system commands are an integral part of the interpreter (and have been so for a very long time). That is, for Dyalog APL, they are written in C.
System commands are not APL functions, but rather a way to directly interact with the system. Thus, they do not follow APL syntax. Instead, they act more like commands on a command line. That's why they're called commands.
Sometimes, this non-syntactic way is really useful tor day-to-day stuff, and you'd want that for your APL code as well.
In comes user commands. They have exactly the same syntax model as system commands, they just begin with a ] instead of a ).
The only thing built into the interpreter is that whenever it sees a line in the session beginning with ] it takes the rest of that line and calls ⎕SE.UCMD with the line as a character vector argument.
@TechnicalMachine I'll get you write access in a moment.
Now, Dyalog APL comes pre-installed with a "user command processor", i.e. a function ⎕SE.UCMD which takes care of the rest. The default user command system is tightly integrated with SALT, but you could write your own drop-in, should you with to do so.
@TechnicalMachine You should have write access now.
Dyalog APL also comes loaded with more than 80 pre-defined user commands, some are simple and complex. All are written in APL, and you can change them as you see fit.

74 commands:

 ARRAY         Compare  Edit
 CALC          Factors  FromHex  PivotTable  ToHex
 FILE          CD  Collect  Compare  Edit  Find  Replace  Split  ToLarge  ToQuadTS  Touch
 FN            Align  Calls  Compare  Defs  DInput  Latest  ReorderLocals
 NS            ScriptUpdate  Summary  Xref
 OUTPUT        Box  Boxing  Disp  Display  Find  Format  Layout  Rows
 PERFORMANCE   Profile  RunTime  SpaceNeeded
 SALT          Clean  Compare  List  Load  Refresh  RemoveVersions  Save  Settings  Snap
Let's have a look at some of them.
There are simple things like ]CD:
Oh, you can cd from the REPL? Cool
6:45 PM
And a diff tool called ]file.compare. Btw, user commands are case-insensitive just like system commands.
One really cool command is ]DInput. If you've ever wanted to enter or paste a multi-line statement into the session, you'll like this one.
What is a multi-line statement? Remember that you don't have to assign dfns before you use them; you can insert them inline. And dfns may have multiple lines. Effectively, you then have a single multi-line statement.
Now, as soon as you press Enter in the session, you code will be executed, and if it has any un-closed braces, e.g. 2+{a←⍳10 it will fail.
@Adám hm, imagining multi-line dfns among other stuff just smells like rotten bad practice from 500 km away
However, if you enter ]dinput you will get a new prompt indicated by a dot · and then you can begin entering (or pasting) multi-line statements. ]DInput will keep track of your brace-nesting level and indicate it with more dots.
@EriktheOutgolfer Why? What's wrong with:
That's also really nice
    }3 4
@EriktheOutgolfer ?
@Adám uh, yuck, at least in my perspective, that's godawfully misorganized
just imagine a dfn with 8 lines and 30 tokens outside the dfn, both left and right of it
6:53 PM
@EriktheOutgolfer Well, you don't have to use it. You can also just type ]dinput f← and then paste a multi-line dfn there, beginning on that line. That'll define it in the workspace.
@Adám didn't say I have to (btw APL would really benefit from a line continuation character)
@EriktheOutgolfer Well, we are considering that, but 1) do you really want people to write overly long APL lines, and 2) that means executing from the bottom and up!
@EriktheOutgolfer However, my proposed array notation will allow you to split long arrays over multiple lines.
There are also various code analysis tools, like ]Calls. It will produce a calling tree:
]Calls  getEnvir  ⎕se.SALTUtils
Level 1:  →getEnvir
  F:rlb               F:splitOn           F:splitOn1st        F:GetUnicodeFile    F:SALTsetFile       F:UnixFileExists

Level 2: getEnvir→UnixFileExists

Level 2: getEnvir→SALTsetFile

Level 2: getEnvir→GetUnicodeFile
⍝ Read a Unicode (UTF-8 or even UCS-2) file
⍝ This version allows excluding specific 1-byte characters before the translation
⍝ This prevents TRANSLATION errors in classic interpreters
  F:condEncl     F:numReplace   F:Special      F:Uxxxx

Level 3: GetUnicodeFile→condEncl
@Adám yikes no, in my humble opinion that would be a good practice only for assigning literals to variables
@EriktheOutgolfer Well, then my array notation should do, right?
This says that the getEnvir function in ⎕SE.SALTUtils calls these six functions, which in turn call the other listed functions, each at its level. This is really useful if you're trying to extract some utility function and need to know its dependencies.
A workspace stores information about each function; who was it last modified by, and when. This information can also be saved in script files with ]Save if you turn on "atinfo tracking". You can turn turn that on with ]Settings track atinfo.
Then you can list which functions were recently modified: ]Latest 20180501 -by=Fred
track isn't the only setting:
7:04 PM
│compare      │APL                                                   │
│cmddir       │/opt/mdyalog/16.0/64/unicode/SALT/spice:[HOME]/MyUCMDs│
│debug        │0                                                     │
These are basically like OS environment variables, but used just by SALT.
E.g. edprompt determines if the editor should ask you before writing changes to scripted items back to their source file.
And varfmt determines how ]Save should save variables; as XML or as APL statements that produce the value.
cmddir tells SALT where to look for user commands. As you can gather, you can just drop your own or downloaded user commands into the mentioned /MyUCMDs dir and you're in business. Watch my webinar next week about how to write your own user commands!
If you've ever written anything moderately complex as a tradfn, you may have been annoyed that, as you edit along, your list of local variables on the header line is not neatly ordered. ]ReorderLocals allows you to sort the header row of all (or some of) the functions currently in the workspace: ]reorderlocals MyFn or ]reorderlocals F* or just ]reorderlocals
@Adám what do you mean by "neatly ordered"?
@EriktheOutgolfer Alphabetically.
Sorted alphabetically, or by first occurence? (or some other order)
7:15 PM
@H.PWiz Sorting by first occurrence is difficult, e.g. with ⍎⍕(,¨⎕A)'←⍳26'
If you're on Windows, you have a few goodies special for you.
It is soon time to upgrade from 16.0 to 17.0, but now you've spent a whole year customising 16.0 to your liking. One of the first projects I did for Dyalog was writing a tool that allowed you to easily migrate your settings between versions:
]CopyReg 16u64 -to=17u64 does the job (you may need admin privileges, though).
At this point, I should mention that all this user commands have a whole host of options which you can specify with various arguments or modifiers. It would be too much to go into details about it all, but you can always get documentation about any user command with ]?cmdname:
Command "FN.Calls". Syntax: 1-2 arguments (last arguments merged).
Accepts modifiers -details -file -full -isolate[=] -treeview

Arg: pgmname namespace ; Produces the calling tree of a program (arg 1) in a class (arg 2, default current namespace)

]??Calls ⍝ for more info and examples

Script location: "/opt/mdyalog/16.0/64/unicode/SALT/spice/Summary.dyalog"
Actually, from 17.0 we prefer ]cmdname -? but the old syntax will continue to work. The benefit of using -? instead of a leading ? is that auto-completion will work.
@Adám and, uh, isn't ]?cmdname actually a separate command than ]cmdname? or are leading ?s special syntax?
@EriktheOutgolfer User commands must have valid identifier names, and the ]? syntax is handled by the user command processor. Yet another reason to move to -?
Now that we are talking about the special syntax of user commands, the command processor has another few tricks up its sleeve.
@Adám and will that -? be a "default" for the user commands built into Dyalog?
because, well, what if a command uses -help instead?
7:25 PM
@EriktheOutgolfer The -? is also handled by the processor, so no change is required in any existing command to handle that.
@EriktheOutgolfer Watch the webinar to learn how the user command help system works.
If for some reason you want to capture the result of a user command, you can do so with ]varname←cmdname
And if you want to silence a user command, you can do that with ]←cmdname.
Remember that I said everything after the ] is passed as argument to ⎕SE.UCMD? That means that you can even call user command under program control: ⎕SE.UCMD 'cmdname'.
And of course, anything else you'd write on the line just goes inside that character vector.
In fact, that's how I made the bot handle user commands.
There are also commands that let you get an overview of things:
]Summary ⎕se.Parser
 Name        Scope   Size  Syntax
 Parse       P      17112   r1f
 Propagate           2728   r2f
 Quotes              2240   r1f
 Switch              2600   r2f
 deQuote             1496   r1f
 fixCase              120   r2f
 if                    48   r2f
 init        PC     14024   n1f
 splitParms          3384   r1f
 sqz                13160   r2f
 upperCase          13248   r2f
 xCut               12936   r2f
This analyses the ⎕SE.Parser class and tells you a little bit about each function. P means public, C constructor, and the syntax is whether they have a result, number of arguments, and type (function/monadic operator/dyadic operator).
]Xref will produce a cross reference of all items in a namespace, which ones call or reference which, how they do so (global/local) and what type they all are.
You may already know about ]Box. It is responsible for that nice boxed output you see from the bot and on TryAPL. You can turn that on and off, and decide exactly how you want it to display things with the user command. For now, let's just see what the current settings are by the bot:
]box ?
]boxing ON -style=min -trains=tree -fns=on
There is a lesser known, but very useful, companion to ]box called ]rows. I'm sure by now you've entered a statement that caused way too much output, so your session would just scroll and scroll. Right?
@Adám aaaaargh!!!
7:38 PM
Well, the ]Rows user command can protect you against that but limiting output to the current height and width of your window.
]Rows ?
]rows OFF -style=long -fns=off -dots=· -fold=off
So if you do ]rows on -fold=3 it will cut any output four lines before the bottom of your screen, insert a row of dots (or whichever character you choose, e.g. ]rows on -fold=3 -dots=~) and then display the last three lines of the output.
It will then also (by default) not wrap lines that are too long, but rather will cause them to continue beyond the right edge of the screen (scroll horizontally to see it).
Again, see ]?box and ]?rows for the full details.
If you prefer boxing off during normal work, but want to display some results boxed here and there, you can use ]disp and ]display for that. ]disp is much like ]box -style=mid and ]display is like ]box -style=max.
As you saw above, the bot uses -style=min, but that doesn't always give you enough information:
⎕←2 3⍴'' (⍳3) (0 0⍴0) 'a'
│ │1 2 3│     │
│a│     │1 2 3│
OK, we've go three empty (or are they filled with spaces?) elements. But what are they really?
]display 2 3⍴'' (⍳3) (0 0⍴0) 'a'
7:46 PM
Oh, of course, limitation in the bot's handling of user commands.
]display 2 3⍴'''' (⍳3) (0 0⍴0) ''a''
↓ ┌⊖┐ ┌→────┐ ┌⊖┐     │
│ │ │ │1 2 3│ ⌽0│     │
│ └─┘ └~────┘ └~┘     │
│     ┌⊖┐     ┌→────┐ │
│ a   │ │     │1 2 3│ │
│ -   └─┘     └~────┘ │
(Don't actually double your quotes in real life!)
Now we can see what exactly each thing is; we've got two empty character vectors and one 0-by-0 numeric matrix. We can also see that the a is a scalar, and the 1 2 3s are vectors (not e.g. one-row matrices).
Then there are of course all the user commands which are just covers for SALT functions, like ]Save and ]Load.
You probably want to keep you code in text files so you can keep it on GitHub.
Let's say you've written a nice function myfn. Save it to a text file with ]save myfn /path/ (it will be called myfn.dyalog).
Load it back in with ]Load /path/myfn
After you save or load your function like this, if you edit the function using the editor in APL, SALT will offer to save your changes to the associated file.
@Adám aw, how kind
The same goes of course for namespaces and classes. Even character matrices, vectors and vectors of vectors.
haven't ever been in any other IDE which has ever offered that
7:54 PM
@EriktheOutgolfer Well, as mentioned, you can ask it to shut up forever and always save: ]settings edprompt 0 -permanent
Oh, I should mention that if you change your ]boxing or ]rows settings, you can keep your settings by saving the session or just add the settings you want to a function called Setup which must be stored (e.g. using ]save Satup /path/setup) in MyUCMDs/setup.dyalog in your documents directory or home folder (depending on OS).
OK, let's stop here for now. Tune in next week for more useful user commands, and then the webinar on how to make your own on Thursday next week.
@Adám nice lesson, I think this is one of the few where you weren't confused anywhere (apart from that silly bot, about which you have every right to be confused)
@EriktheOutgolfer Thanks. Well, after Dan died, I am Mr. User Command at Dyalog. And I literally just finished yesterday going over all the user command documentation.
@Adám ah, must've been torturing going all over those docs, did it so that you're absolutely sure you don't do one mistake while modifying such an important feature?
well, basically you're Mr. APL, right?
@EriktheOutgolfer It was tough. I started last summer… No it was really to merge PDF documentation into the -? documentation so users only have to look one place.
@EriktheOutgolfer No. :-)
@Adám did you get some £££ for that?
8:08 PM
@EriktheOutgolfer I get my monthly salary.
@Adám oh so you just dedicated some time into that?
@Adám no as in "I'm not Iverson" or as in "coding in APL isn't something that's being assigned more to me and a few others than the rest"?
@EriktheOutgolfer Yeah, well, eh, I pushed it off until last minute, then did it all in one go over the last couple of weeks. We are just about to to release beta-1.
@EriktheOutgolfer Brian, Michael, Nic, Morten, and John also program exclusively in APL.
@Adám I assume different sectors for each one, or team work?
8:33 PM
@EriktheOutgolfer Well, Brian is the APL tools team leader, so he's really supposed to tell the others (except John) what to do, but Morten is usually doing his stuff, and Nic is almost exclusively taking care of SharpPlot.
@Adám oh, only ~33% of the team doing everything else? Brian is a quite good leader then...

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