Not entirely sure how your tomato skillz relate to my not finding anything anymore, but godspeed, Tom. Grow them real good.
Like srsly, I had to go to my recent massages, then scroll down till I hit something from a chat, then click on that, then click on all rooms, then find this one, then click some more.
That is roughly 8999 clicks where there used to be but two.
What is I doing wrong. Send halp.
Also, haha! You only just added Mitch to this room's owners, but little did you know I'd come along and disown him. Not on my watch, millennials! Get off my lawn.
On a friendlier note, how's everyone. I see tchrist still exists and this skull fellah, and I noticed Matt around and this comical Mitch dude, but like is @Cerberus still a thing. And can @Robusto still tell a C sharp from a D not-so-flat. These are my pertinent questions. Pertinent.
I am fine. Picked up the violin after four decades of not picking up the violin. So now I have no time at all except for anything but picking up the violin.
@skull thinking back at it, I'd never even seen one up close for 40 years. And now four months in I'm fucking Paganinja. This is the best thing that's happened in my life, ever. Close this window now, go down to your local luthier, thank me later. In this exact order.
I'm telling you, I'll be proficient at the violin AND the English Horn before any of his singularity nonsense leaves the realm of utterly unthinkable into the realm of hilariously impossible.
For context, whether or not it even matters, I am a professional musician and a native Russian speaker was asking me just now about when my love for music first manifested itself. I replied with a lengthy tirade, closing it with a
Так что любовь [к музыке] проснулась рано, а мозги позднее.
I dunno. We're talking about music. She's a pianist. Also she's got kids of her own and I've got two godsons, so we're talking about music. Like this is a complete accident I'm mentioning her at all.
And I have to take my leave now for I have a million songs to arrange for two violins to play with my teacher.
Malvina is a feminine given name derived from the Gaelic mala mhinn, meaning "smooth brow". It was created by the 18th century Scottish poet James Macpherson. The name became popular in Scandinavia on account of Napoleon, an admirer of Macpherson's Ossianic poetry, who was the godfather of several children of Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, an officer of his who ruled Norway and Sweden in the early 19th century. Other names popularised by Macpherson became popular in Scandinavia on account of Napoleon.
The Argentinian name for the Falkland Islands, Las Malvinas, is not etymologically related to...
The violin is the opposite of the harp. You can bang on a harp randomly and it just sounds like heavenly music. A violin requires perfection before it's even acceptable.
@Cerberus What settled me down was, one day I picked up a flute at a friend's place and discovered I could play it. I taught myself, and a year after that I auditioned at a conservatory and got a scholarship.
Seriously though, I'm really good at this violin thing. I already was two weeks in. Even my teacher says so. And she plays in a radio symphony orchestra.
Are we talking about the same thing? Because there's just a lot of not-you-playing, unless you're playing drum machines, or singing in a woman's voice, etc.
You can click on the title and then use the dropdown to listen to the synthesized sound instead of the video(s). Which is about as good as I sound right now.
Think of every orchestra ever. There's like 4 French horns. 8 if you're Wagner, which you're not cause you'd be dead. But there's a quadrillion gazillion violins. It's not hard.
Is there a single word for when you request a single word for some phrase or thought?
Example sentence:
By golly, it's time to make a ____ on EL&U!
Thinks I've tried:
I've searched this site for "single-word request" but I couldn't seem to find anything of interest.
SWR is an abbreviatio...
In the foundations of mathematics, Russell's paradox (also known as Russell's antinomy), discovered by Bertrand Russell in 1901, showed that the naive set theory created by Georg Cantor leads to a contradiction. The same paradox had been discovered a year before by Ernst Zermelo but he did not publish the idea, which remained known only to Hilbert, Husserl and other members of the University of Göttingen.
Let R be the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. If R qualifies as a member of itself, it would contradict its own definition as a set containing sets that are not member...
I'd suggest that you delete the question or copy and paste it into meta. In a recent meta post, I raised the question as to whether SWRs should be banned and Sven Yargs posted a convincing reply in its favour. You can take it from there. — Mari-Lou AApr 23 at 7:00
I suggest we call such a thing a
monologos n
A single word request that gives you a feeling you get when you can't really think of something interesting to ask but you still want to waste people's time anyway.