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00:00 - 03:0003:00 - 23:00

@RegDwigнt I was gardening. It's that time of the year.
Not entirely sure how your tomato skillz relate to my not finding anything anymore, but godspeed, Tom. Grow them real good.
Like srsly, I had to go to my recent massages, then scroll down till I hit something from a chat, then click on that, then click on all rooms, then find this one, then click some more.
That is roughly 8999 clicks where there used to be but two.
What is I doing wrong. Send halp.
Also, haha! You only just added Mitch to this room's owners, but little did you know I'd come along and disown him. Not on my watch, millennials! Get off my lawn.
room topic changed to English Language and Usage: Зи инкопрехенсибл Трумп (EL&U main chatroom) meta.english.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/chat-faq [phrase-requests] [pronunciation] [single-word-requests] [synonyms]
please don't disown my pal, grandpa :P
On a friendlier note, how's everyone. I see tchrist still exists and this skull fellah, and I noticed Matt around and this comical Mitch dude, but like is @Cerberus still a thing. And can @Robusto still tell a C sharp from a D not-so-flat. These are my pertinent questions. Pertinent.
@RegDwigнt Hoot!
I'm still a thing, and so is Rob.
How about you?
Oh fuck meeeeeee. Dog's unkillable.
Don't tell me you've turned into an animal.
I am fine. Picked up the violin after four decades of not picking up the violin. So now I have no time at all except for anything but picking up the violin.
40 years!?
@RegDwigнt If I were killable, who would keep me down in Hades?
And, like, that's just the picking up. Then I am versed in that I will have to actually learn to play it.
I like violins.
Along with celli and piani.
How does your wife feel about your renewed hobby?
@skull thinking back at it, I'd never even seen one up close for 40 years. And now four months in I'm fucking Paganinja. This is the best thing that's happened in my life, ever. Close this window now, go down to your local luthier, thank me later. In this exact order.
Ah, but which local luthier to choose?
@Cerberus I wouldn't know, for she doesn't know, for she left me three years ago.
I don't think I knew that.
Or is it like, good riddance?
Only one person in this room knew and it wasn't you, no.
Not good riddance at all, but three years is a long time and I should be over it. Also, I have the violin now.
I suppose it may take longer than three years to get over such a thing.
Alas, who knows of such things.
Violins are sexier.
Sir Ian McKellen, maybe.
Perhaps it's like severance payments: you pay one month for every year you were together.
You still live in Hamsterlevee?
Yes, the levee that protects all the Hinterlands.
And you still live in Secreton?
God bless. That's why you never got invaded by Mongols.
It was close, though.
Only a few thousand km.
I am the closest thing to a Mongol you'll ever meet.
And I'm not invading your nonsense flatland, not after sailing the Ijselmeer.
Here's a map in your languages.
@RegDwigнt It's the IJsselmeer!
Yeah tell me about it. My entire ancestry were front and center of this mess.
IJ is one letter.
I know.
I knew I spelled it wrong and I didn't care. I am still a rebel!
Close all questions, ban all users.
Speaking of spelling things wrong, I suck at Russian.
Close all users and repeat all questions ad infinitum nauseamque.
Then practice more.
room topic changed to English Language and Usage: Зи инкомпрехенсибл Трумп (EL&U main chatroom) meta.english.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/chat-faq [phrase-requests] [pronunciation] [single-word-requests] [synonyms]
Is it because you only translate from Russian to German?
I never translate anything. I just speak the language, whatever the language is.
That's a lovely name.
Yes. Missed an M. Maybe I suck at English not Russian. Maybe at both.
@RegDwigнt English with a German accent in Russian, of course.
6 mins ago, by RegDwigнt
Alas, who knows of such things.
Actually I'm only here because I was messaging some girl in Russian and spelled a word strangely and went on to RLU to ask.
Do we like her?
I wasn't planning on sticking around.
And you stepped in gum?
Or would you say, stepped on gum?
Stepped into gum?
Onto gum?
That is a very good question, actually, because now that I think about it, I never stepped on gum. On shit, yes. In Paris. Fuck Paris.
Oh, Singapore, why art you not here?
@Cerberus Out from behind the gum.
Use all the prepositions. One will be right.
That sounds like a tongue.
Or at least less wrong than the others.
But more aequal.
What's horses to do with any of this.
Speaking of Less Wrong, too bad Vitaly never came back.
No, no, there is no a in equus.
He's too busy planking his windows against the singularity.
Or breeding spiders.
To fight the singularity.
I'm telling you, I'll be proficient at the violin AND the English Horn before any of his singularity nonsense leaves the realm of utterly unthinkable into the realm of hilariously impossible.
Does the English horn exist?
Did you mean the horny English?
Yes. Аглийский рожок. Englisch Horn.
Yesterday was King's Day here...
Oh yeah and I also overheard there's football.
And it's in Russia, of all places.
Shit's hilarious.
Is there no n in Аглийский?
There is.
Sounds like Agliski.
6 mins ago, by RegDwigнt
Yes. Missed an M. Maybe I suck at English not Russian. Maybe at both.
I don't know a football.
8 mins ago, by RegDwigнt
I knew I spelled it wrong and I didn't care. I am still a rebel!
At least I'm glad my Russian is still better than yours.
Yeah. Now go answer my kwestchon, then.
It's on RLU somewhere.
Meh, I'm sure it'll be too easy.
Q: "Позже" vs. "позднее"

RegDwightFor context, whether or not it even matters, I am a professional musician and a native Russian speaker was asking me just now about when my love for music first manifested itself. I replied with a lengthy tirade, closing it with a Так что любовь [к музыке] проснулась рано, а мозги позднее. ...

So this owless you were messaging, is she romantically interesting?
Or what's a feminine owl.
I dunno. We're talking about music. She's a pianist. Also she's got kids of her own and I've got two godsons, so we're talking about music. Like this is a complete accident I'm mentioning her at all.
And I have to take my leave now for I have a million songs to arrange for two violins to play with my teacher.
Well, nothing wrong with dating breeders.
Do practise!
I got a Tshirt from China that says just that.
Which one?
And why are you dating two girls at the same time?
And I still think China is a weird name for a girl.
WTF why image no embed.
Oh now it does.
It beds em.
To quote the League of Gentleman, I fixed it now.
I am not dating any girls. I am dating my violin. Name's Malvina.
Which I learned is funnily enough not Italian but Irish. LOL.
Lovely name, what does it mean?
Bad wines?
It means something something Irish something.
That would make sense, for it would have been uncouth to name a girl something mal.
Malvina is a feminine given name derived from the Gaelic mala mhinn, meaning "smooth brow". It was created by the 18th century Scottish poet James Macpherson. The name became popular in Scandinavia on account of Napoleon, an admirer of Macpherson's Ossianic poetry, who was the godfather of several children of Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, an officer of his who ruled Norway and Sweden in the early 19th century. Other names popularised by Macpherson became popular in Scandinavia on account of Napoleon. The Argentinian name for the Falkland Islands, Las Malvinas, is not etymologically related to...
Smooth brow.
You heard it here first.
A logical compliment for a girl.
Can't view that.
Fuck Zuckerberg.
You first.
Good point.
Suum cuique.
So go practise.
Hey your Russian is better than mine.
Record part of a piece someday and post it here for our enjoyment.
I know.
Um. I can do one better.
These are some of the pieces I've been arranging.
Follow, like, and subscribe. LOL.
Take care, everyone. Thanks for listening to my ramblings. I shall return.
Thank you, @Cerberus.
@RegDwigнt That's nice.
@RegDwigнt You don't have to stick around to come bopping in and out.
May 16 '13 at 13:48, by Robusto
The violin is the opposite of the harp. You can bang on a harp randomly and it just sounds like heavenly music. A violin requires perfection before it's even acceptable.
So which side of things are you on?
@Cerberus I guess I got here a bit late.
@Robusto Quite true. Although I have to say I'm never a huge fan of the harp.
I guess the party is over. Fine, I'll just go back and do some coding. But I should have ridden harder today. I'm not enough sleepish. Nor sheepish.
@Robusto Only just!
You missed him by only a few minutes; let that be some consolation.
And you can now listen to his recordings (see star).
I played that at Orchestra Hall in Chicago.
Which instrument did you play?
I'll listen to the video.
Oct 31 '15 at 13:34, by Robusto
@rumtscho I mostly play piano now for my own enjoyment. But I was classically trained in flute, and played in orchestras.
You should know this stuff.
In fact, I mentioned this fact to you directly.
Sep 5 '15 at 2:11, by Robusto
@Cerberus What settled me down was, one day I picked up a flute at a friend's place and discovered I could play it. I taught myself, and a year after that I auditioned at a conservatory and got a scholarship.
Oh, it was only three years ago.
I would have guessed flute out of the instruments in that sonata, but without context I would have guessed piano.
@FaheemMitha I don't produce bad puns?
@Cerberus I have not noticed you having any predilection for puns.
Et voilà.
So am I the only one who is really bored with EL&U?
There are still some interesting questions, but much of it is SWRs and grumpy old men closing reasonable questions.
Nope, and hello.
Hiya skull.
@Robusto No, you are not alone. There are others.
Secret society.
Special handshake
I've thought about answering a few times and even started writing, then thought "Why bother?"
You wanna practice your new room owner powers on me and boot me outa here? @Mitch
@skull You're taunting me
nah, it's called practice :-)
The one time I booted someone as a room owner it wound up with me leaving the site for a year or so.
And I was being the good guy, trying to protect folks here (including Reg).
No good deed ... etc.
This room was placed in timeout for 5 seconds; You all gotta keep it under control. What is _wrong_ with you?
Oh, noes!
Is it over yet?
I think it's safe now.
Be ever vigilant!
@Robusto That was an awful day indeed.
@skull How was that?
The room hasn't been the same ever since.
:44285924 If you really want to be a musician, pick two.
nah, thanx
I used to practice five hours a day on top of orchestral rehearsals and section rehearsals and teaching and playing gigs.
You get like the kid in Jack London's "The Apostate."
How about the dog in White Fang?
Or was it Call of the Wild?
I get those confused
because dogs
Again, nope.
Dogs are great
No dogs. Or dog whistles.
Are you sure it's not a dog?
Pretty sure.
@Cerberus Yes, indeed.
@Mitch thanx, pal; did you feel the power pumping through your veins?
@skull I know this may come as a surprise to you, seeing as how you're so invested in my experience, but no, I really didn't feel much at all.
I will settle for nothing short of perfection, as you should know by now.
I don't even wake up in the morning until I'm perfect.
In other news, Call of the Wild is shit. Get God of War instead, which is _the_ shit.
Tiny difference, but makes all the difference.
@RegDwigнt I thought you were the one who liked Horizon: Zero Dawn.
Hold me closer, tiny difference.
Seriously though, I'm really good at this violin thing.
I already was two weeks in.
Even my teacher says so. And she plays in a radio symphony orchestra.
@Robusto best game.
Hmmph. Now if she played in a TV symphony orchestra.
@Mitch You'd make a lousy tyrant.
Oh she's got the looks, you superficial alpha male.
She's from Lithuania, too. So now I'm learning Lithuanian as a bonus.
@RegDwigнt That would make a nice question.
I know. I did say I am perfect.
@Cerberus Oh, I'll be very happy when you all start guzzling Nutella like a milkshake.
@Robusto We have no such thing here!
So I don't hear any of your playing in those soundslice pieces.
@RegDwigнt So you're in love with her already?
That explains it.
@Robusto That's because unlike me, you suck balls.
I hear myself quite well.
This violin thing is fucking piercing on the ear.
@Cerberus no, but I did pick her for being Lithuanian. The other girl was Turkish. And I guess they got some German ones, too.
Ones, too. Now that's another great question. I'm on fire.
You should put that out.
Are we talking about the same thing? Because there's just a lot of not-you-playing, unless you're playing drum machines, or singing in a woman's voice, etc.
@Mitch Oh honey, that'll costya some. You wish.
@Robusto and you think I can't do any of those things because?..
You should post your question to ELU and then Robusto could ignore answering it.
Schließ nicht von Dir auf andere.
@RegDwigнt Because I do not want to think about such things. Duh.
@Robusto Are we on the same page?
@Cerberus I don't know anymore.
@Mitch or. Or. I could post to @Robusto and ignore the questions.
@RegDwigнt Solved.
I clicked the grey rectangle and I heard a violin.
Well you're not properly connected to any of the internets, it will seem.
Call the plumber.
You can click on the title and then use the dropdown to listen to the synthesized sound instead of the video(s). Which is about as good as I sound right now.
Except that I sound awesome.
What a gyp.
Also, dafuq you're all doing actually clicking on my shit, this is like my actual picture and all, someone call Putin, my privacy's being invaded.
It was you who violated your own picture, Putin.
That said, SoundSlice is da awesumsauce. Why they no invent this earlier.
Most folks I know use SoundCloud for that.
Or MuseScore. Or Apple Pie.
Or a zillion quadrillion other things.
A zillion quadrillion? That's a lot.
It's almost a dozen.
Theirs is the best tho. Hands down. No community but early adopters FTW.
I just got a subscriber yesterday and I was like WTF there's other people on here.
Who the fuck subscribes to obscure Russian shit.
I had to put a tree in armor today.
And that is a euphemism for?
My English is rusty.
No euphemism. No metaphor.
Well. There's always litotes. Thank fuck.
@RegDwigнt I've unblocked all the stuff now.
So where do I hear you playing?
What a downer.
@Cerberus I'm not posting my street address. Nice try tho.
I was thinking of recording me with my teacher.
Cross your fingers and pay me. Then your dreams will come true.
If we ever meet in person, I vow to bring Malvina with me.
I take her everywhere I go anyway.
She's my gem.
Literally, an armored tree.
I've taught playing the violin to like twenty different people by now. It's exceptionally easy. They don't tell you that, but it's true.
The cat was trying to get at the bumblebees in the flowers, so I had to make an ironclad.
Think of every orchestra ever. There's like 4 French horns. 8 if you're Wagner, which you're not cause you'd be dead.
But there's a quadrillion gazillion violins.
It's not hard.
@RegDwigнt Yeah, it's easy to play, just hard to make it sound good.
As is the case with the recorder.
Your point being?
Easier to make a recorder sound good than a violin. QED
Not true. QED.
Easy for you to say.
Yes. I say most things quite easily.
@Robusto Creative.
@RegDwigнt So...your own recordings aren't on there?
@Cerberus When the blossoms are gone I'll de-armor it.
Q: Word for a Single-Word Request

CerberusIs there a single word for when you request a single word for some phrase or thought? Example sentence: By golly, it's time to make a ____ on EL&U! Thinks I've tried: I've searched this site for "single-word request" but I couldn't seem to find anything of interest. SWR is an abbreviatio...

I ain't got no recordings, buoy.
By the way, did you see this question?
I was shocked it hadn't been asked before.
Well that ain't true. I do have got some. But I'm not sharing cuz I'm greedy.
13 mins ago, by Robusto
What a gyp.
@Cerberus Nice. I just upvoted you.
You just saw my lovely picture. That ain't enough for you for the next five years to drool over?
@Robusto Merci.
36 secs ago, by Robusto
13 mins ago, by Robusto
What a gyp.
Oh not this again.
@RegDwigнt We don't believe that is you.
Actually, you did post pictures of yourself earlier.
Sep 15 '16 at 12:55, by RegDwigнt
Mar 24 at 23:08, by RegDwigнt
Mar 2 '11 at 13:43, by Robusto
2 hours ago, by RegDwight
Feb 18 at 10:59, by Robusto
13 hours ago, by Robusto
27 secs ago, by RegDwight
2 hours ago, by RegDwight
yesterday, by RegDwight
Feb 7 at 15:38, by RegDwight
In the foundations of mathematics, Russell's paradox (also known as Russell's antinomy), discovered by Bertrand Russell in 1901, showed that the naive set theory created by Georg Cantor leads to a contradiction. The same paradox had been discovered a year before by Ernst Zermelo but he did not publish the idea, which remained known only to Hilbert, Husserl and other members of the University of Göttingen. Let R be the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. If R qualifies as a member of itself, it would contradict its own definition as a set containing sets that are not member...
Yes, this again.
Been a long time, yeah?
Well thank fuck I returned so we can have this again.
I know you've been giddy.
@Cerberus But they came back "postage due"?
@Cerberus yes. To you. In the WMT room.
Now nobody even knows what WMT is anymore.
The world has moved on.
Except in America.
See room name.
@Robusto If they did, how should I know?
@RegDwigнt Hmm are you sure?
Skull is stuck in a loop. Someone rescue skull.
Did I download them?
rescues Skully
Kevin Costner, how about you. You got nothing to do, have you. Rescue skull, then.
Been there, done that.
I'd suggest that you delete the question or copy and paste it into meta. In a recent meta post, I raised the question as to whether SWRs should be banned and Sven Yargs posted a convincing reply in its favour. You can take it from there. — Mari-Lou A Apr 23 at 7:00
@Cerberus I don't know but I could ask me mate Vladimir.
A: Word for a Single-Word Request

RobustoI suggest we call such a thing a monologos n A single word request that gives you a feeling you get when you can't really think of something interesting to ask but you still want to waste people's time anyway.

As straight as ... as straight things.
I answered your question, @Cerb.
@Robusto you misspelled Schwanzus Longus.
You mean Biggus Dickus?
Which, for our uneducated friends, is the German translation of Biggus Dikkus.
Jinx you owe me a pepsi.
You owe me a coke
You owe me, like, half a dozen cokes.
That's a fair exchange, then.
I will trade five dozen cokes for a pepsi.
@Robusto Upvoted!
Sep 2 '15 at 14:58, by RegDwigнt
Nov 16 '11 at 21:48, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
user image
Gosh, I'm becoming all reputable.
So has this guy returned that I cock-blocked for three years. What's his name again.
@Mitch Yeah, that was my favourite comment.
@RegDwigнt No Pepsi ... Coke.
@RegDwigнt Jez?
@RegDwigнt Mitch?
Almost jinx!
Okay so he hasn't.
@Cerberus That stings
Who is Mitch?
Also why is Cerberus blue dafuq.
Who died and made him a mod.
@Cerberus I'm guessing you have that poster on the wall behind your computer.
No, he's all yours.
I remember looking at the guys, not the girls, in Baywatch and wondering what that meant, as a young boy.
@Cerberus How old were you when you realized what it meant?
Which is also why I wonder how people can not know about themselves.
@Cerberus People have a habit of lying to themselves.
@Robusto I don't know. Maybe 12?
So ... accompanying pubescence?
@Robusto Even to their sanctum sanctorum, their heart of hearts?
Makes sense.
@Cerberus you mispictured Burt Reynolds.
@Cerberus Well, most people and all Republicans lie to themselves about sex.
And violins.
rim shot
@RegDwigнt For the past eight years, how many of the names you spewed at me have I ever known?
Rim shots fired indeed, but I learned it all from you.
@Robusto I don't know. Maybe they do know it deep inside.
@Cerberus For the record, the other night I had a dream that I was watching some Dutch game show.
@Cerberus seven. And a half. The answer is 7½. Next question.
Was it a specific show?
Every question began with de something.
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