@M.A.R. what do you mean “don’t even know”? You don’t know me, and most likely you don’t know someone like Martin irl, but you’ve probably seen some of our answer reviews...
I have a question of a more mathematical nature on the mathSE (Symmetric Direct Product Distributive?), but it hasn't gotten much attention. I think the chemical context might make for a better answer here.
I'm trying to determine the symmetry of the second overtone band of the degenerate $\...
@JavaScriptCoder are you considering being familiar with someone's online persona to be nothing? I don't.
There's certainly a difference between someone I've said a hi to, someone I've chatted with for couple of years, and someone whose username I haven't gotten to pronounce.
@M.A.R. these first posters frequently offer very insightful responses about the most fundamental particles of our universe, enough to turn the world's working upside down; who knows one day one of their magnificent insights might win them the Nobel prize? ;P
@GaurangTandon Although i dont have much idea about it, my book says it undergoes Electrophillic addition, more specifically ring opening addition reactions
@anyone owning MS Chouhan; Advanced Problems In Organic Chemistry; please see Q14 alkenes chapter; where we are to count number of transition states and intermediates
Just replace $\ce{NaOH}$ with hot $\ce{H2O2}$ and you'll get the same cleavage $\ce{-COOH}$ reaction. That's the closest thing to a mechanism I found in sn sanyal. — Avnish Kabaj47 secs ago
@AvnishKabaj what page number? (i've the book too)
@MollyCooL You can and should enclose the numbers inside \pu as well, it gives a nice spacing ;) (wrt your latest edit)
@Abcd It isn't recommended to edit "hopeless questions" (wrt the ICl4- question) unless and until the OP posts some effort on his part; these hopeless questions almost always get closed within 2 days, and are deleted on the thirtieth day, making your valuable edit worthless
@AvnishKabaj i definitely don't recall when Martin said this to me or you; he might have said this, I might have read it, i may very well be almost quoting him, but i don't recall, so... (sorry for spoiling your anticipations hehe :P)
I cannot find an earlier discussion pertaining to this tag, so I'll post this today. I've noticed the organic-reduction for a fair amount of time now. It has 14 questions tagged as of today. However, I cannot find the pertinent meta post about its creation.
This is the only meta post relevant to...
@GaurangTandon I went through your question clicked on all the links. I sort of realized that you mist have already figured all the stuff in my answer out . You're looking for a yes/no from a chemist right? I'm deleting my answer it doesn't add anything to the question
@AvnishKabaj eh, i had asked you to delete only the first irrelevant part, and not the whole answer, the second part was correct as I already said facepalm
@Abcd then do similar to what you would do to calculate concentration of various species in aqueous H3PO4; you must be having one such example in your fiitjee question bank
@GaurangTandon If first dissociation of $\ce{XOH3}$ is $100 \%$ where as second dissociation is $50 \%$ and third dissociation is negligeble then pH of $4\times 10^{-3}\pu{M}$ $\ce{X(OH)3}$ is ?
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Why are the trioxides of Gr-16 elements all acidic
Well, maybe I know the answer. I was thinking of in comparison to dioxides, but the reason acidity varies there, I think, is because of the variation in the ability to donate the lone pair in $EO_2$ (which determines how good of a Lewis base it is)
tl;dr it's a guy who parodies public rap fights/roasts - a quite popular genre from that time - with a gang of his own that breaks into epic fits of laughter whenever he says a sentence