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in Homotopy Theory, 9 hours ago, by Joe Berner
@MartinSleziak I think algebraic-cycles could work, but it's wordier divisors is of special interest.
in Homotopy Theory, 8 hours ago, by Joe Berner
supposed to be "...it's wordier and divisors are of..."
Q: How would you tag an MO question involving both Zumkeller numbers (A083207) and edge-magic injections (A152682)

David HalitskyAssume (just for the sake of discussion) that you had good reason to suspect the existence of some non-coincidental relationship underlying the fact that the triple 176, 240, 336: i) not only shows up as three Zumkeller numbers in A083207 ii) but also (when divided thru by 16) as 11,15,21 in A1...

10 hours later…
Eric Peterson asked in the other chatroom whether the mistake with divisors tag is frequent.
in Homotopy Theory, 29 mins ago, by Eric Peterson
@MartinSleziak is that a common point of confusion?
in Homotopy Theory, 17 mins ago, by Martin Sleziak
@EricPeterson It's not that easy to get hard data - we cannot be sure how many questions were originally tagged incorrectly and stayed tagged incorrectly for a long time before somebody corrected it.
in Homotopy Theory, 11 mins ago, by Martin Sleziak
This query might be - probably very approximate - attempt to get list questions which had this tag in the past: Posts which had given tag in the past.
in Homotopy Theory, 7 mins ago, by Martin Sleziak
Maybe this might give a bit clearer picture - if somebody corrects the tag and writes also the edit summary, it is very probably that the edit summary will include the word divisors. List of all edits where edit summary contains given keyword
Some mistagged question I was able to find:
Little problem of divisibility - corrected within few days by Gerry Myerson.
And then there are the 7 questions linked above where the tag is still used incorrectly.
However, as far as I can tell, the tag was created in 2014. So several of those retags by quid were at the time when the new tag was created.
And it was in 2014 that tag-excerpt was edited to clarify usage.
Maybe oldtimers from MO remember whether before that that the tag was intended for both meanings.
in Homotopy Theory, 41 secs ago, by Martin Sleziak
@EricPeterson I will admit that there are not that many of them - however I tried to collect examples of posts that were originally tagged and then corrected to in another chatroom.
BTW the tag-excerpt for divisors-multiples was created in January 2014 - so I'd guess it was almost immediately after the tag was created.
It seems that the tag (divisors) was created by Ben Webster in October 2009: mathoverflow.net/posts/258/revisions and mathoverflow.net/posts/44/revisions
Judging by the topics he is interested in, he had most likely the meaning from algebraic geometry in mind.

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