@MartinEnder Just read some fantastic raving reviews for Hollow Knight. I've never been into Metroidvania games, and I wasn't that interested in it, but after seeing the overwhelmingly positive feedback, I really want to try it out now.
I'm definitely gonna snag it next time it goes on sale
It's worth every cent without a sale ;). But yeah it's amazing. Haven't played the second free content update yet though, because I want to do it on a new playthrough, and I'll wait with that until content update #3.
@EricTressler It's funny you say that... Our insurance company sends out "test phishing emails" that are literally, verbatim: "Hi,\n\nUnclaimed funds in your account, click attachment to claim!\n\nThanks,\nBeatrice Vermunda"
@EricTressler Then we got one that used a bootstrap template, and it was 100% a real attempt. SO MANY PEOPLE FELL FOR IT.
Nope. It looks pretty interesting, but I've never gotten around to it cause I've always been busy with other games. And probably because I haven't seen it on sale :P
@EricTressler disgusted look you didn't play it on very hard the first time?!
@EricTressler My rules get more and more ridiculous the more time I replay... My most recent playthrough was "My character is afraid of guns, hostile to the Brotherhood of Steel, regardless of context. Claustrophobic of tight spaces (no power armor). And too weak for 2-handed weapons. I was basically a melee monk lol.
@EricTressler Then again... I didn't finish most of those "super specific" runs..
I got so fed up with always ending up as a stealth sniper or a magician bowman...
I played new vegas (all 3 endings as (Then realized what I was missing...) a sniper)...
@EricTressler OMG YES. DARK SOULS. I still need to beat 3... I just got past... uhh... the pontiff? And then beat the other girl after him... But I can't freaking find anyone to finish it with me (xbox one). Can't even get to the DLC I bought.
@MagicOctopusUrn If you go around the boss fog doors while embered and offline, you should still see summon signs pretty often. They're sometimes harder to find than player signs