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Dennis has unfrozen this room.
I posted the second challenge!
If you want to post a submission, just ping me here and I will give you Collaborator access. Then, go to the Puzzle you want to solve, choose the proper team and modify the file named **<language>.<extension>** with your code. It is also recommended to add a file (**<language>.md**) with the standard template from PPCG, the author of the answer - most likely you - (and a link to their profile). Optionally, you can also add an explanation. If you want to submit another answer to a Puzzle that has already been solved in the language you use, just add a new file called **<language>2/3/4/whatev
ಠ_ಠ Leaky ninja'd Jelly
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think it is golfable though
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, most likely, but I don't have the time to golf it D: English Homework
Nice RIP
@cairdcoinheringaahing Literature or Grammar? (both are lame nonetheless)
@Mr.Xcoder Literature. Animal Farm analysis ಠ_ಠ
Minor typo: bewteen the digits in that chunck.
@user202729 Fixed.

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