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@EliahKagan I have edited the closed question you referred to in order to make it clearer: askubuntu.com/questions/331446/… and voted to reopen it. I also voted to reopen the other question.
@karel Thanks. I've voted to reopen.
I've also edited some more to make it even clearer. I wasn't able to figure out precisely what "When am not confusing this" meant, though, so I left that confusing phrase in. I don't think that's a sufficient reason to keep the question closed -- it's clear what's the question as a whole is asking -- but do you happen to know what the OP meant by that phrase?
Oh, it means, "If I'm not confusing this."
Well, I still don't know how to make that part clearer.
@EliahKagan I wasn't able to decrypt that line when I edited the question. The other lines were easier for me to decrypt because they appeared to be eccentricities of the German language possibly crudely translated into English by Google Translate.
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad pattern in URL body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: That is not the dependable approach by dianershultz on askubuntu.com
Dupe (see answer).
Is this question actually a duplicate of the question it's now duped to? It doesn't seem to me like it is. Is it a dupe of something else? @Zanna Can you use your badge to add a more suitable question as a second "original"? Do you know of a more suitable one?
I'm pretty sure I voted Leave Open there as I don't agree with the dupe... hmm let's have a look
The delete vote there is also alarming considering the clear value of the answer and the official guidance about (not) deleting duplicates with valuable answers.
Wow so not a dupe of that!
I mean, we could reopen it. I would rather add to or replace the currently listed original, though, because the question has quality problems. Not enough that I would want to delete it even if it didn't have a useful answer, but it doesn't state what commands were run, and it's not entirely clear what caused the first error with the *.
@Zanna But yes, it's not about a missing space after cd. If the SE dupe banner can't be made to show at least one link to a question that actually is similar to it, then we basically have to reopen it.
Or delete it, in theory. But that's officially frowned on in this sort of situation with a valuable answer.
Or officially prohibited and a deliberate abuse of the system, depending on how you read the guidelines (rules?) about how to use delete votes.
So, my guess is that the first command they ran was:
cd \*
Or something very similar to it.
It's not like that answer is saying anything that isn't mentioned in lots of other answers though
It's like this question whose title I'm about to edit
@EliahKagan yeah
I have found this other question. What do you think of it? Can both those questions be duped to it.
Or, I mean, can one have it added to the dupe banner, and the other be closed as a duplicate of it?
In that question there's another problem, that the answers don't seem to address directly
That the path starts with /
We also have this question, which is closed as a duplicate of that question.
@EliahKagan upvoted that one and downvoted a wrong one
Oh. Thanks.
@Zanna Doesn't this answer address that?
@Zanna I think there's more that wrong case going on in that question we're looking at too, though. They passed a literal * to cd somehow. Maybe they were in an empty directory (or empty but for dotfiles). Or maybe they quoted it. I suspect they were trying to use `` as a path separator and... well, who knows.
We should not add something to the dupe banner based on my admittedly weak suspicions, but it seems to me that we don't have to consider only questions that address only the case problem. So long as they do address it.
We also have this question. How are none of these dupes yet?
And this question which is similar and all about case.
And this one. What do you think of that as the master question? It's clear, pretty well visited, and it came up first in one of my Google searches.
Sorry, it actually came second. This other one was first. Should I be listing these in a more manageable way?
Sorry I'm so slow to respond, I'm just doing small edits as I go through
Did we mention this one? Not a great master question but maybe it can be closed too.
@Zanna Not a problem. That's actually excellent because it's better to do those before closing than after.
We also have this one.
These are all so dupe haha but that first one got closed so wrongly
I haven't found any others easily with Google.
Shall we close all but one of those others as duplicates, then figure out which one or ones of them -- if any -- the original irksomely duped question should have added as an "original"?
@EliahKagan yes :)
Here are my top three choices for what can be the master question, most preferred first (but I am not extremely invested in which one we choose):
turns on laptop silly trying to do this on mobile
3. Terminal doesn't go to /home/username (should probably be retitled)
@Zanna You've been editing a whole bunch of posts on these questions from mobile?
@EliahKagan not explicitly enough imho. But it's a good answer
@EliahKagan yeah... I'm silly
We can dupe all but one but not all to the same question, just the hierarchy won't be as flat as it could be. But do you think any of the questions we've found can be used to dupe all the others? Any of those three I listed, perhaps?
@EliahKagan I'm unwilling to change that title more (I already edited it) because it's the kind of thing someone might type in without understanding what's going on, but it's still descriptive... better signpost as it is I think
Yeah, that makes sense. I agree.
this answer seems... wrong?
@Zanna is not
@EliahKagan I upvoted Serg's answer, but I don't think it's the best one, because it doesn't deal with the case sensitivity issue very well, and although the part about ls is helpful, the later stuff is a bit rambling
@muru oh I was editing on mobile, I just screwed up
@Zanna That question also has way fewer views than 1 and 2.
@Zanna For readline. Which bash uses for completion.
@EliahKagan um, would you mind editing the tags?
No problem.
@EliahKagan thanks, I'll correct the formatting
Should these questions have the tag or just and ?
I think I should add too. I won't edit tags on already closed questions just for that though. At least not if they're recently closed.
because, I thought, the capitalisation of those default directories in $HOME is the main stumbling block here, but we can just use ...
Oh, well for some of them, like this one, I think they should have it.
But in general for directory capitalization, including questions about capitalization of directory names inside home folders, I wouldn't tag with .
That seems broader than we usually use for -- if it applies to anything about files usually found inside a home directory, then it's a very broad tag that can go on many many more questions (and the tag wiki would also have to be edited to provide guidance about that).
ok :)
I've edited tags (and some of the post bodies).
What should be the master question?
How do I change directories from the command line has another problem - if we dupe this to something, the target has to be comprehensive
Once that is figured out, I'll list all the others and we can go through them to make sure it makes sense to do it.
@EliahKagan thanks!
@Zanna Or just dupe it to more than one thing.
that will work :)
That could be done even without your hammer, just by us selecting different dupes when we vote.
Personally I would be inclined to make most dupes be dupes of like ten questions...
...but I don't think most people would want that.
haha the editing dupes feature is totally the best gold badge thing... possibly the best privilege ever
Do you consider either of 1 or 2 to be suitable as the master question?
I seem to be slightly dissatisfied with all of them :S
maybe some merging would help
Merging of answers?
After closure?
Into what?
I don't have anything in particular in mind yet
If you're not sure, we can also post on meta. There are only 9 questions in total that we're talking about, so I don't think a meta post is necessary before acting, but it's certainly always fine to ask more people for input.
I guess How do I change the current working directory to the Downloads directory is the best one. The top answer explains the problem that all these questions are mainly about and how to solve it clearly, and the other answer adds some useful extra information (though imho not the most useful information it could add)
We can also ping people in here and ask them though I don't know what the etiquette is for that. Does showing one's face in the Downboat mean one accepts requests for cleanup input?
hahaha I don't know but I usually bother them anyway :)
@Zanna Yeah, that's my preferred one too. (Hence the #1 status.)
Since I've looked at them all without keeping in mind how you rated them and that one is my #1 too it's probably a good choice
Unrelated to all that, this question is decidedly off-topic.
OK, I am going to list all the other ones besides How do I change the current working directory to the Downloads directory? and we can go through them.
Assuming it looks good, I think it's best I cast a close vote on each one before you use your dupe hammer, for greater transparency. I doubt anyone will have any objections, but even just to know who it might be useful to discuss merging with, I think it's best my name be on them too. I don't think it actually matters very much though.
that sounds good, and A. looks good
I am unsure if you're saying the thing of us both appearing in the closers list is good, or something else?
yes I'm saying that. it was a team effort (well, I showed up and I'm totally taking credit for your effort) and people can complain to both of us if needed
All eight (A-H) look like good dupes of 1 to me.
Quick revisiting of a previous question though.
Do you think it is reasonable to retitle H to "Terminal doesn't go to /home/username/downloads"?
oh yes, definitely :S I missed that
it's a different problem if cd /home/username doesn't work (eg typed username instead of zanna)
OK, and before I cast my eight dupe votes, one other thing.
@Zanna Did we want to find additional "originals" for B?
that would be a nice-to-have
Is the reason the title? Or the answers? Or both?
both I think, and the fact that it has an extra problem besides case sensitivity
What if we dupe B to H (and also to 1, as planned)?
Is there a limit to how many "originals" you can put in after it's duped?
@EliahKagan yes, I like that idea
I don't mean like 50.
I mean like 3.
Because I like that idea too. But...
3 is definitely ok... I'm not aware of a limit
...it doesn't fully address the /home/something-that-is-not-a-home-directory problem.
maybe we should just write an answer somewhere around here XD
as a related aside, I edited the title of the question that the wrongly duped question that started this conversation is closed against. Does that edit seem ok?
Yes, but I'd probably go for:
> cd.. and cd- don't work, how do I use cd?
Or something shorter like that.
But there is nothing wrong with the title as it is now.
@Zanna To what question?
It's a pretty natural confusion, to think that one's home directory is the /home directory. I expect we do have something for that already.
yeah! I was just digging around among my own answers to see if I could find anything like that, but I can't
This qustion relates to it, but is not a suitable original for it, I don't think.
oh yeah, that's useful, but it's at least partly about something else
Also related but not a good original.
@EliahKagan looks great :)
@Zanna That can be duped to 1 as well, right?
@EliahKagan or to B
missing $USER in path
So, I think both B and I can be duped to that one I answered as well as to 1.
ah we agree
Then, after closure, H can be added as a third original of B but not I. Right?
OK, hold on, before I cast the other dupe votes, I'll comment on B and I to indicate they're related to each other and VTC both of them as dupes of Home folder in root and not in home… I'm confused!.
I'll try not to call them B and I in the comments. :)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +1 more: Androdrox studies performed in this field by user746599 on askubuntu.com
OK I did that. So you can close those two as duplicates of 1 at any time.
I'll go ahead and vote to close the others as duplicates of 1 now.
B done with three targets
OK, I cast all those votes. You can go ahead and VTC the rest.
For I, I'm afraid I am the one who added absent mindedly, so I'll just vote to close against 1 so that both targets are caught
oh muru hammered it :D
sorry, everything closed and I got logged out. Probably OOM
too many tabs
I'll ask your about your computer's specs at a time when I won't be distracting you further by doing so.
anything additional to be done here?
going back to the original wrongly duped question the title seems to suck. We can edit it, open it, then close it correctly without sending to reopen, rather than just editing the duplicate. What do you think
$ free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           1.9G        1.3G        100M         78M        543M        747M
Swap:          1.3G         46M        1.3G
going to get breakfast haha
all the other ones are closed
@Zanna You mean like adding more originals?
@Zanna Yeah, I suggest adding 1 as a direct original of that (but also keeping the, uh, original original).
I would probably put 1 second. But whichever.
@Zanna Yeah, that is better. I'll look around to see if I can find anything that addresses the first error message with the *. Then, either way, I'll comment and cast my reopen vote.
thanks so much for all your efforts!
I feel like I should thank you for your efforts, and then you would wrongly insist that my efforts are greater, which I would have to point out by calling attention to your even greater efforts, but you would find flaw in this and give further example of my efforts, which I would then have to rebut, and it would all become very comedic. Way too much effort! Thank you for the compliment, however. :)
haha :)
@EliahKagan o.O
Well the actual method is useful.
Still though. That's a really serious error... and the confusion seems to have been what stuck!
I don't know.
I hope they will correct it
Anyway the other answer is good, I think.
what should be done here I wonder... It possibly could be a kernel bug... I think their processor should be i7-... seems I have seen numerous questions with the not-very-visible info that machine has i5- or i7-* and Ubuntu is freezing, but I don't know of any workaround or reported kernel bug
there are many mentions of i7 on this page
but the intel_idle.max_cstate parameter doesn't reliably work for those processors afaik
oh this comment on that thread might have some useful leads... hmm
@Zanna I've commented and voted to reopen that question.
@Zanna Is this related in any way to System freezes completely with Intel Bay Trail and Will the Intel Bay Trail CPU problem be fixed in 17.04? I'm guessing it is not, but I figured I'd ask just in case.
@Zanna My comment contains the information about originals. I think it can be reopened and closed at any time. I didn't find anything for cding to a literal * except that question itself, but I don't think that's the focus of the question and I'm not really worried about it (I did mention it in my comment).
I think Greg's answer (to 1) could benefit from copyediting, but I have to go afk really soon, likely for hours.
@EliahKagan reopened and closed with both targets
@EliahKagan I've edited it, but you may want to check that you agree with my changes and if more are needed
@EliahKagan sorry yes it's related - the bugzilla page I linked to is about the BayTrail c-state bug. I have no reason to believe the OP of the question I linked to in the CV queue is suffering from that bug, but I have a suspicion based on vague memories of seeing numerous questions about i7 devices freezing and the mentions of i7 in the bugzilla report that some of the Intel i7 processors suffer from a related bug
I'm not sure whether the change to i915 that triggered the BayTrail issue also caused issues for i7, and I'm fairly sure the BayTrail workaround doesn't work reliably for the i7 processors. But I don't agree with the comments dismissing the possibility of it being a kernel issue... but I do agree that downgrading the kernel is not the right approach. I'm trying to figure out what kind of comment to leave haha I need to do some more research
I'm not sure this is really an answer... it seems to me to be saying "you shouldn't be having the problem that you are actually having"
and not much else...
@Zanna I mean, some of my additions may not be very well explained
Hey guys, isn't it better to close Pressing “s” key opens “save file” screen as a duplicate of Keys malfunctioning instead of unclear?
though we may need to fix the title of the latter
@Zanna the second comment is amusing... I don't think the system will run well if I modprobe -r i915 (presumably it's builtin anyway... I don't want to test)
@Dan yes... I think it is better, but do you think we should make the effort of reopening it so that it can be closed again, or should we just flag it for moderator attention?
I worry if we cast reopen votes, it will not get accepted as reviewers will most likely not reopen it. So I'm not very sure
we'll also need to immediately close it as duplicate
I'm not very active as a reviewer :blush: so I'm not sure how we manage these cases usually
I've voted to reopen, and you might want to do the same. I also left a comment, partly asking OP to clarify. If they also confirm the duplicate target really answers their question, I would probably flag the question for moderator attention if it's not getting easily re-closed... I'll check back on my comment later
I probably would have waited before voting to reopen, but I edited it, which will bump it to the reopen queue anyway :S
okay, done
The only possible functional difference between the accepted answer and the commands in the link in this LOA, is that in the latter, an architecture configuration is added to the source line. I am unsure about what system configurations that might avoid problems with, so I am unsure whether that could have made the difference for the post author...
I don't understand why the answers here were upvoted! The 16.10 one got 2 upvotes (so far) o.O
not sure but it looks like OP upvoted both
wow, feeling AU fatigue. and have to go out soon anyway.
you need hot chocolate
@edwinksl good call
@edwinksl seems socky
5 hours later…
@Zanna Handled
1 hour later…
@ThomasWard :D
@Zanna I have not gotten around to commenting on the rest of those answers (about counting files), posting an answer, or editing any of the less wrong ones.
No need to worry about it. They've been there a long time already. Can I do anything helpful?
I am hoping you might be able to help me with what I want to get done first before I go back to that.
2 hours later…
Going to sleep, so back much later
1 hour later…
@Zanna we should figure out how to make you not sleep

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