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either way we don't stop stupid people from asking stupid questions, the only factor is whether we can help people, the "make the internet better" rule
I need Newgrounds onebox support.
Deleting posts doesn't actually set precedent for non-regular users, they'll never know that you went on a crusade to delete those sorts of posts
@FAE I have nearly twice as many views on one of my questions than the dupe it's linked to simply because my title is easier to search and more descriptive
Should I suggest it on MSE?
deleting them only makes it harder to find that they are off topic
Q: NFS HP 3 not working properly!

Divya MamgaiI have a problem with my NFS HP 3. My PC has these specs :- Pentium 4 3.0Ghz(E) 2GB DDR2 (Dual Channel i.e, 2X1GB) 160GB Seagate Baracuda (7200 RPM) Zotac Geforce GT 240 (1GB GDDR5) My temporary PC can easy handle Crysis 1 on medium settings (8XAA,16XAntisc..,&8XMSAA), Burnout Paradise (...

@GnomeSlice That would be the place to suggest it.
@BenBrocka If we follow that logic, we have to bring all those deleted ITGs back. And then I couldn't keep posting this:
@Wipqozn Is it even worth bothering though?
@Sterno WHAT.
God, the spoiler phobia of some people is so incredibly stupid.
@FAE Raven wanted you to see this (warning to others, has ME3 ending spoilers)
Thank god we have responsible editors like @murgatroid99 to fix idiocy like that.
@GnomeSlice You won't know until you try.
@Sterno we don't have a good resource to point ITG people to, we can't help those people by closing as a dupe and they're useless to google searchers
Why has this received 2 re-open votes?
Q: Has anyone played the Diablo 3 beta using a mobile/integrated graphics card?

cstaikosWhat sort of FPS do you get? When there is a lot going on does it become frustratingly slow?

@Sterno Thanks, I did see it!
@Wipqozn Soundcloud never got it.
@GnomeSlice So...?
@BenBrocka Oh. I thought you meant closed as off-topic. I don't think we delete all that many dupes unless the phrasing is almost identical anyway, right?
You waste a couple minutes out fo your life typing up the message. It's not a big deal.
It's not a big deal to suggest something and have it declined.
@Sterno I know, I'm arguing close them as dupe vs deleting them. We only delete or merge questions when they're exactly the same question, which does happen on accident or intentionally on occasions
If the title's different we leave them for Google-ability
@BenBrocka carry on then!
wow, maxing out all my guns in ME3 takes a lot more credits than expected...
Q: What is Indoctrination?

floundyWhat does Indoctrination mean? Is it a game thing only or it can be used in real life? Also is that always bad or it can be good too.

> Is it a game thing only or it can be used in real life?
I'm gonna indoctrinate all my friends
I really, really need to get laid.
Then impale them on spikes
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't see a problem with this.
@LessPop_MoreFizz what's scary is that just got an upvote
I'm really tempted to answer that with a dictionary definition, but that would be enabling the poster.
I guess there is an upside to indoctrination. You generally get harvested last.
@GnomeSlice Spoilerphobia is stupid, we should be more concerned with SEO than engaging in verbal gymnastics specifically designed to obfuscate what the question is about for fear of offending someone.
@Sterno The question is fine, it's a lore question, we have plenty of 'em.
That sentence is dumb though.
Yeah, for Q titles I'd go for SEO over spoiler free (makes them easier to understand anyway). The vital context can be provided in spoiler tags in post
@LessPop_MoreFizz You'd say that we probably don't want day 1 questions that are the equivalent of "Why did Snape kill Dumbledore at the end of the book?" though, right?
@BenBrocka I could even care less about SEO, I shouldn't need to click on your question to figure out what the hell you mean.
@Sterno No, I wouldn't.
@Sterno I would rather have "Why did Snape Kill Dumbledore" than "Why did Snape do that thing?"
There's no reason to go out of your way to include spoilers in your title, but the instant it gets in the way of clarity, it needs to stop.
@BenBrocka What's this business with trains arriving and not departing?
Half Life 2 reference
@LessPop_MoreFizz I agree with that.
Some of the textual gymnastics I've seen are pretty horrific.
I remember we had a Skyrim question "What happens if I kill that dragon that the person told me to kill."
Thinking about it, there aren't that many games where spoilers are even a big deal.
@Sterno I don't really mind spoilers at all.
Even for plots I care about.
At least I try to tell myself that :'(
@StrixVaria Me either, generally. But a lot of people do.
I spoilerized myself on ME3 way before I beat it
They've done studies that people tend to enjoy things more when they already know the outcome.
Of course I won't be able to find them now.
My mom always reads the last chapter of mystery novels first.
But I've read it on the Internet; it must be true.
@StrixVaria It's okay, we already know the outcome of the studies, so we enjoy them more.
@Sterno my mom always reads the last page first! WTF!
@Sterno I spoilerized myself on ME3 way before I got it
@Wipqozn There you go.
I'm glad I got one of the spoilers so I could save a certain lizardy scientist in the place
It's the journey, man, not the destination.
My father was just suggesting tonight that when a new television series comes out, they should have one episode that explains everything, which you tape but don't watch. then if the show gets cancelled before revelations, you can just go and watch it.
@BenBrocka @Sterno we'd been trying to hide it from you, but... it's true. You're brothers.
It drives me nuts when people whine about you spilling "spoilers" for a book/game/show that's like 3 years old
@GnomeSlice I'd love to see the Lost episode of that
@NickT except for movies by M. Night Shyamalan
I hate Lost more every day.
Man, my father is the smartest person I've ever met.
Kind of makes me feel terrible about myself.
Lost should have had an ME3 style ending
Knowing that I'll never be as smart as he.
turn to channel 1 to see a blue smoke monster
Reading any wiki article anywhere is guaranteed spoilers, as if you look up something new (when you just come across it in the story), they invariably talk about the ramifications of it in the future
turn to channel 2 to see a red smoke monster!
@GnomeSlice That would never work. Most television series rely on the "what will happen next?" and "what is the secret?" to keep people watching.
@BenBrocka You mean one that doesn't really make sense and that everyone hates? I think it did
@Wipqozn Right, but like, Alphas didn't come back after its first season. =[ I want to know what happened.
Or maybe that was BSG
Anyone who complains about Game of Thrones spoilers deserves a punch in the business.
lol, yeah that's a funny one
@Sterno Renly wins the War, right?
@GnomeSlice They probably don't know. Most television shows are planned on a season-by-season basis. They just make stuff up as they go along.
@Sterno I specifically didn't tell my GF about Ned dying, and then she quit the show when he was executed.
cuz he's baller
but it was a lot of people's first exposure to the series
@Wipqozn Heh.
That is true.
@Sterno The best is the Game of Thrones thread at Something Awful which has actively spoiled people for sport for about 7 years now.
It is amazing.
@StrixVaria OMG Ned dies? I was waiting for the DVDs to come to the bargain bin at Best Buy, you insensitive clod!
How dare they kill their best actor!?
They used to have a big Blingee-made banner that said ARYA GOES BLIND in gigantic sparkly font.
What are the season 2 spoilers?
Renly dies...
@NickT Season 3 is really the spoiler fun party.
I know some pretty big season 3 spoilers.
I haven't read the books, should I leave now?
"Everyone who matters dies."
@MBraedley Looks like!
I forgot what happens in what book after the first one
False spoiler: Theon kills Bran and Rickon
@NickT Same.
@LessPop_MoreFizz was that CoK?
I read them all in a row and couldn't remember what's what.
@NickT Yes.
Pretty much, though, everyone dies.
Quorin dies at the end of CoK?
well, 'kills them' wad CoK, yeah.
@NickT Yeah, Halfhand was CoK too, though he's not a big deal really.
My favorite scenes are when Lannisters die.
so SoS is where Theon -> Reek?
CoK is largely plot twist free. It's very kinetic, and lots of stuff happens, but it's largely telegraphed.
@NickT No.
I'd be cool if the TV series just followed Tyrion, Jamie, and Littlefinger around
Q: Can opponents in ME3 be damaged by their own grenades?

Steve V.Recently, I was trying to rescue two people in an elevator. This being Mass Effect, there were bad guys trying to stop me. One of them, in the course of trying to stop me, tossed a grenade into a wall, where it bounced off and landed at his feet (not his fault, he came down with a sudden case ...

Q: What is Indoctrination?

floundyWhat does Indoctrination mean? Is it a game thing only or it can be used in real life? Also is that always bad or it can be good too.

@Sterno & Arya
Arya's boring for a really long time
She travels like 60 miles in 4 books
@NickT CoK: Theon takes Winterfell. SoS: Theon gets owned by Boltons. FFC: Theon absent. DwD: Theon = Reek.
@Sterno Arya is always awesome, you shut your mouth.
what 4 books are these...
@NickT Clash of Kings, Storm of Swords, Feast for Crows, Dance with Dragons.
I really liked a scene early in the TV series between Jamie and his father (I forget the details, but his dad was skinning/butchering an animal at the time), which wasn't in the books. Gave some nice context
CoK she goes from KL to Harrenhall?
Need more scenes like that instead of nonstop gratuitous doggystyle
Hey everyone
@NickT No. CoK she goes to Harrenhal and gets Jaqen H'gahr to kill all the people she doesn't like while pretending to be a meek serving girl.
She's the angel of death in an occupied fort.
@Sterno Speak for yourself.
How about that Game of Thrones game coming out the same day as D3?
then runs away in SoS, captured by brotherhood, then the hound, then goes to some port city to go to Braavos?
That whole demo video was hilarious.
@StrixVaria ?
He was talking about fast-paced action, "just like the books".
@NickT More or less.
@LessPopMoreFizz That doesn't happen until about book 3 though, does it?
And on screen barely anything was happening.
@Sterno No, Harrenhal is Book 2.
Book 3 is she flees with the Hound.
Okay, I rescind my previous statement.
and then in book 4, ARYA GOES BLIND.
which is largely irrelevant
falls into the category of Star Trek cliffhangers
I just saw I have 3 50% off coupons on Steam for HOMM6, if anyone wants one
there's an actual trope name for that
I'd just like to reiterate:
I found it!
@sterno I would make use of one
My mom always said I'd go blind too. But I think it was for a different reason.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh geez.
stupid one boxing scaling images.
@Stephen What's your steam name?
Argh! I'm only done book 1!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Christ that's big.
@BenBrocka Time to push California into the ocean.
@NickT Not the same video because I can't find it, but here's the game: youtube.com/watch?v=E1zYzzJJ2LE
@sterno RedSteveO
Also, I want to ink this again because it's just so good.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Typo or pun?
@Mana Sucks to be you! Also, Joffrey dies, Robb dies, Caitlyn dies but comes back as a zombie, John dies, Jaime loses a hand, Tyrion murders Tywin while taking a shit.
Dear burst fire weapons: I hate you. Signed, Me
@Mana everyone dies
@Wipqozn Both!
@LessPop_MoreFizz WHAT
@Mana Arya is Garrus
And most importantly of all, ARYA GOES BLIND.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Jon the one with Ghost?
@sterno 19/25, 2 4's 3 3's ... getting there ... slowly but surely... thought I was gonna stick at 15 forever.
Or is there another John?
Oh my god.
@StrixVaria Yes. Jon the one with ghost.
I... :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh well.
why would you do that to me.
14 mins ago, by Sterno
Anyone who complains about Game of Thrones spoilers deserves a punch in the business.
@Stephen 1 day to go!
@Mana Your sorrow gives me power.
@Mana Because George R. R. Martin will never finish the series, and because the wait for A Dance With Dragons while he attended conventions, demanded his fans go on quests to find him exotic food, and blogged about football instead of writing have left me a hollow, broken shell of a fan.
@StrixVaria I think the spoilers count as a punch in the business.
George R. R. Martin might not be my bitch, but that doesn't mean I can't make sure that everyone else reading the series suffers just as much as me.
Fun Fact, I once rattled off that exact list of spoilers to a random person in an airport lobby reading A Game of Thrones.
Woah now, punching Mana in the business sounds like literal mod abuse. We can't have any of that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You're awesome. Seriously. I wish I could star you, and not just that message.
@LessPop_MoreFizz is there an official list things to rattle off to spoil Game of Thrones?
There are a few reasons why I would love to punch @Mana in the junk furiously and repeatedly.
@NickT That's pretty much the list.
Add Ned Dies, subtract Jon Dies pre DwD
what list
@GnomeSlice Listen. What you two do in the bedroom is your business.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Infinite Suplex.
5 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@Mana Sucks to be you! Also, Joffrey dies, Robb dies, Caitlyn dies but comes back as a zombie, John dies, Jaime loses a hand, Tyrion murders Tywin while taking a shit.
And Arya Goes Blind.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm sorry, did I read that last one correctly.
@LessPop_MoreFizz he murdered someone while he was going to the bathroom? That's gotta be awkward
@GnomeSlice Shot his father in the gut with a crossbow while he was sitting on the john.
It's one of the final scenes of SoS
@LessPop_MoreFizz I love that scene.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Tywin was on the toilet, not Tyrion. It reads wierdly as you have it
@murgatroid99 yes. This.
Sorry for my lack of clarity!
@LessPopMoreFizz Pretty soon the book will be down to just Bran. And then I can burn it.
They were both on the john
@NickT No they weren't. Tyrion walked in on him.
@Sterno Bran gets less unbelievably awful at some point before I gave up on the series.
Which was half-way through the 4th book.
@LessPop_MoreFizz nevermind
some bathroom stall at my old university had 2 toilets in it
2 bowls, 1 door.
@NickT ಠ_ಠ
@NickT I have seen this in a lot of fast food restrooms for some reason.
I'm guessing it's some handicap thing, where they needed a stall that was X big and only knew this later, so they just removed a divider replaced a door with a wall
Book 6 (due in October 2021): Bran and Sansa split the chapters 50/50
Chat, should I order some chicken wings, or should I just eat these chips for dinner?
wings from where
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's late. Chips.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Eat the chips while waiting for the wings. Win win
What kind of chips?
@NickT buffalo wild wings. It is right downstairs.
mmm, bdubs
@StrixVaria store brand tortilla chips. I have no dip.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh wings for sure then.
@LessPopMoreFizz so you're not a brit where "chips" = "fries"?
Chicken wings > chips
@NickT I could get wings from Sheetz on the opposite side of the parking lot instead if I want, but I don't think they will be better.
@NickT I am from New York. Chips are Chips. Fries are Fries.
@NickT White Castle has chicken rings.
what part of the chicken is that from
@NickT What part isn't it from?
the rings
@NickT it is 'white meat'.
(where by 'white meat' they mean 'meat' which has been colored 'white'.)
That's like asking "What part of the cow does Taco Bell meat come from?"
@StrixVaria The part that is full of sawdust.
> Taco Bell prides itself on serving high quality Mexican inspired food with great value.
fuck california, always trying to ruin it for the rest of us
@StrixVaria I laughed pretty hard.
Fun Fact: My old high school actually served the same Chicken Rings that White Castle does 2-3 years before they showed up in White Castle.
hey, Taco Bell is the perfect food (when drunk at 2 AM)
Also, I didn't even know chicken rings existed.
Hello, guys.
I was usually kinda sober then, and on multiple occasions when I went to Taco Bell after midnight I would be spending over $50 and/or there would be a 5+ car line
Woohoo, byebye kaiden
@BenBrocka Did you get Reave before kicking him to the curb?
one guy somehow ate 3 crunchwraps
oooh chicken rings ... now I can mix box them with onion rings and just have everything in ring form oooo
1 is awesome, 2 is bleh, 3 is nasty-ass
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, I have Carnage, I didn't want to put much effort into my second run
@NickT This is true of anything from Taco Bell that's awesome to begin with.
carnage is pretty sweet though, love the long-range detonation abilities
Taco Bell gets exponentially worse per bite.
@Stephen you could make a chicken bagel sandwich without some breadless bit at the middle
@Stephen or be like Paula Deen and make a Krispy Kreme sandwich
@NickT That is kind of exactly what I did in high school for lunch when chicken rings were being served.
@NickT Cadberry creme eggs
@NickT ugh ... I'll pass, but that's one idea ... :>
@BenBrocka I just tried one of those for the first time about a week ago. Count me out of ever having another one.
@LessPopMoreFizz is reave really better than carnage? It's surprisingly useful against armor
what's the new LoL item?
and I needed a long range attack, charge is too dangerous on Instanity most of the time
New Item: Maw of Malmortius
Recipe: Hexdrinker + Pickaxe
Total gold cost: 3300 (combine cost: 925)
+55 Attack Damage
+36 Magic Resist
Unique Passive: +1 Attack Damage for every 2.5% health missing.
Unique Passive: If you would take magic damage which would leave you at less than 30% of your maximum health, you gain a shield which absorbs 400 magic damage for 5 seconds. 60 second cooldown.

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