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@nitsua60 haha, no kidding
Hi all, don't mind me. I'm just procrastinating
Hi, @justprocrastinating, I'm BESW.
3/5 on the dad joke chart
@Ben Uh-oh, I thought I was procrastinating. [falls into existential crisis, is rescued by 6yo calling "daddy!"]
> A [role-playing] game is a system capable of generating emotions through agency in a ritual space.
- The Tiny Game Design Tool
Speaking of existential crises, the reason for my procrastination is due to investing too much hope far too early in a potential project that fell through before it even took off. So feeling a bit down, and therefore avoiding production in a passive aggressive manner.
Sigh, I need 1 more Paladin spell for a character and none look that exciting to me
What's the selection?
I already have Bless, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Searing Smite, Command, and Compelled Duel
So what are you choosing from then? Have you shortlisted anything?
Doing a shield and one hander and feel like most of the time since Paladins don't get many slots I'll be using some combination of Bless, Compelled Duel, and Divine Favor.
shortlist would be Cure Wounds, Protection from Evil and Good, Purify Food and Drink, or Thunderous Smite
Thunderous smite seems to fit OK. If not, Prot from E&G is always useful
Is it? So far all we seem to face as far as difficult fights go has been Baby Dragons, Young Dragons, and in one case a Giant Orc
Referring to Protection from Evil and Good that is
Ah well yeah, if you're just fighting melee monsters it's probably not so applicable.
Thunderous Smite is a cantrip, yeah?
hey there @Ben and @Ryan
no. Paladins dont get any cantrips
at level 4 I only get 3 level 1 spell slots which is why I feel like anything else I choose is rarely going to get used
Huh. Well that's something I didn't know
@Shalvenay heya
how're things going?
well enough, you?
alright here
Well, thinking about it like this: a paladin isn't a caster. They have the ability to cast spells, to help turn the tide in battle. They're a warrior first.
That's why the list of Paladin's "spells" aren't that impressive when you compare it to a warlock or wizard
yep. so for filler what do you think? Would Purify Food and Drink ever get used? Or Cure Wounds to have just more healing
@Ryan depends strongly on the focus of your campaign
hey there @daze413
I'd pick Protection (CAST PROTECTION!). It's a lot more useful than Purify, and by the time you need purify, you can probably just wait for after a long rest to change spells @Ryan
oh good point @daze413
@Ryan Level?
Level 4 Oath of the Crown
I'm afb and paladins have a strange progression--remind me what Pa4 has?
@Shalvenay heyo! Wazzappp?
not much here, pondering how to heat my dream house haha
@nitsua60 you mean just spell slots or you want me to run down everything?
slots (sorry)
@Shalvenay situate it in the PH. BAM! Done! Next question!
I think 3 1st-levels?
@Shalvenay but seriously, you're doing some engineering here? Or... what?
@daze413 more seriously, yeah -- some prelim evaluation-of-options on a more qualitative basis
@nitsua60 my oath gives me Command and Compelled Duel. Then I get 4 more prepared.
@Ryan dont worry too much about picking spells correctly as a paladin, most spells on their list are simply excuse so the designers didnt write a pool mechanic so paladins can smite a limited amount of times per day.
because you will smite.
yeah, of all the times I've seen a paladin do/be something and think "that's pretty cool," it's never been casting a spell.
@nitsua60 unless that spell is Find Steed. Paladins love that spell
Yep, they shine when the GM puts an encounter with 2 mummies against the party, one of them nearly kills a party member, then the paladin walks to them and pulverizes one of the mummies with smite.
The auras are great, divine sense and laying hands (esp. the healing bit, if that's a thing in your world), CD....
@Shalvenay You're planning on moving soon-ish, then?
@daze413 thinking long-term really
@Shalvenay Ah. Local feng-shui experts (or shamans) do those for us (worry about heating and lighting), no engineers required. I noticed they have some method in their madness, as long as it isn't spirit/ghosts/haunting business
@daze413 :P
I've...heard of the horrors of Filipino electric service.
One thing to consider is that building your character for the game you're playing is more often than not, not going to work. Imo, the GM should build a campaign built around your characters and their abilities.
@Shalvenay Well, ok, we do need engineers. But these guys usually just take advantage of any natural wind/light that your prospective home can get, is all.
@Shalvenay Let me dispel those rumors and tell you that they are all true. Got shocked by the water heater several months back, have been showering cold ever since
For example, if you're constantly delving through dungeons full of traps and locked doors, with a party full of orc barbarians, no-one is going to enjoy that.
Cc @Ryan
Is there really any fun at disabling all traps?
In comparison with triggering every single one, because you're not really equipped to even see them most of the time...
that would be like getting hit on every monster encounter, or getting surprised on the first round. Remember, traps are like monsters, but if you disable them without any effect, they are monsters you have rolled a d20 and instant killed. Except only one character is having fun disabling them.
@ShadowKras depends on the trap :D and if, by disabling, you mean tricking a monster to trigger it.
@daze413 that is much more fun than disabling.
Trapping a trap to trap another trap?
Q: Why am I getting shocked by a water heater?

Darwin BautistaBackground: I live in Metro Manila, Philippines where the electric distribution company, Meralco, delivers split-phase power to residential buildings. Our old (1980s) Meralco service drop consists only of 2 conductors, both phase conductors, and no neutral conductor. Phase-to-phase voltage is 24...

@Shalvenay because you keep touching it?
Usually because you are swapping the heat level with the valve turned on. Or there are wires touching the water inside the boiler.
@Ben hardehar. (not my water heater for sure -- the one we have here can't shock anyone, because it's a gas standing-pilot unit)
@Shalvenay The grounding problem here also hits other devices- speakers last only months until they get that annoying buzz, for example
@Ben but what if the trap... was a mimic?
@daze413 it's not a "grounding problem", really -- its that the way your service is supplied is probably incompatible with the way your house is wired
(read Harper's answer for all the gory details you'll ever need to know on that topic)
@Shalvenay if only I could comprehend half of it :(
@daze413 I feel like that would be a whole other bag of holding.
@daze413 too much power in, not enough power out. All that extra power has to go somewhere
@daze413 his answer assumes the reader knows a lot of things, but later he explains some of it.
"a common misconception is that current wants to return to earth. No, man-made current couldn't care less about earth, it wants to go back to source. In this case the other pole of the transformer secondary. It will use all possible paths to do that, in proportion to their conductance (1/impedance), including humans." <- win
@ShadowKras First Rule of Electricity: Current Flows In Loops!
@ShadowKras oooh. Didn't read comments. Rpg.se has sppiled me that posts integrate useful comments inyo answers
@ShadowKras assumptions like that are always fun. "They call it "earth", so that's what it must do"
Yes... and wearing rubber boots is a fail-safe when dealing g with any kind of electrical circuit...
hello there @Dearat
what's up?
Is it also normal for outlets to spark when you plug something in?
@daze413 what sort of something are you plugging in?
@daze413 Like a fork? Yes.
as if the device has no on/off switch (i.e. draws power as soon as you plug it in), or is plugged in while the on/off switch is on, it is normal for a spark to form between plug and outlet as plug is plugged into outlet -- this is a contact make/break arc, similar to the ones found in switching devices
Occasionally it might spark when you plug in a normal plug into a socket, but if it does it constantly, there are more than likely issues with the socket.
(I can personally attest to seeing them generated when plugging or unplugging a laptop power brick in a modern, well-built building in the USA)
Also what @Shalvenay said
@Ben hahaha no, just regular laptop plugs
@Shalvenay ah, so it is normal. Just plugged in my laptop and *spark!
Electricity is always live, and always wanting to move. Give it a reason to jump (or arc, or "spark"), and it will. Turning powerpoints off before/after you connect/disconnect something will remove that ability, because the powerpoint is no longer receiving power
@Ben that just moves the arc to within the switch (which is built to handle it, however)
More precisely, yeah
Thought: Given that Glitterdust infamously has the caster use a handful of glitter as a material component, could any adventurer with an actual handful of glitter create an identical effect, regardless of their ability to cast Glitterdust? Maybe just with a different save?
@Papayaman1000 There is a running joke [citation needed] that casters who cast glitterdust are just throwing glitter in someones face
A: What is the point of a spell component pouch?

Brian Ballsun-StantonIt's a relic of earlier systems. From the "Dungeonomicon:" Material Components: A Joke Gone Way Out of Hand Material components are a joke. I'm not saying that they are metaphorically a joke in that they don't act as a consistent or adequate limiting factor to spellcasting, I mean that...

@daze413 I was just getting the reference.
Or Insect Swarm, where Casting is really just speeding up the process?
@daze413 That's what I'm saying
So if a player wanted to skip the magic part of it, should I let them?
@Papayaman1000 What system?
@Miniman 5e
Q: Can I give the blinded condition through an improvised action?

GMNoobUnder the rules for contests it says that anytime you wish to do something that is opposed by another you make a contest ability check. Later in the combat rules it says that you can use a shove action to impose the prone condition or to move your opponent 5 feet by using an ability score contest...

Ehhhhh.... I wouldn't let them, mechanically. i.e. it shouldn't be as good as the spell
it confer similar effects, but definitely give em a check or something
@daze413 That's what I'm saying
4 mins ago, by Papayaman1000
Thought: Given that Glitterdust infamously has the caster use a handful of glitter as a material component, could any adventurer with an actual handful of glitter create an identical effect, regardless of their ability to cast Glitterdust? Maybe just with a different save?
also, what @Miniman linked
The operative point being the last one
I can't find Glitterdust in the 5e spellbook?
It didn't return, unfortunately
Disclaimer: I am yet to pick up Unearthed Arcana.
@Papayaman1000 It's probably ununfortunately - it's a seriously powerful spell.
hey there @Papayaman1000
@Miniman D'aw.
hello @Shalvenay
how're things going?
Okay. Arguing with one of my Druids over his Land.
@Papayaman1000 Mean, I know. But if Glitterdust existed, poor old Faerie Fire would be crying in a corner.
dandwiki has a "glitterdust" spell. It does sound like it would overlap with faerie fire
> the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd.
Oh, dndwiki.
"Where did you become a Druid?"
"While wrestling a bear and using every part of the animal, Mother Nature smiled down upon me"
"No, like a physical location"
"South Carolina"
"Specifically out of [list of Druid lands]"
"The backwoods of Canada"
"But it isn't a real-world setting"
"Mountain Forest"
"[cursing like a half-orc sailor]"
weeell, it doesnt give advantage to attacks, so there's that...
I mean, they've written it as a 3rd level spell that doesn't do damage, and then they added that.
@daze413 Pumping it up to a 3rd-level spell goes a long way towards keeping it in line, though.
Here's my new Glitterdust homebrew:
Cantrpi for... whatever f_____g caster class, I don't even care
Like really have a Brabarian use it or something
Components: Verbal Somat... you know what no just ground mica because meme

This spell destroys any creature that isn't blind

ok were good"
-average dandwiki user
Well that's totally unfair.
Where are the spelling, grammar, and editing mistakes?
@Miniman see the last quoted line
Where's the ambiguous rule that makes it impossible to tell what it actually does?
Where's the grossly egregious inconsistency?
be nice, guys :)
even though there's a small chance they're reading
Mmmm, good point.
because these chats can be googled, I learned...
Yep, everything we say here is publicly available forever.

Cantirp for... whatev class, like barbarian or something idc
Componetns are verbal somact... no just ground mica

this spell destroys and creature that has eyes in a five feet radius
for every level of spell slot it can destroy an additional creatureded
and at level 4 it does'nt need teh verbul component anymoar

were done hear"

is that better
except with more statements about the reader's mother spread throughout, and the first non-title line is a link to their Naruto fanfic
(Nothing against Naruto fans, but...)
Just look on the bright side: it isn't hosted through Wikierrrrrr I mean FANDOM powered by Wikia
Look, I'm sorry, but I can't hold anything other than contempt for a website where the official description is
> Home of user-generated, homebrew, pages!
@Miniman I would argue to make it 4th-level, to get it out of e6 range, and increase the radius to 10ft, similar to confusion
@Papayaman1000 Is there a curation process? I mean, what if I want to make a Glitterdust spell? Do I just edit this guy's page?
@daze413 Yeah, I guess. You occasionally see a "curator" in the comments, but it reads like a nine-year-old trying to defend their parent(s)'s political beliefs
No official curation, though, I don't think.
Hm, would it be a blast to invade dandwiki comments and offer objective and constructive comments, like as a chat event haha... o_o
@daze413 "invade"? This isn't a 4chan raid, this is a horde of proofreading, among other things Wizards and other game companies pay a lot of people a lot of money to do normally.
@Papayaman1000 I suppose you're kinda just fighting a forest fire with a bucket, I realize.... not a water bucket... just a bucket.
@daze413 But enough people with enough buckets will eventually either smother part of the inferno or, hopefully, just clear out the forest and turn it into a parking lot for a new FLGS.
Idea: go to every blog site that offers free subdomains, and make a dandwiki.[site].[tld] that's exclusively filled with D&D SRD material released under the OGL
Also, do some hardcore SEO just to give it that extra shove.
As to people wondering why I was hating on my one player for taking a Gnome for their SOR/BRD, it's for much the same reason as this guy:
@Erik +1 for SpaceChem!
@Papayaman1000 People love making sideshow characters, especially in the early awkward phase. It's effective to ask them if they'd rather play as Han Solo or C3PO
or.... Jarjar...
@daze413 My problem is that my player would immediately respond with the shopkeeper on Tatooine who owned Anakin as a slave
@Papayaman1000 I'd ban him - anyone who wants to play a race with an inherent flying speed has just gotta go.
@Miniman XD
Looks like Daze touched on it a few minutes ago; I wouldn't worry.
@SmokeDetector smokey, what u r talk about?
you're losing it smokey... first, I detect spam faster than you, now this... XD
Looks like "lovely contracts" set it off. Kehehehehe, that's kinda funny, actually!
how did you know?
Because I clicked the [MS] link and it said so.
Plus the paragraph or so after that, but... eh? Probably all the talk of bribery and such or something
oooooh, yeap, there it is at the bottom! I gots ta check future ones out.
The fact that it seems to ignore you (a decent-rep user) editing it, and just jumps for the brand-new OP of the answer, probably does not help the issue.
it was a false positive. Reading a bunch of false positives in the history is kinda funny
By the time I visited the link, though, it already had a false positive mark
Looks like ol' Smokey's been having some trouble with this reason in particular recently.
Esp. since yesterday it had >33% false positives on it
is it also learning which words are bad keywords?
then again, with posts like these, I can't blame it.
Through [something something mutter mutter machine learning algorithms cough cough]!
huh. It detects "weight loss" as a bad keyword
I don't blame it, one of the most common scam suppluments
@daze413 uh oh
(referring to the High Programmers of our own little spambot Friend Computer, here)
meh, I guess it's a small price to pay for keeping spam in check
Yes it is
Now maybe someone at CharcoalHQ can explain exactly how that broke it
Ok, yeah, it was lovely contracts specifically
Okay, here we go, makes a lot more sense now.
in Charcoal HQ, 35 secs ago, by tripleee
bad_keywords.txt:122:(love|miracle).*spell ?casters?
whoa, entering that chat felt like stepping into a really clean factory with people working with a machine
Which makes it all the more heartwarming when you see something that seems like caring for us in an odd way
in Charcoal HQ, 1 min ago, by tripleee
commit 87c86ab278c48e93f01153fbcd69ef00ea693458 Normal Human <[email protected]> Feb 6 22:29:36 2016 -0500 better spell caster detection
asgashasljfhafsfff, there it goes again haha
My exact response
They made him ignore it though
oh, that's nice :)
I swear, every time I step into HQ, I end up seeing something hilarious
The last time a diamond and I got into a bit of a slap-fight as representatives of our respective chats
They were using high-level spells and techniques at me; I dropped a JS fork bomb
good times
Add a latent interest in AI and machine learning and you get somebody who loves that project and should probably spend a weekend reading about it and looking through code
@Papayaman1000 it is very interesting. Horizon Zero Dawn, here we come! (ok, that would be really terrible)
@daze413 [violently expectorates]
@Papayaman1000 [bravely retreats]
@daze413 [proceeds to eat five dozen eggs]
there are a lot of words here that can trigger somkey. I wonder if it would be in bad form to deliberately use em
"serum", for example
@daze413 No, that's fabulous QA!
Like actually though
I mean it would probably make a few people pissy at first for the very suggestion
but it might help root out false positives
nooo! stackoverlords, I was just joking :D
I need to find those .txt's and read through 'em one of these days
@daze413 I need to hear the story behind that.
I'm confused
By both the question, and the bot
Okay, maybe the OP was a bit of a special snowflake, but THE BOT, MAN.
and now that I paid closer attention, the grammar as well.
why spam "S.H.I.E.L" tho
@Papayaman1000 too. many. stops. must. intervene. circuits. overload.
I'm just trying to think of the porn website ad that would include "S.H.I.E.L", and what it stands for in that situation specifically
@Papayaman1000 [favourites for an after-hours google search]
I also love when Smokey yells about something and it's immediately obvious that it was 10,000% correct in doing so
that chat must be more lax on profanity, by virtue of necessity, than any other on all of SE
@Papayaman1000 yes, smokey still amazes me when it does that
Smokey gets a star
this is also one of the funniest bad keywords.
sorry, clash of clans! haha
It doesn't like anagrams. clearly
@daze413 No, no, it's a great keyword
Aww, bad news:
in Charcoal HQ, 1 min ago, by Glorfindel
@Papayaman1000 that would count as abusive posting...
so none of
14 mins ago, by daze413
there are a lot of words here that can trigger somkey. I wonder if it would be in bad form to deliberately use em
I had no intention of doing that
I know
but it seemed fun and productive
if it would've worked they could've even made a chat event about it
In machine learning, it's typically a good idea to feed a lot of examples of edge cases to an emergent AI so it learns how to deal with them
Eventually, with enough examples of a keyword used in a positive light, if Smokey were an emergent A.I., it'd probably begin learning to avoid false positives on that keyword more often
I'm not sure about Smokey's specifics, though, so...
Here's an interesting file that I'm sure there's more of somewhere
whoa, doppelgreener :)
@Papayaman1000 yes, this is what I meant, sure...
@nitsua60 Yeah, just wanted to thank you is all :)
@daze413 Wait, does it trigger because it assumes P.E.K.K.A. is an attempt to circumvent an abuse filter or is there something wrong with "pekka"?
(Pekka is a Finnish male given name, at least, but I seriously doubt that's the issue!)
@kviiri I have no idea... I can only guess that it sounds similar to a euphimism of a particular male body part
@daze413 Regarding that meta comment you made, there's this saying I heard in the army...
"A job well-planned is halfway done, and halfway done has always been enough."
(the moral of the story being, we need someone to execute the tabletop tasting)
That does it. I'll create a GoG chat event!
(It's the only other "system" I know)
@daze413 Thumbs up from me, it's always cool when someone takes the initiative! But what exactly is GoG?
> Great Ork Gods is an indie role-playing game - an anarchic game of savage and violent Orks and the cruel and fickle hand of the Gods that watch over them. Grab a beer, a handful of d10s and get ready to stiff your mates, burn buildings, kill anything that moves and smash stuff for fun.
Hm. Can anyone point me towards guidance on how to actually create a chat event? I understand we don't want a separate meta for each event right?
@daze413 My guess is just my guess, but I would guess a separate meta "question" for each event is the best way to go.
@kviiri shog9 also says so
2 hours later…
@C.Ross [wave] What's new?
2 hours later…
@Miniman How'd you get proficiency with CON STs?
> Note that, for most spellcasters, you'll need a level of Fighter to get a fighting style. If you do, it's worth taking it first for extra proficiencies and proficiency in Constitution saving throws.
@BlueMoon93 That's why, if you're a spellcaster taking a fighter level, you take the fighter level first. Because it gives you prof in con saving throws.
ah, I understand what you mean
Q: Let's play some Great ork Gods!

daze413Never heard of it? That's probably because it's still in its playtesting stages, but here's the run-down: Great Ork Gods is an indie role-playing game - an anarchic game of savage and violent Orks and the cruel and fickle hand of the Gods that watch over them. Grab a beer, a handful of d10s...

Drat, I'd probably be able to do the GOG game if it weren't scheduled for 10pm-2am my time.
Does anyone else hear @Dr_Dinosaur speak on the same voice as Cobra Commander and Starscream in their heads?
IT IS MORE ACCURATE TO SAY THEY ARE SPEAKING IN MY VOICE!!! https://twitter.com/curgoth/status/882419124386844673
Encounter concept: a malicious haunted house at the edge of town which all citizens avoid for rumours it's full of malicious ghosts carrying knives and moving furniture. In reality the house is just full of Unseen Servants doing their best with ordinary (but eternal) house maintenance in a dilapidated household given the limited instructions they had before their owner passed away.
It's like the Tucker & Dave Vs Evil of haunted houses. (Really, the ghost carrying that knife was just an unseen servant trying to set the table for their new visitor.)
As a player I would be super interested how they got around the duration limit and expect to find something that can increase the duration of spells.
@nwp a wizard did it. (which wizard? good question!)
@doppelgreener - That sounds like a Betrayal at the House on the Hill scenario :D
That could do it :D
A friend and I were working on a joke scenario set in a Hag's mansion that's full of all sorts of puns. The living room is actually living, the guest room is actually just visiting, the stairwell is an actual well that stares at you, the drawers draw, the grandfather clock is an actual grandfather, the ceiling sails, and if you ever need to buy something, you should contact the cellar.
I mean... its not... "traitory" enough but still kind of cool :)
@kviiri that is pretty funny. :D
@doppelgreener I'd at least let them find out that the veil is unusual at that place, making spells echo. That might actually add to the spookiness when the party casts spells and they are behaving differently.
@kviiri - I am with @doppelgreener. Sounds like a hoot :D
@doppelgreener The hard part is, most of the best (and worst) puns we came up with are in English, but we came up with some pretty good Finnish ones too. Easily resolved by falling back to our group's semi-established convention where Common is Finnish and Elvish is English, though. The Hag just likes polylingual humor ;)
The Hag also might have skeletons in the closet.
As the boss of the scenario, the mansion would come to life and fight the players. It can of course fly - it has two wings.
@kviiri It could also have some flying buttresses for minions.
@kviiri, of course, they hung the Chandelier, right?
@doppelgreener This is gold.
@kviiri You should include a chest of eyes elsewhere in the mansion. That one's the stare case. (Possibly also it is an ocularly advantaged mimic.)
@kviiri - have you thought about having a coat of arms hanging up somewhere?
Don't forget the Walking(Walk-in) Closets
@godskook The Finnish word for chandelier is literally "ceiling crown", I think there's plenty of fun to be had with that too. Might serve as a gentle introduction to the hag's mindset.
Oh, maybe there should be a Ceiling fan too.
> "This is the best ceiling in the whole land!"
@BESW welp, I do now
@godskook Or it could be a (Christopher) Walken closet
Maybe include a minigame stolen from the 1980's in the form of Wumpus Room.
Possibly it is also the thing busy locking all the things that can be locked. It is a sealing fan.
We've already had the Walken Dead, we don't need a Walken Closet.
Steer clear of the Kitchen sink!
@kviiri, the first thing the PCs notice about this place will HAVE to be the Rocking Chairs.
@godskook Oh boy, I totally forgot about those!
They'll know about them before they even enter the house.
what with their amplifiers set to eleven
Armchairs will probably be quite grotesque too.
The scenario was originally supposed to be a funky mix of puns and true horror, but the puns sort of took over :P
does the house run on AC(/DC) power :3
Once you beat all the bedrooms, you can face the master bedroom.
See if you can jump higher than the treasure vault.
@kviiri, the love seat is ripe for a mix of horror and puns
"I've got sofa all over me" XD
And of course, the hat-rack is where you send bad head apparel.
Oh... -.- ouch
@BanjoFox One day I noticed we were getting new neighbors in our house and I stayed to chat with them for a moment when they were trying to fit their sofa in through the door. It was a really tight fit and they struggled to get through. Eventually when they gave up I couldn't help commenting... "So close, yet sofa."
OMG YAY I DID keep a copy of that important document I thought I baleted.
Q: Are spell comparison questions on-topic and sufficiently objective?

B. S. MorgansteinAfter asking this question (Functionally, how does Power Word Kill work?), it was suggested to me in the comments that I may instead want to ask how Power Word Kill compares to other level 9 spells. I wanted to know if questions of this type are: a) On-topic - while I am tempted to say yes, sin...

@BanjoFox, how's that supplement coming?
Apply enough grit yet?
@godskook - v.v
work keeps getting in the way
@BanjoFox Work, or "work"?
@BESW Those were the times which I think this chat is most active. That'd be around 8PM, my time, setting the event a little earlier works well for me, actually
1 hour later…
@kviiri have you tried using it? I just started it in a new game last week, so don't really feel like I've got a big sample yet. (But I do like it, and I may use it in AL this fall.)
@nitsua60, AngryGM doesn't go into what happens if the DM constantly rolls the pool instead of adding a die at the 5-dice mark, and how that relates to hours.
"RAW" of his article suggests that this behavior would result in the PCs being stuck within a time loop. Obviously not intended, but worth pointing out for the purpose of fixing.
@godskook grit as in Advance Wars grit?
Grit in psychology is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on an individual's passion for a particular long-term goal or end state, coupled with a powerful motivation to achieve their respective objective. This perseverance of effort promotes the overcoming of obstacles or challenges that lie within a gritty individual's path to accomplishment, and serves as a driving force in achievement realization. Commonly associated concepts within the field of psychology include "perseverance", "hardiness", "resilience", "ambition", "need for achievement" and "conscientiousness". These constructs can be...
@godskook that URL needs more subdomains in it, preferably with 'n' in them
The Big Five personality traits, also known as the five factor model (FFM), is a model based on common language descriptors of personality. When factor analysis (a statistical technique) is applied to personality survey data, some words used to describe aspects of personality are often applied to the same person. For example, someone described as "conscientious" is more likely to be described as "always prepared" rather than "messy". This widely examined theory suggests five broad dimensions used by some psychologists to describe the human personality and psyche. The five factors have been defined...
@doppelgreener Define "need" :P
@godskook "for humour"
@godskook No need to define "need", it has an n in it.
@Zachiel, those 3 links should answer your question.
I need a place that's just like this one, but where people I know in real life can't track me. >_>
And if I had to define "need" in this sentence, it's be "for my mental sanity"
Although the solution is simple: make an anonymous account and never post identifying details. If the stack disallows such things, only log onto the stack with your anon account via Tor.
Well it's not like that. I want to speak about a specific person, but I don't want other people to see what this person thinks about them. And this chat is logged.
And I've already said too much.
In the article he acknowledges this limitation, and brushes it away as an artifact of inaccurate time keeping.
The only way this would happen is if the PCs kept doing loud things every time slice.
@GreySage Citation? I'm not seeing him acknowledge the problem I'm pointing to.
see ya later
@Zachiel, later
This requires two distinct levels of geekery to get, but it works. #GrammarNerd #RPGAlignment #amwriting #amediting https://t.co/Sgl0RixDjv
hey there @BESW
"Because of the slight variation due to Complications removing token from the Time Pool and the possibility of characters rushing, the actual number of tasks accomplished in an hour may vary slightly. This accounts for the imprecise nature of time tracking"
I think he revamped the whole time pool thing 2 or 3 times in the course of a month, so we could be looking at different articles
@BESW oh, that is gold.
hey there @Anaphory
Hey! How's life?
I clearly fall into the whom'st'd've camp
OK! Just obsessing over progression tables for all my PCs so I don't have to spend 45 minutes every level-up finding out what they get only to miss half the really good abilities!
@BESW i like this. :D
<div style="font-family:Comic Sans MS">testing</div>
And now I know.
[wipes brow]
@godskook I'm rather sad as well.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">what about this though?</font>
oh phew.
@godskook I'm definitely not evil, but that's what I knew before.
@BESW, I'm the type of person to comfort people with "There they're their"
And that's strangely not on the chart.
@godskook Fair point, though I don't think that gets into too much more trouble with fiat time-keeping than the average table already enjoys.
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