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A: The Curious Case of Steve Ballmer

Erik the OutgolferJelly, 49 bytes “ṬċḌ)⁹œḃṣ⁷Ṅḋ%W3Œƭ;ḷẓ“¡=~Ṃ©N|ȯ“¡ṭṂ“CṬṀWỌ»ḣJK;¥€”.Y Try it online!

How did you generate ṬċḌ)⁹œḃṣ⁷Ṅḋ%W3Œƭ;ḷẓ? Can't seem to figure it out.
@Dennis I used this thingy right here: .d('Steve').d(' Ball').s('mer').d(' still').d(' do').s('es').d(' no').s('t').d(' know'). You just have to be careful with the words a bit.
Ah, you split not into no and t. That's what I was missing. Thanks!
@Dennis Well, since not was choking, I used another option. ;)
Yeah, Jelly's dictionary is lacking here. It has DOE, NOT, and HE`, but due to the capitalization they're useless here.
@Dennis 05AB1E has a better dictionary in many cases. The words it has are more often than not pretty much enough, and they're each 2 bytes. So, you should start learning it...you regret that you didn't lowercase those words back then right?
I regret a lot of things. ;) I simply took whatever was in /usr/share/dict/words and consisted entirely of letters. Too late to change it now...
@Dennis surely? I mean, I can do a pull request that lowercases the words while keeping them at the same index...of course then goes the competitiveness
It might also break older answers. I can't know for sure if someone use NOT before...
@Dennis we can't let SOGL beat THE JELLY right?
what if we introduce another string starter though?
e.g. ɼ<compressed-string>ɼ...oh wait the mechanism has to change then
so...lowercase or not @Dennis?
Not now, no.
wait a sec, I think the idea of using ɼ(...)(ɼ(...))ȥ has some hope
do you imagine a world where we won't always need that trailing »?
It'll have to wait until Jelly 2.
I just hope Jelly 2 beats the hell out of 05AB1E, SOGL, Pyth, GS2 and Jelly 1
@EriktheOutgolfer Well, if the first character of the literal decides which encoding to use, a trailing delimiter would not be required at the end of the program. That works out very rarely though.
@EriktheOutgolfer Got a lot of ideas floating in my head, but TIO is taking up all my free time at this point.
first of all, I think Jelly is missing builtins, like Œ!Q$, æl/, factorial base with trailing 0, check if x is a power of y
then, I think that argument reversal should be supported
e.g. (int)ẋ(string) would return an error, so instead of choking, it should behave like (string)ẋ(int)
and of course we're missing a builtin all of 'em are missing: compress string (i.e. opposite of decompress string)
and what about a stack-based version of Jelly? like, separate interpreter? this would top it all
or even a queue-based one
and of course support stuff like (monadic chain)µ€
@Dennis when you have time this can be food-for-thought for Jelly 2
@EriktheOutgolfer That's unlikely to become a thing. I plan to cast characters to their code point when needed, so 3ẋ”A would repeat 3 65 times.
@EriktheOutgolfer I'm not sure what the point of this would be. Jelly is golfy because it's tacit.
@EriktheOutgolfer That already works.
I am considering altering the behavior of unparseable nilads though. The implicit print is rarely useful, and instead of printing these, these values could be stored on a stack, and pop'd to be used instead of the rightmost argument for coming dyads.
> separate interpreter
sometimes stack has advantage
@Dennis I meant something like (chain)(chain-sep)€, not (chain)(chain-sep)(chain)(chain-sep)€
@Dennis ooh, like CJam?
Similar to CJam, yes.
I wouldn't recommend that, CJam has many differences to what you probably intend
e.g. ”Aẋ⁶ would make 32 copies of 65?
32 copies of ”A. The left argument doesn't require an integer, so there will be no cast.
But ⁶‘ would return !, and ⁶+⁶ would return 64.
@EriktheOutgolfer That still looks like this to me.
hmm, it doesn't always work for me like this

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