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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@BenN @Rahul2001 probably & would break it too due to your use
1 hour later…
Good morning!
@Avery fixed it
@Ramhound Gone. Question protected.
It's funny how PHP stripslashes actually removes quotes and not, well, slashes
@Burgi I went to bed. And its basically what I told @GypsySpellweaver ;p
actually yeah
well the first part is a cuss word
I assumed you didn't know tho, its very .... british
@JourneymanGeek I assumed it was "what" typo'd
I know what that ^^ is, but with the waffle it didn't make sense, so I figured it was a typo, and while I had no context, it at least made sense as a question.
On the other hand, it didn't seem aimed at anyone, so I didn't quite see the need to make a fuss ;p
Guess that's what happens when I thing the best of folks.
@JourneymanGeek Oh, sorry :(
oh, its fine. Feel free to twap yourself with a rolled up newspaper if need be. I'll clean up ;)
Yes, think. Typos happen, so I give them credit for making thins look better.
I thought it was a mild word which just basically meant "idiot"
EM, no..
its somewhat certainly strong enough to induce a barfight.
(hmm. "The barfight scale of language offensiveness" Sure to win an ignoble prize if I can find somewhere to publish... ;p)
Speaking of "publish"... I'm getting ready to explore GitHub. Is that a fairly standard tool in dev circles now?
It "the" place for sticking your open source code.
@GypsySpellweaver Blame @Burgi
Why blame him, I'm guessing it was your creation?
@Rahul2001 you clearly need better role models then ;p
@GypsySpellweaver Hah, it was his idea
Which reminds me, it's probably time for me to delete it
It's not a very nice thing
Publicly, maybe not so nice. But romantic nonetheless. Eventually she might like it too.
Hm, She didn't mind it actually
I may not, necessarily, like people, but I can sort of understand them. :}
@Avery fixed
All of 'em!
@Bob Take a look at the script if you have the time.
I think I've fixed every bug, but eh
Hey! I'm 16 and have been teaching myself PHP. Over the past couple of days I've made this. I've tried to fix all the bugs I could think of, but enjoy hacking it!
Will the guys over at the PHP so room incinerate me if I post this?
donno ;p
for someone who's vaguely well versed in the network I spend no time on SO at all ;p
I've had bad experiences there shudder
I tend to lurk first then take over talk ;p
@Rahul2001 If you think it's working, and it's small enough for reviewing, try codereview.SE. Be advised: It's only for working code.
Maybe just deal with one module at a time there.
Could lurk for a while and get a feel for the place first.
always the best idea
I... uh, was thinking of making this script a potential source of pocketmoney
Which is why IDK if I should release the source code
@Rahul2001 Well, that creates a different issue.
Your thoughts?
IDK how that works. Everything posted on SE is licensed under CC by-sa, but the © is still yours. Not sure how that would work regarding $$ later.
Are you thinking of making the server access by account or selling the script as a product?
@GypsySpellweaver Adding ads, then allowing anyone to use the functionality from a dedicated website.
Is it well modularised?
@GypsySpellweaver It's a very simple script, about 215 lines of code in total
excluding css, that is.
@Rahul2001 TBH I'm in left-field on that. Recommend holding off until minds with more exposure to the idea can add their thoughts. Either that, or create a shell script to handle just the tricky part and get that reviewed. The catch for CR is that, as posted, the code must be functional. It can be just a function, and supporting dummy code.
Check out their meta site and review questions about the amount of code to post, and maybe about the exposure issue to. Maybe even ask a question on their meta about your concerns. They just might have an answer that helps.
@Rahul2001 or consider this a 0.1 ... and once you get a core that's solid, add to it for the "sellable" product.
engadget.com/2017/05/14/… YOU. HAD. ONE. JOB
@JourneymanGeek Not sure if I want to sell
@Rahul2001 that makes it easier ;p
@JourneymanGeek Just add ads, release to reddit :P
Just noticed that my diamond on meta is not blue. That feels weird ...
@DavidPostill You don't like red diamonds too?
@DavidPostill pretty sure that's standard on mobile
ah no
@JourneymanGeek But I'm not on mobile
shows how little I notice about things like that ;p
Yeah it is XD
Yeah, it's taken me a couple of months to notice. I'm just so used to seeing the blue one.
Every site has a different color scheme for its meta, including usernames (and mod diamonds)
yup. I've never really noticed XD
hm I'm going to experiment with a grammar/spelling checker
(noticed a lot of edits on my posts, and I used to use one ages ago called bullfighter, and it actually helped)
It's mostly stuff like its when I mean it's so...
Which regular spellcheck (which I do use) does not catch
@JourneymanGeek :)
@DavidPostill I swear it has gotten worse lately
at worst, it'll remind me to use less ambiguous non-contractions
@DavidPostill heh flagged at 8 seconds, post nuked at 14. At this point, I was the 4th flag.
Smokey is bloody efficient.
Wooohooo! New design! rahul.tech
@Rahul2001 That is so 1990's
@DavidPostill :P I have a thing for retro
Hidden message in HTML source :P
@Rahul2001 I like the dark bg.
@Rahul2001 Somehow the mono font isn't coming into my browsers (Firefox & Chrome)
@GypsySpellweaver What does the Cookies button do?
Menu-style access to add/delete/disable cookies without having to go into settings
Web Developer toolbar
Is it only available in the Firefox developer Edition?
@GypsySpellweaver Will that button take me to the Cookies Dialogue box?
@RogUE Nope. Same functions directly in the toolbar
It's a long-standing add-on and removes cleanly if you choose. Give it a try. It can also be disabled without removing it, so you can keep it installed, but not interfering if you only want it sometimes.
@GypsySpellweaver whyyy
you don't have consolas on your system?
probably not. I don't do many font installs above baseline distributions
The take-away is to provide graceful failure.
@GypsySpellweaver consolas is preinstalled on most systems
@Rahul2001 I've got Consolas apparently, and it still looks like that for me
@Rahul2001 for some reason in FF it shows as "invalid":
Man wot
If I change the pre from "Vulf Mono_Regular Italic" to "consolas" it works
Just no italic at all, which looks better IMO
Okay, will edit later
uhhh. now it's just gone okay.
reloading no longer looks barf
no change here yet
Did I somehow trigger FF to admit that the font was installed?
@Rahul2001 on Windows*
You should always fall back to monospace (browser default monospaced font)
rather than ever assuming any specific font exists
@Rahul2001 Simple fix is add mono to the line. font: 11px 'consolas',mono;
e.g. 'Consolas', monospace
@GypsySpellweaver needs to be full monospace according to CSS specs
huh. apparently there's a fantasy font family
Commonly the UI uses a "cursive" or handwritting for it.
@GypsySpellweaver There's a separate cursive font family :P
When last I experimented with them, the fantasy was most often rendered in a system chosen cursive or handwriting font. Commonly 'Script' or, in IE, sometimes Comic. Users can select the default font for base families, but seldom do. Some browsers only recognize Proportional, Serif, Sans-serif, and Monospace familes
@Rahul2001 A common method it to provide graceful fallback to less preferred fonts, down to the generic font family.
pre#r {
font: 11px 'consolas',terminal,courier,monospace;
color: silver;
1 hour later…
@Rahul2001 I wouldn't really consider selling it. Like, it's not that complicated and people might get mad for trying to sell it. Maybe free + ads might work tbh.
@Avery yep, that's what I'm thinking
but yeah, don't ask me
I'm a FOSS addict, I get high on Github stars.
@GypsySpellweaver It's easier these days: cssfontstack.com
@Avery selling it isn't really against FOSS tho
and a lot of stuff is probably 'simple'
If you pick Consolas you get this list: cssfontstack.com/Consolas
IT's been a long time
without you my friend!
@JourneymanGeek hence why I told him to not ask me
The hard bit is setting up a payment mechanism ...
just add your chat to a ransomware
where victims can chat
get the money from the bitcoins they pay
@JourneymanGeek It's not against OSS, but it kinda sorta is against the F :P
it's also against OSS because it's not open source
@Avery nah, you can sell open-source software
I know
but rahul has stated his intents to not open source it
@Bob free is libre not gratis.
aseprite is libre but not gratis
Why is facebook advertising thermally broken Lintels?
well, they used to be back when they were on GPL
that reminds me, I should recompile aseprite.
@djsmiley2k o0
@Mokubai you didn't set a size
@JourneymanGeek why, to me specifically
if this is a new age inteligent advertising, i wanna go back
@djsmiley2k not guilty, it was rahuls website
@djsmiley2k what is that even?
> Catnic’s latest innovation is the biggest shake up in steel lintel design for a generation. An elegant, simplistic design derived from extensive research and rigorous development testing, offering a sophisticated, practical solution to the latest changes in Building Regulations. TBL is a patent pending range providing the most thermally efficient steel lintel solution on the market.
@JourneymanGeek Now you know :)
googles lintel
@JourneymanGeek It's a load bearing beam (wood/steel/whatever) above a door/window to take the load of the bricks/whatever and stop the door/window being crushed.
and I suppose thermally broken means its insulated?
Alternatively, it could mean it's not insulated.
I love the English language.
In this case it is insulated.
looks like the grammar checker breaks chat a bit
> Replacing the traditional lintels with Catnic Thermally Broken Lintel the heat loss through the window head detail can be reduced by up to 96%.
It stops the heat leaking through the steel beam.
Which, I guess, is important for all the new build houses that are supposed to be super energy efficient.
" window head detail "
Some people in the UK are building eco houses that have zero energy cost. Super insulated and the energy is provided by solar panels and/or ground source heat pumps
They do special tests to make sure there are only very very small air leaks from the building.
oh, I vaguely get what they mean
its just such strange language
Definition of window head

: the upper transverse member of a window
"member" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
(I get ;p)
@JourneymanGeek Although in this case head is wrongly used. A lintel is not the window head.
.... architecture is hard, lets do math ....
The head is the top of the window frame. The lintel is over above the head and is wider. It is supported by the bricks/whatever that are either side of the window.
lintel: support over top of window that stops brick smashy smashy
Can I compile a kernel on Windows 10?
@Nick y/n/m
@Bob What does that even mean?
@Nick yes/no/maybe
needs more info
@DavidPostill Are we looking at actual windows support?
@Bob You fill in the rest. I barely know what a kernel is beyond my operating systems course where they told me it's the fundamental atomic unit of the OS.
@Nick No. The lintel supports the load of the wall that is above the window. Wood and glass windows are not very good a supporting compression loads. They tend to break into lots of tiny pieces.
@Nick sure. All you need is the code for the windows kernel...
@JourneymanGeek whose ass do I pull that out of? Err, I mean, who do I ask for that?
Careful. Someone will come along and flag ass ...
for a while, I thought lintel was an acronym for Linux and Intel and now I know, it's support over windows.
@Nick the first step in learning is learning how to learn ;)
(also linux is probably slightly less painful for that)
@DavidPostill Ass..k me no more questions. I'll tell you no more lies. The boys are in the girls dressing room, zipping down their... flies are in the meadow, bees are in the park. I can show my ass to you, when we're in the dark :D
I only know this stuff because I have (with the help of builders) renovated several houses ...
@JourneymanGeek I can maybe VBox Ubuntu in windows.... or I can but into my ubuntu rather than using this unactivated win10 I keep booting into because it's the damn default boot.
@DavidPostill One day, you can teach me how to uninstall windows.
And then re-install it back...
...because who can live in a house without windows?
@Nick That's easy. Take one sledgehammer ...
@JourneymanGeek linux as a kernel is a huuuuuuuuge rather messy beast
os161 is designed for teaching and much simpler :P
@Nick That's easy as well. Take one large bank account ...
@Bob true but documentation for building the entire system is good.
@DavidPostill Nope. Tried. The wall doesn't break as easy. Concrete is too hard for my blow to do any kind of damage. I can do cracks and dents but I can't totally uninstall it.
He wants to compile a kernel, not write it ;p
@DavidPostill did you get the same adverts, or just happened to find the same image o_O
@DavidPostill How do I know if it's big enough?
@djsmiley2k he googled it
@djsmiley2k I just googled
they must be pushing hard atm
how random
@Nick If you need to ask, it isn't.
@JourneymanGeek I should probably put the sledge down.
@Nick Offer it up and see if it fits?
@JourneymanGeek It IS an acronym for Linux and Intel.
@DavidPostill She's asking over the phone how big it is... or her underwear stay on.
@Nick I think we're passing the bounds of good sense.
Apparently, the new 20 year old Nick is more brazen with NSFW.
@JourneymanGeek are we? Or had we crossed it long ago?
@Nick Well, I'm saying we're past it now.
I mean, we're cool with a certain degree of smartassery.
@JourneymanGeek I'm a standup comedian with the Kochin Komedians
"Offer it up" is a carpentry expression - it means take something and see if it is the correct size or if it needs adjustment ...
Comic Sans 404 page
@Bob for a second I thought that was at me XD
@JourneymanGeek My fault. I used an expression he probably wasn't familiar with ...
@DavidPostill Still sounds as dirty as when I first read it. (Note: My reactions say less about me than it says about what you say)
@Nick have a seat then
@RogUE I did not read that.
@Nick ?
@Bob yeah looked at that
@JourneymanGeek thank you, kind sir.
siege.org/phpmyid.html is the correct URL
it tended to generally not work with SE
(for context, I set up a openid provider over the weekend, and was complaining how odd adding users was, and how there was a small odd bug with SE)
@Nick My removed msg?
@Nick It was actually Ctrl+T then super, not meant for the chat.
My rep on SU is 2,250 :P
That's more than my reputation in... The Workplace.
That's more than my reputation in Super User.
._. lol spam
> In a recent meeting held with the new FBI Director concerning debt reconciliation, this is to inform you that we have agreed to release your fund worth ($2.8Million) which will come via Global Automatic Teller Machine debit master Card as instructed from our headquarter by JAMES B. COMEY, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). However, the below information is needed as to enable the profiling of your ATM card and its delivery to you:
This is clearly aimed at the most gullible
@JourneymanGeek /facepalm
@Mokubai I doublechecked to see if it was the onion
Sometimes I feel the almost uncontrollable urge to slap people and yell "What the bloody hell did you expect you moron!" ....
Getting a cut on your nose is probably one of the least worst things that could happen.
Simple solution. Stop using money to snort cocaine. Or snorting it at all I suppose.
Aye. There are solutions, and none of them are that difficult. Maybe carry around some £5-note shaped bits of normal paper...
I can't help but wonder if drug use is becoming so normalised now that people are willing to speak up about their "first world" drug problems
beats me
my country is still pretty much zero tolerance
I had thought we were, at least about the harder ones, but I haven't heard anything about the War on Drugs for quite some time.
Pretty sure there's a lot of support for legalising the softer drugs like cannabis, but I think that might be noise coming from over the pond more than home grown.
could be
I'm kinda mixed. I think hanging people for that kinda thing is kinda extreme, but quite a lot of pro legalisation people annoy me
I thought it was more for trafficking.
er... yeh
I am not sure.
Apr 29 '15 at 2:48, by DragonLord
Why are businesses so hesitant to deploy the latest version of Windows, whether client or server?
The answer is crystal clear.
Microsoft took the unusual decision to patch XP this time.
@bwDraco unusual maybe, completely expected considering the fallout
I'm not surprised that they released a patch, just a bit curious that they did it so quickly.
Implies they had it made already but only released it when it was needed.
They already had it for newer versions, I suspect the fix was basically the same for XP
Just had to recompile that one part of the XP codebase with the tweak and splort it out into Windows Update
It's a manual download: tomshardware.com/news/…
Even easier for them, then :)
@bwDraco Because they rely on old LOB programs that work only by chance, and new OS versions break those
...gave the new Optane Memory some thought: $44 for 16 GB and $77 for 32 GB means that the cost for the underlying 3D XPoint is probably in the ballpark of $2/GB.
A 256 GB Optane SSD for consumers would probably cost as much as $600.
Compare this to about $90-130 for a normal NAND-based SSD of the same capacity class.
@bwDraco Optane isn't intended to be used as an SSD is it? I thought it was supposed to be a non-volatile memory type
@Mokubai Optane is what IT pros call storage-class memory. It's fast enough to be used as if it were working memory, but is nonvolatile.
Optane could be used this way, but right now, it's not cost-effective in this role. It probably won't be for the next several years, even in the midst of this NAND shortage causing high SSD prices.
Exactly. Until it can get costs down that's where it's been aimed at.
As I've said many times before, 3D TLC NAND will dominate the storage market for the next three to five years.
Dec 8 '16 at 19:01, by bwDraco
The way I see it, the mainstream market will be on 3D TLC NAND for years to come, while premium consumer systems may have varying amounts of 3D XPoint memory.
Better write endurance, which is something that NAND has been getting worse at for years, coupled with the more sensible byte-addressable mode means it is more likely to be able to be used as NVM which NAND sucks at.
I love the way that marketting NAND has gotten fuzzier over the years
> We can do 100,000 writes!
> We can manage 10,000 writes.
> We can just about do cough 1,000 cough writes...
@Mokubai 3D NAND is reversing this a bit, but yeah, 2000 PE cycles (typical 3D TLC endurance) isn't great for workloads that need to do lots of I/O for extended periods of time.
Planar TLC is only good for about 750-1000 cycles.
Samsung's 3D MLC can do 6000 cycles (850 PRO), but that's a premium drive.
(My laptop has a 512 GB 850 PRO)
1 hour later…
@bwDraco All covered in my answer superuser.com/a/1209025/337631 :)
@Boris_yo khajiit has wares meme from the game Elder Scrolls
I'm having some trouble with my Lenovo Thinkstation C30. It's not booting up, even though the RAM, HDD, etc. are all operational. (Full link here: superuser.com/questions/1208909/…) Can anyone give me a hand?
(not sure if this is the right chatroom but it was worth a try)
I don't get this. If you're going to edit an answer anyway, why not fix the damn typos?
@Rahul2001 reject and edit :D
I was supposed to have a midnight call with my girlfriend but I think she went to sleep :(
midnight? wut?
Yep. Don't get a lot of time during the day
I have 23 assignments due tomorrow morning
that's why i'm .. falling asleep
1 hour later…
Q: dead moderators for sci.physics.foundations, more quality

spfHow can I replace the dead moderators for the usenet newsgroup sci.physics.foundations? What are your question quality standards? Boy you sure want wordy questions.

@DavidPostill, can I solicit your opinion once again? What are your thoughts on the edits related to the accepted answer here:
Q: What does this folder icon mean?

K.AWhile browzing through my Windows directory, I found the Panther subdirectory, which had this icon: Does anyone know what this signifies? I was able to open it normally, and it was, to all appearances, a normal directory.

It's a good question and a nice answer. However, I wonder about how wise it was for the accepted answer's author to edit his question and remove the link to the source article at How-To Geek.
@Run5k It looks mostly OK to me. Only the last paragraph is copied from the original link. The rest has been written in his own words. And he's used his own images as far as I can tell.
1 hour later…
I have several questions regarding reinstallation of Windows 10 on a cheap laptop with 32 GB of eMMC storage.
1) If I wipe the system and reinstall, will it activate correctly using the embedded SLP key?
2) Will the system installation be compressed automatically, without having to do complex configuration?
I'm looking at a super-cheap laptop along the lines of @JourneymanGeek's HP Stream 11.
Do I have do anything to set up the laptop before I can insert a flash drive with Windows 10 v1703 and start installing?
got my desk finally
although somehow the left screen won't slide up any more
@bwDraco mostly no
@bwDraco 1) probably 2) windows 10 dosen't need to do that IIRC 3) probably not, especially if it comes with windows 10 to start with
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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