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@Dennis already had to fix a few bugs, so feel free to pull alice whenever you get around to it.
2 hours later…
@ГригорийПерельман virtualbox.org
Virtualbox lets you emulate an OS (guest OS) inside another OS (host OS). You can do whatever you wanna do in a guest OS, just remember to take snapshots. Of course TIO is secure enough that it won't run its destruction ;) You can also make different machines.
3 hours later…
@MartinEnder Done.
thanks :)
aaaaaahhhhh, Error 400, we're all doomed
actually, it's just my browser apparently
or it's just working again, can't tell
1 hour later…
@MartinEnder Hm, assuming my CGI script actually threw the error, 400 would mean the token your browser generated an invalid token. Not sure how that could have happened...
@Dennis I get error 400 for every Charcoal program. For example, this gives me an error.
Does it have something to do with unicode characters?
@fergusq Hm, that doesn't error for me. What browser are you using?
@Dennis Firefox
Yes, it error in Firefox. Great...
@fergusq Should be fixed.
And now I gotta fix it for IE...
Hopefully works in all major browsers now.
> array = [1,2,3,4]; typedArray = new Uint32Array(array); undefined
< undefined

Chrome / Edge
> String(array)
< "1,2,3,4"
> String(typedArray)
< "1,2,3,4"
> typedArray.join(',')
< "1,2,3,4"

> String(array)
< "1,2,3,4"
> String(typedArray)
< "[object Uint32Array]"
> typedArray.join(',')
< "1,2,3,4"

Internet Explorer
> String(array)
< "1,2,3,4"
> String(typedArray)
< "[object Uint32Array]"
> typedArray.join(',')
X Object doesn't support property or method 'join'
Spoiler: Array.prototype.join.call(typedArray) works everywhere.
@MartinEnder Where you using Firefox? A cache miss would throw the error, while a cache hit would not.
@Dennis It works now. Thanks :D
To put this bug into context: every request has a secret token attached to it, so the request can be canceled by clicking the run button again. That token used to be generated by the server and sent as an HTTP header, which caused all sorts of issues if you tried to cancel the request before receiving the header, so they're generated on the client side now.
Generating 128 bits of entropy turned out to be easy, but making a string from a typed array seems to be hard...
What troubles me is that the bug was encountered from 23 unique IP addresses, yet only 3 of them said something in this chat...
@Dennis IE or Edge, not sure
Almost every time I go on TIO, whenever I try to run it says that the API was updated, and that I need to reload. You are actually updating the API, right? (I use Chrome).
I've updated the API once in the last couple of days. Looks like your browser is caching an older version for some reason...
@Dennis I found a queer bug where you can place tabs into the output and debug fields. Is this just the browser's fault? I'm using Google Chrome.
@Okx that's a feature
use shift+tab to cycle between the textareas if that's what you were trying to do
yes really, some languages need tabs in their source code
No you can insert tabs in the output field
oh wait
output and debug
can't read
that's pretty cool actually :D
but yeah I imagine it's because inserting tabs is a feature Dennis added manually
@MartinEnder But certainly not intended. ;)
@Dennis Clearing the cache fixed it, thanks.
Is there any way to get the width of the output window with a system call?
Or actually is there any way to get the width of the output window?
@WheatWizard I'm not sure what you mean by width of the output window.
I was hoping to get the number of characters that could be printed to a single line before it overflows into the next line.
nosmally I can use io.console.winsize in ruby but because TIO is not a traditional console it errors
But the size of a line depends on the browser tab here. There's no way of determining its size on the server.
just wondering
I don't know how this stuff works so I thought I might as well ask

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