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@Yuuki they're that aswell
@Yuuki we'd both do it so there was no point....also i had Relinquished in a slip so it made it obvious which one of us had it leaving the other with 5 God Dragon
@GnomeSlice shame the gameplay page is 404ing
or maybe it's the comss9proxy.appspot.com proxy i'm using
@GnomeSlice nice *adds to ever growing list and sighs that it'll never be emptied*
The Bridge room ownership could be an esport.
@MadMAxJr i thought it already was
who was that guy i was placing bets with
@GnomeSlice The sound effects and graphics remind me a lot of Recettear.
/r/photoshopbattles is amazing
mspaintbattles is also good.
@Avery who is that guy?
@Memor-X It's trump.
That's a fake. There are no genuine lego modern military troop minifigures.
@MadMAxJr give them a small price of million dollars and they'll make some for ya!
and to Trump it's on the internet so it has to be true
@Memor-X Every single one of those auctions says 'custom'.
Q: How to change what a zombie is holding

Bob the CoderProblem I am setting up a disguising system on Minecraft meant for a server that my friends and I are recording on. What I have right now is this: tp @e[type=Zombie,name=Rocket] jackmaster110 The idea is that these stay in a repeating command block and the mob seems to be you. The problem is ...

@Memor-X brickarms.com/weapons.php is afaik the one most preferred, and its third party
@Yuuki that's fake news
@Memor-X You're fake news.
starts their 50th book for the year
@Ash congrats!
'Trump administration seen as more truthful than news media' http://bit.ly/2k4b0imEmersonPoll
@Yuuki i know, because i have my own opinion which conflicts with Trumps
@Avery yes it is
The Bowling Green massacre is a nonexistent incident referred to by U.S. Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway in interviews with Cosmopolitan and TMZ on January 29, 2017, and in an interview on the television news program Hardball with Chris Matthews on February 2, 2017. Conway cited the "massacre" as justification for a travel and immigration ban from seven Muslim-majority countries enacted by United States President Donald Trump. However, no such massacre ever occurred. The incident relates to the 2011 arrest of two Iraqi refugees in Bowling Green on various charges including "attempting...
you know you're never going to be allowed to forget when a Wikipedia page is made
> These Bowling Green Massacre jokes are too soon
> Out of respect, we should at least wait until it takes place.
Q: Why should heroes be sent home?

RyanBesides for feathers as described here what other reason do I have to send heroes home? The base allowance storage of 200 heroes seems quite large. It also seems like I gain little to nothing unless I sacrifice a good hero in which case, is 100 or 200 feathers really better? That said what reaso...

So Spicer has doubled down on Trump's tweet earlier today about Nordstrom.
Bigly question: i believe this tweet violates this yuge law. What can be done about that?
@Sterno how's nioh?
@Avery IIRC, does not apply to the President.
And realistically speaking, nothing Trump does will get his base or the Republicans to turn on him unless he starts hurting their re-election chances.
And given how thoroughly gerrymandered some districts are in favor of Republicans, it's not going to happen.
Yaaaay for highly corrupt politics
Well, the results of my poll are 4 Kusarigama, 4 Dual Sword (1 vote came from outside of the strawpoll), and 1 Axe. I must now consult VP Mike Pence for the tie-breaking vote.
The president's not allowed to tweet about his daughter if her line gets dropped?
Q: Need help fixing flying in Gmod

Sam HarringtonMy brother was messing around in option menu, and after quitting the options menu he wasn't able to fly. Does anyone know how to set it to default again?

There's rules about presidential 'endorsements' of one product over another.
@GnomeSlice no
Also it's not a huge stretch to imagine they did it because of him, weren't there like a bunch of people who publicly proclaimed they were gonna do such things
@Wipqozn This entire presidency is going to be one massive conspiracy and conflict of interest.
like those artists who wanted her to take all their art down off her walls
> huge stretch to imagine
This is slippery slope right here.
@Yuuki yuge
did obama never tweet about his family
Can we vote to close on this presidency?
@GnomeSlice Did he call out businesses that did or did not have dealings with his families in a non-political manner?
I mean that just takes five of us.
I don't see why he doesn't have the right to stand up for his family if he thinks they're being unfairly treated
As far as his personal account goes, who knows that the guidelines on that are. The meat of the matter is that the @POTUS account retweeted it.
If my sister got fired from her job I'd probably tweet about it
@GnomeSlice Then he should stand up for his family as a father and not as the President of the United States.
if we thought it wasn't justified
@GnomeSlice but you aren't a public icon
@GnomeSlice But you're also not the head of a nation.
@Avery irrelevant
Your tweets aren't as the representative of a nation.
@GnomeSlice No, it definitely is.
@GnomeSlice This is fake news.
@GnomeSlice Totally, utterly relevant.
When I was in the military, I wasn't allowed to go to protests in uniform.
@Yuuki She didn't actually get her line dropped?
But... muh freedumz!!1!
At least Trump isn't telling America which MOBA to go play.
@GnomeSlice Nope, she didn't.
Trump's lying.
It's fake news, I tell you.
I dunno there's a lot of articles about it
It's a clear ploy to rile up his base against anyone.
@GnomeSlice Fake news.
Alternative facts.
Didn't happen.
@Avery what private gain?
Doesn't exist.
@GnomeSlice ivanka's dresses
He tweeted from @realdonaldtrump
and rt'd from @POTUS
2 mins ago, by Yuuki
As far as his personal account goes, who knows that the guidelines on that are. The meat of the matter is that the @POTUS account retweeted it.
> to provide any benefit, financial or otherwise, to himself or to friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity.
Emphasis mine.
I don't think he controls that account but that's kinda funny lol
> An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity, including nonprofit organizations of which the employee is an officer or member, and persons with whom the employee has or seeks employment or business relations.
@Avery It's up in the air as to whether that applies to the President.
He didn't do that anyway
@GnomeSlice how so?
@Yuuki Obviously it does. Trump's just throwing enough dirt around to try to confuse the issue.
@Yuuki And, even if it applies or not, it still is a good example that trump's tweet != random person's tweet.
I think that means the President can exempt himself from Title V.
> However, the President may not except the Office of Personnel Management from a provision of this chapter which vests in or imposes on the Office a function, duty, or responsibility concerning any matter except the establishment, operation, and maintenance, in the same capacity as other agencies, of training programs and plans for its employees.
Not sure if that includes the President or not.
Either way, exempting himself from it is not in the public interest, thereby cannot be done.
> Trump: "I am the public interest!"
@Yuuki Lawsuit
Sir this is a Subway.
> Trump: "So it's treason then."
garbled screaming
@Yuuki Coup
lightsaber twirling
red-shirts three Jedi and starts dueling Samuel L. Jackson
I'm gonna go play board games and let you all argue how my country is going to be a tire fire.
Wait. Who's Anakin Skywalker in this scenario?
I guess Hayden Christensen.
Since Samuel L. Jackson is Mace Windu.
@Frank lol slow down skippy
@GnomeSlice I mean, that's technically the plot of Episode III.
Slightly annoyed that no one pointed that out.
> Bannon: "Have you heard of the tragedy of Darth Trump the Orange?"
> Bannon: "It's not a tale the libruls would tell you."
@GnomeSlice That's literally what will happen. Trump will just have to go slightly more off the rails.
@Frank Slightly?
I bet you a house the US won't have a coup during the Trump presidency
They'll impeach him first, if possible.
That one might happen, yeah
But if he refuses to leave (which he will, because he's an idiot), the military will oust him.
Or just regular law enforcement
Or just one mexican person walking up to him and trump running for fear of his life
@GnomeSlice Can I get the house?
...y'know, I'd pay to see him literally thrown out of the White House.
It takes a lot of extra work to get legal military involvement on US soil, and it probably wouldn't be necessary if the rest of the government is trying to get rid of him anyway
@Avery You'd have to ask @Frank cause I'm not gonna be the one losing lol
> Bannon: "Darth Trump was a Dark President of the Alt-Right, so powerful and orange, he could use the Fake News to influence the population to create chaos. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side that he could even keep the ones he cared about in a state of high income."
@KevinvanderVelden Does anybody actually think that's what Trump thinks?
@GnomeSlice that he's a racist? Yeah I do
Given everything he has said and done on the subject it's fair to assume he is
That... is not what you were implying
@GnomeSlice I mean, at this point, can anyone claim that they know what Trump wouldn't do?
Well I guess it sort of is
Outside of "not tweet at 3am in the morning to call someone out", I guess.
@Avery Gosh darn it, I only just got all my friends on Discord.
Which takes forever
let's just stick with discord
(ps. encrypt your messages with ave.zone/pgp )
> Joke
> '90s kids won't get this...
> Social Security
@Yuuki Harsh
Here's one for turkey
Oh dear
> Joke
'00 kids won't get this...
(as in libre)
@Avery I get it. That's funny.
Q: Minecraft testfor XP Gained?

Cobalt772I am working on a new map on Minecraft and I was wondering if anyone knew how to testfor XP gain. For example if I gained 10 levels it would output a signal, and if I gain another 10 levels, it would output another signal.

@Yuuki i am so bad at checking discord
my friend just got hit by a car
@GnomeSlice ouch
she says she's fine but she's sry the hospital
so that's good
@GnomeSlice It's always good to get checked out after stuff like that even if you feel okay, so I am glad she's there
Q: Why is there no difference in fps between using 720p and 1080p for GTA V?

PanpaperI used the GTA V built-in benchmark tests at 1080p vs 720p, and found that the benchmark results had little difference. In fact, the average fps for 1080p was higher than that of 720p. All other settings were kept the same GTA V Benchmark Results: 1080p Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, ...

@Avery the keybase ToS are pretty awful.
by asking you for your full name they demonstrate they don't get it.
by requiring you to have it be correct and current in the ToS they confirm this.
@badp kinda agreed
they also reserve the right to go rogue on you.
@fredley no you don't, I'm one of your least favorite people
OMG ITS @kalina
no :(
@Avery just being honest but you sound like a needy, clingy masochist there
@kalina Hiiiiii! I'm leaving now but wanted to say hi! Byyyyyye! o/
@Sterno this is definitely not the case, I am still amazingly disappointed in the opposite sex
@Fluttershy hey \o/
and bye
@badp they're trying to set up a web of trust, and most public wots also require your name. CACert even asks for photo, govt-issued id.
@kalina yeah, dudes suck
@Avery oh you're arda
@kalina yes
@Wipqozn now I'm going sword and that ball-and-chain thing
@Memor-X meh, I kinda wanted to get a bridgechievement of getting burned by @kalina
I'm pretty sure I've set fire to you before
and besides, internet text is not really an achievement
@Sterno the ball and chain thing does look fun
@Avery do you need my full name to trust that I'm who I am?
@badp no
good. very few have an actual need for full names.
I remember that time I cooked meth with @kalina. Back before she got old
I keep trying to understand what keybase does and how it works and how it is better but it mostly hurts my brain and that frustrates me
the irony of being called old by you, Sterno
We had to cook fast because the police were trying to shoot us. Or maybe the mafia. I forget.
@badp do you trust Trump by knowing his full name?
lets just go with NPCs
I haven't played a game of anything in ages
@kalina I'm pretty sure if I searched transcripts you'd now satisfy your previous definition of old
I do intend to take a break for the new mass effect
but I said that about deus ex and still haven't played that
time is an illusion
yes but that's a sliding scale of old calibrated to now
so me+1 is still me+1
@Ash It's basically used to prove that @ardaozkal on twitter is also /ardaozkal on facebook, /u/ardaozkal on reddit etc etc, it can also be used to check the pgp key and send files to (and now chat with) someone you only know social media handles of.
it's just now instead of being 0.25 of your age I am 0.3 or something, because of time
@Avery except you can now use this to trace your social media back to a picture of your face and your full name, and your social media presence everywhere else on the internet, and this is good because??
eventually it'll be like 85% and I'll laugh and laugh and then pee in my adult diaper and take a nap
well now that I've turned up here I best go all the other places just so nobody feels left out
this sounds like the opposite of what you should want
my mindcannon is blown

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