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A: Were all of Shakespeare's plays fully in iambic pentameter?

Rand al'ThorNo. In fact, much of the content of Shakespeare's plays isn't even written in verse. There's plenty of prose in Shakespeare - indeed, at least one play (Merry Wives of Windsor) is written almost entirely in prose. But when he did use verse, it's usually iambic pentameter, with some exceptions. ...

Time to go AFK for a bit now that that's done.
see ya
Oh check it out. You're public.
And you have more questions than answers.
More questions than users.
That's... a feat.
@Randal'Thor What is a "popular question"?
@Randal'Thor Can I correct your meta answer?
Darn ninjas.
@Benjamin What's wrong with it?
Oh right.
@Randal'Thor I fixed it, but it said, "not a single popular question yet".
As long as you don't keep on editing it again every time we get a new Popular Question :-P
@Randal'Thor Oh, I will.
8 hours later…
@Rand al'Thor Re literature.stackexchange.com/a/1437/139 "Were all of Shakespeare's plays fully in iambic pentameter?" This answer tells how most of Shakespeare's plays are in prose or blank verse, and how he decided when to use one or the other. But unless I misunderstood it, it tells very little about when he used iambic pentameter.
2 hours later…
Do we have a goodreads group for sharing the books we have read?
Q: About Ghazal Writing in English

AbhilaajName some of the important writers of Ghazal in English please with name of their anthologies. Have such ghazals been sung. I write them and am eager to know. May be some ghazal writers may like to contact me?

@Bookworm baad. Make it go away.
@Mithrandir Also this, by what looks like the same user:
A: What circumstances is the poet referring to in this poem?

AbhilaajUnfortunately the poem is very basic. I'm surprised what is the query-sender asking for? Poor query.

@Randal'Thor already flagged as naa
I tried to VTD, but then remembered I've lost those powers now that we're public.
I didn't know you're also active in this chat, @Randal'Thor. :)
@BalarkaSen he is everywhere.
@BalarkaSen Apparently, very:
Jan 20 at 11:20, by Stack Exchange
Rand al'Thor has been automatically appointed as owner of this room. (What does this mean?)
@Mithrandir Well, my top sites are your top sites, so you would think that ;-)
@Randal'Thor I reconsidered. You're not everywhere (transcript link soon)
yesterday, by Rand al'Thor
in Charcoal HQ, yesterday, by Rand al'Thor
Nah, I like to keep my accounts list tidy.
Got my fifth Deputy :D
@Mithrandir I have, however, had an average of 22 inbox notifications per day over the last year.
So I may not be everywhere, but in the places where I am, I'm really, really there.
@Mithrandir Congrats :-)
@Randal'Thor glad to know you're more corporeal than Emrak
@Randal'Thor It means you're 'it', i.e. lumbered.
Jan 30 at 17:02, by Emrakul
You assume I have a physical form, mwahahaha!
@b_jonas Well, if it's in prose, then it's not in iambic pentameter, and if it's in verse, then it usually is. So talking about prose vs verse is nearly the same as talking about IP vs not.
@fi12 I put usage guidance in those tag wikis. That means that the edit is -good. You're supposed to put usage guidance in.
Hmm, looks like someone is reading through all our posts.
Woo, now I've actually seen the Moby Dick question on the HNQ list too.
And @MattThrower has got Lit's first Notable Question badge too.
^bug with the new top bar
@Randal'Thor that's awesome. I was hoping something would make the list soon after we went public. Your excellent answer on my Norrell question deserves to :)
@MattThrower Well, thanks :-) Sadly Strange & Norrell probably isn't as popular as Moby Dick. It's good to see someone else who's read it!
@Randal'Thor It's a great book. Such a pleasure to read such weighty fantasy.
@MattThrower Did you watch the BBC adaptation too?
One of the people who commented on Moby-Dick did make a good point abut much of literature - especially older literature - being supposition. This is something we may have to grapple with going forward as it doesn't chime well with much of SE
@Randal'Thor I did. I thought they did a great job given the detail and depth of the source they were working off.
Agreed. I really enjoyed that TV series; it did a good job of doing justice to the original material, even though some parts of the ending were changed.
Now I feel like both rereading the book and rewatching the TV series. And I know which of those would take more time :-P
Haha. I don't re-read enough. I'm always torn as to whether to go back to a favourite book again or start something new. New usually wins.
I'm getting to the point where most new stuff isn't very appealing any more. There's a lot of junk out there, and by now I'm jaded enough that even a decent fantasy novel has to have some big USPs for me not to go "meh, just another of these, same old, same old".
Read something other than fantasy :D
@MattThrower Have you read the Bartimaeus series? If you liked Strange and Norrell, you might enjoy that too. It's set in more modern times, but it's a similar "magical alternate history" thing, featuring e.g. William Gladstone as a powerful historical magician.
I've actually discovered some really interesting fantasy novels of late that seemed to have escaped a lot of mainstream attention. Lud-in-the-Mist for one and Little, Big for another. I also believe Jack Vance has a lot more merit than he gets credit for, although I may just be overthinking it
@Randal'Thor I have not - will put it on my reading list. Sounds interesting.
Jack Vance's Lyonesse trilogy is certainly quite an achievement in worldbuilding, with a strong cast of characters and a fairly intricate plot. But after reading it a few times, all the rape in it began to turn me off a bit.
(By that time I'd already read, and been turned off, A Song of Ice and Fire.)
@Randal'Thor It's not Lyonesse that gets me (I agree with you), it's the Dying Earth. I find the stream of consciousness creativity in it an extraordinary, joyful thing. It's just imagination straight to page, with little concern for world-building in the vein of Tolkien. Very hard to write like that, and in some ways it seems the purest form of fantasy of all
@Randal'Thor not a GRRM fan. He's a skillful writer of thriller material - one of the best - but that's all his books are. Extended, bloated thrillers.
@MattThrower Haven't read that one, though I think I may have a copy of it somewhere.
It's another massive tome, right?
If it's a good book, I actually prefer large books. It lasts longer :P
@Randal'Thor Doesn't have to be. He wrote four books in the series, two short story collections and two short novels, one of which follows from the other although they can be enjoyed alone
Oh, it's a series? I thought The Dying Earth was a single novel.
I may be getting mixed up with something else.
@Randal'Thor the text of one of my favourite of the short stories is actually online, although it probably shouldn't be e-reading.club/chapter.php/73022/4/Vance_-_The_Dying_Earth.html
Unrelated: Robert deleted that answer.
@Mithrandir I know - I saw the +1 when it vanished :-)
Ooh, he's approved all my other flags too.
Mine too, except for the serial voting one
@MattThrower Interesting. Normally I can recognise Vance's writing style at a glance, but not in that piece.
@Randal'Thor quite. All his Dying Earth material is written in the same style, and I know of little else like it. Hence my admiration :)
@MattThrower: Just BTW, do you know that to reply to a message there is a button on the post, which will link your message as a reply to that one?
And adds the ping.
@Mithrandir Ah, no! I thought that was just a notification :) I don't use chat much
@MattThrower well now you know ;)
@Mithrandir thanks for the information
You're welcome
Q: Should we retag story ID questions with the story name?

Matrim CauthonIf there is an ID question that has an established tag, should we edit and retag with the name of the story?

@Librarian no.
We should not.
Ah, I see that @Randal'Thor already answered that :P
@Mithrandir But there's no need to downvote the question just because the answer to it is "no". It could still be a discussion worth raising.
(I don't know if it was you who downvoted it, but anyway.)
@Randal'Thor it's a meta downvote. It's not the question; it's the suggestion.
@Mithrandir The question isn't saying "let's do this". It's saying "should we do this?"
For all we know, the OP might agree with you and me that we shouldn't.
@Randal'Thor I know...
Also @Randal'Thor since I'm here and so are you and don't feel like going to SFF meta:
Q: New phenomenon: Rage Unaccepting

Shadow WizardNow that accept rate is no longer displayed users can silently unaccept answers without anyone noticing. I happened to notice by chance that this user (who is a long time member without any other activity for a long time) has just unaccepted all answers just like that. No single comment. Three r...

@Mithrandir Different context and (apparent) motivation.
@Randal'Thor Yeah, but I recall something about not being against the rules technically.
In Tim Post's answer
> However, the user didn't do anything technically wrong
1 hour later…
My chat is broken :(
Oh wait, no it's ok
Q: How do I add links into comments?

Matrim CauthonI was trying to direct a person to the tour when I realized that I did not know how to put links in comments. How do I do it.

@Librarian @Randal'Thor was ninja'd ;)
I'll provide a screenshot of the help link when I am on my computer.
@DForck42 'allo
@Mithrandir how goes it?
2 days ago, by Mithrandir
Feb 1 at 14:11, by Mithrandir
It is a giant immobile brain
2 days ago, by Mithrandir
We've had this conversation before :P
@Riker exactly
@Riker yup
You should go read it...
yes go read it now @DFo
it's a great book
@Riker can't, my brain hurts
Why? Is the planet swiftly tilting?
@DForck42 a good remedy: drink many waters.
*waits for someone to get the jokes*
Hey @MatrimCauthon!
@Mithrandir they don't deserve to be gotten
please go sit in the corner and think about your life
also, lol at that HNQ bringing 2 bad answers/LQP
Blood and ashes, how insulting! :P
have you even read those books :P
the WoT ones
@Riker that's what hnq does. The hot Security question got stuff that Smokey picked up.
@Riker the first
I read The Eye of the World.
you should continue
@Riker We definitely need to downvote poor answers like those. A lot. We need to give the rest of SE a good impression.
I've VTDed them both
they're both at -2 and -4 iirc
There's a slight problem. A strange lifeforms called... 'parents'?
my parents are chill with me reading books, idk about yours :P
I got the full set for my birthday also
because my mom noticed me reading them
Reading isn't the problem. Getting the books is.
and they take so long the library was getting upset with late fees
@Mithrandir :/ not at the local library?
I have more English books than my local library.
they don't make israeli/arabic WoT translation?
I don't know. My Hebrew isn't perfect, and I prefer to read in English. And I don't speak Arabic ;)
Could appeal to my Grandma...
they do exist fwiw
but yeah that's sad :(
Jan 19 at 9:30, by Mithrandir
user image
rip mith's bookshelf lol
@Riker how? Via review? Because you aren't at 4k...
I frogot I don't have those privs anymore :(
If you answer this...
A: Are there any books in the classic Hardy Boys series where the boys don't get kidnapped?

MithrandirYes, there are books where they do not get kidnapped in chapter 19. I have a bunch of them, but not all. If anyone adds another answer with ones I missed, that would be awesome. The Secret Panel (25) In this book, they are kidnapped, but not in chapter 19. They are rescued in chapter 19. The ...

Sorry that's my incomplete answer
On a similar note, is there any etiquette about accepting self-answers?
So if you add an answer with the other books not mentioned at the bottom of the answer...
@HDE226868 if nobody else does a better one, go ahead.
@Mithrandir I'll probably do that. It's been a week.
Unrelated: The last time I was in Private Beta, the mods were announced a month and ten days after the nomination post went up.
@Mithrandir That happened with me on HSM. The post went up on Halloween, and we only found out in mid-December.
Still, at this stage, mods aren't as necessary as they may be later on.
Yep. So we can expect mods in March.
Yes, probably.
Woohoo. Just nudged a mod into making my proposal policy ;)
which one?
Q: How should non-fact-based answers be handled?

Ben NSince this site is more subjective than some, we occasionally get answers that are solely based on personal opinion or make claims with no justification/references. Even subjective questions should invite facts (instead of opinions), so such answers are less than ideal. What should we do with th...

ah nice
This is interesting. Nichelle Nichols's autobiography.
Q: How did having a full pot of tea betray the doctor's lowly origins?

Vixen Populi"Memoires of gedenkschriften van minister Pieter Bas" ("The memoirs of Minister Pieter Bas") is a satirical biography of a fictional Minister of Education. The book is mostly about the man's youth in the second half of the 19th century. The book was first published in 1937. Early in the book, th...

@Bookworm that is... Puzzling.
@Randal'Thor Ah, I see! I was confused by the term "blank verse", I assumed for some stupid reason it meant free verse, not verse without rhyme.
@b_jonas do you think that you could explain what doesn't work with links with a closing parenthesis?
1 hour later…
@b_jonas I also find it hard to remember what "blank verse" means. But I made sure to include a link to Wikipedia the very first time I used that phrase in my answer.
Q: Why are we accepting "asked and answered" posts?

CascabelOne of the things driving me away from this forum are the obvious "forced" posts. Typical is this, a question accompanied by an immediate answer. garnering 62 (and counting) rep points (spread across post and answer) for the poster. Is this where we are going?

@Librarian Wow, what the heck.
@Randal'Thor Actually, I have been kicked off from asking self-answered questions like this on other forums here, such as Movies.SE. Rudely. By moderators. So if my tone of voice seems immoderate, it is learned behaviour--in spite of what might be on the Lit.SE help page. I thought this was going to be a serious site.... — Cascabel 3 mins ago
@Napoleon ^ Any idea what this guy is on about?
@Randal'Thor He's too busy out partying ;)
o_O napoleon knows how to party?
I thought he was just a grump /s
Sure he does! We had loads of fun on our vacation!
@steelersquirrel Sounds like more fun than dealing with this anti-self-answer ranter.
@steelersquirrel you already went? I thought it was scheduled only
@Riker They met in Las Vegas quite a while back.
ah okay
@Riker We went to Vegas in July and he came home to Oregon with me for a few days. Yes, we did!
@Riker Didn't you hear me talking about how he talks in German in his sleep? Hehehe!
lol tho
I was like....WUT is happening right now??? :P
Awwww. I just got an email from @steelersquirrel. You're awesome, Steeler :-)
about what?
@Randal'Thor Thanks, buddy :)
@Riker Well...I would have said it in here if I wanted everyone to know about it ;)
Also...Napoleon always encourages self answers...so, I don't know what that guy is talking about.

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