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Q: Was Paradise Lost the first major work of literature to give "sympathy for the devil"?

IrregardlessJohn Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost was first published in England in 1667. While this is long after the Protestant Reformation where alternative ideas about Christianity became slightly more excepted (and perhaps a little less deadly), a story whose protagonist is Satan himself seems fairly re...

@Librarian I'm not totally sure how much point there was in this ...
@Randal'Thor SFF tag wars are way different. They exist on two levels: tactical (we don't like specific tags) and political (we don't like tags at all, so let's kill as many tags as we can / we love tags, you have a tag, and you have a tag, everybody gets a tag).
@Randal'Thor On this site, tag wars are strategic: do we tag by specialty, or by author/work, as a primary tagging mechanism.
As an anecdotal example, the same user (myself) can be personally in favor of work/author tagging on SFF and against it (as a main mode) on Literature.
@DVK-on-Ahch-To I'm not even going to comment on SFF tag wars. Too many conflicting views, and I have to try to please everyone.
@DVK-on-Ahch-To Why? What's different about the two sites that makes your tagging views differ?
Because on SFF, aside from some really broad categories verging on Meta, there's no general well-accepted and professionally-termed areas of expertise. Whereas, in literary analysis, there are.
So, really, there's no useable "professional" system of tagging that's possible on SFF, so author/work is pretty much the best of the worst options.
How many *-literature tags survive now? Hindi does, and it, fortunately, doesn't suffer from the ambiguity that, say, french-literature/russian-literature have
It's not a good system by any means, unless you're specifically a fan of Star Wars or Harry Potter (which makes Slytherincess' life great, but for example mine, awful - I have to scan literally every non-story-ID question to see if i'm interested in it).
But on SFF, there's simply no better system to be had.
It's an emergent property of site scope.
Whereas, on Literature, we can have a far better system. But so far my impression is that only 2 people like it (Gilles and myself).
@muru Russian, Greek, Hindi, American, French, German, Polish, and Classic.
My guess is that none of them are used consistently though.
Just to be clear, I'm fine with Author/tag as 2 of the 5 tags. I just don't want taht to be the MAIN scheme.
@Randal'Thor Hindi is, and I aim to keep it that way
(well, for two questions, that is)
To be honest, I'm perfectly happy to either be fully CDO and have separate "XXX-literature" and "XXX-language-literature" tag, or simply merge the two and make life simpler for EVERYONE (and, maybe, have a tag for all questions that analyze broad-spectrum literature, e.g. questions about Russian literature as a whole get tagged + to distinguish from questions about specific russian books that get a simple +AUTH/WORK
Yeah, one problem that folks generally don't want to talk about (not just here, but on literature as a field) is who gets to decide about those labels. National literature is a constructed concept, not a natural category.
That Devdas question is a good example - Devdas itself is in Bengali (iirc), but the question is about Hindi lit
@DVK-on-Ahch-To But there are many possible classification methods - country of origin, language, genre, length, to name but a few - and only 5 tags available.
@BESW Why does it make any difference whether it's a constructed concept or a natural category? The goal here isn't to invent a 100% perfect tag. It's to make a tag that helps a subject area expert or enthusiast to be able to find 97% of relevant questions, without having to scan 100% of entire site or maintain a list of 100-1000 author tags.
That doesn't necessarily make it bad (though the idea of a national literary canon emerged as part of a jingoist colonial paradigm which is still making major problems today, and that's something else people don't like to talk about), but I think we need to recognise the difference.
I've made this point somewhere on meta (can't find it now), but there isn't room for (random example) AND AND AND AND AND AND AND on a question about comparison between the uses of symbolism in Dead Souls and Crime and Punishment.
Because treating category tags as if they're natural or organic is going to seriously limit our ability to use them effectively.
I want to hang out on this site and discuss Russian literature (mostly because, let's be frank, I'm rubbish at English one). I simply can't. literally. I don't have the capacity to sit and filter every question to see if it's Russian language work or not.
I basically stopped looking at questions lately 95% of the time, other than random peeks, and the above is one of the main reasons.
There we go, first Popular Question badge for Robert on meta, as I predicted.
We've gotta be aware that if we label Czech literature "Russian" we're saying something very meaningful in a real-world kind of way.
@Randal'Thor That seems like an outlier that's easy to handle (drop the work names and lose a minor bit of precision) and very rare; I don't see why its existence is a valid reason to discount the broader categories.
Again, bringing up these problems with tagging categories doesn't mean I think we should abandon them as a bad job. If we didn't do anything unless it was completely non-problematic we wouldn't do much of anything.
But we're more effective when we face problems.
@BESW There's an easy rule of thumb here. Again, think like an academic. Are there people who study Czech literature as specialty? Yes. Separate tag. Is there separate Chech language that has a meaningful # of works? Separate tag. Simple. Also... I have never heard of anyone - at least in Russia - referring to Chapec or any other Czech author as "russian". Ever.
@DVK-on-Ahch-To I hope that questions about comparisons between two specific works aren't going to be "very rare".
I find it a little distressing that every time I bring up how something's complicated, folks think I'm advocating for the most extreme burn-and-salt solution.
@BESW You ARE facing a problem. You're seeing people who can meaninfully contribute to the site, abandon the site and any effort to find good questions to answer, for lack of a good filtering scheme.
So far, at least 2 came out publicly about it - and given that it's two people who rarely see eye to eye on Meta issues... that should tell you something :)
@DVK-on-Ahch-To The deeper you get into a field of study, the more broad and multifaceted it seems to be. I wouldn't be surprised if actual specialists in Czech literature would laugh at the idea of being an "expert in Czech literature", saying no, they're an expert in this or that Czech author, not in the entirety of all literature in that language / from that country.
@BESW The problem is that people use your "it's complicated" as an excuse to reject "not worth doing". Even if you yourself may not intend that.
@DVK-on-Ahch-To And, well, I still think we're putting the cart before the horse on the whole issue: two weeks into the Stack and we've already gone on slash-and-burn for tags.
Would we have lost people if we'd just let the tagging emerge for a couple weeks before going in with a blowtorch?
@Randal'Thor Yes and no. If you get to postdoc/research level, yes. However, (1) we are not academic enough to THAT level of depth, and likely will never be as a site; (2) I'm going for a specialization/major level of granularity. You don't get a graduate degree in Chapec (sp?) studies; you get it in Czech literature, and then write a thesis on Chapec.
@BESW The problem is that a meaningful "academic" tagging scheme requires work from the get go. So it either gets a buy-in and people make an effort to keep things reasonably tagged, or it's useless. Imagine if you didn't have a C++/Java tags on SO from the day 1. Can you add them on day 300? Bloody hell that's impossible job.
That was a reason I suggested such tagging on Meta on early days of private Beta.
Since we've established that the current user base isn't very academic, I'm not sure how much that can accomplish.
@DVK-on-Ahch-To but you could try on day 50
It's not either/or. Giving it a bit of time to see what happens would have been nice.
@Randal'Thor Basicaly, you have to remember what your goal is. The goal (at least one I'm articulating) is: An grad school level expert in the field should be able to reasonably easily find questions that they are interested in without reading ENTIRE site. That means, having JUST author tags, is too narrow (his degree is in Hindu literature, and he's unlikely to be interested in only 1 or 2 authors);...
@Randal'Thor ... but if he's interested in just a couple of Hindu authors, having is 100x more useful to him than not having it - now he can search for his favorite authors, in 1/100th of site's questions, by searching/browsing within that tag.
@DVK-on-Ahch-To What about people whose interests span more than one specific country/language's literature?
I see a lot of folks assuming that specific actions which worked or failed on another Stack will work or fail here, rather than drawing on Stack principles and broad experience-based learning--part of which says that we need to see how this site works and then look for similar examples in other sites that we can draw from.
As an example, there's a time-command tag on Ask Ubuntu that was about to be removed (it was only on one post, from which it got removed). It's useful, because the time command is difficult to search for. I then trawled through hundreds of questions and came up with a handful that fit it. And that's on a site that's second on the traffic rankings. Retagging can be done, and done well if you have a team helping you
Take me, for instance. I'm interested in British literature, American literature, Russian literature, Latin American literature, ...
@Randal'Thor If it's a finite set of countries, the tags are still useful. If not... well, then they aren't helped by this scheme, but they aren't helped by any scheme in existence either so they aren't worse off.
@Randal'Thor so you won't use those tags. Others still can
(I've also noticed that everybody's talking about these tags as if language and country are the same--or at least, that we all assume everyone else is talking about language or country the same as we are.)
@BESW wasn't that one of the objections?
Is French Literature for literature from France, or in French?
@Randal'Thor You already basically need to scan entire site, so you're not good, but not worse off. AND, you can at least set on ignore because you hate snow (I made that example up)
@muru If so, I missed it.
@muru See my comment above. We can do either one, or even BOTH on the same tag. Those are technical details that can be designed (or experimented) around.
But yes, that's an excellent example.
@DVK-on-Ahch-To I did - I was just telling BESW about the example I remembered
@BESW I haven't made a distinction there simply because it muddies an already complex issue. The arguments for/against country-based tags and language-based tags are likely to be more or less the same.
What it implies to me is that this sort of tagging is never going to happen naturally.
@BESW I am happily willing to admit they aren't the same. Again, I'm striving for let's say 90% precision here, not 100% precision. Because, the alternative is 0% precision.
We're taking on a Sisyphean task wherein experienced users have to re-tag every question by inexperienced users, forever and ever, amen.
@BESW As long as we have some experienced users willing to do that job in real time, that's not necessarily a huge problem.
This throws out a major benefit of tagging: that every asker tags their own question sufficiently well that exception-handling is minimal.
@BESW THAT is actually a valid argument. I'm not sure how to counter it at the moment, other than "I suspect the benefits outweigh the costs"
For instance, both SFF and M&TV regularly get ID questions posted by new users without the ID tag included.
@BESW Gilles already does that pretty much single-handedly on U&L
But we're pretty good at adding that tag on very quickly.
@DVK-on-Ahch-To And this is where the "who decides what's tagged how" issue rears its head: we get a cadre of high-activity users making decisions about the scope of a question that the querents should be making for themselves.
Seeing his work made me realise how terrible people are at tagging, even tags having a sufficient number of questions to show usage clearly
I've seen that happen on RPG.SE and it's ugly.
I can't sleep, so…
@DVK-on-Ahch-To and all the others who upvoted meta.literature.stackexchange.com/questions/291/…
@Randal'Thor mostly because they're being edited out / rejected in suggested edits
@muru but why do you actively prevent trying on day 5?
@Gilles I don't, I support the *-lit tagging
@Randal'Thor So? On Unix & Linux, I was the tag police for a long time. And yet at that time I read at least the title of almost every question.
@Gilles I downvoted that answer, but I'm open to having my mind changed if someone comes up with an argument which addresses the cons (only 5 tags per question, how do we choose between language/country/genre/length/etc., how to distinguish between language and country anyway) as well as presenting the pros (easier to find questions for someone interested in French/Russian/etc. literature as a whole).
@muru Literature in French is the most relevant one. If we find that we also want to distinguish from France, then we should discuss this on meta and come up with good naming.
Example: Travel did that to distinguish [country] (about visiting the country) and [country-citizens] (about visa issues and such faced by citizens of country visiting some other place)
There are ~400 questions on the site. If a handful of people had enforced basic tags during the private beta, they would be the norm and it would have required no more work than the average private beta. Instead, a handful of people enforced the absence of basic tags during the private beta and now adding those tags would be uphill work.
@Randal'Thor What cons?
Wake me when this is a thing on meta where the whole site can weigh in.
@Gilles Excellent. Make a post there about these concerns you have.
Chat doesn't solve anything.
A: Do we need such broad tags on questions about specific works?

SkoobaAs a counter to Robert's post, I am of the counter argument crowd. Many fans of literature (and dare I say "experts") will be interested in a particular language-of-origin. To me, a first-time or casual visitor will be interested in russian-literature and use that as a starting point for searc...

@BESW it's really tiresome to hear you say again and again “make a meta post” and pointedly ignore the existing meta posts
That doesn't address the problems you've discussed in chat.
For example, you've said that you personally are finding it difficult to locate questions you're interested in.
That data sample is valuable.
@BESW does that need a separate answer? An upvote on the answer that already has that point would do, IMO
@muru Since I have no idea what's causing his trouble, I don't know.
I think describing the problem rather than assuming we already know the solution would be useful.
@muru that's exactly what I did.
Get involved in elaborating and supporting the existing meta discussions if you feel they're insufficient.
If you feel they're sufficient, then I'm not sure what the chat's been about.
@BESW convincing the opposition?
@BESW just me wasting my time, I guess
@muru Shouldn't that be in meta?
There's no guarantee the "opposition" will even see it here.
And then we'll have le mod come along and say extended discussions should be in chat. :D
@Gilles my problem is that it's being used on all questions about poems. Like The Raven and Jabberwocky would, at the moment, get tagged . This seems like tagging half of our questions .
@muru But it wouldn't be discussion. It'd be a clear presentation of problems, solutions, etc., either through editing existing As or providing new ones.
You know, meta.
@Mithrandir at this point I really don't know what to say except to repeat myself: having a tag for questions about poetry makes perfect sense.
@Gilles The ones I listed in parentheses.
I'd like to assume good faith that Gilles wouldn't just be starting comment debates.
@Gilles How about this one? literature.stackexchange.com/q/736/17 (genuine question - I'm curious how you'd like to see that tagged, given the 5-tag limit)
@Gilles Ah, you're against individual-work tags?
@Randal'Thor you mean, the non-problems that I replied to above?
@Randal'Thor welcome to the discussion, where I get told repeatedly to post on meta, and people keep ignoring what I post on meta.
@Gilles Nah. We're asking you to add these concerns from chat to your meta dialogue.
Because your meta presence doesn't seem to reflect your full concerns.
@Mithrandir As I commented on Helmar's answer, it seems redundant to put a tag on questions already tagged or .
@Randal'Thor it would be if tags were hierarchical. But they aren't.
@Randal'Thor which is exactly my point.
@BESW It does. You can't see my votes directly, only in aggregate with other people's votes.
But why do these discussions have to happen at 3am?
@Mithrandir because I can't sleep
@BESW To be fair, Gilles has posted two answers on meta saying we shouldn't use individual work titles as tags. (I'd forgotten that when asking him about the Gaiman/Lewis question just now.) They were heavily downvoted.
I don't see tags for individual works as harmful most of the time, just useless, except that they're harmful in a few rare cases: when they're ambiguous, when they're spread out (multiple translations or other variant titles), and when they displace other, useful tags
@Mithrandir because it's 10 am :P
I am going to sleep.
I just came because my phone beeped to tell me that we went public.
@Randal'Thor Could you clarify what's wrong with the argument for all those you pointed out that I presented in chat in the last 1/2 hour? :)
@Randal'Thor still around? You could update some of the community ads you had posted with the shiny new ones
@DVK-on-Ahch-To I'll have to think about it some more, and maybe read through this whole conversation again tomorrow.
@Randal'Thor I'm not sure if Gilles is against individual work tags, but they can and should be sacrificed as the least meaningful tags (unless it's for a popular work like Harry Potter), when there's too many tags because >1 author is the topic as in your example
@Gilles Be Nice. They are problems. They aren't unsolvable, but they are genuine concerns people have.
@muru I'm working on a question for the main site now, but maybe I'll be able to do some more stuff with the community ads tonight too.
@Randal'Thor I can get behind being TOO meta to be useful. There'a re no "all poetry" experts who can meaningfully monitor just that tag. I don't mind it, but if a tag needs to be sacrificed due to 5 limit, that one is it :)
Just wanted to congratulate everyone!
@Randal'Thor I'd post a summary on Meta... but I don't feel like doing any extra legwork lately
@DVK-on-Ahch-To That tag gives me the same sort of uneasy feeling as the media tags on SFF. As you say, nobody is an expert on all , or all . There may be a few wide-scope questions about poetry as a whole which could use that tag (if they aren't all too broad), but I can't see any advantage in putting it on all questions about individual poems.
@Randal'Thor Have you ever seen Puzzling's analytics graph?
Check all the way back to the start of private beta.
@Emrakul Yeah. I remember the huge spike in Nov 2014 during the spaghetti craze, and subsequent slump and then slow increase.
Looking at it now. There was also a slump around Aug-Oct 2015, for some reason.
OK, managed to pull it all the way back to May 2014. There was a spike right at the start of private beta, but that's miniscule compared to what started to happen a few months later.
Puzzling has a yearly cycle.
It also lasted only a few days rather than the full 3 weeks.
What you're seeing in 2015 was repeated in 2016, and I expect will be repeated again in 2017.
That spike was an enormous problem for the site.
I wonder what Lit's analytics for private beta look like. I've lost access to them now, but last time I checked, there was too little data for them to load at all.
You'll get access soon enough, I imagine ;)
Puzzling had our per week post count jump from 35 to 165, then 309, over the course of two weeks.
Yeah, it was quite ridiculous.
We literally had a tenfold increase in fourteen days. And then it jumped threefold again in one week.
Of course, I joined Puzzling during that November, so I had nothing else to compare it to back then.
I wonder if there are many other sites which had huge spikes of crap like that?
Q: Why did Harper Lee write To Kill a Mockingbird?

user408What was her motive behind writing it? Was it based or inspired off of her real experiences?

As far as I'm aware, it's at minimum uncommon.
SFF had the Futurama event. I wasn't around back then, but I've seen some of the posts from that day. Bad, bad posts.
(Damn, if it had been just one day later we could have called it Futurama Fryday.)
At least they knew why it happened.
For Puzzling, my entire reaction was, "WHERE? WHY? HUH?"
Do you have any idea even now of why that spike happened?
Not a damn clue, but if I did, I'd do my hardest to make sure something like it never happened again.
I suppose it makes sense in a way. Solving puzzles is fun, solving easy puzzles is even more fun, and solving too-broad puzzles gets you to HNQs.
It's kind of like the HNQ effect that everyone complains about, but taking over an entire site.
It was probably something like that.
That kind of thing is probably (touch wood) unlikely to happen here.
A good piece of literary analysis is much harder to write than a correct answer to a simple puzzle.
Though I may not be comparing like with like there.
Q: Was CS Lewis referencing the uncanny valley?

Rand al'ThorI recently learned about the concept of the "uncanny valley", and it immediately reminded me of the following passage from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Chapter 8 (emphasis mine): "No, no, there isn't a drop of real human blood in the Witch." "That's why she's bad all through, Mr B...

Q: Let''s get answering

fi12As of today, we have 413 questions and 399 answers on our site. Coming off of such a strong and engaged private beta, it's disappointing to see that our answers/question ratio is less than 1. Ideally, we should have 2-3 answers per question, allowing for various points of view to be expressed. Wh...

@Librarian @Randal'Thor I suggest adding this link to that meta.
4 hours later…
Q: How to help a postgraduate student to write a book?

user409What is the best way to help a weak student who has already completed her post-graduation but has also secured a result much worse than her expected one during the completion of graduation, to write a good quality book which shall be recommended to higher secondary level students after its public...

@Bookworm The next time, I'm going to flag this as "rude or abusive." Abuse of the system is still abuse; that's what that flag is designed for.
@Emrakul good idea. Then Charcoal can help with these :D
Honestly, if it's cross-network spam, it might be worth feeding into Smokey anyway, at least as a warning (though probably not good for autoflagging).
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because you appear to be spamming this on several sites. I've seen this on Literature, Academia, and now here. What does this have to do with AI at all? — Mithrandir Jan 31 at 9:14
Yep. Cross-network.
Now, if JNat nukes it...
Wow! Congratulations on moving on to public beta! Great :)
@steelersquirrel yep!
@Emrakul we're talking about it now
What happened? Did this move to a public beta?
But it isn't listed in stackexchange.com/sites#newest , even though that should list all public sites
@b_jonas caching
area51.stackexchange.com/?tab=beta too says it's private beta
@Mithrandir Oh come on, if it's not on any of the master lists, then in what sense is it even public?
Surely they'd flush those caches when they want to make a site public.
I'll ask on Meta chat.
@b_jonas Caching! ;)
Oh look, we have an Asimov question now.
Okay serious question- am I the only one unable to interact because it says it's a closed beta still?
I'm seeing the chat a few lines up. Please ignore me.
Q: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch - Why only one xxxxx ? [*Spoilers*]

Pat DobsonIn the book 'Dark Matter' by Blake Crouch the central plot theme is a 'box' that creates quantum superposition (see Schródinger's cat) which postulates that every time you make a descision an alternative universe branches off from the one you are in. As we constantly make decisions then the alter...

Q: Why are "last choices" necessary in David Mitchell's Slade House?

Pat DobsonIn Slade House, by David Mitchell, the twins work complex illusions to tempt their prey into the attic of their house before consuming their souls. The intended victims, however, are always given opportunities to back out and escape and are given a "last choice" just before the soul sucking comme...

1 hour later…
@b_jonas I see it on that list.
Like I said. Caching :P
Huh. It doesn't show the text if it was redflag deleted?
@Mithrandir You never saw that before?
Ah, I guess you've never had 10k powers before.
Unfortunately :P
10k powers are OVER 9000.
They are even over 9999 :P
Q: How to help a postgraduate student to write a book?

Anonymous GuestWhat is the best way to help a weak student who has already completed her post-graduation but has also secured a result much worse than her expected one during the completion of graduation, to write … a good quality book which shall be recommended to higher secondary level students after its publ...

I think we decided to abusive flag it?
We had our first Tumbleweed awarded...
@Mithrandir I was trying to work out why I couldn't flag or VTD this, then realised it's on AI.
@Mithrandir Awww.
@Randal'Thor heh. Well, if you create an account...
in Charcoal HQ, yesterday, by Rand al'Thor
Nah, I like to keep my accounts list tidy.
@Randal'Thor Yes, most people see it on that list. See discussion in Meta chat starting at chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/5749608#5749608
@Mithrandir aww, now he's cross-site spamming
@Mithrandir he posted on Writer too I believe
(but I can't prove that, you'd have to ask high rep users there if you wanted to be sure)
@Randal'Thor Well, I am happy I got it.
@Mithrandir I did just to flag that.
@b_jonas : He definitely did, and one of our regulars said he'd been on a whole bunch of sites.
Honestly, WTF. "I have an unsuccessful grad student. I want him to write a successful book. YOU HAVE SEVEN DAYS."
> I want specific answers to this question within 7 days from today – user409 7 hours ago
It's like Mission Impossible! :P
> There is no need of closing this question as this website (Literature StackExchange) is exactly the right StackExchange for this question – user211 Jan 19 at 12:18
> Ok my friend,you may delete that question permanently if you wish,but you must either keep this question in this site forever or else migrate this question to Writers or Academia. – user238 Jan 24 at 3:49
^^^ comments from three of that question's incarnations on Literature
@Randal'Thor Incredible. Like it's not even spam - just someone who really is that bull-headed.
@DForck42 Afternoon :-)
Good timezone :)
Q: Use of 'Genuis' in Nicholas Nickleby?

MirteIn Nicholas Nickleby people use the word genuis to describe people they don't even know and in such a way that I do not beleive it has the same meaning as we now use it with. For instance Mr Crowl says the following in Chapter 15 "and I'll tell you what's more-I think these two genuises, who...

@Randal'Thor how goes it?
@Bookworm Genuis or genius?
@DForck42 Not bad. Busy on various metas. You?
@Randal'Thor trying to remember how spoiler markup works
Double space at the end of each line if you want a multi-paragraph spoilerblock.
thank you
I'm half expecting that to get downvoted...
@Mithrandir Which?
A: Use of 'Genius' in Nicholas Nickleby?

MithrandirHe appears to be using it in a sarcastic manner. He is saying that they are so stupid, that he'll call them geniuses. It's like when someone says: "Washington DC is the capital of the United States?" "Yes, you genius!" You don't mean that they are actually super smart. Disclaimer: I haven't re...

@Mithrandir Danger of answering in-universe questions about a book you haven't read: it's very easy to put your foot in your mouth and make yourself look like a fool if you aren't very sure of your answer.
(Not that I'm saying you've done that here; just a general thing to remember.)
I know. Just this appears to be obvious to me, so...
@Randal'Thor did you do that with Star Wars? :P
@Mithrandir I don't remember having done it, but it's possible I did at some point.
I do remember Richard Valorum doing it with Mistborn.
Also, I had a test case here.
It could be that he's using it ironically or sarcastically? — Mithrandir 23 mins ago
It got some upvotes.
@Mithrandir Flagged as obsolete, since it's now an answer.
I'm waiting for a response to my custom flag about serial voting...
Although it didn't happen today, it happened like all last week.
@Mithrandir I still have pending 10-day-old flags on comments. A custom flag on a potentially tricky issue will probably take even longer to be dealt with.
I had a tag renamed via flag recently...
So did I ... on Puzzling.
The [ee-cummings] to [e-e-cummings]
I had just gotten used to freely editing tag wikis, and now...: /
@Mithrandir How long have you been waiting? If it takes too long, you could write to "contact us" instead.
Not too long. I was angling for a PMYP.
@Randal'Thor Nu? Where is my PMYP?
@Mithrandir Am I seriously going to have to give you a PMYP on getting a PMYP?
@Randal'Thor pmyp?
@Randal'Thor yes.
@DForck42 Patience, my young Padawan.
@DForck42 Mithrandir is so overeager about everything (rep, badges, responses, and so on) that my telling him "Patience, my young padawan" has apparently become A Thing.
@Randal'Thor I just hate waiting for things...
@Mithrandir You should get used to it. It's something you need to do a lot in life.
@Mithrandir ahh
@Randal'Thor yup
@Randal'Thor Do you really have a bronze badge on meta already? Wow.
@Randal'Thor with technology developing the way it is...
Waiting is obsolete.
@HDE226868 Yup. I've been eligible for it for several days - just needed to wait for the tag to get the required 100 questions.
what do you need, 100 rep?
100 score, IIRC.
Which, given the amount of disagreement on our Meta, is no small task :P
At least 100 score in at least 20 answers.
Apparently I have ... 261 score in 26 answers.
I'm 5 rep away, but also 5 answers away
Ah, good, I'm no longer the only person to have the Curious badge on meta.
I need to read more non-scifi/fantasy for this site...
Q: Was R.A. Salvatore's works inspired by real world D&D campaigns?

DForck42I have been reading the Legend of Drizzt series by R. A. Salvatore. I am currently half way through Stream of Silver, which is in book two of the collection. While reading this, I noticed that it almost reads like a novelization of a dungeons and dragons campaign. If we assume that the main pa...

@Randal'Thor hehe
Oh, at least the rep limits have increased to show the site isn't private beta anymore
I no longer get all sorts of free privileges for just being a user
@b_jonas Yep!
I posted a reminder on meta for those of us who still can to continue using our close/reopen votes.
@Randal'Thor Yeah. There are now 30 people with the required 500 rep for that, plus presumably some SE overlords.
Even after this change, any user, even one with very little rep, can suggest edits to any question or answer (regardless of whether it's CW or whose question or answer it is), right? Who can suggest edits to tag wikis?
Though only the SE overlords can approve those suggestions yet.
So the suggested edit queues might be a bit big now.
@Rand, I think when you reach 1000, you'll be presented with a wall of suggested edits.
No wait, I'm stupid
There are already 10 users over 1000 rep.
The users view just defaults to show only this week's reputation, which is confusing.
@b_jonas Anyone registered can suggest tag wiki edits. (Or maybe it's a privilege gained in the 1-100 rep range.) People with the Edit privilege can review them.
including rand
@doppelgreener iirc it's a special edit priviledge
It's not the first time I've got tripped up on this.
doesn't come with normal edits
@b_jonas yeah that's annoying
@Riker There is a privilege earned at 20k for editing them freely, but suggesting those edits comes much sooner (I can do it on full sites where I have only 101 rep) and reviewing them comes with the Edit privilege (2k on full sites).
Even non-users can suggest tag wiki edits.
@Randal'Thor I cannot suggest tag wiki edits for sites where I am not registered.
Users with 5k rep can review them, and users with 20k rep can edit freely.
I don't think reviewing them comes with normal edit privs though
on private betas, 350 is edit/edit review and 750 is tag edit/review
> Privilege Type: Moderation Privilege
Awarded At: 1,500 Reputation
@doppelgreener Yes, I know it comes early, and on a beta site the privilege for reviewing is at 1000 rep and 1500 rep respectively, it's just that because of the assoc bonus, I don't know if there's some small rep limit for even suggesting edits.
> Privilege Type: Moderation Privilege
Awarded At: 1,000 Reputation
yeah, it doesn't according to the privs tab
@doppelgreener No it doesn't.
My mistake, I was basing that on a beta site that still had the compressed rep progression.
@doppelgreener Oh. That must have been a fairly recent change.
And at 4000 rep you can edit tag wikis immediately.
on public betas
Or am I just not finding the right link?
You definitely used to be able to suggest tag wiki edits even without having an account, and you still can suggest post edits without one.
@Randal'Thor When I visit a site to which I am not registered, or visit a site in anonymous browsing, there is no "improve tag wiki" link. There is when I'm registered at 101 rep.
@doppelgreener Yeah, I'm seeing the same as you now. But look at this, for instance.
It used to be possible to suggest edits to tag wikis without having an account.
I can see why that would change tbh
Maybe they removed that ability because the only people who ever tried to use it were spammers.
What would an unregistered user know about how tag wikis should be used or what they should look like?
@Randal'Thor yeah, probably a low benefit:garbage ratio
It is still a bit odd that 6k users can review suggested edits by 19k users.
I think there's a highly-voted somewhere for setting the "review tag wiki edits" and "make unreviewed tag wiki edits" privileges to the same level.
@Randal'Thor For post edits a difference could make sense, because a suggested post limit has to be accepted by two different users. How do tag wiki edit reviews work? Is one reviewer accepting an edit by a low rep user enough to commit that edit?
For post edits there's no difference in the limit though.
@b_jonas All suggested edits need at least two reviewers, whether they're to posts or tag wikis.
@Randal'Thor Even if the reviewer can edit tag wikis immediately?
So it's possible that you can edit a tag wiki on your own, but you need another reviewer to agree with you to approve someone else's tag wiki?
@b_jonas Yes. Same as with post edits: a 2k user could edit the post immediately, but if a suggested edit is in the queue, they have to wait for someone else to approve it too before it goes through.
Of course with post edits there's always the "Improve Edit" button if you want to insta-approve and then make an edit of your own.
@Randal'Thor I see.
That button is absent for tag wiki edits for anyone between 5k and 20k.
Oh, so you can insta-approve, you just have to know to press the right button.
(Or whatever the corresponding rep limits are on beta sites.)
@Randal'Thor I still need . . . . 8 more answers.
Wooo. 2222 rep.
Q: Is religion still an important factor in the world of Fahrenheit 451?

HDE 226868There are several cases in Fahrenheit 451 where it is clear that Christianity, while evidently extremely rare, is still heard of. For instance, Faber notes that Jesus is still known, though in a much different form than before: "It's as good as I remember. Lord, how they've changed it - in ou...

in The Factory Floor, Dec 23 '16 at 13:54, by HDE 226868
I spend hours on a blog post
I write just one answer more
And it’s quiet in chat
I never liked the quiet before
I skim the featured tab each morning
A sign of the rep that's in store
And I smile
That never used to happen before
Still hoping for things to perk up after lunch.
@Randal'Thor @Mithrandir What's a PMYP?
3 hours ago, by Rand al'Thor
@DForck42 Mithrandir is so overeager about everything (rep, badges, responses, and so on) that my telling him "Patience, my young padawan" has apparently become A Thing.
@Randal'Thor you meant "Patience, my sock", didn't you? :P
Q: Why is there so much technical detail of whaling included in Moby-Dick

Matt ThrowerOne of the peculiarities of Moby-Dick is that it includes large quantities of information about the science of whales and the practice of whaling. Whole chapters are dedicated to describing the technicalities of life aboard a whaling vessel in the most minute detail. These make the novel read od...

1 hour later…
@Mithrandir Wow, that "postgraduate student" question has been getting posted around the network since 2015:
Q: How to find an appropriate StackExchange site for my question

Satyajay MandalI have a question that I have asked in many Stack Exchange sites and it got deleted there, its format is the one that I am providing here: Title: How to help a postgraduate student to write a book? Body: What is the best way to help a weak student who has already completed her post...

Whoa, whoa, really?
44 views in a bit over an hour.
HOW EXCITING!!! </steelersquirrel>
@Randal'Thor : Whoa. That's just weird.
...I wonder if originally he would comment "I want specific answers to this question within 370 days"
1 hour later…
I'm having trouble finding a comprehensive rundown of the technical best practices for a Stack community ad. Can anybody help?
Would a question like "Is Walden a novel?" fine?
@BESW I would if I could, but I don't know enough.
That's a start, thanks.
If a question asks whether some plot element in a fiction novel is real, is that on topic on Literature SE? Eg. if someone were to ask whether the yellow spotted lizards with venomous bite from Louis Sachar's Holes are real animals? I won't ask that particular question, because it's a FAQ (no, they're entirely fictional).
@b_jonas Yes, those are on-topic.
Q: Were all of Shakespeare's plays fully in iambic pentameter?

MikeyWere the plays within The Complete Works of Shakespeare entirely in iambic pentameter? I seem to recall singing bits (when there were lyrics) from Twelfth Night and definitely from Much Ado About Nothing, which were not in that metric form. However, it could be the way that I had strung the lyr...

@Benjamin This is a trick question, because we often consider these trick questions on Sci Fi. Most such questions at least.
@b_jonas Oh, so you were testing me?
There's a good reason for that: most such questions are bad, because they ask how realistic some sci fi elements are, eg. whether we could build warp drives matching the description in some book.
@Benjamin No, not you in particular.
@b_jonas Yes, I agree we need to be careful, but I don't think they should be inherently off-topic.
Hey @mick !
Hiya! Just dropping in the catch the craic. ;-)
A: Let's design an ad for our site

BESWBased on my thoughts shared last week, here's a potential ad (I'm not super happy with the quote font yet, and if community members want to volunteer handwritten versions of the quote I'd love to use one of them instead). And a blank version for folks to customise with their own tagline:

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