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I don't know what version of netcat @derobert is using, but on Redhat 6 it says the combination of -l and -p is illegal. I ended up using the commands target: "nc -l 1234 | tar xv" and source: "tar cv . | nc dest-ip 1234" — Connor McKay 9 mins ago
... must avoid replying with "a version that isn't finishing its 2nd decade"
@ConnorMcKay There are two (at least) independent implementations of netcat, I should probably mention the options are a little different. [BTW: despite what the netcat-openbsd manpage says, it's perfectly happy with -l -p PORT]. Also, for the record, it's RHEL 6, RedHat 6 is much, much, older. I remember it because it was one of the first distros I used professionally. — derobert 5 mins ago
Hopefully I managed to avoid showing too much annoyance.
5 hours later…
@derobert You're a model of self-restraint.
could somebody tell/share why there are close votes for this unix.stackexchange.com/questions/337006/… - too broad or what ?
@shirish There is one "too broad", and one "off-topic, learning materials".
I would have gone for "unclear what you're asking" probably
Yes, I'd be inclined to go with unclear too.
Though I didn't VTC in this instance.
The title question doesn't seem to match the body and the body doesn't have sufficient information to answer it.
And the last sentence is itself quite unclear. And gramatically iffy. I.e. "I have been wondering if there was a way to manipulate to tell the system".
@shirish your mention of "string" and "in memory" are confusing. If I understand what you're asking correctly, you should replace all mention of "memory" with "clipboard" or "copy buffer". It sounds like you're asking about how long things are kept in RAM which is very different from how long things you have copied remain available for pasting.
@shirish I know what the question is getting at, but I agree with terdon that the terminology is fuzzy.
thank you, have edited the question with helpful hints from terdon. @terdon, do you think now it's better ? unix.stackexchange.com/questions/337006/…
@shirish Looks clear to me now, yes.
I don't understand these "learning materials" close votes. There's two of them now.
Yeah, those don't make much sense.
@shirish You're going to have to say what your screensaver is, at least, and anything that manages your clipboard too.
That "a way to manipulate to tell the system" bit should be changed too.
I think just "a way to tell the system" should be ok.
2 hours later…
@channel done and done. What I don't know/understand why there are now so many close votes. The whole idea of stackexchange Q&A is to learn, isn't it ?
or am I missing something.
Q: for how long does a 'string' remain in clipboard/copy buffer and can it be manipulated?

shirishI would start with a simple scenario so what I'm asking is easily understood. I usually have a text editor like leafpad, notepad++ or some text-editor as a scratchpad. I jot down things, ideas, scribblings and when it makes sense, just copy and paste like I am doing for this question here. So...

Hello guys. Please if anyone is interested. Check this question
Q: Can't boot arch in EFI mood, rEFInd stuck in installation

RonnieDroidI have been trying to install arch on my mid-2011 Macbook air, I moved the ISO to an 8GB USB-Drive with: dd bs=4M if=/home/ronnie/Downloads/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress && sync Then, I restart and get the rEFInd boot-loader and have four choices to boot from the liveUSB. The first...

@shirish There are 2 "too broad" votes, and I would agree (haven't voted on this one). The issue is, or might be, that people don't know what it is that clears the clipboard buffer when the screensaver kicks in. Is it the screensaver, is it the X Windows system, is it the window manager, is it something else? It would be a lot better if the question was "I've noticed that XXX clears the clipboard buffer under these circumstances. How may I configure it to not do that?".
@Kusalananda I think that's part of the question. @shirish doesn't know what clears it (nor, for that matter, do I; is it actually cleared? @shirish, could your computer be going into suspend?)
@terdon In that case, this may be an instance of people voting "too broad" because they don't know what's causing it, which IMHO is not the right way to use the voting privilege.
Although I think it's people voting without really reading the question
The first version was indeed unclear but it seems perfectly clear to me now.
That could also be the case, yes.
Yes, I understand the question, but I can't unfortunately answer it without studying it, and even then I'd have no way to test a hypothesis.
(no X11 for me)
@Kusalananda Really? Hardcore!
Seriously though? Your personal machine has no GUI at all?
Work laptop has Windows on it. I'm using it for some graphical application (including Chrome). Actual wark happens on a VirtualBox VM running OpenBSD, and from there on a number of Linux servers.
I've never had to use X11 (or any other GUI-related thing) for programming...
vim + tmux
My personal machine is the same, but with macOS instead of Windows.
(even if I ran X11, I'd have one rxvt open fullscreen, and then use tmux to partition it anyway, so no difference from ssh-ing into a VM really...)
X11 is useful when you want to run an emacs other than in a terminal window
But it's several years since I used X11 in my primary work environment.
One of these days I'll get around to installing the Unix of my choice as the primary OS on a machine again. It was about 5 years since I last had that. In the meanwhile, Windows is my "dumb terminal" ;-)
@Kusalananda True. I mostly use the GUI for the browser, I guess. Everything else is done either in the terminal or with emacs. GUI emacs, but that makes very little difference.
@terdon That's one way to avoid the distractions of the net. Though with the distractions of the net, we might all take to drink.
@FaheemMitha "without"
@Kusalananda Right, without. Sorry.
3 hours later…
@Kusalananda hah, I found that the font handling and colors are nicer with gvim. So I have a screen (or two at home) full of xterms and gvims...
At least when programming. And often a Firefox.
@shirish I added a comment to your question briefly explaining how the clipboard works on X11, hopefully you can use that to clarify your question (which actually doesn't strike me as too broad, but...)
@derobert "Full of xterms", that reminds me... I once worked with a guy that held very firmly to his old 17" (?) CRT monitor on which he had nine xterms in a 3x3 grid. I think he used the default "fixed" font too.
@derobert to be nit-picky IIRC there are cut selections which persist the data in the X server too (or rather, attached to the root window)
but that's rather irrelevant
@StephenKitt yeah, I hit the comment length limit so couldn't mention them
one of the recent Spice CVEs is related to clipboard handling
@StephenKitt Ouch. Scary Spice.
@Kusalananda I have bigger monitors, but yeah I have a grid of xterms. Normally three or four along the bottom, above them a grid of gvims
And yeah, mostly using Fixed.
(or whatever the default is)
I use Monaco. For both terminal and coding (emacs). Great font.
Monaco is a monospaced sans-serif typeface designed by Susan Kare and Kris Holmes. It ships with OS X and was already present with all previous versions of the Mac operating system. Characters are distinct, and it is difficult to confuse 0 (figure zero) and O (uppercase O), or 1 (figure one), | (Vertical bar), I (uppercase i) and l (lowercase L). A unique feature of the font is the high curvature of its parentheses as well as the width of its square brackets, the result of these being that an empty pair of parentheses or square brackets will strongly resemble a circle or square, respectively. Monaco...
I need a bigger font to be able to work, usually a 14pt something or other.
Yeah, Monaco is very good!
"Consolas" on Windows works.
@terdon Monaco is nice. Used to use a Monaco-variant called MPW. There are a few other good fonts I use in gvims (which have good text display, even sub-pixel rendering). Like Incolsolata. Yes, or Consolas.
Wouldn't know, haven't touched Windows in many years.
Though for my gvims I usually use Neep Alt. Which is unfortunately a bitmap font.
Neep is really good on X11, but lacks UTF-8 support, IIRC.
it has some, but not outside West European stuff AFAIK
I'd have to think for a second about the magic fc-query/fc-list line to check its supported characters
Ok, just fc-query does it. Neep has far more characters than Monaco. At least the version of Monaco I have.
fc-list ':spacing=100:outline=True' family should find all the TrueType/OpenType/etc. monospace fonts you have. You can repeat with 90 for dual-width (mainly CJK), and 110 (charcell)
2 hours later…
A: Check whether console application is really exited

Dmitry GrigoryevA keylogger wouldn't try to fake a shell prompt, it would almost certainly leave behind a background process which monitors /dev/input or something similar (it will also try to hide itself in the process list). You're definitely looking at the problem the wrong way. A common way of running untru...

HNQ strikes again :( this is the only good answer on that page and it has a lower score than answers that range from the somewhat misleading into downright misleading
1 hour later…
Q: for how long does a 'string' remain in clipboard/copy buffer and can it be manipulated?

shirishI would start with a simple scenario so what I'm asking is easily understood. I usually have a text editor like leafpad, notepad++ or some text-editor as a scratchpad. I jot down things, ideas, scribblings and when it makes sense, just copy and paste like I am doing for this question here. So...

reopen pls
even the original version was answerable, and the current revision is definitely not too broad
2 hours later…
I don't think this question should have been migrated to SO.
It might be a duplicate of this one about integers at best.
The perl command is a program, but let's not argue semantics. I agree that this question is perfectly on topic here. Sadly, there's no much I can do about it now. — terdon ♦ 6 secs ago
@Braiam I don't think that's porn. Just stats. Why do people add porn to the end of things, I wonder?
It's really a problem with the system that unclear votes and migration votes get added together.
@MichaelHomer actually, you need 4 close votes to migration to migrate anything at all
Clearly not in this case.
There are only five votes, and two of them precede the migration vote.
I think it is three, though, yes
@MichaelHomer well, apparently the 4 out 5 rule is a SO only thing, everyone else get simple majority meta.stackexchange.com/a/10250/213575
@FaheemMitha sometimes is just a short hand for TMI or information that is sensationalist
@Braiam There have got to be better word choices.
The review queues just don't work very well.
@MichaelHomer Which ones?
@FaheemMitha Close specifically.
I'm not sure about that
given our scale, I would say that the queue works alright
we don't have to do crazy stuff
It's not that they're too long, it's that people just blindly click through them
well, that would be a problem anywhere
we trust our users are sane enough to do a sensible review
@MichaelHomer That really is not a problem here. It is on many sites, but the reviews on U&L are probably the best I've seen network-wide.
Sure, sometimes things get through the cracks but overall, the review queues here work and work well. They're always tiny for one thing.
There are questions closed for incorrect reasons often enough. Duplicates especially, people often don't seem to bother actually looking at, just confirm whatever one was nominated.
Definitely better than on SO or many of the others though.
Yes, I'm not saying it's perfect. It's just really quite good, all things considered.
I try not to close duplicates if I'm not going to do a very hard look at both questions
And hardly any close-reopen wars
Or any other form of drama.
This is an impressively calm and working site for its size.
Hell, I've been a mod here for two years now and have only had one angry meta post calling for my resignation!
And that was on the very day I was elected or just after, too!
@terdon On SO, they have a rotation
For who takes the blame? :)
@MichaelHomer On U&L or generally?
@terdon I imagine it's a burnout thing. And not all the mods are Super Cool as you.
No they aren't, poor sods.
@FaheemMitha Here is the only place I really look at them, but other sites seem to have worse things going on when I encounter them
@MichaelHomer Well U&L is fairly orderly. The only SE site I've seen more so is TeX.

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