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^ debugging a program
Q: Prove 2+2=2*2 (and similar)

spraffOutput a full formal poof of such statements such as 1+2=3, 2+2=2*(1+1) etc. Introuction If you know Peano Arithmetic you can probably skip this section. Here's how we define the Natural Numbers: (Axiom 1) 0 is a number (Axiom 2) If `x` is a number, the `S(x)`, the successor of `x`, is a numb...

Q: show the result output of the program for each answer

RosLuPFor me it is better each answer to code golf question has the result output of the program (if it is reasonably short); because it is easy make wrong on answer. I not up vote answer not show their numbers or their text result...

Your question appears remarkably similar to this one about a lingua franca, but approached from a different angle. (Maybe 22.1 degrees? Hard to tell.) — Frostfyre 15 hours ago
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LaikoniIs it a Linearized Tree? Background A pure tree (pure meaning the nodes are not labelled) my look like this: o / | \ o o o | / \ o o o To linearize it, we first label each node o with the number of child nodes: 3 / | \ 1 0 2 | / \ 0 0 0 and then write the numbers...

@flawr Gif or it didn't happen
#1 Rules of Becoming a perfect large-scale programmer: NEVER use a pen
@Qwerp-Derp the biggest problem you'll run into is that designers are picky, and what things to look exactly how they want them. Not saying this won't work, but you need to provide the full functionally of the web, while keeping it dead-simple
(Picky is a good thing, as far as I'm concerned)
CMC: guess how many years old is my avatar.
Between -Infinity and Infinity
Q: I want to watch you die of thirst

spraffYou are a traveller crossing the desert between two towns. You cannot carry enough water to get across without stopping. This is a variation of a classic puzzle. The Rules A desert looks like this: a WxH grid of mostly empty space. The space marked S is where you start, E is where you want to e...

@NewMainPosts Q____________Q
Why are s closed as 'no objective winning criterion'?
The score of an answer is an objecting criterion
@ais523 Congratulations on getting 1k rep in less than 10 days! I just wanted to say that I'm really happy that you decided to join the community. Your contributions have been nothing short of outstanding. :)
I've golfed before, just not here
I'll probably slow down in a bit
I'm unemployed but have been accepted for a job, and I expect that'll take up much of my time when it starts
@TuxCopter because we don't have a "no objective validity criterion" close reason and some people choose "no objective winning criterion" as the closest alternative (although "too broad" would probably be less misleading). at least I think that's the reason why most popcons are (and should be) closed.
@TuxCopter s/objecting/objective
@ais523 that's perfectly fine :) I wish you all the discipline you need to not be distracted from your job by PPCG ;)
@GLASSIC Or a pen or a pen or a pen?
@GLASSIC Or perhaps a pen?
What about an applepen? :P
Where's Zaglo? Are you Zaglo?
ಠ_ಠ I am the great Zalgo. Zaglo is only a typo of me.
@GLASSIC 10 years, according to Google
It started appearing as a smiley wallpaper around January 2006
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Erik the GolferMake a portal, I need to go! code-golfascii-art Inspired by StewieGriffin's This is my pillow. Objective Your task is to make a portal that is either an entrance or an exit. But, because I want to travel short and fast, your code should be as short as possible. Take two integers, n and m. n ...

I'm all alone
There's no one here beside me
And my problems have all gone
There's no one to deride me
Yes there is ya silly
Everyone must be in a meeting right now ;)
Or in school
Fair point
Haystack is now "advanced" enough to do primality checking (without a shortcut for it :))
Or a meeting with REM sleep
Q: Generate a cypher

jacksonecacGenerate a cypher given a number and string Input: integer n in the range of 0 <= n <= 9 string s phrase to encrypt in the cypher Your task is simple. Given a string s and number n as inputs, insert a random printable ascii character between each character of the string n times. Such that for ...

@Kade Why as an image?
If you paste the code and press <C-K> it's monospaced
       ^ \1O|>;d@v
       ^    O    v
       ^    0    v
@Kade Oh hey, Befunge! *scrolls up* Oh, actually, it's Haystack?
Well, I suppose ><> was another possibility.
@Kade Actually, I'm at work. I just happen to currently have a manual-labor job, so no Internet while I'm working. :P
Fair enough ;)
Yes, Haystack, the language infamously used once in a Hello World challenge :P
^ Shebang with a different nickname?
Yes :)
@Xanderhall wat
Q: Make a "Ceeeeeeee" program

Challenger5Once I wrote a JavaScript program that would take as input a string and a character and would remove all characters except for the first one and the character given as input, one by one. For example, computing this with inputs codegolf.stackexchange.com and e for the character yields: codegolf....

Ah lol
Trying to make a solution and I can't think of a way to print both the initial and final results without having to have a print outside of the loop
What is the problem about having a print outside of the loop?
Means I've got the print there twice. Trying to make it once.
What language? Can you just concat a big string and print it once at the end (or return it)?
@Geobits Java. And that might work.
My IntelliJ Idea IDE (and Android Studio) starts very slowly, does anyone here know a fix?
Oh, yeah... having to print twice in Java is a big no-no lol
Why are you using Java if you want to golf? :P
We do these things not because they are easy...
@Geobits This is what I would do, too.
Just add a newline at the end since that challenge requires them on a new line (iirc, I read it yesterday)
@KritixiLithos Mine started getting a bit slow if I had a whole bunch of Android versions installed, but that's about it. How slow is it?
@TuxCopter Because I only know 2 languages reasonably well, and Java is one of them. The other is PHP. :P
It takes ~5 minutes to display the start-up menu
And no one likes either of those for golfing, so I can almost always submit an answer
@KritixiLithos Oh. That's pretty slow. Are you running it on a potato, or did it use to be faster?
@Geobits It used to load relatively fast, until I woke up one morning to see it slow
@MartinEnder, you know anything in Mathematica that can take two images (second image zoomed in from the first) and give me the factor the images are zoomed by?
Did you tried reboot your potato computer?
@TuxCopter Yes, it has been several days since the problem started
It's maybe a plugin
Does your emulator start up with the IDE? If so, maybe you can turn that off, or cut back on default images (as well as their memory footprint, etc).
AVD can be a hog
I haven't installed any plugins, my Android Studio has been untouched for months, yet it suddenly became slow along with my IntelliJ Idea
Hey, the problem doesn't even require printed output
just a returned string
Yeah, most are like that :D
No emulators starting up with the IDE. I first noticed the problem on IntelliJ Idea (not android studio), and then I tried Android Studio, when I found out that Android Studio also starts slow like IntelliJ Idea.
I tend to assume they want it printed if the test cases in the problem imply printing
Shows what I get for not reading
Ok, so it's an intellij problem most likely, not tied to AS.
Also, my gradle run command suddenly became much slower simultaneously.
This is a mac iirc?
Seems to be a common complaint for version 13+.
I might put a bounty on it after 2 days
But my Android Studio is just version 2.0 (I think)
Package just got delivered :)
^ I have all of them, the megaminx is the most interesting one
Is that for your kid?
Oh cool!
I assume he knows how to solve a 3x3? :)
Yeah, he does
@Geobits The mirror cube is cool. You can learn to do it with eyes closed without being a genius.
Oh, I didn't think of that. Good point lol
Then he'll probably be able to solve the pyraminx by himself, the mirror cube fairly easily once it clicks that it's the same as a normal one
That 12 sided one is really fun.
Yeah, I figured he'd be able to figure out the pyramid pretty easily.
Possible that he can solve the megaminx by himself too, if he realizes that it is a 5 sided version of the 3x3
so he needs to adapt a bit but it's doable
That's what I did
@Calvin'sHobbies Solving a 3x3 blindfolded really doesn't require to be a genius :p
It requires some time and being bored, mostly
He got bored with the "standard" 3x3 solve and started doing them edges-first o_O
Though I'll say that the first time solving a 3x3 blindfolded feels really good
@Fatalize And good memory and spatial awareness. I can solve eyes open easy but it becomes much harder for me eyes closed.
@Calvin'sHobbies You have to completely change your method, you can't really do it if you stick with the non-blindfolded methods
@ΛεγίωνΜάμμαλϠΟΗʹ no, I don't know the image processing functions very well. might be an interesting question for mathematica.SE if you can show what you've tried
@MartinEnder k, thx though
@Fatalize Have a blindfolded method you use you could link to?
^ please
I know a few different ways to solve, but nothing I think I could use blindfolded.
@Calvin'sHobbies I'll look a bit later (I'm at work) but I basically use one from a pretty popular youtube video as far as I remember
The basic idea is to only use algorithms that affect the 2-3 pieces you want to affect, and nothing else
I used to be able to do the cube in a minute or so, but I never developed an actual understanding for why the algorithms you use towards the end (to twist individual sides or corners) actually work.
Then you use set-up moves to get the correct pieces in position, then apply your algorithm, then undo the set-up moves
The memory part is just memorizing the sequence of pieces (this edge needs to go to the spot of this edge which itself goes to that spot etc.)
@Fatalize I suppose it would be much harder to generalize to NxNxN which is easy enough if you learn 4x4x4 (eyes open)
If anything I would recommend learning how to solve a 2x2 blindfolded first, because it's basically the same as the 3x3 with no edges
That seems manageable, but mainly because there are way fewer faces to remember at the start
@Calvin'sHobbies I've never looked into how to solve a 4x4 blindfolded, but at this point it would be much harder
@MartinEnder I didn't until I got a 2x2 and played around with it. There are less faces to analyze, but those same algorithms still do the same things to the corners. It's just easier to see what's going on imo.
@MartinEnder It's a bit difficult at first but it's really manageable. Basically for the permutation of the edges you annotate in your head each edge with e.g. an integer, then you look where edge 1 goes, then where the edge of that spot goes, etc.
So you remember something like 1->3->11->5-> etc.
Same for corners, then there is orientation to memorize but that's easier
@Fatalize Are you one of those people who's memorized pi to 40,000 places?
I memorized pi to 40 places when I was 12
@Calvin'sHobbies 3.14159265358979323846
that's all I know
So no but that's probably still too much for your liking :p
@Sherlock9 Of course not. I thought you wanted a different version for restricted-source, obfuscation or somethting.
(tbf I was really bored when I learned that)
btw, for anyone who was curious based on the previous conversation like I was, the current record for solving the Rubik's Cube is 742 bytes (we also have a fast algorithm that's a bit longer).
@Fatalize I can get to half of that. But hey, I've memorized the periodic table :P
I memorized it as far as uranium once
@Calvin'sHobbies I have wiped away every memory of Chemistry I had after my 2 years of preparatory class
err, no, lanthanum
but that's at least partly because my school had a chemistry quiz team
I have no idea if the interschool chemistry quiz competition is still going, it probably isn't
it doesn't strike me as the sort of thing that would be likely to persist
(Is there a difference between :p and :P in internet vernacular?)
:p is like :P except you didn't put much effort into typing it
that can convey a message in its own right
But you have to press shift for : anyway
@ais523 Much like how I just ninja'd you
I consider :p to be less strong than :P
Depends on whether I'm on mobile or keyboard
If that makes any kind of sense
And where does :d fit in?
:d is a bastard emoji that isn't welcome :P
I see :d as "licking lips"
@Calvin'sHobbies that's a Lickitung
@Calvin'sHobbies Dammit. Now I can't un-see that
:d is basically D: but reflected over a bad mirror
:d is a guy licking his nose after reading that you can't do it
Sometimes I meant to do :P but I miss pressing the shift key when pressing the P so it becomes :p
I have to press shift to do : so :p is technically more annoying to do than :P
Oh true, well I guess I let go earlier than I should then.
Trying to type it too quickly
On AZERTY you don't need to shift to get :
But the layout is still sh*t
@Calvin'sHobbies Lickifree?
You know it
Or Buttertung? :P
@TuxCopter Hence why I don't use it :₰
@Geobits Lickitung is always the best one to merge (pokemon.alexonsager.net)
hmm, a program I'm working on at the moment, I was having difficulty getting punctuation to register
it seems that certain punctuation marks, like { (also space), need to be escaped with 63 backslashes to have any effect
now I'm trying to figure out just quite how you manage that
Though Shellax is pretty funny
I guess I'm in three layers of nested delimeters, so each one would only have to unescape twice…
@ais523 you need to put 63 backslashes before every { and space?
What about a .replace("<random character here>", "\\\\\\...\\\") and then eval
needless to say (and especially because having a lower byte count helps under the rules), I'm writing in the subset of the language which uses no problematic punctuation
If Java/C/C# required that, it'd be a mess.
That\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ sucks
via a character substitution + eval
I'm using uppercase letters to substitute for punctuation marks, they're not very useful in most languages
public\\\...\\\ static\\\...\\\ void\\\...\\\ main(Sting[]args)\\\...\\\{etc.
@Yodle: you'd have to escape the [ and ] too
it'd be a nightmare
what about semicolons
they're OK, it seems, for some reason
the set of punctuation marks that don't need escaping seems fairly random, I'm having to discover it by experiment
What language is this?
@ais523 Could be just regex punctuation that needs escaping?
@Calvin'sHobbies: + seems to be OK without escaping
@TuxCopter English might have that many if you counted things like ch ng cr sh tr gr fl cl pl ...
Not really, English don't have that many different sounds
Hmm @Geobits, our answers for the Cipher challenge might not work. We have trailing cipher characters after the last character in the string, which I don't think are allowed.
@TuxCopter Maybe
CMC: Make a sentence with chngcshtrgrflclpl by only adding spaces and aeiouy
@Calvin'sHobbies Even if digraphs were counted as one consonant, there are many same-sounding letters in English
@quartata <.,.>
@Calvin'sHobbies <3
Maybe add Theory of Modding link?
@Yodle Hmm. It doesn't explicitly say, but I think you might be right. Maybe a comment to the OP to clarify? Deciphering would still work on our outputs the same way, so I'm unsure if it's actually wrong.
I have developed probably the best addition to Haystack to date
@Kade a needle?
@Geobits Yeah I'll ask him.
@Calvin'sHobbies A needle was the first addition ;) That's how programs end, by finding the needle :)
You can essentially turn this:
       ^ \1O|>;d@v
       ^    O    v
       ^    0    v
into this:
Still need more jQuery and Unicode
but WTF
It's a gibberish-ifier (working title)

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