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@Mokubai proper label tape on both ends and ports vs packing tape and... for some reason a white board marker on the first day
I'm lazy. I believe in doing things right to start with
how's your job, Geek?
@allquicatic kinda boring tbh
@JourneymanGeek does it have potential to be fun, or is it something like desktop support?
@allquicatic its actually 'desktop support'
that's a waste of talent IMO
with what you know you could do sysadmin or automated testing or learn coding
like, server-side sysadmin would be the minimum I'd peg you for
let me put it this way. Of my 4 co-workers, we have no desk (we share one) and only 2 of us have working personal systems.
Also see
2 hours ago, by Journeyman Geek
A good chunk of my workday the past week has been "disconnect PC at <location>" then wait for a (another?) contractor to move the rather heavy/ornate desk for it out and replace it with an identical one
We once had one of the two PCs we needed to... I donno, disconnect and label get put off cause we had a customer who was using the room
it's good that it's at least A Job, but that's terrible-sounding
It sounds fairly typical for a short contract :/
@allquicatic It actually pays better than my semi-junior-sysadmin desktop support job
@Bob some of the longer contract guys are doing desktop refresh
well if they want to pay you to disconnect PCs, let 'em
well and some imaging... which everyone hates, and some decommisioning, which is almost fun
It's also the kind of thing commonly given to interns
@Bob apparently one of the long termers was doing it solo
people at my work get paid twice as much as I do to administer Sharepoint -- fricking Sharepoint -- because it's apparently a rare enough "skill" (?!) that only a few people ever put it on their resume
However, they... kinda don't know the tricks for snaking cables in tight places while staying clean
@allquicatic that actually sounds reasonable based on the few times I've tried :/
@Bob I mean, it's a piece of shit, but how hard can it be to create a site with a few places for people to upload documents and shit? we basically use it as a file repository
One of the other teams actually basically said "if they extend your contract, we want you"
@JourneymanGeek XD good
(I have great work ethic, and a gift for cheerfully doing the most annoying shit)
@allquicatic its requests/it inventory tho
Not quite as technical as I'd like
@allquicatic The answer is "very very hard"
Especially if SSO is involved.
Permissions in SharePoint are a mess
Interop (for documents) is worse
@allquicatic I think its a balance between having a job (yay!) having a secure job (not yet) and doing what you love (which I'll do anyway)
@Bob O.o okay then
and yeah, SSO is involved, AD
@allquicatic I'm sure we just messed up somehow, but... ok, so we have one AD-login account who has admin privs over a site, but we have a separate non-AD account (which we need to disable SSO to access?!) that's required for whatever the instance-wide admin stuff is.
Oh, don't forget trying to give AD users privs over a collection. PowerShell + magic strings = yay?
Also, apparently a SP 'expert' consultant was hired for a couple days to sort out some of it... the result was a bunch of horribly-written PS scripts :S
And some really weird AD FS relay rules that were a pain to untangle.
btw, @allquicatic, can you see the Allo messages?
I'm sure our SP instance is just horribly set up, but that does show how confusing it can be... and why SP experience can be pretty valuable.
'course, the guy who set it up here had never touched it before and wasn't even familiar with the FS SSO stuff. Which is apparently how I got semi- dragged into it.
@Bob I haven't launched it lol
@allquicatic o.O no notifications?
did you use a phone number or email?
So starting today, I'll be taking a different approach to chat. I'll be focusing on staying in control of myself and thinking before I post so that when things happen, I'll be making the right decisions.
@bwDraco Great! :)
I know I've said similar things before, but I am going to dedicate more effort to behaving like the ♦moderator I've always aspired to become. Real effort, not talk.
It's about time.
I'm going to be busy the next several hours as I'll be on the job. I'll check in when I can.
@JourneymanGeek Like pretty much anything else, work ethic is a learnable skill.
@DavidPostill i meant by population
i'm back now btw
One of the big ideas that I've floated for a while is playing games like roguelikes where you need to be patient and check moves closely to avoid death.
Games can be a powerful tool for learning and practicing vital skills like patience and thinking before acting.
I've been playing the desktop version of Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup for a while, and though I have not made much progress lately (constantly dying well before even the first rune), I'm using it as a test platform for these skills.
By the time I manage to fetch the Orb of Zot and win for the first time, I might just be ready to take up the mantle of a mod.
@allquicatic Phone, I suppose. It found you by phone..?
This is not news to me...
Apr 22 at 1:35, by bwDraco
Q: Firefox writes megabytes of data per minute to disk, why?

marciniotop -a (accumulated I/O) on Linux shows after about 10 min. of browsing Internet: Total DISK READ: 0.00 B/s | Total DISK WRITE: 0.00 B/s TID PRIO USER DISK READ DISK WRITE> SWAPIN IO COMMAND 17330 be/4 wojdyr 1540.00 K 38.48 M 0.0...

browser.sessionstore.interval is set to 120000 (two minutes) on all my devices.
@Bob ^ this may be important to you considering how many tabs you maintain
The "eating your SSD" part was indeed a concern for me because I did in fact notice excessive amounts of disk writes with lots of tabs open.
@bwDraco I have great work ethic cause not working sucks
Well, improving work ethic has been a major goal for me these last several months at home...
I calculate... 12 GB/day
@allquicatic It has your name and everything :P
Can you see me on there?
Alright, got a sports photography job to do in a bit. See ya in a few hours or so.
@bwDraco Put it this way. In half a year (~150 days powered on) I've written 8 TB. Warranty says 5 years or 150 TBW. At 16 TB/year, this would last me 9 years.
Not really worried about the write rate.
Also, that only averages to some 50 GB/day.
I'm sure I have many, many other things writing to it. If I'm required to actually care about them, I'd just ditch the SSD and go back to a HDD.
@JourneymanGeek You remember the Yotaphone 2 I might've mentioned in here a few times? :P
It's a bit old now, but apparently available for some 150 USD. Hmmmmmmm. I really don't need it...
But it has an e-ink screen on the back, which is interesting.
quuuuite a while back no?
And potentially very useful, since some 25-50% of my battery usage is from the screen while reading...
Could double battery life...
@JourneymanGeek Oh, so I did :P
Hm. Anyway, I'll get to see just how good/bad MIUI is first-hand in a week or so.
@JourneymanGeek Oh, did you say comGateway does consolidations? Do they charge for it?
'cause Amazon apparently decided it'd be funny to send one lot of (Anker) USB cables separately from all the other (Anker) cables and chargers... scheduled to arrive on the same day?!
Which is great and all 'cept that's another $25 to forward a separate package...
@Bob IIRC no
@JourneymanGeek No they don't charge?
just wait for all the stuff to come in, assuming its within their hold time and ship em together
Ah, nice.
IIRC its 30 days
> Ordered Sep 23
Expected to ship
Sep 28
Amazon: "use free shipping and we'll just take forever!" :P
It's estimated to arrive the day after shipping (29th) :\
I hate barrel connectors :\
@JourneymanGeek Looks like they do list a repacking fee :(
Orders on free shipping are given lower processing priority to reduce cost.
oh really? fuel surcharge?!
> Please note that with a remote area surcharge,

There is a fee of US$5 (applicable only to remote areas within Australia)
btw, @JourneymanGeek - cg also does volumetric weight...
I didn't realise ._.
Actually, they divide by 5000... auspost/vpost divides by 6000...
so cg actually charges more for the same volume :S
@JourneymanGeek the annoying thing is I have no idea how much it weighs
@Bob you almost never do ._.
and if I add, say, one more cable... amazon might decide to pack in a bigger box
so instead of paying for maybe 200g more cable, I might have to pay for 1kg worth of greater volume
Oh, my SSD, on which I have been waiting all all, has apparently been delivered 7 hours ago.
(low end upgrade of spinning rust to SSD - ADATA Premier Pro SP550 - 240GB)
@JourneymanGeek Ok. Good thing: cg does consolidation. bad thing: when I was comparing prices the other day, I miiiiight have forgotten that cg is in usd
so it actually costs more than auspost :\
and then add the fuel surcharge... urk
oh well, too late now
@Hennes Good choice, that's among the better cheap SSDs.
Mom boots the laptop every 2 months. So I guess this will do.
Still tempted to double the memory during the same upgrade (4GiB to 8GiB), but that is just me screaming at any modern system with less than 16GiB of memory.
Aha. Another thing learned.
I should not fully plug in my HyperX 3.0 64GB USB pendrive. Then it fails. I should leave about 1mm for it to work properly.
All those nasty little details which cause frustration until you learn how to work around them.
Anyone used this video upload service? sendvid.com
Everywhere there is a requirement for Facebook, Google or other social account to register.
Nope. I just upload to my own server and send a direct link.
@Hennes same
@Hennes Does your server stream?
AFAIK default apache setups technically should
I have shared hosting..
Nope. Just a basic webpage and usually unlinked temporarily files.
@Bob Thanks for those :)
It is running xshttpd-devel-3.7.b35
With the advantage that is something does not work that I can just move a beer over and submit a feature request.
I have 2 old vids on my server (both are safe for work - from my homemade gpu tester): ardao.me/render3.mp4 ardao.me/render6.mp4 - I think it needs browser support too.
@arda Neat
I like the part with the falling spheres
Q: Is it safe to store money in phone cases?

iProgramFirst of all, sorry if this is the wrong site to post this on. This is the only one I could think of at the time which would be suitable. I am intrested in using the 'life hack' where you store some notes in the phone case, however, I am not sure if it is safe. What I would like to know is, wou...

Do we have a sharepoint site we can migrate it to? Money is more on topic with expensive sharepoint insultants.
@OliverSalzburg That's like all of it :P I had some other tests too at some point but can't login to gfycat
@arda I know. That was the joke ;P
@arda It streams successfully in Chrome.
Is @Psycogeek alive?

I am not clear on how my Camelion charger works. I placed 4 almost energy depleted batteries in it and 2nd from left shows charging LED off. Does it mean dead battery? Can't be as after I turn it it's LED blinks and then after another attempt LED turns on. After a short while it goes off again and video does not show it.
thikjs sounds too good to be true :/
also, there goes freenode D:
@Boris_yo yeah I'd expect that battery wont charge
Writing to an SSD via UAS over USB 3.1 gen 2..... 34MB/sec
About the same as for both rotating drives I tested it with.
If you ever see a product "ICY BOX IB-234-U31" then do not buy.
I'd much prefer getting one of those Thermaltake BlacX docks instead.
Drives slot in like cassettes and can be hot-swapped easily.
They're not the cheapest solutions by a long shot but they're really convenient.
1 hour later…
I made the mistake of getting something new.
What I really wanted was an external SATA dock with its own power, eSATA and USB-C connections
Right, lets try it on the USB-C port with an USB-C to micro USB 3.1 cable
Just to make sure I did not get a bad cable
Hmm, twice as fast
@Hennes Still can't see why a mistake.
But on a port which did not work when I used the same enclosure with a SAT disk (timeouts)
Either I got damn bad luck with devices, plugs and cables or USB 3 is not yet readdy to leave the testing labs.
I'm so tired I can't even think straight.
And that's after I slept crashed into my bed like a rock for more than four hours...
I guess I'll laugh too later on. :P
What's the point of great things happening when there's nearly no one in RA for you to tell them?
You guys should stop having personal lives just so that I can have you as audience!
@ThatBrazilianHeadlessHorse So what happened that was so great?
Two great things and one really shitty one - not serious, but really annoying.
And why are you tired at 7 PM?
Because I have slept about 4hrs in the last 36 >_<
So, I'm a bit of a WordPress enthusiast and participate in events in the local community
And recently, this happened:
Sep 13 at 2:04, by That Brazilian Headless Horse
So, I submitted a talk proposal to the upcoming WordCamp. It was accepted. I didn't expect it and I'm aprehensive.
Ah. So you were up all night preparing your talk and then up all night partying after you gave it?
It's not the first time I present a talk at an event, but I always get nervous.
And focus and time management are two of my biggest flaws, by far
Went through a similar thing a while back when I participated in an HPC competition a while back. Good thing the local hotel had some really good mattresses (hybrid memory-foam a la Beautyrest NxG).
And as a volunteer (I usually volunteer myself, all WordCamps are non-profit, volunteer based, no problems here), but I was talked into helping by writing blog posts for the events sponsors.
There were 22 sponsors. I write slowly and it takes time because, once again, focus and time management, etc
anyone going for youtube hero membership?
And because I have those issues I usually struggle keeping up with the pace at work. I deliver what I think are OK or nice results, but usually in the nick of time.
@Hennes lol
So the extra workload, which would be trivial if I managed my time and focused as a normal person, resulted in multiple extra hours each day.
@djsmiley2k That's new, but nice to see they're taking a stronger approach to comment moderation, even if not perfect.
Aaaaaaand this is turning into a rant. -_-"
(against myself?)
@bwDraco well it basically takes SE idea
@djsmiley2k What that then? Googling "youtube hero membership" doesn't seem to what you're talking about, or is it?
you get points for accepted solutions
More points = more powers
@djsmiley2k Solutions....? On youtube?
11 mins ago, by DavidPostill
Ah. So you were up all night preparing your talk and then up all night partying after you gave it?
s/solutions/closed caption edits
@DavidPostill That's what I usually do, but this time I was so goddamn tired I left half-event and went home.
Also, my wife had her phone stolen in the univerity's bathroom =/
Those were the annoying parts
The great parts were:
1) In the beginning there were 3 people in the audience, in the end there were 50 and people said it was great, I didn't expect the small side-track room to fill up and got pretty nervous but it was great!
2) I am now free and can finally sleep.
Blinks. I installed windows 10 on a windows 8.1 laptop.
I got no chance to enter my legally acquired CoA.
yet it is activated.
was win8 legal?
Win 8 or 8.1 legalally installed when I got it.
I spent ages looking for a downlaod link for windows 8 OEM (apparently called something like windows 8.1 with bing singlr language OEM or something).
And more recent sold versions of the laptop ship with windows 10.
This one shipped with 8, no reinstall media, none to be found.
SO I bought a fresh copy of win10 pro
Hmm, this is the first time I actually needed powershell when installing windows.
I did not expect them to move away from the GUI that much
Thumbnail not entirely relevant :P
Heh! :)
My password is secret
My wifi password is "correct horse battery staple"

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