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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

Enough with your pathetic wordplays, for God's cake.
@Mitch I've never seen a cake kill kenny
@JasperLoy I don't think I've ever smelled ripe durian, so I've never experienced what people say is the bad part. the fruit products are good though.
@MattE.Эллен so you're more into Family Guy, eh?
@MattE.Эллен throat locks up
@Mitch Honestly I don't know what is bad about the smell either. I think people are just not used to this kind of smell from something called a fruit. But maybe if they stop thinking of it as a fruit they will like it.
@JasperLoy but when you eat it, it's fruity.
Now humans however are underrated. Really the smell may be weird, but the filling is really nice.
Once you actually eat human flesh, you will enjoy the taste and the smell.
@Mitch Actually, it does not taste like fruit to me. It tastes more like cake.
whereas with moon cake or bean curd cake it's as much like cake as urinal cake.
@RegDwigнt A cannibal here! Whee!
urinal cake... blue moon cake?
This reminds me that I should watch some more cannibal movies, lol.
puts on calendar
I will never eat anything that bears any semblance to "bean turd".
@RegDwigнt You should try it. Your suspicions will be confirmed
@MattE.Эллен mmm.. I love the smell of naphtha in the morning
@RegDwigнt Lucky is the family guy
@RegDwigнt Hmm, were you just as disappointed as I was at the color quality of L.C.Ds. compared to C.R.Ts?
@JasperLoy no snuff in this chat. Not even Nicolas Cage snuff documentaries. Please delete your account first before watching. Kthxbai.
@Tonepoet If I ask 'What is long in shape and short in duration?' how many people will know the answer?
@Tonepoet well of course. The first ones were rubbish. As is the case with any technology.
@Tonepoet I was disappointed at not having an electron beam pointed at my face any more.
I still had a CRT on this very desk like ten years ago.
I was probably the last person in the entire building.
@RegDwigнt You must have eaten the other people.
@Mitch The glass was leaded to protect you from that. That's part of why they're so heavy.
I must nothing. I can lots.
All hail Walter Murphy.
I think I should continue to buy lottery. It is only 3 dollars a month and I can win a million dollars if I win.
Like srsly. Dude's got more skill than all of us combined.
I look like the octopus there.
I look like the satin green shutters.
For those who like the colour of my square and want to use it, it is called 'dodgerblue'. Thank you.
I think I'm gonna deburgh
I know, dwight.
I think that Clinton will win and not Trump in November.
I think you're the last person in the universe who gives a flying anything about it.
I think we need to beware of N Korea. They might just nuclear the world.
They'll nuke themselves in the foot first.
Almost happened already.
Well, well, the danger is in underestimating your opponents.
Let them nuke some more, China needs a parking lot.
@JasperLoy well, well, the fearmongering is in imagining opponents where there are none.
Saturana has also been suspended. I wonder if Saturana = Mari = Josh, hmm...
Satur ventur non studit libentur.
I really miss Mr Thursagen and Mr Thursagan. They need to return to ELU and post again.
I also miss vgv8.
Jasper, are you off your pills again?
Take some. Take some now.
Still on them, lol.
Well takes some more, then.
More is better.
By the way, I saw a huge bottle with the label Baccardi. I think it stands for Russian liquor, lol.
Yes I know. And you will always think that.
The bottle might be larger than me.
English doesn't even have a word for bottle.
There is a restaurant here now with Gordon Ramsay's picture. I have not entered it to see the menu.
I have watched some of Ramsay's youtube videos.
Any decent restaurant will have the menu on display outside.
Yes, in case we pay for a thousand dollar fish.
Any decent menu will have the price listed beside the item.
Remember not to drink the water or eat the bread in a restaurant until you make sure it is free.
And any decent menu outside the US will have that price actually correspond to the one you have to pay.
In some restaurants here you need to pay for the hand towel and the peanuts.
@JasperLoy only fascist countries like Spain and Luxembourg do that.
So bring your own tissue and peanuts in your pocket.
Yeah, better still bring your own brick and mortar and build your own restaurant.
"Outside food is not allowed in this restaurant"
"Once broken considered sold"
I wonder from where they get the food they serve you, then.
"No refund or exchange allowed"
They grow the cows inside?
These signs are common here.
Just wear a sign, "once I walk away I consider you paid".
I still prefer a British accent to an American one.
A British accent. Could you please be any less specific?
News flash: all American accents are British accents.
I prefer spice to an accent
I prefer baby to sporty.
why choose?
Because ugh.
Because eww.
Because blargh.
These days they can have children at 10 years old. I read some such stories.
Quite a lot of such young parents in the world actually. It is so sweet.
Jasper clearly still hasn't bought a single dictionary. And is thus oblivious to the meaning of the word "sweet".
And also the meaning of font and typeface.
Yes. You also still don't own a Quran, and are thus oblivious to the fact that marriages between four-year olds are not a new thing.
?? font and typeface aren't just as sweet?
I remember I fell in love with a girl when I was 5 years old.
Plot twist: Jasper is prophet Mohammed.
when he was 5 not the girl
Anyway, the girl was also 5. We were in the same class.
Oh. I stand corrected
@Mitch who reads the Quran that closely?
sits down
@RegDwigнt like everybody. you need glasses
I will never like everybody. Especially not if I require an apparatus for that.
I think in the future humans will live till 1000 years old and people may get married at 10 years old.
I see advertisements that there are people being born today who will live to be 150.
What are they selling?
Maybe I should go on a cruise. My aunt has offered to pay for it.
Hearing loss.
Hurry up, these prices will last but for two decades.
@JasperLoy Nice, where would it go? Australia?
Your aunt is hard of hearing. She thought she'd be paying for Tom Cruise.
@Mitch I don't know, just sailing round and round somewhere.
Yeah no that's not how surviving at sea works.
Anyway, for me there is no need to travel to see places and people. I have already seen the world on the internet.
@JasperLoy well, they sty on the ocean a lot, but then every day or so they go into a port somewhere, where you can eat local food, and sell local products and see local sights
And in my mind, I have even seen beyond this world.
Which reminds me, I owe TripAdvisor a review of that place.
The corner of state and main. worse traffic ever
There are people who travel around the world, and then come back and still know nothing.
Money gets them nowhere.
go far without traveling
@Mitch wait what? That means "gonorrhoe advisor" in German.
@JasperLoy leave stupid, come back moreso.
visiting other cultures, learning more about them, getting a perspective on the world..
...just confirms your prejudices.
@RegDwigнt No using googletranslate in chat.
Other cultures are too damn stupid. Just look at America. No thanks, I'm staying.
I read that some research has been done on people's previous lives.
@JasperLoy I think that's called 'history'
@Mitch I mean 'rebirth'.
study on the rebirth itself or on the sequence of people you were?
Just case studies to confirm that rebirth is real.
Most people are reincarnated from boring people
Like how some children can speak foreign languages miraculously.
Or how some people who died with a wound shot has a birth mark in that spot now.
Have you ever noticed how there are more miracles the further in the past you go?
Me neither
The concept of rebirth, as you know, is a real possibility to me.
@JasperLoy how do you know its the same person?
@Mitch Like they have dreams about some aspects of their previous life, and the details match.
I went very far in the past, but never noticed any miracles, just some heracles and some aristocles.
@JasperLoy I think it's cool how a characteristic function is the Fourier transform of its own generating function, a complex function that converts to one with purely non-negative natural coefficients.
I know about Socrates and Democrates.
@JasperLoy Anybody can make up a dream. Just get real drucnk and repeat three stories at the same time.
They should be read as So Crates and Demo Crates.
Play Toe
I prefer Play Doh.
Witt Gen Steen.
Pray, duh.
I love the sound of 'Ich liebe Dich' in German. It sounds so cool.
For those who missed the pics of the AHD, it is here: work.laurenvajda.com/american-heritage-dictionary
Get your beautiful copy today, bye!
@RegDwigнt Good answer.
I did not know them.
It looks nice and ironic.
And Russian.
I like the girl.
1 hour later…
Does the phrase "the following evening" clearly indicate tomorrow? Just checking.
it indicates the next evening, but could be talking about a past. more context is needed to be sure that it's tomorrow
> Have we met before?
> Have we met earlier?
Is the latter a natural equivalent of the former?
I would phrase it "Did we meet earlier?" and no. earlier would imply within a timeframe of at most a day. before could be any time before that point
Why do you prefer the past tense?
I don't know. "have we met earlier" sounds wrong
@Færd relaxation is so sweet
@Færd 'have we met before?' Is a common question when you go to a party or a meeting where you
might know some people, by just can't place the face.
'Did we meet earlier?' Usually occurs after you've had a stroke and are unsure what exactly happened that morning, including who you met.
@JohanLarsson So you think both past and perfect tenses are okay?
I have no idea, was trying to make a lame pun
@Mitch Thanks, but I still don't know why Have we met earlier doesn't work.
@JohanLarsson That's okay then. :)
@Færd good question. I don't know. I'm mulling it over in my head. But you use did/earlier have/before, and not the other way.
It could be aspect. But the labels for each aren't giving me an obvious rule as I generalize
Well, that's good to know.
@JohanLarsson I thought you meant the relaxation of grammar rules and speaking liberally, and basically cutting out all these questions.
But you simply meant relax!, which is almost the same thing.
@MattE.Эллен So, in your opinion, "Did we met earlier today" and "Have we met earlier today" mean the same thing, but still can't have the same verb tense, right?
@Færd yeah. the latter doesn't work for me
@MattE.Эллен Oops. Typo. I meant "Did we met earlier today" and "Have we met before today".
those mean different things
How so?
the former is constrained to "today", the latter means any other day than "today"
@Færd It's 'Did we meet earlier today? (I am so inattentive that I can't remember your face from a couple hours ago)'
@MattE.Эллен Can't it be "before, today?" with a pause between the two words?
@Færd yeah, but that would require the comma.
@Mitch Another Typo. Thanks.
So, now, is there any difference in meaning between "Did we meet earlier today?" and "Have we met before, today?"?
Apple, on diversity at its recent presentation: "We had a Canadian"
woo! represent!
@Færd those would mean the same thing
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's funny. You don't look Canadian
@MattE.Эллен Thanks.
no probs :)
@Mitch Didn't you hear? You can't tell a Canadian by their looks. We're diverse
Divergent: dumbest HP fan-fic ever.
wait... all that vampire crap.
nope, thought I had another one.
vampire crap is the worst
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 that's vampire crap.
"Look! In the sky! It's a bird! it's a plane! It's...
it's mostly congealed blood
...ewww. It's Edward"
@MattE.Эллен blleurgh
That's the sound nausea makes
Vomiting makes the sound rolph
sailing the one sea of nau
Oh. I though it was how Canadians answer another sick Canadian
Asia? Nawsia.
Think it through
I'm not good at thinking through
That's some esia you got there
THe Romans defeated the Gauls at Allsia
OMG, I forgot I had a donut hiding in the fridge. See you suckers later!
@Mitch Better than vampire carp.
A-mne-sia = not-know-ness.
Mne- is related to mem-ory, I believe.
Ana-mne-sis = re-know-ness
Ana = "up"/"again".
1 hour later…
amynesia — when you'd be an adventurer if you hadn't taken an arrow to the knee
amymnesia is when you can't remember Amy
can't remember who?
@MattE.Эллен Army.
I'd remember someone with a name like that. must be someone else
Maybe it's Annie, Allie or Abby then? I feel like I have it on the tip of my tongue but I just can't remember!
Aunty? Did we forget the BBC?
@MattE.Эллен Who could forget a big brown cake? I mean really, doesn't this just look like it's to die for?
It looks too good to be true
It's a lie.
Today, I'm doubting the painfulness of experiences that have been described to me as "incredibly painful" all my life.
oh? that doesn't sound good
Well, first, childbirth. I didn't find it particularly painful.
Then body piercing. I barely felt it.
Then tattooing. Really? It's not remotely painful.
depends what you got pierced
@KitZ.Fox well. good
Just my ears.
But seriously, this was the thing that was shockingly painful to my teenage friends?
maybe you're just really good at handling pain
Maybe I'm just some kind of freak.
Maybe I have a defective anterolateral system.
maybe, but you do feel pain, so maybe you have a highly effective endocrine system?
Actually, maybe I don't detect pain normally and that explains all the depression and crap all my life, as my body reacts but my brain doesn't.
Except I was in all those pain studies. You think someone would have said something by now.
yeah, I think that would work the other way around, wouldn't it?
or maybe that's anxiety
Well, I do have anxiety.
Depression was first. I didn't start with anxiety until several years after I think the depression began.
Now I'm back to anxiety, but not the depression so much.
Well, whaeves.
so are you excited about the tattoo?
I am.
It looks really good.
My MiL is a little freaked out.
But not a lot.
hahaha good
I wasn't going to tell her yet, but the littlest whispered "Do you want to show Gramma your tattoo?" I was surprised he remembered for more than five minutes.
He wanted her to see his initial.
awww cute
(sorry, had a call)
@tchrist I found a directory of English Language resources and was thinking about adding some to our reference thread on meta. Is this Middle English Dictionary any good? You seem to be the chat's resident expert on the subject.
2 hours later…
@Tonepoet Round in shape, short in duration.
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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