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@El'endiaStarman it's weird to star a caret, and not the message. Unless we're actually talking about carets, they usually aren't very interesting
that said, we do talk about carets quite a bit
The best I can do now is five steps: nethac chalet locate octals postal portal
I really wanted a four-step, but giving it up.
minimum is 4 step, right?
Should be. Only shared letters are "at"
I didn't feel like backtracking once I got locate though, and there wasn't a good one after that :/
A short script could do better, I'm sure :P
oooh, idea
Not a terrible challenge for main I'd guess.
The lower bound should be the damerau levenshtein distance no
a scrabble word finder is going to be really good at this
@zyabin101 not relevant to your CMC, but I should point out I was wrong about cyclic permutations. They don't have to include all elements
@quartata I think the permutations would throw that off
@El'endiaStarman Awesome, looks great.
@Geobits Misunderstood, thought he wanted transpositions not full permutations
i messed up DJ's avatar ._.
Oh god
If the permutations are free then it's the Hamming distance between the two closest permutations
@El'endiaStarman Wow. I didn't think I'd be that high on the list. It'd be interesting to see things averaged out -- stars per message.
Or starred messages instead of total stars
@TùxCräftîñg ._.
I just cancelled my old VDSL subscription in order to switch to Gigabit fiber. My old sub was only 16Mbps, but I'm still using it until it expires. Now I think my old ISP is trying to win me back.
@DJMcMayhem Is that less or more terrifying that the one I did? :P
Probably more
It looks like an old CRT's fever dream.
i played with PIL and powers
@mınxomaτ drools that's not fair, I only get 10 Mbps
I'm pretty sure there are lots of paths, as it was pretty easy to find manually
@NathanMerrill wait, can't you substitute only one letter at a time?
...did I mess that up?
oh, octane
my bad
Idk I thought you can't rearrange between
wait, octane does work
I though it was "replace a letter, rearrange"
nethac octane toecap captor portal
captor is a more dictionary-friendly word than cartop I think lol
You'd have to ask zyabin
@Geobits there were lots of obscure words, I tried to usually pick the best one, not sure how I missed captor
my full list of first-step words:
Oh, recant would've been a better path than the chalet that I used.
@zyabin101 are you allowed to rearrange the letters between one substitution?
@TimmyD That query has been posted in TNB before.
@DJMcMayhem Yup.
dope the https cert for chat is fixed
@Fatalize Pulled.
#6 is ಠ_ಠ, that doesn't surprise me one bit
New Meta Posts? Hahahaha.
@El'endiaStarman Woo, top 20. In your face, New Main Posts!
Geobits is disappointingly low
I have too many total messages. People run out of stars too often for it to be any higher >_>
Apparently, there are 26 users who have posted more than 100 messages but have not gotten any stars at all.
when i go on a permalink on TNBDE the code is always the same

FROM "transcriptAnalyzer_message"

WHERE date = '2016-08-01'
  AND time = '12:00 AM'

@TùxCräftîñg Try Ctrl+F5.
"Ctrl+F5" is my version of "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" :P
Worked for me too - thanks :)
The number of stars I get seems to be inversely proportional to the number of messages I post
Yeah, I'm in 27th place among everyone, but in second among people with 20k+ messages. So I don't feel so bad :P
125th in stars per message, 45th in number of stars, 35th in number of messages. I'm quite pleased :D
Wow, last Friday was one of the chattiest days of all time
Just realised that's number of stars/number of messages, which is subtly different from proportion of messages that were starred
Oh, yeah, that would probably make some difference lol
@El'endiaStarman add link at bottom of query page?
@Geobits Sort it by number of stars if you want to feel happy about yourself ;)
Oh hey, I didn't realize that the intermediates had to be dictionary words
@El'endiaStarman first 10 messages is borked
OK, then the optimum is absolutely 5
@trichoplax Haha, yeah I know :P
Although lemme try one last thing
@NathanMerrill Oh, good idea.
@El'endiaStarman ... all teh links are borked
different hashes, same code
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Ctrl+F5. What Geobits said.
doesn't work?
clearing cache doesn't either
They work for me
rebooting browser
@El'endiaStarman cool worksnow
@TùxCräftîñg restart browser
<C-F5> solved the issue
Just F5 worked for me
@Geobits Obviously if you don't care about the dictionary word requirement it can be done in 4: nethac -> pethac -> pothac -> pothal -> portal
I like that my very first message was "Hello", followed by guessing what VTC's acronym meant, and then asking whether it was okay to post lots of answers to your very first question :D
Hmm, I wonder what Pethack would be like...
clearly, its nethack from the perspective of the pet
Jun 13 at 17:25, by TùxCräftîñg
@Poke ɴᴏᴛ ᴀʟʟ ʟᴇᴛᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴅᴜᴍʙ. ᴏɴʟʏ ᴀꜱᴄɪɪ.
That would be great.
my fourth message
How wrong you were
seriously? You want me to step on that?
@TùxCräftîñg ohhh I just physically cringed reading that
@NathanMerrill I guess in that sense, the human is the actual pet...
I should totally implement this. It would be very easy
It'd be even better if it had nothing to do with nethack. Like anything would be.
Geez this "owner". Always climbing up and down stairs. Leave me behind, why don't you?
your score is the length of time your owner survives
@Geobits We'll convert you yet
which includes delaying
@Geobits Why? Just asking
Yeah, and you can charm other humans with food rations
@quartata I wouldn't hold your breath ;)
Just like you can charm monsters with tripe
@Sherlock9 1) I don't like the game 2) Mild trolling
Here in Soviet Russia pet feed you
Well, mostly I was asking why you might not like the game
I get that it isn't for everybody
Oh, I just can't get into it. I don't mind roguelikes in general.
I'd mostly play with it other people around at the moment, since everything's too new for me
Ah okay :D
It's definitely easier when you have someone you can bombard with questions
The first time I played I had no idea what I was doing and it wasn't horribly fun as a result
Jun 13 at 18:11, by TùxCräftîñg
Javascript is the best
why so many stars
Beats me.
Javascript is the room's language of choice
excuse me
It's the one thing we can all agree on
ahaha, my 10th chat post ever --
Oct 9 '15 at 19:48, by TimmyD
@Geobits Your entire post history is a lie.
@El'endiaStarman what does your CPU usage look like?
aka, are you going to cache queries?
@NathanMerrill Well, it's a shared server, so I can't really find out.
repeated queries are going to become much more common now
@NathanMerrill I've thought about that, but I think the main difficulty will be that I plan to have a script that auto-updates the database every hour, so caching results wouldn't work.
nah, you just invalidate the cache with the script
Hmm. That could work.
I probably won't implement that today, but maybe sometime in the near future.
May 3 '14 at 20:01, by Dennis
I just realized GolfScript has rational numbers. Is that documented somewhere?
the first message of Dennis
And the same day:
Those were bad times
I'm still not entirely sure what code trolling was. And I'm not sure how many examples I could find now that weren't killed with fire.
@Sherlock9 I think an accurate description of code trolling is: look like you're doing X, when you're really doing Y.
Eh.... kinda.
I personally wasn't around for the code-trolling days, so...
Q: How to make a Spherical Cow?

SumitBeing a theoretical physicist, I always have a great respect for Spherical Cow. So I thought about making one myself. I am not sure how can I create (something considered to be the simplest!) this marvel. One possible way could be using the ExampleData for Cow and map it on a sphere - something ...

One of the main problems is that there wasn't a good definition for it. So it ended up being a trash heap.
i interiorly died
Along with every question ending up too broad.
This is the best question I've ever read on SE
@El'endiaStarman Yeah, it's a little like hearing older friends talk about "the war". You're curious but you know it's probably not a good idea to probe too directly
@BusinessCat That top answer is fantastic.
@Sherlock9 Code trolling at its best/worst.
Q: I need a program where the user inputs an array of doubles and the program outputs the array sorted

Victor StafusaNote: This question was severely edited since I first posted it here. The rules were moved to here, read them before posting any answer to understand the purpose of this. This was the first question created in the code-trolling category. Imagine a lazy user on Stack Overflow asks this question: ...

Note the 166k views.
@Dennis So many of those answers are hilarious. Code trolling was by and large an awful thing, but we still got a few gems out of it.
I don't care what anyone says, I still like this answer.
It was definitely entertaining (and what made me notice PPCG in the first place), just a horrible fit for our scope.
This was what made me notice PPCG for the first time:
Q: Write lines in detention

chilemagicIntroduction Bad news guys - you got detention. Your English teacher doesn't understand this site and wants you to "stop doing math on your digital dohickeys, this is English class!" She sentenced you to write her favorite saying on the blackboard 25 times, which will give a total of 100 lines ...

give this guy some upvotes:
A: HexaRegex: A Tribute to Martin Ender

BluePython, 990 bytes First answer, yay! The majority of the bytes relates to making the adjacency list (it has the most potential to be golfed). From then, it's a simple matter of brute-forcing the solution (which I might be able to do in less bytes). Golfed: from math import* Y=range A=input() ...

seriously, its been unanswered since the beginning of August
My favorite code trolling I've come across was this answer on how to convert a Word document to PDF using a serial cable attached to a Linux machine.
That's funny. I was just thinking about trying to answer that like an hour ago.
I think I noticed PPCG while looking around esoteric programming languages. I was getting into gs2, golfscript and Piet, if I remember correctly, but I don't remember the exact chain of events anymore.
@NathanMerrill I keep forgetting to finish up my answer :/
we were commenting on it quite a bit, which made it pop to the top of the list
for i in $@;do echo $(sleep $i)$i&done;wait
@TùxCräftîñg That's probably how some people do work - they sleep until it's done.
@NathanMerrill Thank you
thank you!
@TùxCräftîñg that's really efficient on large lists. It runs in O(n) time!
Sucks for sorting strings though :(
I don't think sleep qualifies as a constant time operation really.
On weekends sleep() always takes a little longer anyway.
@Dennis Thanks!
@Geobits Until you get older, then the Bladder.Empty() daemon runs at pre-established times and there's no way around it.
@El'endiaStarman OK, this link doesn't work for me
@quartata Really? It does for me...
This is the query that shows up:

FROM "transcriptAnalyzer_message"

WHERE date = '2016-08-01'
  AND time = '12:00 AM'

@Dennis Ah, I almost forgot. Thanks for the educational link
Actually, all links do that.
@quartata Ctrl+F5.
Restart your browser if you have to.
OK, there we go
@quartata Your message was accidentally a good response to my message haha
Say, @quartata, have you tried using fuzzystrmatch yet?
No, not yet
@NathanMerrill I think it popped to the top of the list because you edited it...
I only edited it after Blue commented it :)
actually, do comments not pop the question?
No, comments don't bump the question.
ah, didn't know
Edits, answers, and bounties do.
Hey quartata, could you look in on my Nethack game? I've got some coins embedded in stone and I'm not sure how to get them out.
I do have a pickaxe
apply the pick in the direction of the stone to get them out
Okay, dumb question: What, in this case, is the "apply" button?
So atn in your case
Excellent. Thanks a bunch
No problem.
You can also set auto-dig in your nethackrc
Should I keep digging or go explore the mines?
That'll dig when you move into stone like that
Ah. Good idea
@Sherlock9 Up to you
@Sherlock9 nethackwiki.com/wiki/Gnomish_Mines for more info on the mines. Lots of goodies but be careful about traps
> Make judicious use of Elbereth.
probably the best advice in general ever for nethack
@NathanMerrill can we take the strings in the other order as well? target string first, hexagon second?
Bah, I've got a KoTH I'm ready to post, but it has a downvote in the Sandbox. Can somebody tell me if my post is confusing:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nathan MerrillThe Stock Exchange KoTH The stock market is all about the speed of knowledge. If you can identify an under-priced stock before anybody else, then you've written yourself a money-making program. Each player starts with 1000 of each stock, and 0 relative net worth. Each stock has a secret value...

@quartata Elbereth Gilthoniel!
Yes exactly.
That reminds me...
user image
That's Smaug over on the left and Ancalagon over on the right.
@quartata :/ I never use the e-word.
I always forget.
DEF CON is starting up this year's videos...

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