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@EBrown It's an app on Macs
Might only be for beta testers tho
Yeah, it's not on mine.
@syb0rg Yeah, just found it.
@Zak One bookmark to find them and in darkness bind them.
900 tabs were given to the humans. @skiwi took them all.
@N3buchadnezzar Fortunately @skiwi could only take tabs that would originally belong to the Dutch.
If you want help on improving working code, Code ReviewWill 23 secs ago
Oh, I got a flag!
wow... that Physics guy is at it again...
@N3buchadnezzar TS
@Zak Transsexual?
@Vogel612 He visits here every once in a while as well.
@N3buchadnezzar Theoretical Star.
Zak tends to run out of stars.
So he puts theoretical stars instead.
Right. Thanks.
Now someone else can put a real star on it and save him.
@N3buchadnezzar 900 tabs, yea, just after clean-up maybe, he's usually over 1k.
possible answer invalidation by Dirty-Santa on question by Dirty-Santa: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/136663/revisions
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Mat's MugMeme: TS | RSA Originator: SimonAndréForsberg (TS), rolfl (RSA) Cultural Height: star-power Background: The 2nd Monitor is quite a star-happy chatroom. How many of you know that there's only a number of times you can "star" a chat post - a star cap (like the rep cap and the vote cap, a star ca...

doesn't seem to invalidate the answer, but it's mostly meh...
:31434786What is UN, TS, and so forth called? NATO, I just can not for the life of me remember what it is called when you only use the initials for something.
@Zak RSA
United Nations, TeamSpeak and North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Gosh, darnit!
@Zak. You need to put ST on Urbandictionary. I always check there when I do not know a phrase, an acronym or some other alien teenager slang.
@N3buchadnezzar Acronym
@EBrown TS
@syb0rg gz :)
Congratulations @syb0rg
I should probably get the cert, something else to put on my resume
Don't really have the money rn tho
Maybe I'll ask my parents if they'll chip in
Q: C++ simple graph and Dijkstra's algorithm

silentwfI have this code demo of a graph structure and an implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm which returns a shortest path tree. I've received two comments. The use of named nodes and edges is a bad idea but I haven't received "why". Instead of using shared_ptrs it could be done by object containe...

Q: – Develop a program in Python that will search a maze using various search techniques

Ben GibsonCould someone help me with this question as I've just been unable to get my head around creating a program that could do this. To be honest, I've never been good at creating programs in Python anyway. The full question is; – Develop a program in Python that will search a maze using various sea...

@syb0rg How much is it, 200?
@syb0rg what's the cost?
You could probably get enough kind strangers on kickstarter.
I'll put in half of that
I'll pay $40 of that.
I couldn't ask you to do that
You're not asking, I'm telling.
You deserve the certificate :)
@syb0rg Ask @skiwi to donate some of his tabs. Should be worth a penny or two.
@N3buchadnezzar LOL
@syb0rg He's going to charge 200% interest like Ralph Nickleby.
I'd gladly put in the other half
@Hosch250 You're not thinking big enough.
Star battle :p
Do you have a PayPal, @syb0rg?
Geez guys idk if I could accept that
If so, drop me an e-mail with it at [email protected] and we'll work something out
@DanPantry Yeah
think about it, the offer is there
@syb0rg If you don't, you'll never hear the end of it ^^
I mean if you have a full time job, 40$ is really nothing.
don't think you have to decide today, take a nap on it.
@N3buchadnezzar +1. $40 is a takeaway.
There you go, sorted.
Don't you dare let a mere $80 stand in the way of an awesome achievement
I read Armstrong as Amazing and thought you accidentally @JeroenVannevel.
@DanPantry One of my email addresses is batman.
@DanPantry Sure that isn't your spam folder?
If I had the lawnmower, I could pick up $40 in a couple hours by mowing lawns. Not sure what the value is in England.
Alrighty, let's see if I can recover my Paypal stuff
but yeah, really, $80 is nothing. I bought a 3DSXL at teh drop of the hat the other day for £200
@syb0rg congrats
Gah, out of stars. What is this friday?
@Hosch250 You wouldn't get very far mowing lawns in the UK because we have no lawns in the UK.
@DanPantry I've got one too.
$80 is two weeks of groceries for me lol
Unless you feel like mowing concrete...
Yeah, just saying it isn't that much in the US.
@CaptainObvious no we don't write code for you
@syb0rg Same here! But it's still not much.
@syb0rg Obviously, we have very different rates.
Jul 10 at 19:27, by Mast
@DanPantry You need sun for a successful lawn, which is also fictional in the UK.
$40 is about 2% of my monthly salary. Really. I won't notice it missing.
@Mast I live in the glorious US--land of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton :P
I spent more than that on a single meal in Dublin a few weeks ago.
@Hosch250 I know.
@DanPantry I hope it was worth it.
@Hosch250 Well, it was for me and a friend, but it was so good.
Turns out that there's a Thai restaurant in Dublin that makes really good curry
@DanPantry Did you eat concrete or ask the waiter to mow your lawn?
Sounds like it was worth it. I've heard of meals that weren't worth what they cost.
@N3buchadnezzar I asked the lawn to mow my waiter.
Thats against the lawn.
@DanPantry If you ask for that in a Thai restaurant you might receive more than you asked for.
Sorry. I will stop.
I was actually in Phuket a few weeks ago, just two hours from Bangkok
Man going through terminal sideways going to bangkok.
I hope that doesn't get flagged
Hope the damages he recieved was not terminal.
Dang, I spent my votes for the first time since somewhere around Christmas, or so.
@N3buchadnezzar TS.
We all actually need to vote a lot more.
Alright, got into Paypal
What am I sending you guys?
@syb0rg Drop me your paypal e-mail at [email protected].
@EBrown Agreed. I have tried harder lately. However it takes time going through the questions I feel comfortable in.
We are 56th in the list for votes per user.
@EBrown I find I tend to downvote more than I do upvote. I only really vote on things Captain posts here
We have 4.54 votes per user.
@DanPantry @Zak I think I can just make a request from Paypal?
@EBrown Yes, we have a lot of slackers.
@syb0rg that won't work because my paypal email is not the same as my professional email and I don't want to give out my paypal email here.
Everyone gets 40 votes per day. Use them.
Ah, gotcha
Mi Yodeya is at the top of the list with ~35 votes per user. That's still not a lot when you space it over time.
If you had
One shot
Or 40 votes
To upvote everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?
@DanPantry @Zak Sent
upvotes weak coffee is heavy i'm out of stars already code is spaghetti
If we compare by Votes Per User Per Day, we're 54th out of 71. That's still really bad.
And that's only comparing graduated main sites.
@syb0rg Sure, just need to set up my account.. also, from @EBrown so let's shhh
@EBrown So, how can we incentivise voting?
@DanPantry No idea, I think that's what we need to figure out here.
@EBrown Maybe questions are harder to upvote here? It takes time to judge whether a question is good or spaghetti.
Zombies have been on the rise in the last couple months.
Our votes per user per day have gone down.
@N3buchadnezzar Let it slip, of course.
We're failing each other.
Thank you whoever pinned
On japanese exchange it is enough if they use Kanji.
On SO anything goes.
Our Votes Per User Per Day on April 10 was 0.002392, this morning it was 0.002245.
That's actually a lot when you consider only 114 days passed.
Q: C++ simple graph and Dijkstra's algorithm

silentwfI have this code demo of a graph structure and an implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm which returns a shortest path tree. I've received two comments. The use of named nodes and edges is a bad idea but I haven't received "why". Instead of using shared_ptrs it could be done by object containe...

Just needs to move code here.
Yeah. I did not see the Github link. Forget my comment.
On the bright side, our Votes Per Entity have gone up in the same time period.
@EBrown We got a close reason for that.
@Mast Seems a bit harsh against a first timer.
Would you want that treatment at your first rodeo?
@N3buchadnezzar I read the rules before my first rodeo.
@syb0rg check your paypal, make sure you got the $40
@DanPantry Yup!
I'd upvote a lot more if I got this when I did.
Unless that's @Zak
@N3buchadnezzar My first rodeo.
@syb0rg Check the sender e-mail
Q: – Develop a program in Python that will search a maze using various search techniques

Ben GibsonCould someone help me with this question as I've just been unable to get my head around creating a program that could do this. To be honest, I've never been good at creating programs in Python anyway. The full question is; – Develop a program in Python that will search a maze using various sea...

some more vtc's please
3 more
@syb0rg Nope. I have to get home first.
Ping me in an hour if the other half hasn't arrived.
@DanPantry Yup, I got you
@Zak Will do!
And, on that note, TTQW
Only one request, @syb0rg: Take a photo of it when it arrives (Rubber duck optional)
@DanPantry Will do
1 vote left today. I guess I will leave that for someone special.
@N3buchadnezzar Save it for me, about to ask a question. ;)
I could ask a question right now, but it still looks like crap.
I've only cast 23 votes in the past 23 hours...
@Mast How have you stars remaining? Do you not enjoy life?
@DanPantry Just be careful, we all know what happens when people start to ask pictures of your rubberducks
@N3buchadnezzar Can't have too many left though, you guys behave like it's Friday.
@skiwi What, they start rubbing them?
It feels like Friday after that internship.
@Mast No.. just no.....
This chatroom has seen enough stars for one day. What it needs is more flags
@N3buchadnezzar you're repeating yourself
@Vogel612 Its called a loop.
Feb 24 at 15:12, by JNat
@Pimgd Why were you rubbing the duck?
Jul 19 at 14:54, by N3buchadnezzar
user image
@Vogel612 Hey, I used a different image.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on the review site, codereview.stackexchange.comerickson 38 secs ago
There. Take your flag.
Question away!
Windows 10 Anniversary Update is released today.
@Hosch250 that explains why my internet is sh*t
that message was gloriously sent in: 6.7 seconds
@Hosch250 Wait are we having a Anniversary today? S**t I forgot to buy any presents..
@N3buchadnezzar cortana will be so mad
@Hosch250 Oh?
@arda Just reset her.
@arda I guess today will be sandwitch and beer free.
@arda No, that's probably geographics.
@Mast well it is worse than usual
Usual being 3mbps
If you type "ping" in Bing, it will let you run an internet test.
@Hosch250 I have a console for that, I don't need Bing.
OK, I always forget you can do that with the console.
also don't forget tracert - I blame windows for picking such a bad name. It is traceroute on linux as it should be
Oh carp
I'm doing this all wrong.
@EBrown Are you the opposite of clever?
@N3buchadnezzar No I just forget simple stuff when I'm doing something complex.
Know the feelin.
Q: Building a Robust API

EBrownSo having used the SE API multiple times, I like how all responses are in a Wrapper object, and for my own API design I figured it was a good method to follow. Of course, I also wanted to abstract everything out so that common actions could be handled in a simple manner, so that I wouldn't need ...

Q: Jave trying to extend an interface implimentation

PK-KillerWorking on a school project and want to extend ArrayStack. ArrayStack is an implementation of the interface StackADT. I'm creating DropoutStack as an extension which I want to be the exact same except with a modified function. One method expandCapacity() is defined in ArrayStack, public, and wor...

@CaptainObvious Title adjusted.
@EBrown Could we write stars per week / day for the 2nd?
@N3buchadnezzar No, unfortunately. Chat has no API.
= /
Well the show aall is visible. Could not one just crawl that number?*
You could, but I have no interest in that data.
It doesn't help the site health to know it.
The code you've posted doesn't actually run (I assume word() was supposed to be randomword()). There is a separate site for reviewing working code so asking for improvement would be off-topic here. However, I would spend some time getting to grips with Python in general before worrying about efficiency; a lot of the efficiency will come from just exploring the language. — roganjosh 15 secs ago
@pacmaninbw Thanks, CV retracted. 3 more to go.
@syb0rg Package inbound
@syb0rg I hope $80 is enough, BTW. If you need a little more for packaging let me know
Is this broken?
@EBrown You can also add: "What do you have to do to be the #1 Voter on all of CR? 17 per day. Not even half. Just do it. [*That* meme here]"
What does it take to make the front page of user voting? Not even 2 per day.
Wow. Not even 2 per day. That's depressing. We really are terrible at voting.
@Zak I used to consistently be the top voter at 30-40 votes/day.
With 1561 votes you even end up on the All-time list of voters, top page.
I'm 2nd this year, behind 200.
I want to say that's a humblebrag, but that's really not even a brag. We should vote a lot more.
But but
I am out of votes for today =(
@N3buchadnezzar Congratulations!
Wonder if it's Code Review Meta time...
@EBrown One does not simply not post on code review meta vote.
@N3buchadnezzar Tell that to our stats.
I can only do so much myself, I am only armed with 40 deadly votes.
Hey, @SimonForsberg is it feasible to create an opt-in @Duga feature where it yells at us if we don't cast at least 5 votes in a day?
@Zak That should be @SimonForsberg.
@EBrown I keep getting that one wrong for some reason :(
@Zak Mod-pings every user on the site?
I don't want Eric Lippert voting 5 times a day.
@Hosch250 I did say opt-in
I vote opt-out.
What about recieving a small prize to the top 5 votes a year / half a year?
@N3buchadnezzar Not against it, but I don't think it will actually change behaviour. Lots of great behavioural research showing that habits are something you build from the bottom-up. There's a direct relationship between frequency and immediacy of feedback, and development of new behaviour.
Q: Looking to make this code more efficient

user113097I am looking to make the following code more efficient since it it rather lengthy. However I need to include in the code constructor classes that include accessor methods for the container number, height, radius 1, radius 2, and a method that computes the liquid that the contain can hold. So I am...

@Zak Agree. Good with a kickstart though =)
Or any variation.
@Hosch250 That, I like.
I'd be willing to donate a prize for the top voter(s) of the month/quarter/year, whatever we decide.
How about the CR logo with the dots replaced by a check with the tail sticking out of the circle?
@EBrown IMO, weekly would be the most effective.
@Zak That may be infeasible.
I can't donate anything monetary, but if you want something digital, sure.
@EBrown Make the title of the metapost, every voice / vote matters?
/ Your vote matters
@EBrown I guarantee that 1/4 prizes once a week will have a bigger effect than 1 prize every month.
@Zak Well we'll discuss it in Meta.
I'm writing the post now.
@EBrown I'll give it an upvote ^^
I don't think we should be paying people for votes.
Do we have a seperate vote count on meta?
@N3buchadnezzar Yes.
Also, what happens when a bunch of people tie?
Meta sites are different from main sites.
@Hosch250 Is that realistic? Just make it a draw
Highly realistic.
@Hosch250 You mean more than 1 person casting 280 votes in a week? I'd gladly buy extra prizes.
@Zak What if people tie at zero?
@N3buchadnezzar Now you're being unrealistic ^^
Q: Looking to make this code more efficient

user113097I am looking to make the following code more efficient since it it rather lengthy. However I need to include in the code constructor classes that include accessor methods for the container number, height, radius 1, radius 2, and a method that computes the liquid that the contain can hold. So I am...

You know what this needs? SWAG.
That guy could use a review.
I know the solution.
We all know about OOP, we just need to start learning OOV.
@Hosch250 OOV?
Out Of Votes.
@Zak Does he also need some YOLO?
Does markdown/SE have a table markup syntax?
@Hosch250 I know about that one. Only worked with it for a day though.
> Note from danpantry:
> Congrats :) and don't ever think about paying this back you fool
@Zak Got it, thanks!
posted on August 02, 2016

We’ll be upgrading our SQL cluster masters to SQL 2016 CU1 on Wednesday night at 9:00PM EDT (01:00 August 4th UTC). The outage window should be minimal, a few minutes at most as we move all services to the current replicas. Details One of the unexpected issues we hit with the SQL 2016 upgrade was a performance degradation, resulting in much higher CPU usage on the masters of our SQL cluster wit

@DanPantry Psh no I can pay for that
@EBrown No.
@syb0rg no idea why it puts that as my name instead of my real name
I think I would just declare an interface with the getters and setters you need. Use that as your type. Also, this question is probably better suited to the code review site: codereview.stackexchange.commarkspace 1 min ago
@Duga no! stub code
@DanPantry s/stub/example
same thing
Above is the image Instagram are using to promote their new features lol
@DanPantry Is that middle picture photoshoped?
@N3buchadnezzar I think it's the right picture that's photoshopped
Hmmm.... squints
@skiwi nonsense, everyone knows cats shoot lasers from their eyes
@DanPantry My cat must be broken.
@Mast TS.
strap buttered toast to its back
drop it
Meta question posted.
it will become a perpetual motion machine because cats must always land on their feet and buttered toast always lands butter side up.
@EBrown linksy?
@DanPantry TS
@Mast The feed will deliver it.
Feed be slow.
Q: Your vote matters!

EBrownFor a few months now I've been collecting specific data on the metrics of all SE sites throughout the network, and there's a disturbing fact that has arisen. This data isn't yet public on my end, but it's almost there. In light of that I wanted to bring a certain concern to the communities atten...

So.. you're saying the feed will feed me?
Thanks Captain Hosch250
@DanPantry TS
I upvoted the meta. Am i doing it right
Crap, out of stars.
@DanPantry I upvoted you upvoting Ebrowns post about upvoting. Am i doing it right?
Q: Your vote matters!

EBrownFor a few months now I've been collecting specific data on the metrics of all SE sites throughout the network, and there's a disturbing fact that has arisen. This data isn't yet public on my end, but it's almost there. In light of that I wanted to bring a certain concern to the communities atten...

@StackExchange Slow Exchange
@DanPantry It's a feed, so it must be Snack Exchange.
It just had to make the snack before it delivered it.
Slow Snake Exchange
Slowpoke Exchange?
Oh wait, that's what we called link cables...
@Mast You mean Captain Slowpoke?
I recommend taking a look at my series of question on Code Review on recording audio. Here is the first of the series: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/39521/…syb0rg 11 secs ago
Q: Java Swing: Learning Keybinding Attempt

LegateIn my textbook there is no mention of keybindings and it encourages the use of keylistener so there isn't any example code using keybindings for its problems. I was wondering if this is sorta close to how I'm supposed to use them. I tried to let one Action object handle all the keybinds and use ...

Q: Testing if the arc between two (lat,lon) seapoints, intersect landmass

Antonio CarusoI have the following problem: I have a bunch of points (latitude,longitude) that I know are located in the mediterranean sea. I have to check if the great circle path among each pair intersect the landmass (Italy or other islands, or some other landmass) among them, so I need a function that give...

@DanPantry I think you mean buttered-side-down
Oh, yeah, right. My bad.
> A simpler solution: butter both sides of the toast
@Zak No cats were harmed during the development of this perpetual mobile.
How many times am I going to forget that I ran out of stars?
@Hosch250 You'd think you'd learn after a while, but I can attest from experience; you never do.
@Hosch250 Now am I just teasing you. Teasing your starhole
@N3buchadnezzar If you don't stop pinging me, I'll disable the pinger.
*The hole that used to be filled with stars
@N3buchadnezzar Suspicious.
2 hours ago, by N3buchadnezzar
@Mast How have you stars remaining? Do you not enjoy life?
I stole two stars from your eyes.
@Mast How is your starhole? Is it still filled?
31 mins ago, by Mast
Crap, out of stars.
tries to put two stars back into Mast eyes
Q: Increase the value (+1) of the colum K if Value in Column I is not "CORRECT" and loop

VICTOR EEIncrease the value (+1) of the colum K if Value in Column I is not "CORRECT" and loop the action in all the rows in the Table9 I have this code but does not work it says values are not coincident Sub Incremento_por_error() Range("I2").Select Index = Range("Tabla9").Rows.Count While Index >= 1 ...

Final interview with Riot is confirmed as being 10.30pm Thursday this week.
Is the deal sealed?
After that interview, I imagine there will be a recess and I'll hear if I have the job the next week.
That makes things a bit awkward because my boss is on holiday from the 8th to the 22nd which means he'll come back to a resignation on his desk.. unless I get the offer on the spot
Have you any idea about how the new salary compares to the old?
I've been given a ball park figure of €60k, which is the average for the area
Thats sound great though!
That's just under 2x my current salary
But the price of housing in the area is quite a bit higher
Hello @janos
thanks @EBrown for the meta post
hey @DanPantry
hides all the non-chat business in chat
@janos No problem, if you run into any other metrics you think might be helpful, ping me and I'll add them.
If we count Votes Per Entity and only count graduated sites (which may be a better metric) we're 29/71.
Screw this, I'm going to write a question.
Q: Looping through a JavaScript array of objects to find username and password

Korbin DearyI am trying to loop through an array to find an username provided by the user and then find the password. HTML: <script src="../js/databasefinder.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <h2>Login</h2> <div class="form"> <label id="error" style="color:red"></label><br> <label for="username">...

But, we're still below the average Votes Per Entity for graduated sites.
And while the comments from @200_success and @Zak about the 150 rep threshold are completely valid, this begs the question: why do we have so few users above 150 rep and voting?
Writing reviews, or procrastinating in chat probably
I mean, the low voting might not be the main problem, just the symptom
it might not be a problem at all
@EBrown Many leechers, SO had the same problem.
It's just the first thing I noticed when doing my aggregates.
we're different from other sites

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