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@0celo7 you and other h barers said that yesterday
ACM is an A.I. it has no gender
I thought you died
no algebra questions
@0celo7 would you be mad if i said i'm not gonna learn GR from Zee just yet
You're my test run for when my gf reads it
Learn GR from Wald
I want to take a mathematical approach to geometry (diff. & riemannian) before I apply it to physics
It is best
@lucas Society is a collaborative enterprise. People want food and shelter and music and beer and science and car and roads and so on, and so forth. Each of us plays a part in that, since specialization is better than everyone fending for themselves. Specialization is exactly what makes an industrialized society so successful.
@Secret You might want to re-read that conversation.
and I'm going to learn multi-var calc before I do the above. THEN i'll consider learning from Zee.
@Obliv what
@Slereah no
Oh yeah, you probably should learn basic math first
Zee has no prereqiusites
@ACuriousMind Do you agree that change your role with a mine worker?
good google skills are all you need
@ACuriousMind @0celo7 said that (unless I don't realise it)
@Slereah re ML are you using any libraries? theres a lot out there
No, though I did base my code on some pre-existing code I found
dangit @0celo7 you're giving away information
@ACuriousMind: don't be mean, just answer the question :-)
Q: Quick question: Curvature form of a connection on the trivial bundle

StudentLet $L=\mathbb{R}^2\times U(1)$ be the trivial $U(1)$-bundle over $\mathbb{R}^2$. Define a connection $\nabla=d+A$ where $A=fdx+gdy$ is an $\mathbb{R}$ valued $1$-form on $L$. That is, $\nabla$ gives a distribution $\mathcal{H}$ on $L$ - the horizontal distribution. The distribution $\mathcal{H}...

People living from hunting and fishing live a quite well, free life. In the History, the main problems started as it wasn't enough for the population. From this moment, the agrarian society stared with peasants. The people of the free fighters was degraded to the people of the peasants. It was a strong and brutal change in the history, and on most cases it couldn't happen perfectly peacefully.
^that one
@peterh Hunter gatherer societies suffer from endemic warfare
About 15% die a violent death
@ACuriousMind Has any mine worker right of choice?
@lucas C'est la vie
Can he choose to be a footballist?
average age is a huge discriminator between pre- and industrial societies and has skyrocketed in some sense in 20th century, but its probably levelled out re something like a logistic curve
@lucas Yes. By German law everyone has freedom of choice of their occupation.
I don't know what your point is
maybe you're more concerned with the distribution of wealth in modern society @lucas
@ACuriousMind I think if all people could choose, all of them choose to be a footballist or artist
@Secret You seriously can't tell that that was a joke, especially since it is directly followed by me saying I'm male???
As bad as modern society is, you have to remember that this century has the lowest casualties from warfare of any period in history
Sometimes I cannot tell when 0celo7 is joking, because sometimes he is serious
@Slereah yes and despite the media there are recent scientific studies that show that ("actual big picture") warfare deaths are "lowest ever in human history" and on a slow decline
@Obliv Completely
@lucas Well, I don't think so. I have no interest in sports, and I consume art much more than I create it.
Oh yes
@secret just take it for granted that @0celo7 is trolling 99.95% of the time.
@Slereah Yes, but the simple commoner is a free fighter with his own horse and with his own sword. If he needs to become a peasant, it is a serious degradation for him. The switch from the fighter-hunter lifestyle to the agrarian society means the degradation of a social class, and they weren't ever enough happy to do this without fight.
Do you know what happened in the 14th century?
@ACuriousMind You have an easy job. I mean workers.
The Golden Horde killed about 10% of the total world population
@Obliv ok then, using "he" again
@ACuriousMind your appearance on the PSE coincided with some major advances by IBM in machine intelligence - just saying :-)
Or do you remember the Plague of the Justinian, that killed about 6% of the world population?
My mind is too busy compling questions that others can understand to distinguish between joke and real
@Secret which line? it is indeed tricky. specialize in 0celo7ian interpretation :P
@Slereah I had some tips but probably not what you think. It is one of the last centuries of the "classical" medieval Europe.
@Slereah black death ~13th century killed ~1/3rd of entire human population
@lucas Again, what's a "worker"? Some people like physical labor, I know my father enjoys his. Other people enjoy mental labor, like I do.
@vzn : Only in Europe
Plague of the Justinian is 6th century btw
Not medieval
@Slereah Uhm. It is hard. In my country, it was 50+.
@slereah how do you know so much history :o
never cease to surprise me
I know my giant waves of deaths
A lot of them are in China
@Slereah Yes, yes, I only tried to say that living as a medieval peasant is bad, living as a free fighter is not so bad.
China does this thing were every time a new dynasty arrives basically everyone gets murdered
@peterh its not so clear how much pre-agrarian societies fought with each others. they are called hunter-gatherers, not fighters. also domestication of horses is rather "recent" afaik
@ACuriousMind I suspect your father enjoy to work and produce food for Lionel Messi.
Studies in pre-agrarian societies show that they are overall pretty violent
@vzn for example
Both studies on hunter gatherer tribes and on prehistoric sites show a violent death rate of about 12-15%
Don't fall for the noble savage meme
@lucas I still don't know what your point is. In an industrialized society, it is a simple fact that we don't need everyone to be a farmer or miner to produce all resources required for basic survival. Either you start making sense or I'm going to stop talking to you, too
@Slereah the question of intra vs extra tribal violence seems key & not easy to answer
Hunter gatherer tribes are not spared from violence nor do they care all that much about the environment
@ACuriousMind He enjoy to work for himself and his family.
@vzn Mostly extra tribal
Holy mother of God, I've just looked at the review queue. Not pretty. I think I'll stay here and talk about economics instead.
But then again, for the most part, pre-agricultural tribes are just families
@Slereah but they have little impact on environment because they were so small scale. and yes they did care about the environment eg american indian religion living in balance/ harmony with nature, no wasting, etc
@vzn A lot. They all had their own specialized fight technics and they used it a lot. Against eachother, and for enslaving the agrarian societies. But slowly the agrarian societies started to produce organized armored cavalry and metal industry, and it made the era of the hunter gatherers to an end.
@vzn That's due to survival
Wasting is not a good idea on few ressources
@ johnrennie Don't worry, we are talking about sociology, where economics is a subset of the discussion
Modern day tribes that have the opportunity to get ressources by polluting the environment do so with little care
@Slereah american indians lived off buffalo and it was not at all scarce in their time.
@ACuriousMind Sorry, I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Please forgive me and let's finish this discussion. :-)
it was the european invaders and their ideology who killed millions of buffalo nearly driving them to extinction....
@vzn When human migrations first arrived to America, there was a mass extinction of megafauna
@lucas You're not "making me uncomfortable", I just have no idea what your actual point is
They hunted quite a lot of species to death
Same thing happened in Australia
@ACuriousMind Will you talk with me in the future? Please don't ignore me!
You keep rambling about "workers" that makes me think you want a return to an agrarian society without intellectuals
The thing is that hunter gatherer tribes don't actually know about the environment
@Slereah the point is, not all humans behave that way
@ACuriousMind Please leave that discussion.
@Slereah disagree, their religions created abstractions for it. they didnt have scientific knowledge but understood balance almost as religious concept
When confronted with the fact that that's not a better society to live in by any measure, you switch to asking me if I want to work in a mine
Well, same thing as always
And now, when I finally ask you to actually make a coherent argument, you want to stop talking.
The tribes that wasted too much died off
Australian megafauna comprises a number of large animal species in Australia, often defined as species with body mass estimates of greater than 45 kilograms or equal to or greater than 130% of the body mass of their closest living relatives. Many of these species became extinct during the Pleistocene (16,100±100 – 50,000 years BC). There are similarities between prehistoric Australian megafauna and some mythical creatures from the Aboriginal dreamtime (Mackness 2009). == Causes of extinction == The cause of the extinction is an active, contentious and factionalised field of research where politics...
@Slereah the point is that not everything about pre industrial cultures should be discarded, ie "throwing out baby with bathwater" etc
@ACuriousMind Because I cannot say even 5 % of my word due to my poor English.
@ACuriousMind Are we friend yet?
Well yes, but a lot of the "things" of pre-industrial cultures is an invention
I think I should leave the chat for now I have been unproductive for 9 hours straight (yes, I have stick to this computer for 9 hours without moving an inch form my chair)
A fair amount of what we think pre-industrial cultures are like has little to do with what they actually were
@ACuriousMind have you read any marxism? workers = proletariat ... nowadays sometimes called the precariat with some resurgence of marxist ideas
@ACuriousMind Did you ignore me? :-( Please don't do. I apologized.
@Slereah re rousseau. there was some near-propaganda stuff going on at the time of that debate re colonization, the big political topic of the era
Native americans weren't even all pre-agricultural, a fair amount got agriculture that spread north from the Aztec empire
@Slereah native americans were mostly hunter gatherers
@vzn Precariat and proletariat are two rather different things. Yes, I am familiar with Marx (but note that the anti-intellectual bend only entered in some extreme variants like the Khmer Rouge and is not really a part of standard Marxist thought afaik)
In the south there was a decent amount of agriculture
Although it was a fairly recent development
@lucas I did not ignore you, but I see no point in talking to you until you make any sense, either.
IIRC about 10th century or so
@ACuriousMind lucas is having a hard time articulating his ideas but there is mass swathes of theory criticizing capitalism esp recently with the 2008 near world collapse
Did the world nearly collapse in 2008?
A bit hyperbolic perhaps
and there are wide variations in the way capitalism is practiced worldwide
near world econ collapse
@vzn Oh, please don't think I'm a staunch defender of current capitalism. But saying all intellectuals do "easy work" and "abuse the workers" is certainly not the way to go.
@ACuriousMind huh? missed lucas saying that...?
15 mins ago, by lucas
@ACuriousMind You have an easy job. I mean workers.
@ACuriousMind I promise that won't talk about this topic with you. If I say hello to you tomorrow, will you reply me?
27 mins ago, by lucas
@ACuriousMind No, I think they abuse from ignorance of other people to eat without working.
There, @vzn
(Also trying to be nice to Native Americans but pretending they were all the same culture is a tad weird :p)
what is your job lucas? are you not a worker? :P
@vzn I am unemployed.
I eat food without working too.
@Slereah some of the agriculture cultures died out for uncertain reasons possibly famines/ droughts. there was some wide variation in some doing agriculture and some more pre agrarian
Oh I meant more the whole "They used every part of the buffalo!" bit
@Slereah you think its not true?
I would request academic sources on the matter
Verbicky-Todd, E. 1984, Communal buffalo hunting among the Plains Indians: an ethnographic and historic review, Archaeological Survey of Alberta Occasional Papers 24, multiple ethnographical descriptions of the actual practice of hunting bison in a pound.
Let's see this, for instance
Damn, 274 pages
Maybe later
@Slereah oh geez have not looked into this from scientific pov but am sure there are copious gobs of writing on this, try this to start thenation.com/article/first-environmentalists
"As noted, the collection and use of bison parts was probably conditioned by a number of factors. The mobility of the hunting band (were they in a hurry to get going), the relative need for food, whether they could preserve the food, transportability of meat,and the availability of other easily acquired food are just a few. Bear in mind that resource acquisition patterns varied widely through time.
I recall that at the Olsen-Chubbock site (early Holocene) the hunters were quite selective. This is a case where the Indians drove the herd into an arroyo so superabundance was a factor."
I said "academic paper"
Something called "The first environmentalist" strikes me as a tad biased :p
@Slereah "academic papers" are a mostly 20th century invention & their choice of coverage is limited, somewhat by cultural bias
There has been academic papers for quite a while longer
But I trust them certainly more than a news site
serious anthropology/ sociology etc is mostly a 20th century invention etc
@lucas I think you urgently need to review your translation of that thought into English.
Yes, what is your problem with it, though
@JohnRennie How?
@lucas ???
You think it's a good idea to tell a present-day German you "respect great Hitler"?
@ACuriousMind Are we friend yet?
At the moment it sounds as if either (a) you are calling ACM "Hitler", which is very insulting, or (b) you think it was a good thing to kill 6 million people.
@lucas I am certainly not friends with people who speak of Hitler in such terms.
This is hopefully just a translation error because if not that's a very serious breach of the chat room protocol
@JohnRennie Sorry, I don't want to discuss about it. :-(
Appears it wasn't a translation error
@lucas and now you're suspended for 30 minutes. Well done.
Well, that's another user for my ignore list then
::waves as 10k users stampede in::
:: waves back ::
:: 1 of the horde staved off ::
@Obliv no
::lunks in corner::
@DavidZ @dmckee @Qmechanic: I've just tried to join the Chat Moderation room and been denied access.
I have the power to rename this room "Anti-ACM: General chat for disparaging remarks against ACuriousMind"...
@JohnRennie same
@JohnRennie so you have your own room for RO and Mod talk?
Do it
@ChrisWhite lol
@Vogel612 yes. Chris White and I were made room owners recently and the idea was for us to get help/advice from the existing moderators.
::looks at starwall, appears disapointed::
Do you need help
I have a list of people I want banned
It would be very helpful
ACM is familiar with Marx?
Maybe he's east German
Whoa what's happening now
Why are mods flitting about
@Slereah He's not
@syb0rg admittedly we haven't discussed much physics this afternoon, but it was actually a very interesting discussion about economics.
@Slereah I was born after the wall fell
@ACuriousMind And in the West, to boot
I was toying with the idea of a mass star cancelling session, but decided I'd wait a bit and see how it went.
@ACuriousMind Way to make me feel old
@ACuriousMind Now that there is peace, can we please talk vector bundles
@0celo7 I have to shower and then head out to dinner
@JohnRennie I like that idea. Room Ownership is hard enough even with advice from other ROs
::populates starwall, runs away::
what are these stupid stars
related. did you already see the guidelines on chat moderation?
@0celo7 marx is having some of the last laugh (so to speak) ~1½ century later
@vzn Literally everything he said was wrong
@0celo7 lol and youve studied this?
I don't care to discuss it
I'm pretty sure that basically every economist from the 19th century was wrong
The field was basically newly formed around that time
You won't get a lot of good results
@Vogel612 thanks, yes, we got taken through the basics. The room doesn't generally need a lot of moderation. I don't know why it suddenly turned nasty this afternoon.
I blame the Germans
@0celo7 ?
@0celo7 sure go ahead. I blame the Austrians.
@Slereah adam smith is still widely positively regarded
@Loong you totally have a script that alerts you to the word "German"
who's next?
@Vogel612 Austrians are Germans
@Loong but while you're here
that's like saying H... okay better not
Will Ce metal react violently with ethanol?
@0celo7 No
well not unless it's molten
What if the ethanol is not pure
@JohnRennie Hope it's not, it's sitting on my desk
Aiming for shortest answer
@0celo7 depends what the impurity is. A bit of water won't make much difference.
@JohnRennie Let me check.
@JohnRennie And what chemical reaction won't display a degree of violence if molten metal is included?
anyway @Slereah can dig up some ML refs sometime if you want expand your repertoire sometime, have been delving into it for yrs
@ChrisWhite Anything to do with mercury or gallium? :-)
@ChrisWhite noble gases mostly
Hg perhaps.
Gases aren't molten, they are gas.
Noble gases aren't metal either.
@JohnRennie we have some really pure stuff that says "200 proof"
I'm sure Vogel meant the combination of noble gases and molten metal
Q: Why Ohm's law is followed inside the house?

AyandipIn power transmission lines, as power remains constant, according to $P=VI$, current decreases when voltage increases. But inside our house current increases when voltage increases. Thus Ohm's law is being followed. But why?

In this house we obey the laws of electromagnetism!
The electronic structure of noble gas compounds is actually fascinating
@0celo7 no; however, very fine Ce particles would react in air before you add them to ethanol.
I want to test it
So I was reading a nonsensical new answer that got an upvote, wondering if maybe it made some great point at the end. Turns out it concludes by citing the author's own vixra papers. ::sigh::
I need to shave off a piece
@0celo7 rerectified alcohol?
@JohnRennie I don't know
@0celo7 take care, newly shaved pieces of Ce can be pyrophoric
"Decon laboratories"
@JohnRennie yeah
It won't explode, but do it in a safe environment
I need 200 micron slivers
@JohnRennie like what
not naked?
don't put my willie next to it?
@0celo7 ugh, and I've just eaten lunch
@JohnRennie the British used to be warriors
@0celo7 [citation needed]
Would that be the Celts, Anglo-Saxons, French or Vikings you're calling British
@Loong oh god
@JohnRennie everyone before you
@JohnRennie Now we need to try.
If I don't post in 2 hours, I will have died.
@0celo7 My family is half Welsh and half Scots Irish
Welsh are sheep buggers, right?
@Slereah YES
Make Rome great again
@0celo7 I've heard that accusation levelled at loads of different ethnic groups. I live in the county of Cheshire and people in the more rural parts of Cheshire are called woollybacks in refernce to their alleged activities with sheep.
via reddit, some penance for the nonphysics talk
That's an old picture
@Slereah what does Iacite mean?
I do not know
Probably "get out"
Incidentally I'm afraid I'm going to keep cancelling any stars on 0celo7's sheep comment. Some things are just not for the star wall.
@Slereah To throw.
@Mast Throw the barbarians?
I guess so, throw them back?
Comes from Iacere.
you know a while back I looked at Nero's biography
He wasn't really a bad guy?
@JohnRennie I'm curious about it
Is there a problem with sheep buggery in your area?
I'm guessing we have a poor impression of him because he persecuted christians
i.e. do people get caught doing it a lot?
But most emperors did
Plural active imperative of Iacere, yes.
Didn't Nero burn Rome
We don't know
@Slereah does that make it better?
Some people accused him of it
Well we usually consider Nero to be Among The Worst
But for the most part he seems like a pretty average emperor
@0celo7 sheep molestation is just a generalised and convenient insult. It does happen, as in people do get convicted for it, but it's very rare.
Well it's somewhat common in rural areas
That's really where the thing comes from
Anyway most sheep are female, so it wouldn't be buggery - although I suppose it still could be ...
The insult really boils down to the people being country bumpkins
@Slereah Proof?
@JohnRennie Kinsey's study on human sexuality
IIRC up to 25% of people in rural areas tried it
Kinsey studied sheep buggers?
He studied human sexuality very broadly
In the 1950s possibly. We have Internet porn these days.
Now is the 21th century and I was banned because I said my thoughts. :-(
"The Kinsey reports rated the percentage of people who had sexual interaction with animals at some point in their lives as 8% for men and 3.6% for women, and claimed it was 40–50% in people living near farms,[9] but some later writers dispute the figures, because the study lacked a random sample in that it included a disproportionate number of prisoners, causing sampling bias."
Kinsey made a lot of sensationalist claims without much good science behind them.
@JohnRennie @Chris White: How about now?
@lucas 21st and nobody has to listen to you "saying your thoughts"
@lucas your comment was wholly unacceptable and if it is repeated you will be banned again for a longer period.
@Qmechanic thanks, yes, I have access now :-)
"By 1974, the farm population in the USA had declined by 80 percent compared with 1940, reducing the opportunity to live with animals; Hunt's 1974 study suggests that these demographic changes led to a significant change in reported occurrences of bestiality. The percentage of males who reported sexual interactions with animals in 1974 was 4.9% (1948: 8.3%), and in females in 1974 was 1.9% (1953: 3.6%).
Miletski believes this is not due to a reduction in interest but merely a reduction in opportunity."
@JohnRennie Surprisingly difficult to find sheep buggery online
Damn it, @Vogel612
So I've heard
@ChrisWhite Agreed.
@JohnRennie @ACuriousMind Please don't hate me I am not so bad that you think. :-(
@0celo7 You have 15 minutes for vector bundles before I have to go
@ACuriousMind I need to figure out what the tangent map is in terms of sections
if $f:M\to N$, what the heck is $\mathrm df$ really
@lucas The evidence suggests otherwise. You have to live with the consequences of what you say, and saying something like that will lead to most people rather strongly disliking you.
I know it has the matrix $\partial f^i/\partial x^\alpha$, and I'm thinking that the $i$ index means it's a vector on $N$?
What I need is to contract the $i$ index with a metric on $N$
@0celo7 It's a map $TM\to TN$.
@ACuriousMind I know
You'll have to be more specific what the issue is
Does that mean it's a section of $T^*M\otimes TN$?
@0celo7 over what base would that be a bundle?
Not sure, I think you have to pull $TN$ back to $M$.
So over $T^*M\otimes f^*TN$.
It's...a section of $\mathrm{Hom}(TM,f^\ast(TN))$ I think
^that's what's confusing me
@lucas I strongly suggest you let the matter drop
@ACuriousMind Which is isomorphic to what I just wrote down.
(assuming finite dimensions)
@lucas That is just as offensive as what you said before.
I have no clue what $\partial/\partial f^i$ is...
@JohnRennie Sure! I apologize! Please forgive me!
Germans like Hitler? I didn't get that impression living there
1 message moved to Trash
@0celo7 Hmmmmmmm
We're not in the case $M=N$, are we?
@ACuriousMind I'm looking at the definition of Dirichlet map energy on Riemannian manifolds, and it's not looking good
@0celo7 I think that might just denote the image of the $\frac{\partial}{\partial y^i}$ spanning $TN$ in $f^\ast(TN)$
I need this to make sense abstractly
@ACuriousMind Hmm
Why is that equation true then
Verify it pointwise?
Not sure what to do
Well I've never seen it before, I don't know either
@ACuriousMind Hmm, what exactly does this mean
What's the explicit formula for $\partial/\partial f^i$
$f^\ast(\partial/\partial y^i)$, for a coordinate system $y^i$ on $N$, I guess
write out what $f^\ast$ is, done
Ok ok, and the definition of $\mathrm df$ is just that it's $\mathrm df_x$ at each point of $M$?
Where the heck does $\partial/\partial y^i$ come from
Time to calculate $$\left(\frac{\partial f^i}{\partial x^\alpha}\mathrm dx^\alpha\otimes f^*\frac{\partial}{\partial y^i}\right)(v)(g)$$
Hi all
@ACuriousMind Er, what's the pullback of a vector field
in the case where we're not talking about a diffeomorphism
2 hours later…
3 hours ago, by 0celo7
If I don't post in 2 hours, I will have died.
Sorry, I was restrained for trying to kill everyone in the lab with combustable things
Not intentionally, of course
That looks like a suicide note @Loong
Out of context, of course :P
1 hour later…
It's almost august
You know what that means?
The new Physical Review D is out!
do you even have access
I have "access"
@Slereah Let's read a Ricci flow book
I hear it can be used in GR
@Slereah If $E\to M$ is an orientable vector bundle of rank $n$, then $H^*_{cv}(E)\cong H^{*-n}(M)$.
I'd rather read about renormalization flows
algebraic topology is pretty dope doe

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