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This is interesting
in 00:37, the di in mar-di is higher pitched
(can't see it right now :))
in 01:36, the mar in mar-di has a higher pitch
I know people who have no intonations while speaking french, and it's technically not a problem because french has none by default
@Katenkyo so how do you pronounce it? the di always has a higher pitch? or does it depend?
You should attempt to speak like a robot
Or rather, it's the sentence that have intonations, and define how you pronunce words, words have no defaults
pitch and length are irrelevant
@Fatalize y a-t-il une diffe/rence entre e^tres humains et robots?
@LeakyNun Sorry, I don't understand.
@LeakyNun how you link your words when speaking
Humans starts the words by using the end of the previous one, robots don't
@Katenkyo isn't human-brain effectively a computer?
@LeakyNun A sophisticated one, when you look at how the neural networks work actually ^^
The Turing game.
you guys don't seem like robots to me
@Poke that's because robots haven't been developed to that great extent
inherently I do not see any difference
Technically, robots are the same thing as human, they just have a less effecive brain
Or at least, less effective at what humans do
@Katenkyo humans are also less effective at what robots (computers) do
But as we're starting to play around with Quantum Computers, we may be able in the next decades to design a real AI
@LeakyNun I don't see what you're talking about, most humans can easily compute 26354**5
@Katenkyo in how many seconds
while computers compute it at a scale of nanoseconds
what about 26354**100?
(that was sarcastic ^^)
@LeakyNun easy, it's 2635400 (a)
But yeah, Human's brain and robot's brain (processor etc) are designed for different purpose
And human's brain is the result of a looooong evolution
@Katenkyo we can speed up evolution with computers ^^
(what an irony)
Without speaking about sentience (which is the only real thing between current bots and IA) even the structure of our brain (or animals brain) is amazingly complex
@Katenkyo human's brain is essentially a pattern recognizer
and a pretty good one
@LeakyNun Yes, because we're using a computing power greater than brain's one to analyze datas
But were brain is doing its magic, is when you look at how it is able to link those datas and produce outputs from it
@LeakyNun The problem here is that morals, philosophy and lots of thing can't be produced and understood by a pattern recognizer
alright, pattern recognizer is a part of human brain
philosophy is just untested hypotheses
But I agree that its basic functions are build upon a pattern recognizer, which is why it freaks out when in an unknown situation
generated by our pattern recognizer to try to reason the world around us
This is amazing.
@LeakyNun I know that science was a part of philosophy at first, but isn't pure mathematic a better way to do that for the brain?
@Katenkyo Je ne comprends pas.
If philosophy was a way for our pattern recognizer to rationalise and builde new patterns to udnerstand the world, wouldn't mathematics be, by essence, the natural way for our brain to do that?
(If I recall correctly, science and mathematics were the same thing as philosophy at first)
science belongs to philosophy
but I'm not referring to those
I'm referring to basically metaphysics
questions like "who are we"
"what is consciousness"
questions which science cannot yet answer
philosophy tries to build an answer
an untested hypothesis
@Katenkyo sure, why not
That's why I asked why metaphysics and not enforce pure mathematics as mathematics follow a pattern, metaphysics don't
Also, we can't yet define that with science, because we still can't define what's sentience
@Katenkyo but mathematics is more rigorous, lol
I think therefore I am, but why am I able to think?
but mathematics is still not science
@LeakyNun Mathematics IS science
@Katenkyo nope.
it's the machine language of science
but it is not science
it is a useful tool for science
but it is not science
Hum... Can you give me your definition of science?
I think we may have different one
That which employs the scientific method
For me, science is the entire set of rules we've found and we will find to modelise the world
@LeakyNun in this case, what's the scientific method?
Ok, so you consider science as a subset of philosophy, and mathematics are just tools to prove your theory, that's it?
@Katenkyo yes, but when I casually refer to philosophy, I am really talking about metaphysics
If I understood well, it's an interesting point of view, and certainly more natural than mine
@LeakyNun As we all do, because it is what is teached in philosophy course
But in essence, it is philosophy, as it's the quest to knowledge and understanding
@Katenkyo this I am not sure
@LeakyNun Pythagoras was a philosopher for instance
I want to code with this! getspace.io
Philosopher comes from philos to love and sophia knowledge, literally the one who loves knowledge
:30702138 (thanks for the correction)
That is one point I disagree with the image on
just link mathematics is just applied philosphy on the right, and that's a rough exemple of what I think
That's a point on which I disagree with the image
That's a point which I disagree with the image on
@LeakyNun it's rough, and imaged to be comic, but that's approximately what I think. What bugs you? ^^
@Katenkyo physics is not applied maths
@LeakyNun Maths are abstract, physics uses things found by mathematicians to "real" cases
@Katenkyo but physics is not applied maths
chemistry is applied physics
because the ways chemicals react with each other is entirely governed by physical laws
Time travel is complicated
@Katenkyo but the way physics and maths interact is a completely different tory
@LeakyNun physics is still governed by mathematical laws
@Katenkyo That is the point the comic is trying to bring, which I disagree with.
@LegionMammal978 that movie is a masterpiece
@Poke Still have to see it myself :|
Else, you wouldn't need to find math tools to understand what's happen at the event horizon of a black hole for instance
@LegionMammal978 it's absolutely worth it
@Katenkyo as long as you are only using maths, it isn't established science
The problem which lies within "applied math == physics", is that math is purely abstract, hence it cannot be directly applied
that's why even Hawking is doubting the existence of the event horizon
to me, maths is a tool which physics uses to build their models to describe and explain the real world
but physics is inherently based on the real world, instead of mathematical laws
@LeakyNun But mathematics are based on the real world too,
Mmmm, nevermind
I'm starting to get what you say (in my manner)
@Katenkyo maths is related to the real world, but maths is built on axioms and theorems
which comes from not the real world
but philosophy.
in some sense.
VSauce says (paraphrasing), that maths tries to make itself rigorous, and in this process, starts to match up with the real world
(from xkcd)
@Katenkyo A simple example which I have used: do you know the Fifth Axiom?
@LeakyNun I don't
@LeakyNun Induction on naturals?
@Katenkyo It's simple: for any given line, and a point outside the line, there is only one line which passes through the point and which is parallel to the given line.
@LegionMammal978 i sorta agree with that but the confusion starts about halfway through and not as early as that chart suggests
For example:
------- (a line)

. (a point)
then there is only one way to draw a line through the point parallel to the line:
------- (original line)

------- (line through point)
Wait, no, that's the 9th axiom, the 5th is that natural numbers are closed under equality
@LegionMammal978 alright, not the peano axioms
the fifth postulate
@LeakyNun Okay, can understand for the moment ^^
@Katenkyo so you see the word "one" in the axiom
there is only one line which ...
and by changing this word, you come up with entirely different geometries
@LeakyNun That's Playfair's axiom
The Fifth Postulate states:
> If a line segment intersects two straight lines forming two interior angles on the same side that sum to less than two right angles, then the two lines, if extended indefinitely, meet on that side on which the angles sum to less than two right angles.
@LegionMammal978 they are equivalent
In geometry, the parallel postulate, also called Euclid's fifth postulate because it is the fifth postulate in Euclid's Elements, is a distinctive axiom in Euclidean geometry. It states that, in two-dimensional geometry: If a line segment intersects two straight lines forming two interior angles on the same side that sum to less than two right angles, then the two lines, if extended indefinitely, meet on that side on which the angles sum to less than two right angles. Euclidean geometry is the study of geometry that satisfies all of Euclid's axioms, including the parallel postulate. A geometry...
> Many other statements equivalent to the parallel postulate have been suggested, some of them appearing at first to be unrelated to parallelism, and some seeming so self-evident that they were unconsciously assumed by people who claimed to have proven the parallel postulate from Euclid's other postulates. These equivalent statements include:

There is at most one line that can be drawn parallel to another given one through an external point. (Playfair's axiom)
The sum of the angles in every triangle is 180° (triangle postulate).
@LeakyNun and bad grammar :D
@LeakyNun I get what you mean, Mathematics defined the world's it's used in, and as we progress further, it starts to match the real world
@Poke please teach me
But it still is a theoretical world
well "line" is singular so you'd need an "s"
@Katenkyo the point is, by changing the word, you have different geometries, and it turns out that the spherical geometry is a closer match to reality than the classical geometry
@Poke Can you correct the whole sentence?
@Katenkyo so we just choose the axioms that fit reality
the process of choosing is physics
and you'd need to use a different conjugation of "to be"
the axioms by themselves is mathematics
@Poke I mean, can you write down the corrected sentence?
For what value of "one"
> so you see the word "one" in the axiom
there is only one line which ...
and by changing this word, you come up with entirely different geometries
> so you see the word "one" in the axiom:
"there is only one line which ..."
and by changing this word (referring to the word "one"), you come up with entirely different geometries
@LeakyNun Understood, makes a lot of sense
@Katenkyo thanks
I was injecting comic relief and now i'm depressed
@LeakyNun There's still something that bugs me and convince me of the link between math and physics, but can't phrase it
I may ping you one day if I can explain it :p
@Katenkyo welcome
Also, it was pretty interesting to see how we simply started with lua and french :)
lua -> humans vs robots -> robots can't come up with philosophy -> philosophy is useless -> nature of science
@Katenkyo Point to take home: physics is based on the scientific method, which means it is based on the real world, the description and explanation of the real world.
maths is built on axioms and theorems, and occasionally some of those theorems are useful to physics
theorem vs theory
Q: Choose from an existing set of weights to make a target sum

anatolygWhen doing weightlifting, I want to make a specific weight by attaching several plates to a bar. I have the following plates: 6 plates of 1 kg each 6 plates of 2.5 kg each 6 plates of 5 kg each 6 plates of 10 kg each The bar itself weighs 10 kg. It's only allowed to attach the plates in pai...

A B numeric format specifier for binary conversion so I can do "{0:B}"-f$a rather than [convert]::ToString($a,2) ...
Just got over 100 € cash back from my landlord. Apparently I consume less power, water and heat than one person.
Make it rain.
@mınxomaτ Hahaha, nice!
@TimmyD No 1 € bills :-(
Only really ugly fivers
And coins would hurt I imagine.
Make it rain hail.
The last time I handled actual cash was over 7 months ago. Every place I go accepts my NFC credit card nowadays (for smaller amounts).
I love my bank. The card they issue combines all the weird cards we have here (credit, debit, moneycard, NFC payment...).
@mınxomaτ even laundry machines and car washes?
@HelkaHomba I don't have a car, I always use public transport. And why in the world would I pay my own laundry machine o.O
A self-service laundry, coin laundry or coin wash is a facility where clothes are washed and dried. They are known in the United Kingdom as launderettes or laundrettes, and in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand as laundromats (from the genericized trademark of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation) or washaterias. George Edward Pendray created the word "laundromat" for Westinghouse. == Staffed laundries == Some laundries employ staff to provide service for the customers. Minimal service centres may simply provide an attendant behind a counter to provide change, sell washing powder...
@TimmyD We have those, but they are more like a hipster novelty thing. I don't know anyone without their own machine.
They're pretty common here in the US. Pretty much every town over ~1500 people has at least one.
According to statista, at least 92 % of households in Germany have their own machines.
@mınxomaτ plenty of motels/apartment complexes/buildings only have communal coin-op laundry (in US)
@HelkaHomba Larger houses here have a place where everyone can put their own machine (usually the basement), but in my apartment, there's a spot for it in my bathroom.
I only know one laundromat in my neighborhood. But only because it's also a cafe. (And on Sundays, an illegal cinema, too)
Similar with vending machines. The vast, vast, vast majority in the US are coin-operated, with a few able to accept $1 bills, and very few able to accept $5 or $10 bills. NFC for a vending machine is a rarity. Heck, most can't even accept dollar coins
If I ever use a vending machine, it's at like an airport or train station. Those usually accept one variety of the weird cards we have.
For some reason, USians are very resistant to 1) getting rid of the penny, and 2) accepting dollar coins.
I'm expecting that NFC and the like will gain widespread acceptance before either of those happen.
Didn't Canada ditch the penny a while ago?
@TimmyD tbh I'd rather carry bills around than bulky heavy coins
@mınxomaτ Yeah, a couple years.
We recently got rid of the 500 € bill (still valid, but not printed anymore).
I'm totally down for getting rid of the penny (in the USA), but not $1 bills.
Some people have a strong attachment to cash. Not me. If it were my decision, we would stop the hardcash, debit card and moneycard and just use digital payments and 3Dsecure credit cards.
This would also make (filing) taxes extremely easy.
Community ads progress: not yet, waiting
Jun 24 at 16:56, by aditsu
so, I have to ask.. wth are "community ads"?
user image
This photo makes looks like it's connected to the internet with a single cable.
Robert Cartaino on May 31, 2011
You may have seen our vote-based advertising for open source projects on Stack Overflow — Stack Overflow users create ads for their favorite open source projects, and the community votes for the projects they'd like to see promoted on the site.
We had a "beta" one a couple years back: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/1356/…
I see.. so something like "want to juic avocad? come to ppcg!"
to be shown randomly on all SE pages
@aditsu Well maybe. The point is they were supposed to be revamped or redone 4 months ago but never were afaik. TBH I'm not super eager for them, I'd just like to see SE show some accountability to us (and nudge us in the direction of true graduation)
I'd rather have custom wording/design/features
whatever we do we must mention avocados
@aditsu Same. But if they make our logo a golf ball I'm leaving.
@HelkaHomba what about a golf ball made out of semicolons?
If they make our logo avocado related I'm definitely leaving.
@HelkaHomba what is wrong with glorious avocad?
after Calvin left, threats of leaving don't seem to be such a big deal anymore..
@aditsu calvin never left?
yes he did, there's no Calvin anymore..
he's still, right here, making threats to leave
@orlp the avocad meme is old... >_>
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 so am I
don't be ageist
it's not even 1 year old ><
@aditsu 1 year can be many, many seconds, depending on which planet you live
@orlp I'd like to know what planet has a year that is not "many, many seconds". :P
it depends on your definition of year, but why are we getting into this discussion?!
Is not the definition of a year the amount of time it takes for a body to make a full revolution around its host star?
@El'endiaStarman that's one definition of year
Let's see what Wiktionary says.
Noun: Wikipedia
  1. year ‎(plural years)
  2. The time it takes the Earth to complete one revolution of the Sun (between 365.24 and 365.26 days depending on the point of reference).
  3. we moved to this town a year ago; I quit smoking exactly one year ago‎
  4. (by extension) The time it takes for any planetary body to make one revolution around another body.
  5. Mars goes around the sun once in a Martian year, or 1.88 Earth years.‎
(12 more not shown…)
Oh, I confused.
It is the amount of time it takes to make a full revolution, but according to what.
for one, it does not move around in perfect ellipses
if I recall correctly.
@El'endiaStarman I like definition no.1, it explains it very well
Very far-away stars provide a background that is pretty much unchanging in the time it takes for a year to happen.
@El'endiaStarman now I can say: that is one definition of year.
@aditsu Haha, the one-box messes up the formatting. Click through.
@LeakyNun No, that's not a definition of "year". It allows a year to be measured.
@El'endiaStarman That's one measurement of year
watch from 05:55
I've seen that video already.
oh, alright
well, I may be mistaken, because I'm not an expertise on this
perhaps I confused that with the multitude of definitions of day
planet "PSR J1719-1438 b" has a 2.2-hour year
if you use that definition of year
Holy moly. I knew there would be exoplanets with short years, but not that short.
@aditsu how many definitions are there?
I wonder if it's in the process of being torn apart by tidal forces (is it at or inside the Roche limit?).
@LeakyNun according to the onebox above, at least 5+12=17
@aditsu >.< There are five definitions on the page itself.
@El'endiaStarman I see at least seven
Oh whoops, misremembered. It's still not 17 either way.
true, that's why I clarified "according to the onebox above" :)
...which includes "definitions" of the word itself and a sample sentence... :P
Q: Community Promotion Ads - 2016

Grace NoteYou've graduated... a while ago. This is quite overdue, but let us not wait any longer. We present to you, Community Promotion Ads! What are Community Promotion Ads? Community Promotion Ads are community-vetted advertisements that will show up on the main site, in the right sidebar. The purpose...

so, this is happening? ^
'bout time...
Should I add the bounty ad?
wait, so are community ads for attracting other people to ppcg? or for informing ppcg users about other things? the meta post seems to suggest the latter
It is ads that appear on this site
@aditsu The latter.
@Geobits you gonna post this as a community ad? :P
@Downgoat But I just wanted to do this :/
@Downgoat that's bad grammar
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 that means I misunderstood earlier :/
@Downgoat *yours
Don't know where the bounty ad picture is?
It is something like,
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 these ads are of the former type though, so I'm kinda confused
There are
.-. .-.
| | .-'
'-' '--
active bounties,
worth [+500]
do both types of community ads exist?
@NewMetaPosts @mod pin this? It's kinda important
it doesn't seem important to me :p but go ahead
Where is the bounty ad picture? :/
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 they've setup a PHP server I believe to serve thsoe
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 added it
@Downgoat but but.. there's no sand in the sandbox :(
only challenges in various stages of death
Now, I need a project to advertise.
@aditsu sometimes there's salt! huehue
I have no projects related with programming puzzles or code golf :/
@NewMetaPosts The squeaky wheel gets the community ads!
And I don't want to do nested-programs.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 make an ad to advertise our chatroom or a language's, or something maybe. "Wanna learn golfing language ______. Join us in _____!"
Good idea!
PPCG has a twitter account?
In case people missed it:
@Dennis Yes, it has!
# mysqladmin -u root -p drop databasename
Enter password:
Dropping the database is potentially a very bad thing to do.
anyone knows who runs the bounty-ticker CA?
mysql is so helpful
@Downgoat Stack Exchange's server farm.
no it's a user not SE
@Downgoat Nope, it's SE itself.
A server regularly captures the questions with open bounties and compiles an ad.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 I know.
@Dennis pin the community ad post?
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 but it's on herokuapp. surely SE would use their own servers with SSL and all if so
Maybe finally I should do the golfdocs?
> The image is dynamically generated from a non-officially SE app
♫ if you liked it then you should have put a bounty on it ♫
can someone with a lot of rep to spare start a bounty on main? :3
Aren't there only like 30 users with more rep than you? :P
:| yeah but i just reached 15K and i dont wanna go back to 14k >_>
The OCD is strong with this one... :P
@mod maybe also make the Community Ads post [featured]?
@Bálint hey guess what I just hired :)
@aditsu I'd've thought we'd be over avocados by now ಠ_ಠ
@Downgoat avocad is foreva!
there should be an @mod ping which will ping whichever mod comes into the room first
@Downgoat Can't. SSL connection error. Wth?
wat. link isn't even https ._.
No idea... It went away.
can we remove the featured tag from the sandbox? it seems to prevent the community ads post from coming up on the main site
@dorukayhan Featured posts take several hours to update
Give it some time
@quartata oh
Yeah, SE powers that with a Valve clock it seems
Create repository? [Yes/No]>
IMO Not all challenges are well-received in the first try, but there's a place to improve. is better than Have a challenge idea? Just like sand?. — dorukayhan 2 mins ago
Scouting just hit 10 followers! It hasn't taken off like I thought it would.

Proposed Q&A site for members of international Scouting organizations

Currently in definition.

@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 your choice. sure why naught
@BaldBantha \o/
well, not exactly just hit, but yeah
@Downgoat @anyone else agree?
I think that one sounds a little harsh? I dunno.
@BaldBantha Quoted and pinned this message in the Scouting room.
I do like Phi's idea of using love instead of like to reduce the ambiguity, though.
@FryAmTheEggman okay done @PhiNotPi
okay, cool
Wait, we have a Twitter?
@TimmyD Yeah, we do!
@StackCodeGolf, The Stack Exchange network
A Q&A site for programming puzzle enthusiasts and code golfers
4.8k tweets, 199 followers, following 0 users

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