That's because I've been busy at work. My young padawan apprentices @mts @Willeke @Berwyn @JonathanReez @ZachLipton @CMaster @chx here are doing an excellent job nonetheless. Congrats to them.
I am looking for a site or service that allows me to search a hotel (or hotels, or a specific beach/location) for the cheapest date.
Most sites want you to tell them when you plan to visit.
I WANT the site to tell me when to visit based off of the best price
not expecting a complete answer, some similar trick would be fine as well. I've heard it would exist e.g. for marriott, i.e. similar to the ihg and hostelworld ones i posted
Hey hey we allowed @Berwyn to answer "I don't know" to the bidet question. No downvotes. Is this because he's a Brit and they're already in too much trouble as it is? :)
The citizenship judge, bless his heart, realized the pickle the CIC was in and his writeup while containing only true facts have omitted some crucial other truths which lead me being approved
but it was really a basket case: I already have filed for citizenship a second time under the new law so if he denied me then I would've gotten it anyways a year later just wasting everyone's time and money
Sorry to step into a discussion about, tea, bidets and brexit (hopefully unrelated), can someone please upvote my comments here so that the Q doesn't get closed (if you agree of course)
@mts So did the UK vote to Leave because we have bidets and they don't? That's weird since right now some of their politicians look far worse than bidets.
A friend of mine is accepted to attend 2 training workshops each of them has a period of one week with min 45hrs/wk. The 2 workshops are provided by different institutes. He applied for B1 visa but got rejected for wrong visa type. I advised him to apply to J-1 Student visa. But I am confused, si...
My friend tells me that I can leave South Korea for 1 night and re-enter, to reset my 90 days. For example, an American could enter Korea and stay for 90 days and then go to Japan or China (any place outside of Korea), and return to Korea and have the passport stamped for another 90 days. He tell...
I got admitted into a university in USA and received my I-20 for the same. I am yet to apply for my F-1 visa. The program start date is 8th August, 2016.
Meanwhile, I also got selected for a Youth Cultural program by an organization in USA, which requires me to travel to USA from 18th June to 10...
@JonathanReez I looked into the linked posts that seem relevant. one of them has been closed as dupe of the same circle of posts and the other one has the multiple entry case but not the single-entry one
@CMaster I believe ;)… this is narrow enough for an SE question.I saw similar ones closed as opinion based so tried to make it very clear what I am looking for.
Now I googled more (not sure why i didnt before) and instead of the disturbed believe lyrics i googled disturbed believe meaning it turns out noone has a clue either :D
At time of writing (June 28th, 2016) we have:
166 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
146 questions with no answers
a 99%ish answer rate, which puts us at 16th overall on the network
I'd like to track this with the goal of getting the answer rate up to 100% (with rounding, at least)...
which either creates the ridiculous situation where Scotland is part of a non-EU UK yet legally bound by EU law, with no recourse to EU courts to interpret it
@MarkMayo especially with the old questions where the questioner is no longer to be found, those questions can never be closed -- or would just an answer with an upvote be enough?
@MarkMayo an alternative is that we flood the site with another 18000 questions and quickly answer them :P
At time of writing (August 18, 2015) we have:
262 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
219 questions with no answers
a 98%ish answer rate, which puts us at 29th overall on the network
I'd like to track this with the goal of getting the answer rate up to 100% (with rounding, at least)...
To give people time to enter, this will start on February 6th, UTC at midnight.
Rules: To stay in the competition, you must:
answer an unanswered question not asked by you AND receive an upvote.
to prevent the advantage some timezones may have, if there's no unanswered question you can answer,...
I just got a question in Hungarian -- and it seems noone asked this before on travel SE? How odd. "If I am banned from the US can I travel to Canada?… indicates the two countries are sharing information."
Is it ok if I post this one?
Or did I miss it and someone already asked it
@MarkMayo that's the strange thing, there's nothing the EU can do to the UK legally indicates the two countries are sharing relevant information. So would Canada refuse entry to someone who is banned from the US?
@CMaster see the link I posted above. In theory Westminster isn't supposed to legislate on devolved matters without consent from the devolved parliament, and changing the competence of a devolved parliament could be considered such a form of legislation.
but we're talking about a country that calls a pile of "these are the important laws" a constitution, so who knows?
to have a linebreak I think all you need is a few spaces and then a new line
@CMaster I was thinking about that too, you could post there as well but do not remove your answer since it still answers the hotel query as well, and if only in the mariott part
I am looking for a site or service that allows me to search a hotel (or hotels, or a specific beach/location) for the cheapest date.
Most sites want you to tell them when you plan to visit.
I WANT the site to tell me when to visit based off of the best price
@mts "Again go to the booking site, choose a wide range of dates, a hotel, then a room type and then your rate. Proceed to the next booking step and there on the left under "Your rate" click "View Rate Description and Rate Rules" where you find the rate per night:" that, to me, looks like "sticker price" and not the special price you might get if you search for a specific date
Use this post a sandbox for formatted code and tables. You can also use an online tool to generate these kinds of tables.
║ Country Code ║ Prefix ║ Currency Code ║ Time Zone (GMT) ║
@RoflcoptrException the mods page shows you as inactive/absent but you've been online in the last 3 hours and done actions. Is this in error or are you intended to be marked as such? :/
@chx good point, indeed you are only getting the price for that particular rate. I'd be confident about this with IHG where I know their rates fairly well but in other cases I might be missing out on a better price. Want to post that as a comment?
If someone has a valid and unused Chinese visitor (L) visa, can they apply for another Chinese visa (of a different type)? A Russian friend of mine recently attempted to apply for a work visa at the Chinese consulate in Irkutsk, Russia, and was told by someone working there that she could not app...
We are getting a lot of Visa questions here and the high number of already existing questions and answers makes it hard to keep track at times.
My feeling after being on the site for a while is that user @GayotFow does an excellent job at keeping the UK-visa questions sorted, due to extraordina...
Hi my Canadian transit visa was refused because my travel itinerary didn't have my name on it. The embassy told me I can fix the issue and reapply again and my visa will be issued without any further problem.
My question is will this refusal affect my future travel plans, as I am afraid this ref...
I think that would be too broad but if this Schengen one is successful we could do similar CW posts for e.g. UK visa, air-travel and other stuff out there
sounds good. suggest it on meta or create it right away
@Berwyn are you going to post an answer for Hyatt to this question if I beg you one more time? I really think just a rough outline of what your script does and your general experience with the results would be valuable and I could give it another bounty besides to the answer of @CMaster
alright, thanks nonetheless. I rather thought your experience useful, i.e. that any combination of dates might end up the cheapest when booking a stay of a couple of days
Upon entering the US you will have to prove that you have sufficient funds to sustain yourself for the entire duration of stay in the US. Much to our disappointment, the CBD does not specify how much is "enough funds". There is no fixed amount per day. Indeed, such an amount depends on spending h...
I'm planing a day's visit to Minsk on 19th June. I arrive at 6.30am on the sleeper from Warsaw and depart at 10pm the same day on the sleeper to Moscow. However the train times mean that I will cross the border from Poland just before midnight (i.e. on the 18th), and cross the border into Russi...
If having less crowds is an important consideration, when is the best time to visit Brooklyn Aquarium?
(which times of year - preferably summer, which days of week, which times of day).
@mts Would you please edit your cw question to put in a graphic of tagged questions over time? A time series of 'schengen' frequency over two years? I wanted to see some analytical grounding for your proposal.
@GayotFow I have neither time nor knowledge to produce a graph over time but there are now 968 questions tagged Schengen and in June 2013 that number was 104
@mts Not at all, but we always like to see something with some sort of objective support behind it. I have it in mind that the number of Schengen questions is decreasing in proportion.
@GayotFow I see your point and I thought about backing up with examples when posting but those would then be easily corrected and no longer serve. I might finally give the SO query tool a try this evening but no promises. I do hope the post is useful nonetheless in the meantime.
On a related note, is there a recommended tutorial for the SO data explorer? And is there an access limit with 7k rep or was that only for site statistics?
@mts I won't down vote or comment on your proposal, but I would not engage with it without seeing something hard and convincing. I'll just hang back. That's a fair position for me to take.