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(for context, its a kind of fan fiction/in character blog of a pair of IT folk at hogwarts)
ok. searching for a "process" to find a gpu , not so easy. Find (6mo ago) they were "ready" ?
enless readings of pitridish hopings, is not a product in my (greedy) hands.
In setting up the "other" win7 computer and turning stuff off, i am noticing some items are not there. The other computer has more updates, and it looks like they changed stuff, disabled stuff that is presentaly "off" and consolidated some things. Other than it being different , that is looking like an improvement.
I was trying to get down to completely disabling the file encryption ability (i dont use) and the remote operation ability (i dont want) and at least a few items in those have changed, , , wonder.
freak, did they have to call it pascal :-) there are already other uses for that word (that i avoid) programming language, pressure unit ,even an island . PacSal wasnt being used :-)
familiarity breeds contempable web search results.
"I feel a great disturbance in the geForce,. . ." as if the stock price would rise up and bring great wealth and happiness to day traders.
holy crap, 23000 people in twitch.tv/nvidia
think there's much pent-up demand for Pascal?
ok, 32000 people
The chat feed there is just crazy.
ok, 33.5k people
They've probably designed the presentation to mention Pascal last. The more anticipation, the better. Announcing it now is going to cost them viewer interest—and some of their sales.
Demo the functionality it enables first, then the underlying technology.
A lot of psychology goes into these marketing events. You can't afford not to optimize for every last dollar.
Losing the interest of the audience in an event like this translates directly into lost sales.
(the audience explodes in applause)
GeForce 10. It's here.
1080 > 980 SLI
1080 > Titan X
@allquixotic Pin?
That kind of power suggests GP100, not GP104.
nearly twice as fast as the Titan X only 180 TDP
(For reference, a fully-enabled GP100 has 3840 CUDA cores in 60 SMs.)
...but GP100 uses HBM2, so this doesn't make a lot of sense.
The card they mentioned uses GDDR5X.
It's likely they beefed up each SM. Fewer CUDA cores, but more powerful.
Tim Sweeney from EPIC is on stage now
Perhaps they've reintroduced the xx2 chips?
(For a while, they've had xx4 for gaming and xx0 for flagship, but not xx2 since the Tesla generation.)
In any case, it's time to upgrade.
Let's see how AMD responds. Unlike NVIDIA, AMD will be targeting the mainstream segment with Polaris and handle the high end later with Vega; this was probably the right call for AMD to make.
How the hell are they getting these sorts of power numbers with a 2 GHz clock?
Jen-Hsun Huang is getting pissed off at "Tom"
Twice the performance of Titan X and three times the energy efficiency - GTX 1080
$599 MSRP, $699 Founders Edition
GA May 27th.
So it's a soft launch
GTX 1070 is faster than a Titan X (though probably not by much) - $379
well i want little bit faster than what runs everything today, with just a little bit less power consumption When Doing So.
Not expecting miracles but getting off the high 300s (watts) when gaming hard.
just a bit ^ too hot. pic stolen from gawker.com/5863388/…
GeForce GTX 1080: Pascal GP104, 2560 CUDA cores (40 of 40 SMs in 4 GPCs) @ 1607-1733 MHz, 8 GB GDDR5X @ 10 GHz effective. geforce.com/hardware/10series/geforce-gtx-1080
ooh flagship, how much is the rowboat? (not the dingey)
The specs have officially been posted. (cc @allquixotic, @Bob, @JourneymanGeek)
@bwDraco Eh... I want to see comparison benchmarks, not specs :P
i want to see the reviews from real owners after 3mo of use , and actual pictures of the renders from those analists who spot cheap trickery. or $600 extra spending cash whichever comes sooner :-)
...and it looks like they just rolled out new CSS for the front page (in the votes/answers/views area of the list), matching Stack Overflow.
Press release for the GeForce GTX 1080: nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/…
The fact that they can do 1.6+ GHz with 2560 CUDA cores inside a 180W thermal envelope is absolutely mind-blowing.
@bwDraco yup
ya figure with all this parelleling going on unlike a cpu where single thread performance is (still) very important, they could run mucho more parellel processes at a lower voltages = lower power, to infinity and beyond :-) then just have super fast memory connect, which already is pretty dang fast.
The card can OC past 2 GHz. Just insane.
(They demoed a card running at 2.1 GHz.)
But then add whatever insanity they accomplished to clock it that way too, and keep the power use down, and that is just weird.
just reducing the transister size , from what i been seeing is about a 20% max reduction in power and 8-10% max speed changes. (all approx) which alone is cool.
But this isnt 14nm ? it is 16? from the older 28?
16nm FinFET.
AMD is doing GlobalFoundries 14nm FinFET.
Hm. I might be looking at a 1070, depending on how benchmarks go.
1080 is a bit much price-wise.
One high-end card is better than several slower cards in SLI.
funny thing is, even if I plan to get a laptop with a Thunderbolt 3 connector and external GPU dock, getting the GTX 1080 when it comes out will still be worth it
near-term I can stick it in my desktop; long-term it goes in a laptop dock
it'll be faster than anything they can fit in a laptop until the next generation architecture (at least; maybe even the next process node)
@bwDraco Not planning on SLI. Too much trouble.
someone should really do a small and sleek dock for a single dual-slot GPU that attaches nicely to your laptop without adding a gigantic amount of bulk
not something you'd want on your lap, but small for travel purposes
@allquixotic Cooling?
You'd be lacking the airflow design of a good case...
At 180 W for 1.6+ GHz, they could ease off on the clocks just slightly and deliver more than current desktop power within laptop power envelopes.
@Bob the card can cool itself just when exposed to the air, usually?
Owww... a 980 Ti is still $900 here.
@allquixotic Not necessarily... in the open there's not much stopping the hot air from just hanging around the card.
Depending on how strong the fans are.
In a good case, you have cool air being drawn from physically further away.
e.g. cool air in the side/top/front, hot out the back.
Anywhere from 1-3ft of separation.
The way things are going, you could have a laptop that can best a TITAN X.
With a standalone card... you're just relying on how far away the fans can blow the air.
@bwDraco that'd be the goal... yeah... need that for Star Citizen ><
Also, you'd have little passive cooling.
It'd still work, yea, but might run a bit hot.
@Bob I see it as being less of a problem for 150 - 180 W cards; existing fan tech can easily dissipate the heat from cards drawing that amount of power
if you're talking 250 - 300 W cards, then yeah, you need case fans to help out
@Bob They're using vapor chamber cooling. The card should run very quiet even at full load unless it's overclocked.
@allquixotic Fans don't do a lot of good when they're just recirculating hot air...
@Bob in an open room you're not recirculating hot air; the movement of the air naturally convects the heat away
@Bob this one? newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127895 $559usd thats just wrong, you got mean capitolists there :-)
Bear in mind we're talking about 180 W here. The GTX 980 is rated for 185 W.
@bwDraco That's just the heat spreader, though. Doesn't say much about the heatsink+fans.
some cases can be actively detrimental to cooling your card because the inside of your case can get hotter than the room temperature
if the air around the card is room temperature because it's in the room, I don't really see the problem
@allquixotic Yea, true. Not sure how effective that would be though.
the natural physics of air won't allow a small bubble of hot air to build up around the card even if you have no other forces moving air around in your room
@allquixotic Hence 'good case' :P
Also, reference cards almost always use centrifugal fans which exhaust heat out of the back of the case, not into it. The GTX 1080 is no exception.
air will move (convect) until it reaches thermodynamic equilibrium
heat rises / cold air sinks
@allquixotic It will, but it's not an extremely quick process either.
the only way it would overheat is if it made the entire room hot
Once again, they demoed a card running at 2.1 GHz, which is bound to generate much more heat.
if you live in california, you realise they do :-) assist in making the whole room hot.
It will reach equilibrium at some point, which could be hotter than a good case. I have no idea where that point is :P
perhaps they could design the GPU enclosure to have a small passive heatsink or heat spreader that you can install by adjusting it and fitting it to the card so that it makes contact with the hottest part of the card? idk
Or maybe the bulk is just to protect the human from getting burned?
or just stick a thin fan on it like you see on those 4-bay HDD enclosures
on the back
Lots of smoke in the air... my nose is killing me
just looking for something that's smaller than this:
@allquixotic Yea, that's a bit excessive :P
that's like a micro tower ATX case in size
@allquixotic I'm hoping those pcie breakout docks get tbolt support
they would be as small as you can get
i have used a passive sink for a gpu, a Condor huge heavy, and wouldnt work (still) without at least the tiniest bit of fan air movement
btw @Bob, KSP 1.1 :D don't know if you've tried it?
Imagine something like this banggood.com/…
@allquixotic Nah, haven't looked at KSP since some pre-1.0 release :\
Unity Engine 5. Native, fully supported 64-bit Windows build (no patches or hacks needed).
I think I ended up getting annoyed at the repetitiveness of science missions
CKAN for automatic mod dependency resolution and conflict prevention.
Much better contracts (and you can make them even awesomer with mods).
Great perf and no crashes here even with 35+ mods enabled
That's more mods than I have on skyrim
granted, I don't have many mods there either...
well Skyrim can only handle a few before it runs out of memory
not so with 64-bit KSP
@allquixotic My cousin had 100+ :P
my KSP is using 3.37 GiB right now
no sweat
That's less than AotS :P
oh also I figured out how to land a plane without parachutes or airbrakes :O
I cut the engines and deliberately stalled it (badly) at around 8 km altitude, which by throwing the body of the aircraft into the airstream, killed my airspeed... then I went nose-down, pulled out of the stall, gained a ton of speed, then flared it off slowly as I got closer to the ground
then I monitored my vertical speed and kept tapping the pitch control to keep vertical speed between 5 and 10 m/s until nearing the ground
then pitched up a bit more and impacted the ground at about 5 m/s, which didn't destroy anything
then the brakes took care of the rest
They're apparently doing hazard reduction burns today. Loooooots of smoke.
@allquixotic That sounds a lot like how I used to land in the Google Earth flight sim :P
it took me about the distance between Sydney and Bathurst (estimating, based on eyeball metrics and Google Maps) to land the damn thing, but I had a large continent with flat ground and a very gentle incline slope to land on
and that's after cutting the engines at around 9000 meters altitude and a few kilometers out over the water
tbh I haven't a clue where Bathurst is
And Sydney is something like 100km wide :P
40% faster clocks, 25% more CUDA cores, and new graphics memory, yet it consumes less power than the GTX 980!!!1!
Ok, 50km :P
Just wow.
this is the biggest chipshot for desktops since Sandy Bridge, imho
@allquixotic I'm still on Sandy :P
we gonna see a Tegra P1?
Though, AotS aside, I'm not seeing much reason to move from my GTX 760 aside from ooh shiny!
@Bob games starting to put pressure on your FPS as detail gets cranked up?
or do you not play any new demanding games :P
@allquixotic That :P
Ferram Aerospace gave me a lot of insight into how to maximize range for in-atmospheric, subsonic flight with high-bypass turbofan engines
I was using these engines -- imported into KSP from real life -- which, appropriately, can't really sustain supersonic speeds in KSP, but can easily go transonic (mach 0.85 - 0.9)
there's a sweet spot around 9 - 10 km (with Ferram Aerospace; it's a lot higher with the stock aero model) where your range goes way up because of reduced drag, but you have to set your pitch trim fairly high to keep level
the higher up you go, the more you have to set your trim, which introduces enough drag eventually (combined with reduced efficiency of air-starved engines) to reduce your range
but if you go too low, the air's so thick that the drag kills your range
holy crap - I can't believe this is in KSP - the physics of this landing are so real and beautiful it looks like real life O_O
@allquixotic 'cept real life wouldn't touch down that late or brake that quickly? :P
though you aren't exactly flying an airliner either
blame the pilot for that
2 hours later…
I think the roomie is snoring
!!tell 29506147 tumbleweeds
Now what? Get the GTX 1070 instead of the GTX 980?
The 1070 is slightly faster than the 980 in most workloads and may be much faster in some cases.
I'm busy reviewing and using up my close votes ;)
(based on preliminary info)
3 hours ago, by Bob
Hm. I might be looking at a 1070, depending on how benchmarks go.
Heck, I feel 350 USD is a bit much for a video card :P
Most I've spent is probably some $150
The 980 actually ran $500-550.
The 1070 is going to be about $380-450.
A 1080 would be nice, but far on the side of overkill :P
Eh, guess I'll see.
Did just spend >$1k on a phone :\
I expect to be getting a Founders Edition card.
So... maybe revisit in 3 months. Or 6 months.
@bwDraco What was the difference?
Reference cooler design, cherry-picked chip for higher OCs.
I don't bother with OC.
Final build cost will probably be very similar to what was previously proposed. Not sure how long the Founders Edition cards will be around for. I don't expect stock to last beyond the back-to-school season (the name suggests a limited production run).
The GTX 1070 Founders Edition is probably going to sell out pretty quickly.
@bwDraco Eh. Not really limited, is it?
i.e. there'll be more later.
If it's just OC-able chips.
I only expect a few months' worth of stock. It'll come down to how much money is available to me.
There will always be higher-binned chips and whether they keep the name or not they'll probably always sell them for more.
(allq has the reference GTX 980)
Throwing $700 onto a video card is not exactly likely to happen.
$450 is tenable, but barely so.
@bwDraco Does make the upgrade cycle longer, though :P
I'm still using a 760 just fine now
A 1080 should be good till 2018 absolute minimum, 2020 maybe.
Depends which games you play...
I doubt it'll break a sweat running AC4 maxed out at 1440p. (AC4 is probably the first thing I'll try on it, assuming I don't finish the campaign by then :P)
I just want my system to be future-proof.
Ah well. See ya tomorrow.
@bwDraco iirc most 980s and 980TIs are reference.
I have one of the few makes that's not reference for the 980TI
@Bob just did a skirmish in uprising...
Nearly killed an enemy by hitting him with all three superweapons at once.
then weakened his last remaining structure and did an orbital drop on him
cat-like typing detected
@JourneymanGeek hehe. @allquixotic has hacked his PC ;)
@RahulBasu Are you cleaning your keyboard?
@RahulBasu That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
why doesn't that exist ;(
it would be a good replacement for google
Apple owns areyoumad.com
it redirects to icloud
@RahulBasu No it doesn't
Registrant Name: jelle Fisher
Registrant Organization: Snapperazzi ltd
Registrant Street: Globe 2 Business Centre
Registrant City: sheffield
Registrant State/Province: south Yorkshire
Registrant Postal Code: S2 5AZ
Registrant Country: UK
Registrant Phone: +44.7766772375
Q: linux - destroying everything with one command

mafiiichmod -R 700 /* results: cant log in with root cant log in with plesk cant do anything ssh error: ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer but i am still in SSH root and can run commands like chmod. what now? update: we managed to see plesk interface after running chmod ...

Yet another fail ;)
@DavidPostill it does redirect, however.
@RahulBasu So? That says nothing about the owner.
ohkay..... my bad
The owner (who is not apple) chose to redirect the web address to an apple website. There are many ways to do this ...
Aaand now I'm waiting for the GTX 1180
@Bob I had something to say
@RahulBasu I see nothing random about it
look at the title...
the h is not supposed to be capital
Oh, the domain name itself
I was looking at... literally everything but that on the page :-P
@Bob: About this phone skin - after a few days of covering it with sweat and grease it grips slightly better now, and also looks awesome on the front after ripping it apart and reapplying it as four separate pieces. It feels quite nice in the way it grips differently to the original back - it's less grippy but a more solid grip. Also looks awesome
So maybe I should consider it after all...
My only real complaint still is the rather plain back, there's no options for a logo or text (e.g. Samsung/Galaxy S7/name/etc.) like theyh ave on the Nexus
@Bob No! Don't support the patriarchy!
Wait what
It's like gripping the oleophobic front vs. the plastic back of previous galaxy phones. The front feels a bit tackier, but nomatter how hard you grip it constantly still slips tiny amounts. The skin stops that, which makes it feel a lot more confident to use sideways or in bed for example.
@Caterina'Catty'McCatface you part of the matriarchy? Someone has got to stand up to the woman.
@JourneymanGeek Derp
Help please.
@Neil This is a chat room not your personal support desk ;)
@DavidPostill well i can't install windows 7 to a Iscsi or upgrade to windows 7 on a ISCSI booted OS i am out of ideas is there another way to install windows 7.
Change the disk type in VirtualBox
@Caterina'Catty'McCatface to what ?
@Caterina'Catty'McCatface there is no disk.
i will add one
Well you have to install to a disk.
@Caterina'Catty'McCatface I want to install to a ISCSI remote disk
If you read the message you can see it quite clearly says you can't
@Caterina'Catty'McCatface its possible. etherboot.org/wiki/sanboot
Re-read the error message.
Windows 10 might work. right
well thanks Microsoft
Booting a computer by using the Microsoft iSCSI Boot Initiator is supported in Windows Server operating systems only.
Does vbox even pixieboot?
@Caterina'Catty'McCatface I still think I might need a case... the edge palm touch has gotten a bit better but still annoying.
@JourneymanGeek ... seeing 8 kirovs coming at you is scary
Strange little question, but, has anyone here any link to a post related to Windows 10 reporting 100GByte in use, whereas a diskscanning application (works as expected on Win7 / 8) only finds 30GByte to be in use? Only finding posts about "how to clean up your disk" and "repartition your disk" and similar. Would like to find out where the 70GByte goes and why, since the 30GByte the app finds is in places where I know it's usefully doing stuff.
-- X/Y prevention: I'm trying to get the Disk Image to 50Gbyte or less for someone who's still with Windows
@Asmyldof i can maybe explain it, from something i saw long ago
Would be most welcomed
small files use up $x space on disk, even when they are smaller than $x, because that's the smallest 'division' you can have
i once saw a win98 machine with like 20Gb taken up by fonts, which infact were just numbering in the hundreds of mb
I know, the app accounts for cluster size
I know this, because I wrote it for Win 7 ;-)
Before Win10 destroyed my SSDs and I permanently moved to running WIndows in a VB from Lin
what did it do to your ssds?
Advantage of being able to convince the tax authority your design work requires a $3500 laptop is that Windows works fine in a virtual box.
Point is twofold, actually, I'm also about to resize the disk and since the Windows Built in Tool doesn't let me resize it to something sensible (probably problem moving down a few high clusters that are in use) I'm about to use a 3rd party app
I would really love to not break Windows because a 3rd party app misses something, seeing as it's not my computer
So I feel first really understanding what's happening might be in order, but as far as I can see, the interwebs isn't aware of Windows 10 hiding 70% of the space in use yet!?
I'll leave my question up there ^^ a bit, while I go do a shopping run on account of not wanting to starve tomorrow
is this in a vm?
well if u want an answer, ask it properly on the site
It's an actual laptop, bought with Win10 on it, booting in UEFI
I will, if by tonight I have not found the correct answer yet
I hate it when people at EE.SE coming with something that turns out to be all over the web, so I actually only hoped someone would say "Oh, that's called blah-dy-blah, it's new in Windows 10, search for hitchy-malichty" (don't actually hate the people, just the fact you're putting all this time in to get an answer that won't get downvoted, because "google so-and-so" isn't good enough)
but then with actual words in there ^^
@Asmyldof IIRC thinkpad backups used to do that.
superuser.com/questions/212647/missing-disk-space-in-windows-xp/… is for an older system but smells like a useful starting point
Hmm. Good. Thanks!
Will check when I'm back (check in on phone between shops)
@Asmyldof Where is Windows reporting 100 GB in use?
If you're talking about the disk management tool for shrinking, there's probably files it can't move
So it'll only let you shrink so far.
@Asmyldof You don't really have much choice
I suppose you could attach it to a different Windows machine and use disk management there
But the point is as long as the computer is booted those files will probably be in use
Q: DiskToVhd generated VHD is not bootable

DeveloperI had windows 10 laptop, I used disk2VHD to convert disk into VHD. Now I am trying to mount it to virtual box on another machine, but it seems be not booting. I used windows 10 ISO and through CMD I think non of my partition has property bootdisk = yes. Please guide, how can I convert this VHD ...

this makes me happy
There's two great detailed answers.
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