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I'm glad that my challenge get's to stay open, however I'm a little dissapointed at how trivial the answer apparently is.
@MamaFunRoll @Downgoat, I'm looking at you.
did music.SE graduate twice?
Q: Congratulations! Music: Practice & Theory is graduating!

Grace NoteIt's a big day. You've been cleared for graduation by the Stack Exchange Community Team! Music met our threshold for graduation-worthy sites and after a review, the Community Team determined that you're good to go. Reaching 'mature community' status is a big milestone, and you should be very prou...

Q: Music SE is graduating. Congratulations!

AnaMusic Stack Exchange has a steady flow of high quality questions and answers, and a growing number of users contributing to site health and maintenance. You're on a consistent upward trend, and the Community Team (of which I am a member) has taken notice. Music SE will be graduating soon. Congr...

@AlexA. That's impossible for me. I don't have anything to mark the old question as a dupe to.
The new one?
Yeah, I think the new one has to be opened first.
Hah lel
I just tried to VTC, and it wouldn't let me.
Fuck it, I'll hammer
Does dupehammer apply to opening also?
@AlexA. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Already did
Haha! After this whole fiasco I have exactly 3,500 rep now.
I can now protect questions.
@MyHamDJ congrats!
oh no, they are 13 hours left in the election and I still haven't concluded on who to put my 3rd vote for...
@MyHamDJ I think I gave you that last +5 ;)
@Downgoat Who are the first two for? ;D
I'm trying to make a RETURN answer for this. Not working out too well :P
@AlexA. I won't say, but you're one of them :)
if puzzling.SE is committed to helping people make better puzzles, then why do they make poor puzzles off topic?
@Downgoat <3
@NathanMerrill I don't think they're committed to helping people make better puzzles.
Maybe puzzling needs a sandbox.
The impression I get is that their community, despite being somewhat similar in concept, is vastly different from ours.
@AlexA. I thought I read somewhere that that was their purpose, but I could be wrong
It was initially, I believe. But the scope shifted.
I bet Doorknob would be the best judge of that.
Minimarkdown strikethrough is ---
@AlexA. fundamentally it is. all of their questions use a first-posted scoring criterion, and answers that don't answer the question aren't offtopic there
I mean in terms of their attitude toward things
This is a test. Reply Don't reply.
Boom. Got it.
@MyHamDJ Do I reply or not? this is not a reply or is it? that previous strikethrough has should be ignored
You shouldn't not reply.
---avocado--- avocad ==> avocado avocad
@zyabin101 ಠ_ಠ
+1 fer speelin avocad corectlee
TIL this is how you do strikethrough
BTW, @AlexA. Thanks for the way you handled that. That challenge isn't really a big deal, but it's always nice to have a challenge stay open.
I appreciate it.
Heh, no problem. Objectively yours is better than the other one.
I spent like an hour trying to figure out why Cheddar was throwing an error only to realize I forgot to specify an argument in my testing script .__.
JavaScript is the worst
Well, tbf part of that is because some of the things we dislike (bonuses, optional features in code-golf, etc.) didn't have the same stigma when that challenge was posted.
Exactly, which is why it has +13/-0
Btw, @MyHamDJ I now solely refer to you as Dr. Ham Jam in my head.
I am okay with this.
Just as I think of gnibbler as nibbles.
@MyHamDJ I will be forever disappointed at the lack of Ham and DJs in your avatar
And just as I think of @Downgoat as "dong".
@AlexA. I was pretty sure that our four pro-tem mods would get a lot of votes, so I voted for you anyway and two other guys that I like but I wasn't sure would get many votes
43 mins ago, by Sherlock9
Hello, what do you think of my answer to Fibonacci's Roman numerals? Any golfing suggestions? http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/77086/47581
@Sherlock9 You didn't need to tell me that, btw. But thanks for the support! :D <3 <3
Eh, I felt like it
Okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
seems legit
Election ends in 13 hours. I guess I gotta abuse the crap out of my mod powers until then, just in case it's the last time I get to do it. :P
@Downgoat ...what
I restarted my C9.io workspace and saw that
I'm not sure it knows what CPU means
@AlexA. What do you think of my current username and profile pic? codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/31716/dr-green-eggs-and-ham
hahaha nice
@AlexA. oh it stands for "Cupcakes per Unicycle"
@DrGreenEggsandHam nice
@Downgoat literal lol
Green eggs? That doesn't look healthy...
Oh shoot, I gotta hit 4k before we get our site design. 0_0
@AlexA. Talk about a self fulfilling prophecy
@Dennis Do you not know Dr. Seuss? >:O
@HelkaHomba >_>
@AlexA. s/O/U/
I'm not duck, I'm outrage
green egg waffles
ducks are birds though
@Dennis that sounds eleven
@Downgoat No, ducks are mammals
so are birds?
That'll (hopefully) be the first time I get "Trusted User" priveleges because the only other site I'm close on has already had site-design for a while.
@Downgoat Birds aren't mammals. They poop out children in convenient carrying containers.
@AlexA. oh, duh
The container itself isn't tasty, unless you like eggshells
@Downgoat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :P
@AlexA. Yes, I know Dr. Seuss, but only because of Sam I Am (movie).
That being said, green eggs have probably gone bad and should not be ingested before figuring out why they turned green...
(ducks are birds though, so they aren't mammals)
The container is only tasty if colored green, and eaten with a Ham DJ.
@Dennis WHAT
@AlexA. He wrote children's books in the US. Why would I know him?
Heck, they're good books for adults.
I'm sure they are. Germany has its own set of children's books though. Tradition and all.
You should read some Dr. Seuss. It's great and does all things.
brb making JavaScript plugin called drSeuss
A: Interpret your lang, but not yourself?

Mama Fun RollJavascript ES6, 45 bytes (noncompetitive) $=(_=prompt())=>eval(_==`$=${$};$()`?0:_);$() Language specs came out after this challenge :P

Let's read some dr seuss to him.
Would ES6 be considered noncompetitive?
I bet so, but...
@AlexA. Dr. Seuss is jQuery confirmed
@MamaFunRoll yes
> Language specs came out after this challenge :P
OK, I seem to have seen movies about more than a few of his books.
That doesn't matter though
Since we defined languages by their implementations
@Downgoat owow. Never thought I'd have to do that to a JS answer.
So it could have been fully implemented but without published specs
Did that happen though?
No, I'm just saying in general
Well, s/No/I don't know/
@MamaFunRoll actually it might
Maybe someone made ES6 in 1957
was the challenge posted before July 12, 2011?
@Downgoat No.
@MamaFunRoll For your answer to the bracket matching challenge, you could write up another answer in a different language, instead of just deleting it
Oh hydroelectric child, I need to sleeperoni and cheesles.
Alright, I'm tired, and it's late. I'm gonna close my eyes and lose consciousness for a couple hours, while I vividly hallucinate.
Goodnight all
@Sherlock9 I did.
Goodnight Alex
See my ES6 answer.
AKA, sleep.
I meant, using your deleted post
Editing that
Oh. Welp.
okay I found the exact date arrow functions were first implemented:
Jun 1, 2011
so @MamaFunRoll your answer is competing
@DrGreenEggsandHam night!
thank this commit for arrow functions:
@Downgoat YUS!!!
> Thought this would be neat to have
Time to win!
arrow functions are much more than "neat to have"
@Downgoat Indeed... Very "golfy to have"
@Downgoat Dr. Green Eggs and Ham?
@zyabin101 My Ham DJ changed his username...
I find it odd that both of the "Yes" answers on meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/8851/… are getting downvoted, but there haven't been any "No" answers written yes
so polindrome is a thing now
how should Cheddar's print syntax be? print vara, varb or print vara varb or something else?
@Katenkyo Was a thing, before this question got closed.
@Downgoat depends if you want optional commas
I'll make them required
Then print should have commas
@Downgoat print vara, varb
@zyabin101 Nah, I now want to write a challenge on polindromes, just need to define what they are...
g'night all!
@Downgoat 10:25 here.
@Maltysen Your answer is actually really good, especially in pypy
Challenge idea: "Hello, World!" in a full screen window.
@zyabin101 Would only be "which language has the best built in to open a window"
@Katenkyo most challenges are "which language is best for this sort of challenge" aren't they?
see all golf challenges
@MartinBüttner Hi. Could I ask a favour? Could you check with mathematica that the answers I have given are actually correct please
or does anyone else have access to Mathematica and/or Maple here?
Why would you submit answers that you haven't tested?
@Mego I have tested them
@Mego I want a 2nd opinon
and hi :)
to be more precise, I have tested using an open source library but I want to check it gives the same answer as Mathematica
You could always use Wolfram Online
@Mego thanks.. I was wondering if that was possible. I would have to pass the matrix somehow
Clipboard what are you doing
is that free?
@Mego :D
@Lembik Mathematica is PAID FOR.
@Lembik Most challenge will be about processing something into an other, or manipulating a multi-line string etc. So even if there's languages that fit better than others, it's not only "how long is your built-in to popup a full screen window"
@Solver ah ok.. there is wolfram alpha online
which is free but limited
@Katenkyo true
Going to have breakfast.
bon appetit
I've used it for testing some Mathematica answers before
But you run up against the limitations pretty fast in code golf
ok @MartinBüttner very kindly implemented a solution to my challenge already
so hopefully it will no work for him to test my examples
I have to say I am impressed how well Maltysen's simple answer works
I'm trying to find a more mathematically elegant way to solve the problem, which will hopefully lead to faster solutions
@Mego that would be great
How did you come up with that challenge, if you don't mind my asking?
@Mego I had to compute it myself once and found it hard :)
that's it I am afraid
@Mego the problem with the iterative methods is working out when to stop. I don't quite understand Maltysen's code as changing his line to while e** -n[-1] > 0.000000001: appears to make no difference
I must be stupid this morning
otherwise her/his solution would get to at least n = 9 in pypy
The flaw with his code (I believe) is that it only checks the last summand, and the summands may not always be stricting descending in value
@Lembik Specifically what real-world domain does the problem come from?
@Mego aha
@Mego I am not sure it comes from a real-world problem. It is a special case of the Riemann Theta function if that helps
Granted, I haven't thoroughly examined his code. I've just given it a cursory glance and that appeared to be the problem.
that would make sense
@Lembik Ah, I thought it might be. I found some connections during my initial research.
seems he could easily fix that using a kludge that will probably work :)
this massively successful question is the jacobi theta function codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/76937/…
i.e. when n = 1
that question turned out to be too simple so I increased n :)
It seems everything is related to the Riemann Theta function >_>
sounds ominous :)
@Lembik sure
@MartinBüttner thanks!
@MartinBüttner did you get to the bottom of the internal errors, out of interest
The Riemann Theta function (and the Riemann Conjecture) have deep implications in many fields of mathematics
ah ok
I would not be surprised to see a connection being found between the Riemann Conjecture and the P=NP problem
do you mean the Riemann Hypothesis?
Yeah that
I've seen it called both
@Lembik no, and they still exist in 10.4
I might ask on mma.se
@MartinBüttner I was going to suggest that but then I realised you were an mma.se expert :)
I would be very pleased if my prediction comes true and P=?=NP turns out to be undecidable :)
@Mego my math tutor thought there was a connection between the Poincare conjecture and P=NP
@Mego you are the second person to suggest that to me!
Well, it would be just like mathematics and formal logic theory to give us the middle finger on such important problems
@Lembik yes, they're all correct
the problem is that the Poincare conjecture is true and P=NP is false :)
@MartinBüttner thanks!
I highly doubt P=NP is true, but I also doubt that it is decidable
@MartinBüttner if you do post to mma.se please add the link here. I would be interested
@Mego what reason for the latter?
SiegelTheta also seems to have some other problems: mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/110500/2305
@MartinBüttner interesting and also interesting how recent that post is
and how non-recent the bug is :P
I think this makes my challenge all the more worthwhile :)
(6.0 was released in 2007)
@Lembik For one, like I jokingly said before, it would be fitting for formal logic theory to give us the middle finger on such an important problem. There's also the extreme difficulty in conceptualizing a proof for for negative. I cannot imagine any way to prove that P!=NP (exhaustive wouldn't work, I can't conceive of a contradiction, etc). And, because I don't believe P=NP, I cannot conceive of the existence of a proof for it.
I should try the Maple version
@Mego hmm. not being able to conceive of a proof doesn't seem like a good argument for independence
Really the only proof I think would be possible would be a constructive proof of P=NP (in other words, a polynomial time algorithm is found for a NP-complete problem)
and things can be true but unproveable of course
it is also in principle possible to prove the existence of a poly time algorithms for an np-complete problem without showing an example
And the implications of P=NP are so inconceivable and contradictory to reason that, to me, it implies the premise (P=NP) is flawed
@Lembik True, but I'm not convinced it can be done.
P=?=NP seems like exactly the sort of problem that would be undecidable
@Mego if P=NP this doesn't necessarily have any practical consequences at all
@Lembik If P=NP, then solving a problem is exactly as easy as conceiving of the problem.
@Mego not really.. Imagine that existence of an algorithm for an np-complete problem is shown whose running time is n^(2^2^2^2^2^2^...)
this has no practical consequence
@Lembik Thank you for posting how to generate the examples=)
it's still very interesting though :)
@flawr my pleasure. I am impressed by how successful Maltysen's answer is I have to say
I think he/she can fix it a little to get to at least n = 9
using pypy
Q: What would be the Impact of P=NP?

latusakiI am preparing for a test and I can't find a clear answer on the question: What would be the impact of proving that PTIME=NPTIME. I checked wikipedia and it just mentioned that it would have "profound impact on maths,AI,algorithms.." etc. Anyone can give me an answer?

@Mego thanks.. although my answer was better :)
the answers are essentially wrong
they are answering a different question.. that is what are the implications of an efficient algorithm for np-complete problems
which is not at all the same
Q: SiegelTheta throws several errors

Martin BüttnerThis may or may not be related to the bug reported in this question. I was trying to verify the results of this challenge over on Code Golf with the following code: p = {{5., 2., 0., 0.}, {2., 5., 2., -2.}, {0., 2., 5., 0.}, {0., -2., 0., 5.}} SiegelTheta[I*p/Pi, ConstantArray[0, Length@p]] W...

@MartinBüttner thanks .. +1
and.. now I realise how slow siegeltheta is I can remove the rule that says you can't use a library function!
unless maple's is much faster?
is there any way in Pyth to do non-regex string replacement?
@MartinBüttner true!
Well there is a sufficient difference between O(n^BIG) and O(2^n). All you must do is choose a sufficiently large n, and you'll see the payoff of the polynomial-time algorithm. For example, in public key cryptography, you couldn't just keep doubling the key size every few years, because you wouldn't be able to outpace computational power, since computational power will grow at a faster rate than the problem size.
@Lembik if P = NP is proven we already have an algorithm that can solve every NP problem in P
@orlp yes.. but not a practical algorithm
of course
but that's irrelevant to P = NP
@Mego 2^n is slow. Not all np-complete problems are that slow currently
@orlp the question was about practical consequences of P= NP
@Lembik there are no practical consequences for that
@Lembik No, but exponential time is one of the better classes of NP problems
@orlp that was my point :) thank you
some problems we previously thought hard might be a lot easier
but that's independent from P = NP
for our purposes 0.00000000000000000001 * 1.00001 ^ n is super practical, but it's not P
If P=NP, then solving a problem is exactly as easy as verifying a solution to the problem. I don't believe the antecedent is true because it contradicts reason and experience, so therefore I reject the premise.
@Mego no
then solving a problem is no worse than polynomially harder than verifying a solution
I better go for a bit.. good chatting
And in a wider perspective, that's not much different from "exactly as easy"
@Mego it absolutely is different
it could very easily be n^100 harder
it could be n^10000000000000 harder
it just couldn't be 0.00001 * 1.00000001^n harder
And I'm saying, throw a big enough n at it, and the difference is minimal
@Mego compared to exponential, the difference is zero
@Mego but that's pointless
@Mego there's no difference between linear and exponential for big enough n if you're looking from the perspective of superexponential
are you saying that linear and exponential are exactly as easy?
just because the difference doesn't matter compared to superexponential?
that's as silly as saying polynomial and constant time are exactly as easy, just because the difference is zero compared to exponential
hell, let's just say everything is exactly as easy except for busy beavers, because the difference is 0 compared to busy beavers for big enough n
> You meant: recursion
> You meant: recursion
You meant: recursion
Never mind. Hello all
Hello sherlock
Infinite Recursion
    see Recurion, Infinite

Recursion, Infinite
    see Infinite Recursion

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