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hi @Sᴋᴜʟʟ ᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ hi @MATHE
How goes? I want to find out how to add a key to my Win 10 PC registry. Do you know any good place to ask? I was thinking of asking @DamkerngT.
He's my IT consultant
@JimReynolds Hello, You can ask it for example at superuser.com
Thanks. I assumed that it might be to simplistic for superusers!
It would be on-topic as a post?
@JimReynolds Yes, since there is similar question there, take a look to superuser.com/questions/986888/…
:-) Thanks. What a nice math genius you are.
@JimReynolds I'm not very sure with Win 10, but I guess you'd have to run regedit like in previous versions of Windows, too.
good ol' regedit
I just got some simple instructions and I'm going to try it.
I've followed detailed steps many times to backup the registry and then edit it. But I don't understand it enough to follow the suggestion. It's "Vaccine #1" here: lexsi.com/securityhub/…
It's confirmed. (I just checked it with a testing Virtual Machine.)
Note that Locky ransomware won't infect computers whose system language is set to Russian
looks at @CowperKettle suspiciously
What happened?! You've got that virus or what?
(Because if you haven't, you probably don't need the instruction that's related to the virus.)
@JimReynolds I'm quite un-Russian in this regard. I mean I'm not good at hacking and virus programming..
@Dam No, I don't have the malware, but the article gives methods for immunizing your system from getting it.
Oh, I see. And you want that immunity, too?
But if it ain't broke don't fix it ;)
@Cow A фунт of prevention is worth a pood of cure.
Haha. @Sku I just want to close the barn door before the horses get out.
Before the horses get out and trample the children into bloody masses.
One needs to be able to anticipate problems. I'm good at that.
Yes. Because if I found an email saying I won $739357890590 million dollars, just click the .exe file, I would likely do it.
@JimReynolds As Ronald Reagan said, "Doveryai, no proveryai" (Trust but double-check)
Trust, but verify is a form of advice given which recommends that while a source of information might be considered reliable, one should perform additional research to verify that such information is accurate, or trustworthy. == Soviet–American relations == Suzanne Massie, a writer on Russia, met with President Ronald Reagan many times between 1984 and 1987. She taught him the Russian proverb, "doveryai no proveryai" (trust, but verify) advising him that "The Russians like to talk in proverbs. It would be nice of you to know a few. You are an actor – you can learn them very quickly." The proverb...
@CowperKettle is fading in and out like a Russian internet connection
No, I'm just multi-tasking. Gonna go jogging, so I'm converting some music from Youtube for my mp3 player.
@JimReynolds Gimme a moment...
@Dam <3
I was pretty much there ...
^@JimReynolds I created the key on my Win 10 test VM with regedit.
@DamkerngT. Fancy!
So just make a new key named Locky and nothing else. Don't set any values, etc.
Then r-click, and deny permissions to any groups seen there.
According to Vaccine #1, I think so.
I feel so secure now.
Though I probably shouldn't be working on my laptop in the middle of this busy street.
is struck down by bus
@sna Did you see those green tomatoes we have here?
Getting just a little muscle soreness from working out feels so good. The proprioceptive experience give me the illusion that I look like a superhero.
You could even get a cape!
Yes. Just a cape and a mask that covers my eyes. No other clothing.
How did you know? Have you hacked into my webcam?
@JimReynolds That's what the Locky key does. :P
haha. Sorry for any disturbing mental image
That would be malwear, not malware
It could also be a wack scene, not a vaccine, as well. :P
Haha. Wacky scene.
In some languages, vaccine really is pronounced with a /w/.
Oh, wack is a noun. I'd never heard it before. Only the adj wacky.
I didn't get the flu this year, proving that the flu vaccine works.
I got a flu shot.
I'm not sure if what my housemate has is the flu or not, but I didn't catch it.
I've never gotten a flu vaccine.
At least, I haven't yet :-)
Maybe your housemate has ebola. Protect the carpet.
Did you ever hear that joke, something like, "People said the US would have a Black president when pigs grow wings."
... then swine flu.
Getting a flu shot is a good idea even if you aren't that worried about the flu yourself because you contribute to the herd immunity effect.
A US CDC study concludes that the vaccine saved 40k lives over 9 years in the US.
noun: wack; plural noun: wacks
used as a familiar term of address, chiefly in Liverpool.
"‘Gorra light 'ave yer, wack?’"
@JimReynolds Wow! That's something!
I'm enjoying trying to say that line in what I imagine is a Liverpool accent.
Do you worry about harmful effects, Dam, or just don't think enough about it to go get one?
Is it the same accent Jason Statham uses in movies?
@JimReynolds Must be the latter. :-)
Let me search YouTube for him, guv'nah.
I think that, relatively speaking, Taiwanese people are not by nature inclined to get such vaccines. I'm not sure exactly why I think that, but I do.
Compared to, say, "educated" middle-class US Americans of European descent.
I remember that the avian flu emerged somewhere up there.
I could be wrong, because it was so confusing back then.
I thought it was a good opportunity for everyone to become a zombie. :P
On a serious side, flu can be quite scary.
(Do we pluralize 'flu'?)
Ah, we don't!
Typically not, although I could imagine it in reference to multiple strains.
We could. There are several strains of flus (flues?) going around.
Most often it's just the flu in common speech.
Strange, I thought H5N1 was from the Far East.
Has Zika been contained?
Q: Use of "of" without any noun or pronoun before "of"

Azahar Ali We have a party on Christmas Day, and Scott, his wheel chair decorated with red and green crepe paper, greets everyone at the door. He puts on a laughing red Santa mask and gives fractured ho-ho-hos as we give out the small Christmas ornaments we've made, of twigs wound around glass crystals. ...

A comma for a pause, I think.
A laughing red mask. Fractured ho-ho-hos! I love it!!
The biggest reward for going to the superuser website about registry editing was finding this: sanddance.azurewebsites.net/beachPartyApp/BeachPartyApp.html
@DamkerngT. don't think so, couldn't find any reference. Why?
Just curious.
Last update I've seen was from January when the outbreak started, or at least became global
Is Zika also kind of "flu"? Don't remember from the little I read about it. :/
@ShadowWizard It's potentially threatening, I think.
@ShadowWizard I don't think it's flu. It's a virus, though.
Good noon, @snailboat! Y'all!
The second day of spring here.
@DamkerngT. well, scary anyway. Big bad virus threatening lots of people. :(
(actually, small tiny virus - but that sounds less threatening ;))
@CowperKettle so we're in the same weather zone, cool! (or should I say, warm! ;))
Tiny but shiny.
@CowperKettle Good spring noon!
@CowperKettle only if covered by radioactive substance... but then it can mutate... :D
@ShadowWizard Irsael? (0: I bet you have flowers blooming around.
@CowperKettle yes! Did you take a look on my profile or took a (wild) guess? :)
I mean by "spring" that it's the second day we're having above-zero temperatures in the day.
@ShadowWizard I looked at the profile, of course. I could not guess neither by the avatar nor by the nickname. (0:
@CowperKettle zero Celsius?? brr....
@CowperKettle haha, who knows... people made wilder guesses than these.... :P
taking look on @Cowper's profile
(I'll lurk some)
huh, very accurate location there, lol
Russia is indeed cold! throwing warm blanket towards @Cowper
@ShadowWizard not very: there's no street address
@DamkerngT. I don't think the comma should be there. Though it is an unwieldy sentence and could be reformulated into more accessible style. I've written an erudite comment on that page, as I consider it my duty to share my wisdom with ordinary people.
@CowperKettle haha, you really make it harder for the spam bots to reach your house and put their spam on your door step.... :D
@JimReynolds Hehe! Thanks for the comment! :-) -- Gone reading it...
@CowperKettle that's a very meaningful message! ) to you too! ;)
@CowperKettle Good midnight, CowperKettle!
There ought to be a specific greeting to use around midnight.
In my imagination, it looks/sounds German, and old-fashioned.
Gut Schumthingnacht, Frau schnailboat.
Q: What is a "whorl of dried sticks"?

MS-01What is a "whorl of dried sticks"? The words are written in this book. I would vow that in the future I would not wait for the imminence of death to say, I love you, thank you, please forgive me, I forgive you, good-bye. I would settle her estate, take down her photographs and whorl of dried ...

Are you about to tell me about der blinkenlights?
It's whorl!
What a small whorld!
I think Ella's shell is almost fully grown :-)
Do snails have to go through their teenage days, too? When they would stop growing. :-)
... Oderwise is easy schnappen der springenwerk ... Hahhaha. I'd never heard of this before.
Wow, it's not often that a Google Images search won't work, but whorl of dried sticks over fireplace didn't give anything good for me.
I think it's supposed to look like this:
I can see that it's difficult for a learner who has no real idea about "fireplace". (I'm such a learner, too!)
You can't build fireplaces out here anymore.
Our house still has one, though we don't use it.
You can't build them, how can you get one of them?
Is there any kind of license?
You used to be able to :-)
What is the technology that replaced the fireworks?
Just heaters?
I hope people don't use fireplaces for fireworks!
It sounds rather dangerous.
Briefly pretty, maybe.
Oops! Sorry for the funny braino!
I've never used a fireplace, but I've always had heaters of one kind or another. We have central heating here.
still has no idea about central heating, too!
Central heating is where you have one heater which heats the whole house, connected via a system of ducts and vents.
You can open and close the vents to control which rooms are heated, and you can adjust the target temperature using a thermostat.
A friend tried to describe his central heating mechanism (which seemed to be embedded in or under the floor) of his place in Frankfurt, but I didn't really quite understand how it worked.
@snailboat Ahh... so it (the heat) goes through the vents!
(In my apartment and office, it was just a heating machine.)
I'm a little weird and like letting temperature cycle naturally up and down rather than trying to keep things at a constant temperature.
Hamsters like it when you keep a certain minimum temperature, though.
@snailboat Eh, I thought that's normal! :D
@DamkerngT. It's weird in the U.S.!
Lots of things are weird in the U.S. that are normal elsewhere. :-)
Hehe! You're probably right!
In Japan, having a kotatsu is pretty normal, but that would be weird here.
Here, having central heating is fairly normal, although not everyone does.
When it's very cold (which is not often over here), I sometimes wish I had a kotatsu!
But good luck finding central heating in Japan :-)
@DamkerngT. Maybe you can import one!
Do you use space heaters in Thailand?
@DamkerngT. In Russian cities, the majority of the buildings are centrally heated..
We have only air conditioners!
I have like five of them!
We have water-filled.. how do you call em..
Five air conditioners? blinks
@snailboat Yep!
with little valves.
We have central air here, although I'm happy more or less never using it.
@CowperKettle Oh! I thought radiators are only in cars!
@snailboat "kotatsa" in Russian is "go riding".
It goes through the same system of ducts and vents as the heater.
@CowperKettle Ooh!
Use it in a sentence!
> Kotatsa!
Are you going to go riding later?
I have an early morning appointment with the hematologist, which I will go to via a series of buses.
Have you ever read any research about cycling and bone mass density?
@snailboat No, but I'm sure bicycle riding helps it.
as any kind of activity
@snailboat Are you feeling well?
I'm fine!
I hope the test results are fine.
Do you want to gain bone mass?
I hope the same for you, too.
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ If possible? :-)
Do you drink milk?
I can't.
I can have some other dairy products, though.
@snailboat I heard that astronauts do some kind of training to retain bone mass.
Hmm... calcium, where else can we get more calcium...
I hope you have no problem with that.
@DamkerngT. I feed my snails cuttlebone for calcium! :-)
How about a calcium supplement?
You could try it too!
I have calcium supplements.
I remember something about D3 that you have to take to hepl calcium metabolism
Or some other vitamin.
@snailboat I was about to suggest small fish (like fried smelt), but then I remembered that you don't eat fish (probably not yet).
What other dairy products can you have?
Certain cheeses! :-)
I have that.
I have things I can take to help digest dairy, but they don't seem to work well enough for me to drink actual milk.
If you're lactose intolerant you can take a med for it that allows you to drink milk.
I tried :-(
Lots of foods have calcium, though.
True, how about ice cream?
I tried taking those pills with vanilla ice cream and it seemed to be okay.
I don't want to eat ice cream all the time though, since I don't think it's very healthy. And I don't like to eat lots of sweet foods.
(It may look unfamiliar, but it's much more delicious than its look!)
What kind of fish is that?
@DamkerngT. Looks like a good side dish for cold beer. (0:
We call it ปลาซิว
@CowperKettle Ayup! Exactly!
Hmm... Wikipedia calls it "minnow".
Rasbora trilineata is a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Rasbora. Common names include scissortail rasbora and three-lined rasbora. It comes from Southeast Asia. == Aquarium == In the wild, Rasbora trilineata is an omnivore. It adapts easily to normal aquarium foods. == References... ==
Oh, "minnow", I remember it used in some poem.
Go to a nutritional specialist get some real advice @snailboat :)
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ It's okay, I already have :-)
What he recommend?
> What did he recommend?
Good ol' do-support.
You don't like do-support? :-(
@snailboat I found it strange that a nutritionist recommended some do-support. (0:
Certain grammatical operations (e.g. subject-auxiliary inversion) require the presence of an auxiliary. When none is present, the dummy auxiliary do can be added because it doesn't change the meaning of the sentence.
Which is why it's called a dummy.
@CowperKettle I don't know if I want to detail all my nutritional failings online right now :-)
@CowperKettle They may recommend vitamin-do and vitamin-be. :-)
Registered dietitians are not MDs.
I have one! Actually, I have a surprising number of those.
What do they say?
I'll be fine, thank you for all the advice :-)

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