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@Rainbolt While ce can't say which one is more intense, we can say that "loathe" is more hateful than "hate" because of the disgust part
@Rainbolt You're famous! Can I have your autograph?
@TimmyD scribble sribble
@Rainbolt I like how it has 38000 views with 5 votes
That's not even the worst one. This one is closed and is also famous.
@flawr can you show the original question? Was that the actual image on the question?
No, I mean where is the question from?
@flawr I've typically seen loathe used as a more intense version of hate that typically does include a sense of disgust. It's also worth noting that hate is often used lightly (e.g. "I hate that feeling you get when you're going up stairs and there's one fewer step than you expected.") whereas loathe is rarely lightly used.
Q: Would bear cavalry be feasible?

Thomas JacobsOver the course of history humanity rode several kinds of animals to war: horses, camels and elephants being the most common. However, bears are not amongst them. So I was wondering, if they could be properly domesticated and/or trained, would bears be feasible as ridable animals in wartime situ...

On the one hand, no. On the other hand, oh hell yes. — Devsman 1 hour ago
Hate can be used much more strongly, as thing not a feeling. e.g. hate speech, hate crime, hate
Yes, and loathe doesn't really fit into those contexts.
So I was just looking for an alternative attribute for @zyabin101 as he isnt @zyabin101_the_hated anymore.
@El'endiaStarman That makes sense, thank you for the explanation!
@flawr Actually it's RikerW who criticized the name "...the Hated".
How does "How does "How does "Potato time" have 4 stars?" have 2 stars?" have 6 stars?
Bah, Helka is just farming you all for stars.
How does "How does "How does "How does "Potato time" have 4 stars?" have 2 stars?" have 6 stars?" get starred?
@El'endiaStarman No more. Potato time is over.
@HelkaHomba if this goes much further, it should officially become a meme
How does "How does "How does "How does "Potato time" have 4 stars?" have 2 stars?" have 6 stars?" have 3 stars?
@flawr Yes, for this purpose I've created the Snowman programming language
Q: Given several points on a plane, find the largest radius of circles around them that do not touch

AlexeyYour function/program is given a string representing a list of 2+ unique points, written as a comma-separated list of pairs of int32 numbers in decimal form, for example: 0x0,0x1,1x0,1x-1,-32768x32767 You have to find the largest possible radius of a circle that can be drawn around each point ...

How does "How does "How does "How does "How does "Potato time" have 4 stars?" have 2 stars?" have 6 stars?" have 3 stars?" have 1 star?
@Doorknob How to make a snowman in Snowman?
$ perl -pe '$_=-$_' <<< abc
Um, what now?
@Dennis That's normal; look it up.
$ perl -pe '$_=-$_' <<< -abc
> If the operand is an identifier, a string consisting of a minus sign concatenated with the identifier is returned. Otherwise, if the string starts with a plus or minus, a string starting with the opposite sign is returned.
perl -E 'say -$_' <<< abc
@AquaTart That may be by design, but it's certainly not normal.
Seems pretty normal to me
@Ven You need the -n flag
otherwise $_ is just 0
@Doorknob oh, duh :). thanks. I don't know 5 very well
irb(main):001:0> -"abc"
=> "abc"
irb(main):002:0> # wat
Now that's not normal.
$ perl -pe '$_=-$_' <<< _-
well, on the other hand, +"abc" will print abc because + is a noop (obviously).
@Dennis hahaha
irb(main):003:0> -----------------------"abc"
=> "abc"
aw, the starboard does markdown transformation.
@Ven + isn't quite a no-op per se. But yeah
@AquaTart at runtime, it is AFAIK. It's true it makes the parser expect an expression, though
I'll admit that my Perl is a little rusty, but I don't think _- is an identifier.
As fast-and-loose as PowerShell plays with caching, it can't handle that one
PS C:\Tools\Scripts> -"abc"
Cannot convert value "abc" to type "System.Int32". Error: "Input string was not in a correct format."
At line:1 char:1
+ -"abc"
+ ~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidCastFromStringToInteger
> Otherwise, if the string starts with a plus or minus, a string starting with the opposite sign is returned.
@Dennis Read the other part of the sentence :PP
In Python, -"apl" throws an error.
Also, -"abc" in Ruby is used to freeze a string @Doorknob
@Doorknob So _- starts with a plus?
@Ven oh, interesting...
@Dennis oops
TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'str'
asdf.rs:1:28: 1:34 error: cannot apply unary operator `-` to type `&'static str`
asdf.rs:1 fn main() { println!("{}", -"abc"); }
@Dennis Well, it doesn't start with a minus...
@Doorknob here. (it's the -@ method)
+ works as [int] in PowerShell
<console>:11: error: value unary_- is not a member of String
PS C:\Tools\Scripts> $a=(1,2,3);$b=(1,2,3);

PS C:\Tools\Scripts> -join$a+-join$b

PS C:\Tools\Scripts> +-join$a+-join$b
prog.cpp:5:16: error: wrong type argument to unary minus
+"fun" makes Python disapprove, the same way.
So many abnormal languages
-"string" in Perl 6 tries to DWIM and convert the string to an integer first...
@AquaTart right? they should just follow Perl's example :P.
@Ven Yeah Perl 6 sucks
@AquaTart When there's only one normal, maybe that's the abnormal :P
@Doorknob hey now
@AquaTart no :)
What if Perl is sane and everyone else is insane
@Ven syntax is too strict
I don't know what they did to it...
It has features I like but the syntax is different and me no likey
Well, it certainly is somewhat harder to codegolf, but you gain a lot of features for that price.
also ^ff^ is flip-flop syntax and looks really cute :P.
@Ven some prices are just too steep for here
Right. It's probably not good enough for Codegolf, except for some very specific cases. One example I have is this, which I find very cute.
An example of a good Perl 6 golf would be Mad Libs. That's where features start to pay their price, it seems.
@Ven DWIM?
@AquaTart Wouldn't that make Perl essentially insane by definition? :P
@zyabin101 "Do What I Mean", a common perl phrase which refers to operators bending to your will.
@El'endiaStarman Define "normal"
"Normal" is, generally, in most cases, with some exceptions, basically what (almost) everyone/everything does/is.
It would be illogical to define my deafness as "normal hearing".
Therefore, Perl is abnormal in some/many aspects. :P
@Ven With Miiinnd control? woah
Obviously perl can do that :P.
I suspect AlphaGo/DeepMind uses perl to pipe stuff through.
is purl majik?
@El'endiaStarman Wrong. Normal means a vector orthogonal to a surface. Which makes Perl very normal since the l is perpendicular to the line
@AquaTart Nice logic! :P
Hopefully that should convince you of the error of your ways
@AlexA. You just deleted the answer? #epicmodpowers
Although rats I think that makes Tcl normal too...
"Normal" could also be taken to mean that it has magnitude 1.
If bigger is better, and other languages have greater magnitude, then...
@EasterlyIrk Which answer?
/dev/random is psuedorandom, right?
It's kinda annoying to have to query random.org every time I want some truly random bits. Maybe I should invest in a Geiger counter
What else could it be? o.O
@AquaTart You probably don't actually need truly random bits
@Doorknob In this case I do
Cryptography or statistical analysis?
@AquaTart /dev/{,u}random is more truly random. :)
In Unix-like operating systems, /dev/random is a special file that serves as a blocking pseudorandom number generator. It allows access to environmental noise collected from device drivers and other sources. Not all operating systems implement the same semantics for /dev/random. == Linux == Random number generation from kernel space was implemented for the first time for Linux in 1994 by Theodore Ts'o. The implementation uses secure hashes rather than ciphers, to avoid legal restrictions that were in place when the generator was originally designed. The implementation was also designed with the...
It accesses environmental noise from device drivers.
So /dev/urandom is psuedorandom and /dev/random is truly random?
/dev/random is not truly random, but the underlying pseudorandom generator pulls from truly random sources
That's what I originally thought
Fair enough.
So for crypto, you can seed a CSPRNG from /dev/random (I think)
/dev/urandom pulls from truly random sources, too, but /dev/random also takes only a set amount of entropy.
/dev/urandom takes infinite amount of entropy.
Is environmental noise "truly random"?
It's as close as you can get I guess
That's kinda what I was thinking. It seems like the definition of truly random just became "too subtle for us to really tell the difference"
I actually read an essay some time ago about how true randomness is getting more scarce.
@HelkaHomba There's also random.org which uses atmospheric noise
Although I do like the Java library
@HelkaHomba This is the industry standard: random.irb.hr/signup.php
And it has one of the best captchas ever ;-)
I always thought that captcha was stupid
A computer could easily read that equation and solve it
But if it's just the image it becomes a lot trickier
@AquaTart Then you don't get the point. This captcha is there to prevent signups from users who shouldn't use this service, not to prevent automatic singups.
@mınxomaτ Fair enough haha
Q: Length-encode a string

Fricative MelonSuppose we use the following rules to pull a single string from another string, one containing only ASCII printable characters and called an *-string. If the string runs out before the process halts, it is an error: Start with d=1, s="" Whenever you encounter a *, double d. Whenever you encount...

I got a polynomial.
It's randomly leveled for random people. You don't know if you're lucky and know the solution.
You can refresh until you get an easy challenge. By default, they're harder.
I didn't refresh at all and got an easy one.
I got one which starts d/dx. Probably a differential.
And it involved π.
Second one I got. ^^
First one was just additions/subtractions of positive/even integers.
I tried to submit without putting in the personal info which failed :/
@El'endiaStarman The second equation I got was similar to that one
@AquaTart It is a signup form. You have to put in the personal info.
Still not exactly a "challenge"...
@zyabin101 Eh
@El'endiaStarman I got something similar to this one.
@zyabin101 It's a trick question.
Is there a popular web charity like free rice that allows bots, as long as they play slowly? I could swear there was and I had thought it was freerice.
well, I'm glad I found this chatroom :P. codegolf is fun
@Ven You're one of us now
you cannot escape
Well, I was at an APL conference last week, so...
An APL conference? Where?
That sounds fun
At least better than most conferences
Paris :). I got an APL reference card, it was really cool.
I wonder if there will be Pytek conferences in 10 years...
We should collect a free rice team.
@Ven Hrmph, that's too far :/
Maybe someday.
Well, it was just a small user meeting. We were ~20 (and I was by far the youngest :P).
@zyabin101 I was about to make a challenge about making a freerice bot since I was sure I had read that they didn't mind, even encouraged bots. I guess it was some other site...
The "real" yearly APL conference is in the UK, I think. it's on their website
What even is discussed at APL conferences?
@HelkaHomba I meant, not make bots. Play ourselves.
Could just join this one: freerice.com/content-group/golf-squad
@El'endiaStarman they show the new features, they show their cool libs (charts, webserver, etc)
An APL webserver would be.... interesting?
Well, MiServer is an APL webserver, and it's pretty darn advanced. Uses the OO features, and handles AJAX stuff etc.
@HelkaHomba Just realized/noticed that the comments are earliest-first. ಠ_ಠ
@El'endiaStarman Well I didn't design it
@Ven How are new features added when all 256 byte values have been taken?
Are all commands necessarily one char?
@El'endiaStarman Overloading
@HelkaHomba It's inactive since December. Maybe create our own?
Also I don't think all the byte values have been taken yet, could be wrong...
Not even. They're planning on adding new "symbols".
@zyabin101 If you want, though I'm not sure it'd be that popular
Their isolates uses a new syntax, and the proposed cut/merge/under operators would have their own symbol.
Ahh, okay, I thought APL was essentially a "finished" language in some way.
Well, APL is. Dyalog isn't :).
Sorry, I should've made that clearer...
...well, I know even less than I thought I did. Please elaborate. :)
Dyalog APL is an implementation, which adds a lot of features "around an APL core". It has locks, it has :If, and some other features like Namespaces, Classes, etc.
To get an example of such a web server dyalog application, check out MiServer's page, then navigate to "Applications" > "Tic Tac Toe" and check "show source code"
it shows the classes syntax, the :If, and how they manage their callbacks from JS code.
@Ven That's interesting. Seems almost like two languages.
Yes, very much. That's how they advertise it, even: their "elevator pitch" reads
> Dyalog is an array first multi-paradigm language based on an APL language kernel.
Speaking of randomness, I've always found it amusing that Apple had to program their "shuffle" button to be less random than "real" randomness, because otherwise people didn't think it was actually random.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ new comic request
"brb in a hour" ---Conor
I need moar comix
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ ^
@close voters of codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/75229/8478: did you actually see that the challenge asks for the opposite transform?
@MartinBüttner I just noticed that question in the review queue (it got a flag). I'm not sure why people are voting to close it...
@DanielM. They may not be the same, but to me, simply reversing the task doesn't sufficiently differentiate it. — Mego Mar 11 at 3:59
Looks like they did notice
That's very different though. Encoding the exact names vs finding a clever algorithm that differentiates them.
I know.
@EasterlyIrk IDC?
How should I ask a question about our mod elections on meta? Particularly I'd like to ask if it's possible to have 4 mods elected. Should it be a discussion or feature request? (Or something else?)
CentOS is the worst thing ever. Can't install anything without breaking something else...
@mınxomaτ Someone hasn't used Solaris before, I see
Ugh, Solaris...
@FryAmTheEggman I think the mods have already requested 4 slots for the election.
I value my sanity.
@El'endiaStarman Ah, ok, then is there a place I can support this or something?
Not sure if there is, and even if there were, I think that'd be unnecessary. It's unlikely that SE would decline that request.
There was a little chatter on this a while back.
Oh ok, I think I looked at the page too soon, it had 3 written before under the number of positions
blames caching
3 is the normal number.
Yeah I guess I should've waited > 2 minutes before checking :P
Feb 10 at 22:38, by Alex A.
They typically have 3 mod slots but we can request 4.
@zyabin101 I don't care.
check out codegolf.se if you like reducing baggage code (i'm kidding please don't do anything you see there in production haha) — undergroundmonorail 21 hours ago
hahaha :P
@El'endiaStarman But 4 is the magic.
"i'm back" ---Conor
"no new comics sry"
Also, I'm not the Conor. But I can ping the real @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
You can't rush art.
(Toy Story 2, for anyone who doesn't know.)
I retract my statement about CentOS. I was using an old 6.X release. Everything is OK in 7.
I do not retract my statement about Solaris
@Dennis You use OpenSUSE, right? I have to test a software for OpenSUSE users and the build server has two options: "OpenSUSE 42" and "OpenSUSE 13.2". What do I choose (in terms of the most common OS)?
@mınxomaτ I'm still on 13.2, but 42 has been out for a while. I have no idea how many users have already switched. I'd test it on both.
What's up with that huge jump in version numbers though?
And is 13.2 software generally compatible with 42 or are there major changes (like in package management etc.)?
Apparently, openSUSE Leap the the answer to life, the universe and everything... I haven't tested 42.1 yet, but it should be fairly compatible.
@Dennis For what it's worth, is a valid variable name in PowerShell.
I think most modern languages allow Unicode letters in identifiers.
There really isn't a good reason not to.
Very true.
PowerShell discourages non-ASCII-alphanumeric variable names, but doesn't forbid them.
Interestingly, though, they're case-insensitive. $FOO is the same as $foo
Blitz 2D/3D has case-insensitive variables (including function names), and that has caused bugs for me a few times.
OK, I understand why Batch/CMD is case insensitive. But PowerShell?
Yeah, it's really frustrating.
Thing is, it's not always entirely case insensitive.
Like, escape characters, n for newline and whatnot, must be lowercase.
Interacting with things outside of PowerShell that are commonly accessed via PowerShell, such as ADSI or LDAP, can run into case sensitivity issues.
Does it auto-lowercase or just not care?
How does "How does "How does "How does "Potato time" have 4 stars?" have 2 stars?" have 6 stars?" have 3 stars?
When referencing the property names or whatnot while you're still inside PowerShell works fine, case sensitive or no. As soon as you go to write those properties back to the actual LDAP object, say, you need to make sure you've got your case sensitive property name correct.
Good. Gravy. ... Legal is coming down with a mandate that we attach a 3227-byte disclaimer to our email signatures.
and so it begins...
pls can haz m.buettner 4 mod pls
Q: 2016 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

Grace NoteIn connection with the moderator elections, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the community to pose questions to the candidates on the topic of moderation. Participation is completely voluntary. Here's how it'll work: During the nominati...

Q: 2016 Community Moderator Election

CommunityThe 2016 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, but this depends on how many candidates there are. Please visit the official election page a...

Great, can't we just call for a vote if anyone is against keeping the current set of mods?
@TimmyD it's very human, when you think about it :P
I'm half-considering nominating myself if only to give people a choice other than the current mods. :P
well, I certainly don't know enough about PPCG to vote :)
They should win meaningfully. :P
@El'endiaStarman I'd vote for you. :D
Why, though? My Meta participation isn't much.
@MartinBüttner Is it correct that we can only nominate ourselves, but we cannot nominate other people.
Huh. That must be newish.
@FryAmTheEggman What a fortuitous time to ask. :P
Wooo Caucus badge. :P
> No one has braved the nomination process yet! Check back later.
Bunch o' slackers.
@EasterlyIrk related 1, related 2
@El'endiaStarman I asked because I saw the page was open, and had 3 listed as the number of positions (which was fixed < 5 minutes later :P)
@TimmyD true!
@FryAmTheEggman Oh, lol. I wasn't even aware that it had begun...
I mean I'm psychic and you should obey my every whim. Yes.
Yes master I will start cello lessons now.
@El'endiaStarman Good idea, do that!
Terrible, terrible pun in my code for ArbyChess:
Please help me make this question sound like english: "What your favorite submission of your own?"
Type celloplayer
    Field c.cell
    Field bef.celloplayer, nex.celloplayer ;doubly-linked list
End Type
@flawr I wanna post this in the Q&A question suggestion thread.
Q: Crazy circle Illusion?

PaulCan anyone help me with creating a program in Pascal that would recreate/replicate this illusion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNe6fsaCVtI !(https://i.sstatic.net/rsGXn.gif)

How relevant is that for moderator qualities?
@flawr A couple options: "What submission of your own is your favorite?" or "Which of your submissions is your favorite?"
Oh, It could be quite easy.
@El'endiaStarman IMO the last one sounds the best to me
only 4 mod spots?
Typically there are only 3, but Alex asked for 4.
There will probably be another election in a year or so for an additional mod spot.
so we're probably keeping the current ones then
Well, maybe. Only if the site needs it.
@Maltysen I certainly hope so.
can we not nominate other people?
nope, apparently not
14 mins ago, by Martin Büttner
@LegoStormtroopr I use the fish shell, so I decorate it with an ascii fish tank to make me happy. :) — Phinet 20 hours ago
Oh yeah, I have to write my nomination
I totally didn't forget to do that
Would be a shame if we had doors as moderators but no doorknobs.
@Doorknob Implying anyone else has already written up theirs...
Lots o' badges being given out
wow that's a lot
I have given in, and windows 8 installation is under way on a partition.
It is for a good cause. (installing a nethack variant)
@EasterlyIrk I don't think you've really given in. There's still Win 10...
Well the nomination phase is up
We haven't noticed. :P
@El'endiaStarman true...
@CoolestVeto @SuperJedi224 he is being sarcastic.
That said, you totally should give in. :P
Win10 4 Lyfe
@MartinBüttner honestly you and Dennis could probably nominate with "hey you there, vote for me" and still win by a landslide :P
and ^^^^
@Optimizer yeah
Oh well.
@Doorknob I'd vote for those because best golf.
7 bytes: voteplz
Jelly probably has a builtin for that.
We'll need a new language: VoteJam
@Doorknob But there's a minimum length requirement...
@KevinW. Need a different kind of spread, though.
Or at least something other than "Jam".
Which would, of course, be developed by Büttner.
I can't believe it's not Büttner Butter!
@Dennis One more question. Here it says "add the repo URL with yast". I want to do this from the command line. But zypper ar -f URLHERE complains about the missing .repo and fails.
(for reference, the doc says you can add yast repos with the before mentioned zypper command)
@mınxomaτ You have to specify an alias after the URL. (A repo file would contain the alias.)
Ah, ok. I'll add that to the Mono docs.
@MartinBüttner @Dennis @Doorknob You guys going to run for moderator?

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