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[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] 1 issue comment.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] 21 commits. 170650 additions. 174059 deletions.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 15 commits. 83490 additions. 81735 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 19 commits. 4 opened issues. 1 closed issue. 34 issue comments. 137632 additions. 137171 deletions.
[Zomis/Duga] 3 commits. 2 opened issues. 1 closed issue. 2 issue comments. 120 additions. 8 deletions.
1 hour later…
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit f8ed0933 to refactor: Fix duplicate bean issue
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit b067ff06 to refactor: Make listen task use the general task from duga-core
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit 0e732cd3 to refactor: Add some basic support for reading tasks from configuration file
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit 4e92b65a to refactor: Change default database connection to the hostname used by docker
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit 40921926 to refactor: Move duga-specific configuration from grails-app/conf to src/main/resources
[Zomis/Duga] build for commit 40921926 on refactor: The Travis CI build passed
9 hours later…
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit efa4b27d to develop: Refactor how features are added in GameAI
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit a242c8da to develop: Add statistics for good moves and bad moves to Game21Learn
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] build for commit a242c8da on develop: The Travis CI build passed
> Make the Game AI also learn from the moves that the opponent makes. This is especially important when playing against a better opponent (imagine an AI playing Game21 against an opponent that plays perfectly)
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit 153dc5e6 to develop: Change all classes in core project to use Java instead of Groovy
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] build for commit 153dc5e6 on develop: The Travis CI build passed
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit e51a87a2 to develop: Move classes from src/main/groovy to src/main/java as everything is now Java
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] build for commit e51a87a2 on develop: The Travis CI build passed
1 hour later…
@Phrancis Alrighty :)
Wow @SimonForsberg has been busy today
@DanPantry We'll see how much more I can keep that up.
I am hoping to do some more commits today, but don't know how far that will get me...
Wow, commits
@skiwi Isn't it awesome? You should also try it :)
@SimonForsberg I need some cool stuff to work on
The more I play some MMORPGs the more I ideas I get around them
Excepting implementing your own MMORPG is definitely out of the question
May be fun to have smart mobs though and/or mobs that work with some kind of DNA so that you can create random ones and have them evolve
@skiwi Then stop playing them so that you stop get the ideas :)
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit dd0b9a67 to develop: Change WIP ProgrammersCommentTest to Java
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit 9c74cf3d to develop: Add the possibility to pass object represented to LearningData, for better toString
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit 6518b433 to develop: Make LogisticRegression class public
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit b4d2cb65 to develop: Add PrecisionRecallF1 class
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit 69cd2445 to develop: Add TextFeatureMapper, hardcoded for Duga's Programmer-comments features
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit 25100265 to develop: Add NO-OP TextFeatureBuilder
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit 5d6a279a to develop: Add LearningDataSet class
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit 1ce9b186 to develop: Add ProgrammersCommentTest
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] build for commit 1ce9b186 on develop: The Travis CI build failed
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit ca23d217 to develop: Fix invalid import
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] build for commit ca23d217 on develop: The Travis CI build passed
Hi @DJanssens
°/ @SimonForsberg I thought this chat was only for cardshifter :)
That time is... long gone ;)
@SimonForsberg You got to help me out though, should I pull the entire repo: github.com/Zomis/Machine-Learning and go for the master branch? Never really used the concept of branches, since I was the only developer in previous git-based repos.
@DJanssens I think you just close the repo. Later, you can use git to change which branch you are working on.
@DJanssens Clone the repo and do git checkout develop
I'm normally the only one in my repos as well, but I use branches anyway :)
@skiwi Did it even existed at any point?
@DJanssens The room name maybe isn't the best, but it keeps people out :P
Hmm, git clone [email protected]:Zomis/Machine-Learning.git returns Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
seems I need to set an ssh key, didn't had to do that on bitbucket though
git clone https://github.com/Zomis/Machine-Learning.git
@SimonForsberg Maybe at the start?
ty @enderland, weird.
Something totally unrelated and off-topic, any chance someone got some feedback on the layout of my new blog: fizzbuzz.me (still needs content though haha)
@DJanssens the little tags on the left are awkward since visually we normally want to read a more cohesive column of information going down
color theme for title vs other text makes it harder to visually see the title
daan.codes// has a weird shadow that makes it hard to read
The tags you mentioned correspond to the dates? It looked pretty decent to me, since it allowed me to easily distinguish between blog posts. But perhaps that's just me then.
The shadow I agree. Have to find something better for that :)
And what would you suggest related to the color theme for the title @enderland?
@DJanssens make the titles different from everything else. when you look at the homepage you can't easily see the titles
@enderland Ever heard of `backticks` ?
git clone https://github.com/Zomis/Machine-Learning.git
@DJanssens we generally read the vertical left column first, when skimming a page, but the dates don't really give any useful content
@SimonForsberg whatever could you mean!
@DJanssens when you clone with SSH you need to set a key, but both Github and Bitbucket also support HTTPS
@SimonForsberg I managed to clone the repo! :)
@DJanssens Yay! Now git checkout develop
If you are using Windows or Mac OS X, I recommend using Sourcetree
@enderland the titles were by default orange, but I found that it did not blend in the whole scheme. I intentionally made it blue so the color scheme was simple.
@SimonForsberg interesting, I've been using the cli up till now. But some visual aspect might be helpful! :)
Shouldn't I've forked the repo btw @SimonForsberg?
@DJanssens If you intend on doing any pull request (which I hope you will be doing ;) ), then a fork would be handy
Then I guess I have to clone that repository instead of yours, right @SimonForsberg? If I currently make changes to the one I cloned from yours, can I push those changes directly to your repo?
I don't think you have to clone it again. You can add your own repo using git remote add fork "..." or something like that.
You just have to specify which remote repo you are working with when committing/pushing/pulling/etc.
@DJanssens I will need to give you access to it for that to happen.
You can change your existing remote url by doing git remote set-url origin https://.....
or do git add remote mylocalname remote/stuff
and then when you push, do: git push mylocalname mybranchname or if your name of your branch is different, git push mylocalname remotebranchname:mybranchname
Oh look, @enderland learned how to use backticks!
and add the -u flag to git push to not have to specify the branch name every time
@SimonForsberg har har har :P I normally use the "fixed font" when pasting significant code in here
@SimonForsberg I'd rather specify explicitly, to make sure I know what branch I'm pushing to and such
which is why I always use the same local branch name as remote branch name
and the simple config for that git config --global thingy
@SimonForsberg Which part of the ML project relates to Duga atm?
@DJanssens Everything related to text classification. Look for class names with "Text" in them.
Or well, @Duga doesn't use any of the ML stuff yet. But she will use the text-stuff later on
Trying to figure out the structure of the project :) Like how do you run it? The MachineLearning.java file which seems to be the main entry point is specifically for the NN part, no?
Since you said you already calculated the F1 score related to Duga
@DJanssens The structure is a bit of a mess because I have many different things that I want to work on. Some parts are Neural Networks and Image Recognition (primarily related to Minesweeper and Binarypuzzle/Binero) and some parts are about making a somewhat generic GameAI, and now there's the text stuff :)
look for ProgrammersCommentTest among the tests
Even though I have put things in test, most of it aren't really tests but rather examples or use-cases.
I see, btw @SimonForsberg I don't want to disturb you from your work/programming with my questions. So if you want I can stop asking things, just say so ;)
I'm just glad someone is interested in my project :) Just ask me any questions you want and I will answer whenever I can.
Seems I'm missing some files to run the tests. I noticed I'll need java 8, right?
@DJanssens Yes, I am using Java 8 mostly. Additionally, I hope your IDE supports Gradle
What IDE are you using? I would recommend IntelliJ
Just downloaded the gradle plugin on eclipse and managed to import the project :)
seems lambda expressions require java 8. Let's upgrade!
> To detect possible bias and variance, make use of learning curves for the training set and cross-validation set.
@DJanssens You won't regret it :)
Feel free to add Eclipse-stuff to .gitignore btw
2 hours later…
@DJanssens layout looks pretty good to me. Only thing that is odd is the URL is fizzbuzz.me but the header of the blog says DAAN.CODES so it's a bit odd
1 hour later…
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit 5510b43a to develop: Add stream method for LearningDataSet
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit f3bf9ec9 to develop: Add getForData and getOutputBoolean methods in LearningData
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] Zomis pushed commit c09dacaa to develop: Update ProgrammersCommentTest to use more iterations and show false negatives
[Zomis/Machine-Learning] build for commit c09dacaa on develop: The Travis CI build passed
2 hours later…
@Phrancis hey! °/ :) Ty. Yes I'm trying to find a better URL. Sadly daan.codes is already taken. Would've been so cool.
@SimonForsberg I'm getting an error with import net.zomis.machlearn.images.MyGroovyUtils;
I believe since its the groovy related part.
You're using Eclipse?
Does it require something? Sicne it says cannot be resolved
Hmm, can't help much then, using IntelliJ myself
You need to import all dependencies osmehow
I expected gradle to handle that, no? Perhaps I needed to install groovy or something?
Not sure
Did you run any command yet?
Such as gradle build (or might also be gradlew build)
Inside your project directory
Not sure if this would help but stackoverflow.com/questions/17593352/…
1 hour later…
Hey @Phrancis!
How're you doing?
Pretty well, no longer sick (yay!) yourself?
I'm well, thanks. Glad you're not sick anymore!
°/ @SirPython
Hey @DJanssens!
How're you doing?
Fine. Should be looking for a job, instead I'm filling my day with learning Javascript, trying to build simon's project and refreshing some Java.
What are you learning with JavaScript?
Uhm, the basics I guess
Found a nice series of books that goes quite in depth.
Oh, that's good!
200_success vs. rolfl: 10364 diff. Year: +3528. Quarter: +3528. Month: +1987. Week: -10. Day: -10.
200_success vs. janos: 19738 diff. Year: +2968. Quarter: +2968. Month: +1128. Week: -85. Day: -85.
Mat's Mug vs. Simon Forsberg: 3967 diff. Year: +681. Quarter: +681. Month: +681. Week: -19. Day: -19.
Loki Astari vs. Simon Forsberg: 2835 diff. Year: +169. Quarter: +169. Month: +274. Week: +121. Day: +121.
@SirPython Do you work in the programming sector? I can't put an age on you, since your picture doesn't say much ;)
Sorry, I don't feel comfortable sharing that. I'm an anonymous snake. :)
Fair enough, I didn't want to intrude your privacy ;)
Thanks for understanding.
What are you up to @SirPython?
I'm practicing my React/Redux skills here so I can start converting Cardshifter to use them.
Also, that Machine Learning course starts back up tomorrow so I'm reviewing the content for that.
Are you having any trouble building Simon's project? I may be able to help a bit (but it may not be much)

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