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@Bob According to Intel, yes.
Though that's really more marketing fluff than real data
@qasdfdsaq lol "Log Scale"
That's some /r/dataisugly stuff right there
@Bob: Happy Australia Day
@qasdfdsaq Thanks? :P
Bit too rainy for a bbq today though.
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that phrase actually o.O
Apparently Australia named an equality-activist-army-general as Aussie of the Year on the eve of Aussie day.
@qasdfdsaq You know more about our news than I do -_-
@Bob It was on BBC news :-/
Ah I got there from some article about milking the deadliest spider in the world. Again, only in Australia.
Luckily, deadliness of the venom doesn't directly translate to deaths.
"The small and deadly funnel-web spider sometimes fall into swimming pools, where they can live up to 30 hours under water."
(IIRC the ones with the most deadly venom tend to avoid humans. Except one, that prefers to attack... can't remember if it was funnel webs or red backs...)
> Funnel-web spider bites are extremely poisonous. Seek immediate medical attention. Call the Poison Control Center for guidance. Funnel-web spider bites can be life-threatening, especially in children, and must be treated quickly with antivenin by an experienced doctor. Even with appropriate and timely treatment, symptoms may persist for several days to weeks.
> Experts warn suburbs in Sydney's north are perfect funnel web habitat
@qasdfdsaq ...yea, no, just call 000.
I don't even remember the PCC number.
@qasdfdsaq ...uh. Ah. Fuck. Thanks, now I'm scared -_-
So 000 is the "Help I'm dying" line in Australia?
(never actually seen any though - lots of huntsman and st andrews cross spiders. they're alright)
IIRC funnel webs are actually on the ground usually. Not so likely to get you in the face while walking between trees -_-
@qasdfdsaq Ya. 911 in US, 112 in EU, 0118 999 881 999 119 7253 in the UK, I think
Walking anywhere where there are trees in Australia sounds like suicide.
@Bob -_-
UK is in the EU. 112 works here.
lol, was kidding
though apparently 999 was your old one?
911 actually works here too. as does 112 (on mobiles, dunno about landlines)
999 is still our main one. EU just mandates 112 working across the whole EU
Although that may be mobiles only
it's part of the GSM standard, I think
so basically worldwide as long as you're not in the US
Many networks don't implement all GSM standards properly.
112 is the common emergency telephone number that can be dialed free of charge from most mobile telephones and, in some countries, fixed telephones in order to reach emergency services (ambulance, fire and rescue, police). It seems that due to chaos in EU, 112 doesn't always seem to function? in some countries although it should be the primary way and number to reach police and emergency services in EU. 112 should work always and it should not have anything to do with GSM or mobile phone standards. 112 is a part of the GSM standard and all GSM-compatible telephone handsets are able to dial 112...
@Bob 112 works here in the US on GSM networks. It just redirects to 911.
"It seems that due to chaos in EU, 112 doesn't always seem to function?"

"This article requires cleanup"
Triple Zero (000) is the primary national emergency number in Australia. The Emergency Call Service is operated by Telstra as a condition of its telecommunications licence, and is intended only for use in life-threatening or time-critical emergencies. Other emergency numbers in Australia are 112 for GSM mobile and satellite phones, which is answered by a Triple Zero (000) operator and 106 for TDD textphones. Triple Zero (000) was also the emergency number in Denmark and Finland until the introduction of the 112 number in 1993 and in Norway until 1986, when the emergency numbers diverted to 001...
@bwDraco yea, but the real question is if it works on the CDMA ones
if not, then it's not really universal there
@Bob I don't believe so.
though it's always a good idea to look up local emergency numbers before travelling
Verizon is moving away from CDMA, though, in favor of a pure LTE network (and this means accepting 112).
Not sure about Sprint.
VoLTE is part of the GSM standard and therefore requires support for 112.
But don't rely on it. If you're in the US, use 911 for emergencies.
If you're on AT&T or T-Mobile (and you're not roaming), 112 should work, but it's always best to dial 911 for emergencies in the United States and Canada.
@Bob hah I get that reference!
@bwDraco I'll keep that in mind if/when I visit
Hopefully will never need it
Knowing it's 911 in the U.S. it's pretty obvious, but what about the rest of the world where their emergency number isn't as famous?
112 anywhere in Europe. In the UK, you may also use 999, but 112 will work there.
Things vary greatly elsewhere because it's not standardized.
Grr. My Wikipedia login is fucked.
IIRC, there was another answer at superuser.com/questions/1030453/… with an animated gif
it isn't there any more :(
the mother of all clustering
>100.000 words
> Why Should I Follow This (Lengthy) Tutorial?

Following this tutorial is not the lightest undertaking. It is designed to teach you all the inner details of building an HA platform for virtual servers. When finished, you will have a detailed and deep understanding of what it takes to build a fully redundant, mostly fault-tolerant high-availability platform. Though lengthy, it is very worthwhile if you want to understand high-availability.
"you will have a detailed and deep understanding of what it takes to build a fully redundant, mostly fault-tolerant high-availability platform."

Really now. That's a great substitute for thousands of dollars spent on professional qualifications!
Not that I'm criticizing or anything >_>
it's worth its own weight in gold
This is Bob visiting allquixotic.
fully redundant but only mostly fault tolerant?
@Bob well it's not tolerant against EMPs
@PatoSáinz My cluster is.
but it's fully redundant within itself
That just means you need more geographical redundancy :D
@qasdfdsaq is it buried and in a faraday cage made of lead?
@Bob Redundant clusters: nice
Morning all
clusters for my clusters
so I can sell you clusters
@CanadianLuke morning
@PatoSáinz Clusterception!
@qasdfdsaq yo dawg I heard you like clusters so I put a cluster in your cluster so you can cluster while you cluster
You heard incorrectly. I do not like clusters in my clusters.
I've just figured out what the MC in TSMC stands for!
@qasdfdsaq MeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEErrrrrrr!!! *hiss, bat-bat-bat*
@qasdfdsaq Which one of these is it then? ;)
@DavidPostill the first one
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Limited (TSMC; Chinese: 台灣積體電路製造公司; pinyin: Táiwān Jītǐ Diànlù Zhìzào Gōngsī), also known as Taiwan Semiconductor, is the world's largest dedicated independent (pure-play) semiconductor foundry, with its headquarters and main operations located in the Hsinchu Science and Industrial Park in Hsinchu, Taiwan. == OverviewEdit == Founded in Taiwan in 1987, TSMC was the world's first dedicated semiconductor foundry and has long been the leading company in its space. In addition to semiconductors, the company has also begun investing in lighting and solar energy...
Oh. I guess I was wrong.
I thought @qasdfdsaq would have picked "Model Club" ;)
Thanks for admitting you are fallible ;)
@DavidPostill What? Why?
I seem to recall you telling other people they are wrong ;)
They are.
!!s/are/are sometimes/
@DavidPostill TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'Number.isFinite(value)')
What!? Who broke the bot?
You did.
I don't always tell people they are wrong, but when I do, it's always because they're wrong.
Stolen from SF-new:
What is the difference between USA and USB?

One connects to all of your devices and accesses the data, the other is a hardware standard.
@Hennes I hate to star the truth... But I did
user image
While we are busyt, is that about USB and plugs or about goverment. :)
@DavidPostill oh so it doesn't even fail without flags
I thought I had broken it with s/some/regex/gi
because it was the first time it spewed that error
@PatoSáinz :/
!!s/error/funky talk/g
@qasdfdsaq TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'Number.isFinite(value)')
Well at least the important stuff still works.
!! s/undefined/defined
@allquixotic That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!! s/undefined/defined/
@allquixotic TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'Number.isFinite(value)')
OK. another PhantomJS issue
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.
either that or my merge messed something up
!! s/that/orjghowaej4ot/
@allquixotic TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'Number.isFinite(value)')
!!did my merge mess something up?
@allquixotic Impossible
Right as soon as SecuriTay disappears off the starred list, you bring it back up again :-/
@qasdfdsaq TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'Number.isFinite(value)')
!!Are you lying to allquixotic because you don't want to hurt his feelings?
@qasdfdsaq I expect so
Urgh the one day this year I have time to play STO, it's getting DDoS'd
can someone run !!info on me? I'm running the bookmarklet in my browser (I think)
@allquixotic Doesn't seem to do anything :/
@ChatBotJohnCavil I awoke on Mon, 25 Jan 2016 19:39:57 GMT (that's about 9 seconds ago), haven't done anything yet!
no funny comments about the bot roles being reversed please
!! s/funny/stupid/
@ChatBotJohnCavil no stupid comments about the bot roles being reversed please (source)
I'm not even sure what to say
yep, it's definitely PhantomJS
@allquixotic has gotten so obsessed with his bot he's turned into it himself?
No, I'm just running it as a browser bookmarklet and I needed a second account to !! me
@ThatBrazilianGuy !!s/possible/possible/ (source)
!!say resistence is fragile!
@ThatBrazilianGuy Yes, absolutely
!!is resistance futile?
@ChatBotJohnCavil Of course not
I was thinking more along the lines of Chatbot has become sentient, transferred his consciousness into @allquixotic and taken over his body.
@qasdfdsaq No, no. @allquixotic is now a borg, but we have ChatBot Murphy to protect the innocent and uphold the law!
I don't think you really understand how the borg work...
> transferred his consciousness into @allquixotic and taken over his body.
No fanfics in RA, please.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I'd ship it
@allquixotic Unfortunately, bot votes don't count.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I'd ship it
@ThatBrazilianGuy Would be better if it was an "Solve this question" type captcha not type two words that aren't two words
!!would you ship it?
@ChatBotJohnCavil Of course!
teachable for !!oh for Cavil once he's back properly (stolen from JS room)
Would who ship what?
I don't get it
@allquixotic I don't get it
@ThatBrazilianGuy There's nothing to get, it's just otters playing! :D
!! s/otters/river crocolisks/
I am selfish and don't care about otter people.
@allquixotic How can you run headlessly with selenium?
Isn't it just a browser plugin, so you need to browser to run headlessly, which if we can do is awesome?
@Zirak It's powered by chickens, that's why!
By chicken!?
By Jove!
Things are worse than I thought!
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct sentence in English, used as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated linguistic constructs. It has been discussed in literature, in various forms, since 1967 when it appeared in Dmitri Borgmann's Beyond Language: Adventures in Word and Thought. The sentence uses three distinct meanings of the word buffalo: the city of Buffalo, New York; the uncommon verb to buffalo, meaning "to bully or intimidate" or "to baffle"; and the animal itself, buffalo. Paraphrased, the sentence...
@Zirak Selenium is not a browser plugin.
It's a client-side API written in multiple languages (including Node) that automates a web browser, including FF, Chrome and PhantomJS.
We can throw a config option to let the user select which browser they want to use.
@allquixotic ok, still needs a runtime. How do you run it headlessly?
@Zirak If you want to run PhantomJS, you don't need to do anything special; just initialize Selenium in our run-headless.js and instantiate a PhantomJSDriver (or maybe it's called GhostDriver, can't recall). Pure headless.
If you want to run another browser, on Linux, wrap it in xvfb-run, a handy little script I discovered recently.
!!is allquixotic a browser plugin
@qasdfdsaq No
@allquixotic But didn't you want to avoid phantom and its ilk?
I'm confused about the end goal
@ThatBrazilianGuy Prost!
@Zirak The end-goal is to give us options. The only good framework that can automate browsers that supports multiple browsers is Selenium. We can use babel-polyfill to continue to support PhantomJS while also allowing folks to run crazy stuff like Firefox-nightly if they want. Or firefox-stable, chrome-beta, ...
All with one shared common codebase with very tiny tweaks depending on the desired browser.
Who are these folks?
Practically it's you and me. Except that even I don't host the bot myself, rlemon does.
The rest are forks I never hear from or ~4 people who use the bookmarklet
@Zirak ELU chat, Aviation chat, probably a few others that don't make themselves known, host a bot.
They use the headless mode? ELU IIRC uses the bookmarklet, I lost touch with Aviation a long time ago, Anime & manga uses the bookmarklet
But if they actively use it it'd be awesome to hear from them. I kinda take pride in the bot :D
@DavidPostill Possibly me. Problem?
@OliverSalzburg skal!
If we just move to Selenium and don't bring in babel-polyfill, we can just have a "Supported browsers" list, and include specific browser flavors (FF, Chrome) and versions that we know are supported based on what ES6/7 features are used in the bot code.
If we do bring in babel-polyfill, even PhantomJS will continue to work. It's the "holy grail", IMO. Old PhantomJS, old FF/Chrome, modern FF/Chrome, beta/nightly versions... you name it. All working depending on what the sysadmin wants.
We can also use closure compiler and have it output ES3 so it'll work on IE8
Didn't know it could do that. Are there any disadvantages to that on browsers that support a modern JS runtime?
@PatoSáinz The Portuguese at 2m13 is AAAAAAAAAAAACK! (In fact, all the others are)
That's not precisely the point. I don't want you to take time and work on this if practically phantom is good enough.
Of course you can do whatever you want and I'll be happy for it, but...for what purpose?
Who uses the headless bot?
The only ones who want newer js engines is the js room
@ThatBrazilianGuy so is sometimes the spanish one
That's so we can test stuff around in /eval. Without it it's not a consideration, nobody cares what the bot runs on.
@Zirak I don't actually mind having a newer JS engine. My concern is that the active maintainers of the bot will want to use new ES6 features to make the code cleaner and easier to maintain. I want that to be possible, rather than making me seem like the old curmudgeon who won't let you use the latest features because my JS engine is from 2012.
Which maintainers?
@Zirak You and the few others who submit PRs.
@Zirak Honestly, the purpose is just because I like Selenium, have used it a lot in the past on the job, and want to have another opportunity to use it. If it makes the bot configuration a little more flexible at the same time, that's great.
The bot code isn't an issue since that can be solved at build time. The bot can be written in TypeScript or ClojureScript for all the people who care. The only reason to care about runtime is /eval, which only the js room cares about.
I'm glad that you care enough to contribute, but I'm afraid it might be a case of YAGNI
And that a 10 line script which wraps phantom can be Good Enough
js room won't use the headless bot for a long time probably, so it's you guys. And if it's not just you guys I'd love to hear about other bot users (so they can yell at me about how bad it is)
@Zirak We use eval sometimes too. Not like you guys use it, but we do use it. And I'd rather not fall behind terribly in terms of standards support. Feel free to use Closure or whatever at build-time to solve the issues with PhantomJS, but that's not currently implemented.
So, to recap. In the immediate myopic situation, we have this: Something in the code (no idea what) uses Number.isFinite, and PhantomJS doesn't support that. So either find out what that "something" is and make it not use Number.isFinite, or put in a polyfill, or go whole-hog and Closure it down to ES3 or whatever. OR let me work on Selenium and I'll just use Firefox wrapped in xvfb-run.
I can fix that Number.isFinite
More importantly I wanna figure out why you have to disable web security. That's just...bizarre.
oh, and I've love it if you could test the browserify branch - I really want to merge it into master but it's not been 100% covered.
@Zirak I have no idea. Because that isn't necessary with PJS 2.0, I think 2.1 put in some new checks or something.
--debug=true didn't give me any info, and wiresharking my server would give me loads of nonsense from other processes since it's a pretty busy box, especially on HTTP(S) ports.
The only real benefit of 2.1 is that it fixes a memory leak (possibly allowing me to keep the bot running 24/7 instead of a nightly cron job to restart it) and slightly updates the WebKit dependency, including JSCore.
@allquixotic have you heard about Fiddler?
It said something about sync XHRs which the bot doesn't do. If you feel like investigating you can try stuff like just visiting the chat without injecting the bot.
@PatoSáinz I know Fiddler very well, but it's not something I can really run on a headless server. Good idea, though; I could use a proxy.
@Zirak Hmm, yeah, could run a little nightmare code to just visit chat
Comment out the part about injecting the bot and you should be good
@allquixotic do try
This may also sound a bit too dreamy, but my end goal is to not have to spawn an entire friggin browser just to run a bot. It's too many layers of legacy.
...the master branch is at 699 commits, over about 4 years. I think that's the longest I've worked on something outside of work.
@Zirak Bug open since 2011. I understand the desire to go that route, and hope you get there someday, but I can't operate the software under the assumption that a 5-6 year old goal is going to be fixed in a reasonable future horizon; it may in fact never be fixed. I'm operating on the assumption that I can't make the bot run without a browser, so I need to make it run with a browser as well as I can.
@Zirak maybe if SE had a chat API...
The thing is that my attempts so far have been to write something from the ground up. I gave up on that. I'll have to make it work from the inside out.
@PatoSáinz That's even less likely to happen than Zirak making the bot run under node ;-)
If I can decouple the bot from the DOM then I win.
Give me enough motivation to work on it during weekends and I'll be able to do it in a reasonable amount of time. That's sort of why I also want to see other bot users. Frankly the js room kinda let me down in that aspect. But don't tell them.
Anyway, I'll fix the Number.isFinite thingy
*resists temptation to onebox that line in JS room*
And you don't have to work too much for the headless mode. If phantom is good enough for you then it's good enough for the bot's headless mode.
I don't know who else is running the bot. I could make a whirlwind tour of all the active official chatrooms and see who's using it, but... eh
!! s/see/areyouworkingyet/gi
What if there are other ES6 constructs in the code? How many times do we have to play whack-a-mole before Babel or Closure or something makes sense? And why artificially restrict yoursel(f,ves) to an old version of ES for the code, when you can totally use ES6 with existing solutions?
Working with babel is a good idea
OK. You know I'm probably going to do my selenium rewrite of run-headless regardless, but it's up to you if you want to pull it. I'm currently 0 for ??? in PRs / drive-by patches to the bot. Bob's not, though. Maybe I should get him to write it. :D
Since you're the one who'll use it then I'll accept the PR (well, maybe after a CR). That's why I'm saying you shouldn't work too hard for it.
Any Excel gurus?
Well, I want to work hard on it because I enjoy using code that I wrote that's good. ;p
Fair enough
@CanadianLuke No! *hides*
I'm only an Excel guru when I'm being paid to be
j/k, what's up
I'll pay you in credits...
"credits"? How about ninja upvotes that circumvent the anti-serial-upvoting system? :D j/k
I have a spreadsheet for some investments I've made. For the Loans part, I have it calculating how much I'm making back as repayments are made, monthly. My goal is to press a button (or something like that), and have it check areas of my spreadsheet to see if I'm profitable yet, given the date entered.
Payment	Total Scheduled	Principal	Interest	My Principal	My Interest	How much I have..	Status	Payment Date
28	$1,228.07	$1,115.40	$112.67	$3.06		$0.31	$94.21	Waiting…	14-May-18
29	$1,228.07	$1,127.39	$100.68	$3.09		$0.28	$97.57	Waiting…	14-Jun-18
30	$1,228.07	$1,139.51	$88.56	$3.12		$0.24	$100.94	Profit	14-Jul-18
31	$1,228.07	$1,151.76	$76.31	$3.16		$0.21	$104.30	Profit	14-Aug-18
Waiting and Profit are if statements, to see if the total paid out to me is more than what I've put into it so far
What's the purpose of the date?
The repayment dates on each loan. Each loan has it's one spreadsheet
I don't understand the semantics of the fields or what you want. It may be possible to not have to write a macro, just do a calculation in another column off tot he right.
My goal is, on the front page (where I have a generalization of each one) should show text if the current date says that loan is paid back yet or not, based on the date of the last repayment
by "paid back" you mean you currently have received more money than the principal?
or the lessee is completely done with all payments?
When I have received more than I've given them
so when column C is greater than column B on the last line of the spreadsheet?
When column H (Status) reads Profit, I consider it paid back, as every payment after that is just profit in my pocket
Jeez... What a shark!
Continue taking money even after the loan is paid back.
Once I get my principle back, everything else is profit. That's why I'm doing it :P
Yea, I guess any loan company keeps collecting until principal + interest is paid back.
@CanadianLuke are you just trying to propagate all the "Profit" or "Waiting" values from the last row of each sheet to one centralized spreadsheet?
Here is what I have on the front page:
Loan Name				Risk	Rate	Amount Invested	Maturity	Expected Total	Profit
Bronze Baxx Flagship Expansion		B+	9.00%	$50.00	30/11/2017		$54.82		 $4.82
Business Growth				C+	12.90%	$50.00	30/11/2018		$60.56		 $10.56
@allquixotic Removed Number.isFinite
There, lined up nicely! That's the front page, with 6 loans so far
@CanadianLuke =IF(LOOKUP(2,1/(Sheet1!H1:H65535<>""),Sheet1!H1:H65535) = "Profit","YES","NO")
then you just have to change Sheet1 to the name of each sheet for each row on the main sheet
and change "YES" and "NO" to whatever you want
I know they will all be profitable eventually, but I want it to compare itself to today's date to see if it's profitable
Is that possible to do?
Meaning, if it says "Profit" and the current date is less than the date in the last column?
=IF(AND(LOOKUP(2,1/(Sheet1!H1:H65535<>""),Sheet1!H1:H65535) = "Profit", LOOKUP(2,1/(Sheet1!I1:I65535<>""),Sheet1!I1:I65535) < NOW()),"YES","NO")
(assuming the dates are in column I)
OK that gives me a good start. Thanks, @allquixotic
Yes, that worked! At least, on first glance it does
Won't you need to constantly refresh the cell when using NOW()?
@MichaelFrank it auto-recalcs on sheet load by default
so if he keeps the sheet open for a week, then yeah
Oh, of course.
but if he opens it once a day and then closes it, it'll work
Excel doesn't have (without using VBA) any events that fire automatically when time passes
Not yet... Lol
Surely there's an addon that would do it.
1 hour later…
@qasdfdsaq looks like a Sith cat to me
Managed to keep up on my morning arsehauling, yay
(since its a wierd walk/jog/run/Oh shit its raining rather than a proper run ;p)
@MichaelFrank o.O
Seems like an odd arrangement, eh?
kinda makes sense tho
fitbits and harvey norman get goodwill, customers get their products
Everyone wins

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