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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@Man_From_India Well, mull it over and ping me when you've pinned down the gap in your understanding! I may after all be wrong; Profs. Pullum and Huddleston know a lot more about this stuff than I do.
@CopperKettle That sounds a bit like a tiny house!
I think whether works a bit like that.
> They know that [a clause].
> They know whether [a clause] or not.
@CopperKettle I think this is what the Brits call a 'bed-sitter'. They're typically large older homes which have been subdivided into apartments; in the US we call the buildings 'rooming houses' and we 'room' or 'take rooms' in them.
Ah, it looks like mine was similar to a studio apartment (according to that page).
(Which is the same thing as "efficiency apartment"! -- I just followed the link.)
Bingo. The US also has 'SROs', but I've never lived in one of those.
@StoneyB Nice. A counterpart to Russia's "obshezhitie" (common-living-house)
> The carbon atom and (the) oxygen atom then bond in much the same way as the two carbons do in ethene.
I wonder if the inclusion of the second the would affect the meaning.
@CopperKettle Is that different from this?
@StoneyB Yes, because a communal apartment is kind of jury-rigged, while "obshezhitie" is built exactly with this manner of living in mind. Communal living, with amenities down the corridor.
This is just coming in:
@DamkerngT. Yes, this is exactly what I want to ask. — Zachary Wang 2 mins ago
Which refers back to my comment:
Based on the recent edit by the OP, I think I can understand the OP, but don't know how to explain this. I think in BrE, sit and set sound not as close to each other as in AmE. (It's quite easy for me to (mis)hear AmE Git as get.) — Damkerng T. 2 days ago
(I still have no good idea how to help the OP.)
@StoneyB It was a Soviet idea, to rid people of having to cook themselves etc. Pilot houses targeted the elite layers of population, like our city's 1930's KGB House
Городок чекистов в Екатеринбурге — комплекс зданий в стиле конструктивизма, построенный в 1929—1936 годах в квартале улиц Ленина — Луначарского — Первомайская — Кузнечная. Состоит из 14 корпусов. В пятиэтажных жилых корпусах № 2-8 (построенных в 1932), восьмиэтажных 13 и 14 (1936) расположены 444 квартиры, нумерация сплошная для всего комплекса. В первом подъезде корпуса № 2 квартиры элитные, с огромными площадями (3-комнатные — 97 кв.м и 4-комнатные 114 кв.м). Корпус 1 — одиннадцатиэтажная гостиница «Исеть» (1933, до войны была общежитием гостиничного типа для молодежи и малосемейных). Корпус…
It had no individual kitchens, there was a large cafeteria instead.
And a kindergarten inside the house, etc.
There is a very nice museum there now.
Looks quite nice!
Showcasing ancient artefacts.
@DamkerngT. Well, it was built for Stalin's special service. (0: Were were barracks all around the city when it was built. It seemed quite fantastic in the 1930s.
That explains it! :D
My grandma's family lived in a wooden barrack into 1950s, in a single room (4 persons)
@DamkerngT. It seemed like those futuristic houses in the Oblivion. (0:
Ah, I can imagine how crowd it could be, because sometimes there were 10-15 people in my room! Though it wasn't like that every day.
(Iirc, when it got to 12, somebody had to stand, or else they had to lie down over someone else.)
@DamkerngT. You had a large family! (0:
@CopperKettle I guess the nearest equivalent in the US would be the old residential hotels.
@CopperKettle Oh, it wasn't like that. It was back in my bachelor days. :D
@DamkerngT. I see. (0:
"Face-me-i-face-you" or "Face-to-face" is an informal term for type of residential real estate in Nigeria, where a group of one or two-room apartments have their entrances facing each other along a walkway, which leads to the main entrance of the building which consists the apartments. "Face-me-i-face-you" apartment buildings are a very common architectural style in major urban settlements in Nigeria; the flats are low rent and are commonly used by the low income Nigerian residents because of their affordability. In this type of architecture, the toilet(s), bathroom(s) and kitchen space are usually...
An interesting name!
@StoneyB I think that sentence is fine. I gave it a thought for some time, and considered other sentences using whether. It now make more sense. Thank you for your help.
Eh, MFI is here?
Welcome back @Man
Hi @Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ.
How r u?
Winter is there in ur country?
I've been solving maths and math and mathz for quite some time now.
@Man_From_India Yeah, I caged it right here.
During the last year of my college I lost interest in maths, and started to grow interest in literature and language :-) I never was/am a literature student, but I had to deal with maths and physics throughout my college life and later during career.
So calculate 13.56×32/27 in less than ten seconds and tell me the result.
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. haha, dude Winter must have watched Stallone's Escape Plan, and stealthily escaped in India.
@Man_From_India That's a fake winter. We do not want people to riot, demanding to see winter.
Throughout December I was missing my fear of getting bathed every morning. But now I am afraid, now that the real winter is here.
Afraid of what?
Getting bathed every morning? O_O
Or @JimR
Oh i forgot his being a man eater :P
@Man_From_India What part of India do you live in? Does it get very cold/wet/unpleasant in winter?
Eastern India now, During December and January it's cold...generally it's 11 to 15 degree C.
Haha, that's how it was here through this summer.
@StoneyB I imagine for some people it always gets cold and unpleasant in the winter, no matter where they live.
@Man_From_India You call that cold?!
But this year it's very different. Only now, may be for last two to three days it's cold.
I know I know
For instance I caught a cold the other day when I was visiting sun. O_O
@Man_From_India On another note, 30 degrees Celsius is really hot for me. :P
I wonder what's the lowest temperature a robot can withstand.
But here round the year you get 40+ temperature, so compared to that it's cold. We are not accoustomed to that much drop in temperature :-)
Hey @Dam can you withstand -200 degrees?
I wish I could visit Russia.
I wish Russia could visit me.
I'd hate to live in India's searing heat. (0:
@Man_From_India Lemme translate that into Murrican ... 52°-61°F. That would be late March where I live!
In India, I would visit some mountain areas. (0:
I got a chance to work for some years in US, in cali region. Last year I got that chance, but I had to reject that offer to stay back to my aged parents
Yeah, heat is too hot to handle.
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. I'm afraid not.
@DamkerngT. That's sad.
@CopperKettle not surprising, even we do
It's about 20.5c now, and I think it's very cold. :P
Oh. @Dam is designed for high temperatures.
He prolly can withstand 4000 degrees without melting.
nods -- Silicon chips usually work better at higher temperatures. :-)
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. Prolly. I haven't tried yet, though!
@DamkerngT. Is it? :O what about chances of electromigration? hehe
@Man_From_India I'm not sure. I haven't worked that out either. You know, it's rather cold for me now. :D
Efficiency dropped to 75%
too much heat is not good for either a human or a man :-)
or homo sapiens (0:
Wait, you meant a humanoid robot, perhaps. :D
I mean a robot
yes :-)
So . . . that must mean @Dam's math is terrible right now.
Come to think of it, I wonder if Amazon Prime Air's drones can fly in the rain.
We can DDoS him with some calculations. >:)
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. Quite so. Please try not to test me now. :D
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. Oh, no! :D
@DamkerngT. 1+1=?
time for dinner...see u later....
Good night...morning for some ;-)
See Uranium later
@Man_From_India Enjoy!
See you, @Man! Bon appetit!
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. ... -- What would you like it to be? (<-- actually wasn't able to solve the equation)
Oh I am Uranium ...hahaha
@Man_From_India Good night!
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. 11
@Man_From_India That is correct!
My apatite increased in winter...:-D
@Man_From_India Sorry, it seems that your computer may have made automatic queries. To protect out users, we can't let you pass. That's all we know.
@Man_From_India The bear in you is at work. :P
@StoneyB somewhere I read that new episodes of Friends is being written by computer programs.
Whose friends? Are they officially cloning humans now?
i don't like it...though the technical side of me is so happy, but my other side is not so happy
it's a tv serial
oh ok...bye now
I doubt if it's true.
(In a way, everything nowadays is written with computer programs.)
What's true? MFI actually saying goodbye?
Oh that
Hides from @Cat
But who knows? Maybe Avatar 2 will be written by a Na'vi! :P
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. Why are you hiding? Silly.
Freaks out
HA HA. Silly.
I hereby conclude that everything in this world relates to symmetry.
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. With a bit of a lopside. :D
Yes, matter exceeds antimatter.
(BTW, 'lopside' is probably not a real word.)
Lopsidedness... would be the word you want... but it's considerably more of a mouthful.
@DamkerngT. lopsidedness?
Pfft, morphology.
BTW, hello, @Catija! (And thanks!)
:D And hello to you.
A-ha! Found it! I was trying to think of that word, a word that means we generate a new content automatically on a website.
It's spin (e.g., spinbots). See also: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_spinning
@DamkerngT. Spamming?
Must be related to the technique Herd used to generate a new Friends episode.
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. Not identical, but surely related.
@DamkerngT. Ah. Sometimes I come across webpages filled with grammatically strung-together rubbish. That must be it.
nods -- I think they've been with us for a while.
@CopperKettle Markov chains
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. Obama stains.
I dunno what Markov chains are (0:
@CopperKettle That was a cooler way of expressing that.
@CopperKettle It's one of the basic building blocks of AI or smart programs nowadays.
A Markov chain (discrete-time Markov chain or DTMC), named after Andrey Markov, is a random process that undergoes transitions from one state to another on a state space. It must possess a property that is usually characterized as "memorylessness": the probability distribution of the next state depends only on the current state and not on the sequence of events that preceded it. This specific kind of "memorylessness" is called the Markov property. Markov chains have many applications as statistical models of real-world processes. == IntroductionEdit == A Markov chain is a stochastic process with...
That's interesting... I've never heard that use of "spin"... I know that "spin" is what marketers often do... and politicians... to make an event sound more positive towards them.
@DamkerngT. Ah. Thanks!
So it's basically how spammers produce some content.
Instead of giving the AI programs "rules", we let them build up a Markov model to approximate human decisions on the same task.
@Catija It's also what an electron does, don't forget that.
It's generally something devious.
If they didn't spin, I wouldn't have had to study NMR since the universe wouldn't have exist.
@Catija I think it was originally from that meaning, and the meaning gradually changed to something more specific.
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. Sure. But that's more the traditional definition of spin.
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. There are several way a particle can spin as well! (But don't ask me how many ways, cause I don't really know. :D)
@DamkerngT. Well, tell me how a perfect sphere can point.
What if an electron stops spinning, a single electron, suddenly? What shall befall it?
@Catija Oh. Modern electrons don't spin?
Efficiency dropped to 65%
You learn something new everyday
I think modern electrons prefer persuasive negotiations.
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. huh? I think I'm lost. It's early, so if you're making a joke, it's going over my head.
Making funny nerd jokes goes a long way.
@DamkerngT. True story.
:27065978 About 1234 microns.
Thank you internet connection, for becoming stupid again.
@DamkerngT. Wha?
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. That's how long nerd jokes go. :D
@DamkerngT. (0:
@DamkerngT. Unless they switch to the next rung in the Markov Chain.
@DamkerngT. Aha. Mine went even further.
@CopperKettle Now you're reading too much into it.
@Cop's life is lost.
He's gonna dream of colorless green ideas furiously sleeping.
I'm gonna dream of pi-bonds in formaldehyde.
Unless I'm gonna be in formaldehyde.
Pie bonds nom nom nom
> Imagine for a moment that we were able to ‘switch off’ the earth’s magnetic fi eld. Navigation
would be made much harder since all compasses would be useless, with their needles pointing
randomly in any direction. However, as soon as we switched the magnetic fi eld back on, they
would all point north—their lowest energy state. Now if we wanted to force a needle to point
south we would have to use up energy and, of course, as soon as we let go, the needle would
return to its lowest energy state, pointing north.
Formaldehyde, best for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
@CopperKettle Welcome to chemistry™
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. That's as deep as blue!
@DamkerngT. as *the color of the cobalt chloride solution
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. Oh, cobalt blue is one of my favorite colors!
So we have a robot that has self-favorites. What's next?
@CoP Electron doesn't have a world. It is the world.
:27066099 Mhm, can I reply to this message?
This is weird.
Something in chat is broken again.
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. Yes. But there's a nice poem (1922) by Bryusov that says that maybe each electron is a world, just like ours.
I haven't found an English translation, except one very lame one.
@CopperKettle But, but, but my world is turtles upon turtles!
(Can't resist posting that!)
@CopperKettle Horton?
@DamkerngT. dat bask tower
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. Who is Horton?
@CopperKettle Must be a scientist or a poet, I guess.
@StoneyB I had the same thought!
@CopperKettle Horton is an elephant.
@DamkerngT. Um
@Catija Thanks!
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. Ohhh I seee!
From Dr. Seuss. See Horton Hears a Who.
> "Leather armor? Mmm? We will be skewered like pigs." (SITACLES GRUNTS)
"Linothorax. Hewn from the skin of the Erymanthean Boar. It's indestructible."
"Wait. If it's indestructible, how did Hercules cut it off the boar?"
(paused for a few seconds)
"He used an indestructible blade."
A similar argument!
New chat bug report
Q: Since when do we get to reply to deleted messages in chat?

Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ.I just noticed I can reply to a deleted message in chat, while this wasn't possible before, i.e. the reply function used to disappear when the message was deleted. Evidence can be found here, here and here. It seems that the reply doesn't ping the author of the deleted message, but it does conve...

Hm. I see no problem in replying to an emptied line in chat. (0:
It's still someone's line, deleted though it be.
I was unable to reply to that.
:27066410 I can...
But it doesn't have the reply arrow.
And that didn't ping me.
And there were no reply arrows.
I refreshed my browser window and I can't do it any more.
The main server (not chat) went down for a minute or two... I wonder if there's a correlation.
Could be.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 7 mins ago, by Feeds
@Judge2020_ Network-wide migration for the databases made much faster with a momentary read-only. Maintenance complete already.
:27066478 Ah, I can do it again... so I can only do it to messages deleted while the session is open.
@snailboat @snailboat I can use the reply function on my android phone, using Chrome > request desktop site feature. Ok, as a comment to the question, I suppose you mean.
> But what if these so-called electrons
Are worlds with continents and seas,
And arts, and math, and war and peace,
And scrolls and scrolls of memories!

> And Universe in every atom,
With fivescore planets flying round,
With everything in this world found,
But also things we've yet to fathom.
If the messages were deleted before the browser window was opened, I can't hit reply.
(I did a hasty translation of the first couple of stanzas)
What if every atom is just an atom inside its own atom?
A recursion. (0:
Wow! I just blew my mind again! Time to write another proposal for my own Discovery Channel show.
@JimReynolds That's only true about you.
When you expand the view to a more complicated universe, it doesn't hold.
If only they weren't so insanely jealous of geniuses. Geniii.
You &^!@
Throws a high-heel shoe at @Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ.
That was @Cat's.
Now you're in trouble.
> Check
>Minute in measure, still they follow
Same endless prospects, starry-eyed,
Same passions share and griefs, and wallow
To same degree in foolish pride.

>Their scholars set the whole creation
Centered inside their native shores,
And strive to find the true equation,
And muse aloud, like truly yours.
This is even farther from the original. Poetic language is hard to translate.
"Centered" is awkward.
@CopperKettle IMO half poetry is poetry in own language. When it gets translated, it's gone, no matter what.
The only thing they do to make it sound poetic when translating Persian art is adding stuff like "thy", "thou" etc. hehe
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. Yes.. the best translators are poets who manage to recreate the feeling with different words.
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. I bought a book of Omar Khayyam yesterday, to send to a friend in New York, and all verses there are perfectly translated, with rhymes and stuff. (0:
In Russian, of course. (0:
I initially wanted to buy "Butterflies of the South Urals", but deemed it too technical. (0:
Did it really have rhymes?
Russian translators are awesome™.
Yes, of course. Don't they in English translations?
My mother amazed me some months ago by quoting Khayyam out of thin air.
Well, what you described I'm unfamiliar with.
Printed in Uzbekistan, 1982. (0:
> Чтоб мудро жизнь прожить, знать надобно немало.
Два важных правила запомни для начала:
Ты лучше голодай, чем что попало есть,
И лучше будь один, чем вместе с кем попало.
nemalo / nachalo / yest / popalo --- rhymes like a charm.
@CopperKettle They're beautiful; except, I used to be able to understand them somehow before.
> In order to live a life through wisely, you need to know a lot
But for the start mind two important rules
It's better to go hungry than to eat just anything
And better be alone than to be with just anyone
It sounds very good in Russian. As if a guy from Central Asia says these words, they are written in that peculiar style.
Khayyam is peculiar.
But not peculiar peculiar, just nice peculiar
BTW @Dam @Cop download this plugin and don't tell me you don't like it 'cause I know you do.
"Someone is wrong on the interwebs"? (0:
1 hour later…
> And when through self-destroying fusion
Their tiny world new force emits,
They see, in cruel self-delusion,
Lord's lantern shattered into bits.
(the final stanza. Yay!)
3 hours later…
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. Because people are sometimes ignorant. The answers there are wrong. The reason that the pronunciations that Listenever heard are weird is because the books was bein gread. Whenever people read stuff as opposed to communicating, their pronunciation goes all weird and affected.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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