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Hmm, seems nice
cc @GnomeSlice
According to the internet it's -1. Doesn't feel quite that cold, but there is frost.
Still no snow though.
We had some snow this weekend
I had condensation in my beard when running this morning
It's foggy here as well
Ugh. I need a new job.
Come work in utrecht :D
@KevinvanderVelden Can I work from home four days/week? If so: I would debate it, otherwise the traveltime is a bit too much.
@Arperum Come join Bridge Canadian Startup Visa Enterprise ltd. inc.
@fredley I'm in.
@fredley What do we even do?
So far it's been eerily similar to my previous job.
@RonanForman Troll people
@RonanForman I assume write code for some reason.
Anything is better than the nonsense that this job is becoming.
"here is hotelinformation, work out a system so we can put it in this wordpress theme that only accepts tours"
Step 1: Get Canadian Visas
Step 2: ???????????????
Step 3: PROFIT
@Arperum I was doing some of what was similar to sysadmin work. It's okay for a bit.
@RonanForman he's also their copywriter for some reason
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, I remember The Welcome.
Did I forgot to mention: "you are not taking all that much initiative, and I'm drowning in work, you did exactly what I asked you too yesterday, but that was not enough"
For today: I ask "what do I have to do?" "I assume you did that yesterday, since there wasn't much on your agenda?"
That's a pretty crappy non-answer if you ask me.
"So you have nothing else for me today? Sweet! $Game it is"
Bosses are the worst
About that tour theme: we ended up picking that one after the client said he was going to work with tours anyway. So now I'm supposed to have finished yesterday the fitting of unrelevant hotelinformation into a tour system.
that I do not have access to as of yet, so all I have to work with is a demo website for the theme...
So I have no clue what kind of options I have when entering a price.
I'm seriously debating updating my CV during worktime.
ANd tht's my planning for today.
so I'm not clear on what to do.
Is it possible for a computer to wake itself up from sleep?
Every night I put the desktop to sleep, and when I wake up, I find it already woken
@PrivatePansy Windows 10?
I've read on multiple occasion that it would selfwake to do updates and then not shut down again.
@PrivatePansy The faceless old woman who lives in your home?
@fredley Secretly.
Have you considered putting a very dry cow in the room? — Tom Medley 6 secs ago
@fredley I... why?
It's a lifehack!
@fredley Moo?
A: How can I humidify a room without a humidifier?

seamusBreathe a lot... keep a moist cow in the room... have a lot of houseplants... hang the laundry around the place to dry.

@fredley I see....
> Breathe a lot
We can't say much. But the #GravityFalls finale is going to blow your mind ... And break your heart. https://t.co/vR00tFjrCy
@fredley Because everyone hasa cow available plus the space to keep it.
@Arperum That's not the point. If you do it'll work.
@fredley I can't tell if it's been upvoted because it's a joke of if people think those are actually valid means of getting a room humid
@PrivatePansy I mean the last two.
@RonanForman Next question: how do I keep this moist cow from shitting on my bed?
@Arperum That is beyond the scope of this course.
@RonanForman Except the last two non-joke answers have already been suggested much earlier and in greater details
@PrivatePansy It's probably one of those, yes
@PrivatePansy Fair enough,
> The response to suggestions that a project needs a Code of Conducts inevitably shows the need for the project to have a Code of Conduct
> Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
y u do dis evry tim
Because apple
Why are permissions on (OSX?) called entitlements?
2 mins ago, by Kevin van der Velden
Because apple
I saw that... thing
Now we know for sure: Science has gone too far.
Current status: still mad. Still not gotten anything serious to do.
Current CV status?
@KevinvanderVelden Too mad right now.

Work History:
2007-16: Mad
@fredley To be fair: last job got mostly blown up because of incompetent boss and me refusing to take blame where I was not to blame. This time it's the move to more and more wordpress.
fuck being a content manager.
I'm a coder, not a content/wordpress backend monkey
I took this job for an interesting project that had a deadline of 1 december 2015. It hasn't even started yet. I promised to stay until december to do that thing.
I kept my promise. I'm going to look for something else. Fuck this shit.
Also: reading articles about people being raped is not helping my state of being mad.
@Arperum Go for a walk, if you can.
Take your (hopefully) contractually specified full hour for lunch, and spend it going for a walk.
At such a point I wish I could do something to help, but since the culprit was most often a moron of the same gender as me, I can't do anything without triggering the fear reaction.
@fredley That starts in 20 minutes.
@Arperum Ideal
Although, if I leave now and don't get a call, noone will even know.
Working from home has advantages
@KevinvanderVelden Yes. It also means I can blast whatever music fits my mood pretty fucking loud right now.
Q: Where is the earliest place to sleep?

NiteCyperI want my character to sleep ASAP from the start of the game. Where is the earliest place I can do that? Let's say it's in Riverwood. Is there or is it possible for a borrowable bed to spawn, like at a campsite, earlier than reaching Riverwood?

Q: My GTA 4 social club is not opening

OG7MasSo I recently installed GTA IV on my computer i did the online activate and then tried to start it (with the LaunchGTAIV.exe) and it said this. So yeah.. does anyone know how to fix this??? I've never got to play it..

It's the Olympics again this year, already?
Time pls
I'ts only every other year
Which country is to be settled with massive bills this year?
@KevinvanderVelden every 4
@fredley winter
@KevinvanderVelden doesn't count
I mean actual olympics
Winter olympics definitely count, only ones that give the netherlands any medals =p
London 2012 was approximately a few months ago
is actually working on CV
@Arperum Isn't it time for walkies?
@fredley But it's cold?
@Arperum wear clothes
@fredley Buuut coooooold
@KevinvanderVelden ą² _ą² 
@fredley Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold
@KevinvanderVelden ą² _ą² 
@fredley I'll go see if the bakery is open and buy some bread.
@Arperum good plan
@ardaozkal seems legit
@fredley That's about a km walk one way.
@Arperum A good distance
4 mins ago, by Kevin van der Velden
@fredley Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold
@Arperum Get your coat
@Blem Chinese
The Chinese word for 'sex' and 'nature/property' is the same, so 'disposable shoe' gets translated literally into 'one-time use shoe', or 'a time sex shoe'
Let it be noted that on january 21st 2016 @fredley did not troll.
Also: it's super bloody hot in here. How did I not melt an hour ago?
@Arperum hahaha
@fredley I actually feel like leaving the door wide open for a bit...
35 mins ago, by Kevin van der Velden
@fredley Buuut coooooold
@KevinvanderVelden Nope, it's not that cold outside, it's barely freezing. If it is even freezing.
@Arperum Even walking generates enough heat to warm you up
@fredley yup, by the time I was returning coat was starting to feel too hot.
I was outside this morning in sub-zero temps in a tshirt and shorts (and a hat)
I was running though
Yeah, we had +1°C this morning outside, and the night wasn't any colder, looking at the cars and whatnot standing around. Way too warm.
@fredley the hat is the truly important thing
@KevinvanderVelden Yup. It's amazing how much a good hat affects body temp
Also it's a hat. Hats are important always.
Q: Prevent tech tree overview from closing when clicking a tech

LexI'm using Enhanced User Interface mod for Civilization 5 Brave New World and I really love it. There's one problem I have with it though; I like to click around on the tech tree when deciding what to research. Enhanced User Interface however closes the tech overview when you click a tech. Is ther...

@fredley Listening now
@fredley That's the up next song and everything
I'm procrastinating so fucking hard right now
I've done about 20 minutes of productive work
Of course, I have about 4 more workdays before I leave this job sooooo
@KevinvanderVelden Leaving job high five
@Arperum should join us
I realized today that my car trip will be about as long as my walk from the trainstation to get here
@ardaozkal Nice, been waiting for that one to show up on Steam
cc @rapitor
@fredley Debating intensifies
Goats are smaller and work just as well. — Adam Starrh 3 hours ago
So everybody's just trolling that question now?
@fredley I've petted my cats, that surely counts as productive?
@Arperum This is the internet: Petting cats always counts as productive
"Sheep are more absorbent, and can carry more moistness/m^3"
@fredley Don't
@GnomeSlice That's posted on an answer about bowls, those are some seriously tiny goats or some huge bowls.
@Arperum You have delayed your death at the paws of your cat by several hours. This is indeed a productive endeavor
Hey, my internet is terrible, is this page loading? fikrimobil.com/hakkinda
@ardaozkal Worked for me
Gonna take you a while to load that on shitty net though
Weird, stuck on this screen on me
@ardaozkal it's loading
it did that for me for maybe 7 seconds
@GnomeSlice will take a few hours on me, probably.
@fredley what about your prominent lifehacks tags?
I'm hacking the air
@fredley s/hacking/eating
I see " technology, pets, food" for @fredley
... I saw this and wanted to answer it. I need help
@fredley You are way to invested in this site...
@fredley tupperware works great
@Chippies Not a lifehack
@fredley a tupperware made out of cardboard?
There is an obvious answer to this post (a classic #lifehack)
@fredley eat the bagel and transport it inside your stomach?
@Chippies No.
But @Sterno's question was looking lonely in the tag, so I asked it to keep it company
He is referring to the thing blank cdroms come in
@KevinvanderVelden *used to
@fredley are blank cdroms even a thing anymore?
@KevinvanderVelden Aparently
pffffffft cakebox
It's a bagel box
It's also a terribleā„¢ lifehack, because the plastic these things are made of is not certified food safe
And if used over a long period of time would probably leech chemicals into your bagel
@fredley you mean flavour your bagel over time
mm, tasty chemicals
@Chippies mmmmmm, carcinogens
@fredley everything gives you cancer to an extent
so what if this solution gives you a bit more
Welcome to Lifehacks! Are you able to expand on this, maybe providing some references why this works? Thank you! — Mooseman ♦ Jan 15 at 11:40
@Chippies life has a 100% mortality rate
at least your bagels are transported fine!
@fredley there it is! It's just not a proper lifehack without it in some way endangering your life
@Arperum uwot
In a reaction to an answer suggesting antifreeze against ice.
links to a chemistry book
@Arperum a physics lesson on why it works. Please and thank you!
@Chippies redirects to physics.se
I would like to see a skeptics vs lifehacks q/a drive
Write a bot: For every answer posted to lifehacks, make a question on skeptics going "Does $answer help for $question"
@KevinvanderVelden Even better, "is it safe to use $answer for $question"
Why don't we all just go to lifehacks chat
@GnomeSlice No.
@fredley Whoa, bomberarena works on my phone
@fredley Then stop talking about it
I probably can't do anything in it though, no keyboard input
Lifehacks are on-topic in this chatroom
As long as those lifehacks include, "Use the proper tools, idiot", anyways.

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