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@mınxomaτ well... there is clearly a cost in transitioning. The question is when it is worth it
@mınxomaτ I am surprised if a lot of journals will accept R but not python these days
but great to see an active researcher on codegolf.se :)
No longer active. Worked thee for two years managing some students. Project was successful though.
oh, oh
Minxo, are you an Assembly-C++ dude?
@NewMainPosts Shame this got marked On-Hold and then subsequently deleted by the original poster. It was an interesting problem, and just because it's not doesn't mean it doesn't have a home here. A sad way to welcome someone new to the community. I somehow get the feeling that the user won't be back. :-/
@sweerpotato i like that one. knife party..
yeaaaas :~)!
I like your llama hair
its a llamafro
@sweerpotato Assembly, but no C++.
shit that's some skills @Optimizer
@mınxomaτ oh ok
@sweerpotato yeah launchpads are awesome ..
I was pondering the actual optimization of having references and const arguments to functions today when C++ -> Assembly
@sweerpotato I recommend these: agner.org/optimize/#manuals
oh sweet
Actually I probably didn't mean optimization though.. I meant what having const and a reference actually does to the assembly in terms of instructions
@Optimizer tried one of those one time
it's REALLY hard
wait .. hard .. which launchpad did you try ;)
was just a simple drum machine with like 10 buttons or so
stepdad's into synths etc, he has one
@sweerpotato Const depends on the next code. Some arithmetics can be converted into optimized assembly (e.g. there is always a faster way to idiv by a constant value than using idiv), some not. Constant arguments won't be passed to the procedure in most cases.
References can be assembled 1:1.
@sweerpotato well, since you did not understand my sarcasm (see the ;) ), I was referring to this launchpad
@Optimizer lmao :D
@mınxomaτ oh I see, thank you
references are obvious since you don't need to copy
was wondering about const though
@Optimizer should get one of those tablets
tablet is a normal ipad..
@sweerpotato I recommend taking a look at he second book I linked above, especially the manual optimizations for constant expressions. They will beat any C++ compiler in 9/10 cases (except IntelC++ of course).
@Optimizer what is ipad
its the thing you would need to buy when you want a launchpad
@mınxomaτ what about gcc with like -O^256
@sweerpotato -O3 will always be slower than -O2 except for server CPUs with GCC, because the unrolled loops don't fit into consumer L1 Cache.
The sane option would be -Os.
Maybe add -fomit-frame-pointer.
\o/ done with exams
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin Büttnercode-golfdateascii-art I'm planning to post this as a pair of challenges to do both directions of the conversion. I think both are interesting tasks, but I squeezing them into a single challenge doesn't seem to make much sense. Convert a date to xkcd notation In his xkcd about the ISO 8601 sta...

^ rewrote the ASCII representation a bit and added the other half of the challenge
hm, I think the rules about the column width could probably use a better explanation
(also, any idea what other editors have it?)
gz @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ!
which exams?
@mınxomaτ thanks for the tip
@Optimizer No, but that looks epic!!!!
never really dabbled in optimizations etc
@MartinBüttner Surely you mean it represents 2013-02-27, yes? (first paragraph below the picture)
@Optimizer For when your code-golfing is so epic the characters explode as you remove them.
@MartinBüttner And the first test case.
@TimmyD should be fixed
would you mind checking the description of the ASCII representation again?
@sweerpotato Today, rhetoric and math. (gz?)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I really hope that's the title of a single class.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ congratulations
math D:
@MartinBüttner XD Unfortunately, not. "Honours Research, Writing and Rhetoric" and "Honours Geometry"
what kind of math
Maybe rather than defining the number of spaces, you could say "If there are m indices ... the column width should be m+1. All columns must be left-aligned."
I had so much problem with linear algebra when I studied
usual calculus was sort of ok
linear algebra was where shit went down
@TimmyD sounds good
I'm really terrible at math, wish I were good :<
all math challenges here are beyond me
Q: Product over a range

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴYour task is simple: given two integers a and b, output ∏[a,b]; that is, the product of the range between a and b. You may take a and b in any reasonable format, whether that be arguments to a function, a list input, STDIN, et cetera. You may output in any reasonable format, such as a return valu...

@sweerpotato I respectfully disagree. Anyone can learn math, it just needs to be explained in a way that they can understand.
Same as any other subject.
@TimmyD Yeah, I completely agree with you there
I mean, I have graduated etc, but I still can't handle math
It's not like I think it's shit, but it's just hard
can't see the "connections" as I can in programming
like the connections between multivariable calculus and linear algebra
Programming is just math with a layer of humanized abstraction on top of it... ;-)
@TimmyD o_o my mind is blown
Yes.. people have told me programming is a lot about math
but I've never really seen it
unless you're programming physics etc
x += 5
I mean like.. advanced math
taylor series etc
integrals, matrix determinants
Of course ^_^
A lot of math in Game Design
Well, now you're just taking rather specific components of math and stating "Here's example X, see how it's not used in 99% of problems?" You could argue the same about plenty of other things.
Math is a very broad subject
@TimmyD don't misunderstand me
I really respect math, but I have a hard time learning it
Also, my fox is upside down. I think it's a fox, anyway?
I find it hard
but not useless
I don't find it as "easy" as programming
@TimmyD I think it's a dog.
It reminds me of Trello's mascot.
@TimmyD I also find math really interesting
Banach-Tarski paradox and stuff
@sweerpotato You don't really need math to do programming, just how you don't need programming knowledge to program. (i.e. Stack Exchange)
Banach-Tarski paradox is the most interesting thing
Is that the one ball is two balls thing?
pick stuff from one ball and assemble it into an exact copy of the first ball
first ball is still there
My favorite math subject was set theory, specifically ZFC and the axiom of choice.
@TimmyD \o/
my first and favorite math subject
*real math
giant dog planet
might be new fave
Just read that. I think the alt text is more amusing.
In other news, Star Wars: The Force Awakens was AH-MAZING.
I loved it.
As a non Star Wars fan, would I like it?
Have you seen the first six?
Only the original three made
not the prequels
That's just fine. Actually, I can't remember any callback to the prequels.
I think you'd like it.
I might go then
@El'endiaStarman I just saw it too!
I have the flu and I'm a bit light-headed, so I probably missed some story details though. :D
All the more reason to watch it again!
Which I'll definitely be doing.
@El'endiaStarman Excellent point!
And I rarely ever watch movies twice, especially not in the theater.
I did see Guardians of the Galaxy in the theater twice, and The Force Awakens is so much better.
Not necessarily in an objective sense, but c'mon, I've been a big Star Wars fan for most of my life... :P
I probably won't see it for a couple weeks because of life, but looking forward to it
I would not be surprised if it's still showing in two, maybe three months.
Hoping nobody ruins it
Ouch - I just added syntax highlighting to a bunch of my answers - now I'm massively dominating the active questions list. I really didn't mean to manipulate it like that - I just wanted my code to look prettier. Sorry folks :(
@DigitalTrauma 3 at a time is a good rule of thumb for any larger editing projects ;)
@MartinBüttner OK, noted
"Wow, that user is prolific!" - Random guest browsing the site
oh wow. That is a lot of edits
@TimmyD I know, right. Next time I'll head Martin's advice
@Maltysen and all trivially adding
<!-- language-all: lang-XYZ -->
haha, wtf, that is a lot :D
don't worry, happens to the best ;)
@DigitalTrauma I didn't even notice they were all yours. I switched tabs for 5 minutes, came back, saw 15 questions with new activity, and thought "oh nice, we're having an active day".
Any further feedback for this? Specifically looking for ambiguous statements that should be clarified.
@mınxomaτ Does Rule 3 mean that one can or can't use Java on Windows?
@Zgarb how is the 2D language coming along? :)
@Zgarb Can't. Unless you ship your own runtime.
@MartinBüttner Slowly. I had end-of-the-year deadlines piled up, and then caught the flu. I probably won't get much done during the holidays either...
@DigitalTrauma that hat!
I mean, that +1 hat.. where did you get it?
@DigitalTrauma oh, now that you're here and Optimizer mentioned hats, I wanted to tell you that I really liked how you wore Do You Even Lift :)
@mınxomaτ An information-theory wonky comment for you. do with it what you will :)
@mınxomaτ That seems pretty restrictive and would rule out a lot of languages, or else drastically bloat code as everyone needs to include their interpreters/compilers.
@MartinBüttner I think it was supposed to be a sweat-band, right? it didn't really fit on my avatar in any better way
@TimmyD Most scripting languages are available by default on linux. Compiled languages ship the binaries. Only binaries count in the score, not the source code. So you don' have to ship any compilers. Doesn't really rule out languages that make sense for this task.
@DigitalTrauma I know, it just means that this is not a KG challenge, but a more general one.
@mınxomaτ Oh. Then I'm completely not understanding the scoring.
@mınxomaτ What's KG?
oh KG == CG == codegolf???
@DigitalTrauma it fit better than the current one ö=
@TimmyD Why? What is unclear?
@DigitalTrauma Kolmogorov Complexity
@mınxomaτ Oh, right
@DigitalTrauma In contrast, the Hutter prize is a purely KG task, because it only targets one very specific file.
shouldn't that be KC?
@mınxomaτ So if you use a compiled language that's not available on your platform by default, the size of its compiler is added to your score? That seems like a random-ish language-dependent penalty.
@Optimizer Yes, indeed.
@MartinBüttner any better now?
@Zgarb What?
a wild bird appeared
@Zgarb A compiled executable doesn't have to ship the compiler, because it is compiled.
@DigitalTrauma :D
@mınxomaτ Oh, okay, I misunderstood.
@mınxomaτ OK, you're not the one doing the compilation.
That makes more sense, now.
@TimmyD No.
I've added a demo how an answer might look like.
@mınxomaτ Nice - I never heard of the Hutter prize before - perhaps we should post it as a and split the prize money ;-)
Q: Run-Length Racers

geokavelYou will be given a string in run-length encoded format. For example, the string "3a4A6b5B" expands to "aaaAAAAbbbbbbBBBBB". You then use the expanded string to create a track, as such: A) aaaAAAA B) bbbbbbBBBBB This is a track with two lanes. Lowercase letters represent air. You can not run...

So... find a preexisting language that can recreate it in under 16 MB of code?
Nope, not 16MB of code, the compiled (self extracting) program should be 16MB
Okay. That limits our options.
And probably makes the task significantly harder.
Hello EARTHLING. Please help!
Greetings FROM MY PLANET. I require your GREETEST JAVA DEVELOPIST for Jason.
how does one "do a string"?
do{ String a; } while( true);
Oh no, sorry, it is the wrong way around.
I think you have to buy the string dinner first.
I'll need to brush up on my string theory in order to answer this question
Aaaand it's gone
He went back to his planet
> Pyth. Not even once.
@AlexA. People spoiling the game?
I know what it means, but why are they spoilsports for using golfing languages?
C'mon, no one? Comedy gold is wasted on you folks.
"Heh," I thought to myself upon reading Timmy's Pyth joke. A sudden bout of laziness overcame my fingers, and the thought did not make it from brain to keyboard.
Oh, sure ... that gets a star ... grumble grumble.
Take a little star.
@AlexA. ?
Oh the SO question
@quartata In context, it kinda makes sense.
Like a red dwarf star?
> I'd say brownish-gold.
@AlexA. Does not really look like a dwarf?
That image might not have been taken in visible light.
@AlexA. Nah dawg
Brown dwarfs are substellar objects not massive enough to sustain hydrogen-1 fusion reactions in their cores, unlike main-sequence stars. They occupy the mass range between the heaviest gas giants and the lightest stars, with an upper limit around 75 to 80 Jupiter masses (MJ). Brown dwarfs heavier than about 13 MJ are thought to fuse deuterium and those above ~65 MJ, fuse lithium as well. Brown dwarfs may be fully convective, with no layers or chemical differentiation by depth. The defining differences between a very-low-mass brown dwarf and a gas giant (~13 MJ) are debated. One school of thought...
Q: Caesar Shifting

muddyfishA Caesar shift is probably something we're all familiar with. (You might be even doing it as a homework task. If so, please don't copy these answers, your teacher almost certainly doesn't want anything like the answers here.) Just in case you aren't, a Caesar shift is a very simple form of cip...

Much better.
I can't figure out how to do that
@quartata Those things aren't stars.
@SuperJedi224 True
But they look cool.
Sorry, I didn't know that stars were required.
@Cyoce First you pay off your mortgage, then you buy a luxury sedan. Drive it to the middle of the desert, perform an ancient rain dance, fly your sedan across 3/7 seas, then get a PhD in theoretical history.
@quartata Hah, and they are cool, because they can't do fusion. badum-tsh
@TimmyD There that gets a star
Next time don't do a rimshot though. A good joke doesn't need one
@TimmyD Well, compared to stars and such, at least.
@quartata But a bad joke requires one...
6  v
v >
 >"1">  ^
!  v
 ^ >"0" ^
oh wait we're posting videos not ><> code
I actually thought that was Befunge code at first.
@AlexA. That one's pretty cool.
@El'endiaStarman Me too
><> and Befunge are pretty much the same ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nnnnot really...
They really only differ in Syntax. And Befunge has an infinite amount of zeroes.
They have the same number of z's in their names.
=> f in ><>
~> false
@SuperJedi224 I figured for once I'd post a song I thought you might actually enjoy. ;)
=> 0
=> 1
Who said anything about f?
You did, pre-retcon
@AlexA. (╯°□°)╯︵ sǝlnɹ
@Cyoce What is this "retcon"?
retroactive continuity
@Cyoce What is this "retroactive continuity"?
Bye folks, back later.
You were talking about Z all along, just like han didn't shoot first
Legit costume
So I'm checking out the Pyth5 code
from sympy import Rational as Real
This is wrong on so many levels
YES!!!! All As!!!
@Pietu1998 oh yeah. That line. There were reasons.
not that they were good reasons...
"You know, screw π and e, after all rationals are nicer"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MarkNew user to Programming Puzzles! Spades CHALLENGE!!! I would like a king of the hill challenge for bots playing the game of spades. Spades is a card game. The rules are shown on wikipedia. Scoring rules: Nils allowed, with 50 points for completion (not 100). -50 for losing. 10 points a ha...

@GamrCorps Congrats! :D
@Pietu1998 355/113
So, in this random walk challenge you have to draw a program, I hope this qualifies.
@SuperJedi224 22/7 is nicer :D
a perfect 5/7
Does anyone here know some nice finger food receipes?
With fingers included among the ingredients?
No, can't say I know any.
joke ninja'd
I'd pefer not.
Fingers taste better freshly cut just before consumption.
[PlatyPar](https://github.com/cyoce/PlatyPar/blob/master/), 4 bytes


[Try it online](https://rawgit.com/cyoce/PlatyPar/master/page.html?code=_XF*)!
@flawr so use them as a garnish
I got tired of typing that, so the compiler does it for me now
Haha, nice.
@Cyoce I think you need URL encoding.
Body parts ain't savory. Don't try to swallow a body part.
Q: Sums of prime factors

Ampora2013 has the prime factorization 3*11*61. 2014 has the prime factorization 2*19*53. An interesting property regarding these factorizations is that there exist distinct primes in the factorizations of 2013 and 2014 that sum to the same number: 11+61=19+53=72. Write a program or function that take...

What do you mean
@El'endiaStarman I don't follow.
No, actually, nevermind. I mistakenly thought that * should be encoded as %2A, but that's unnecessary.
Yeah I thought that too, turns out it works. I just use the builtin window.escape()
Writing stuff in applications for unis with word limits is annoying, though I think it is similar to PPCG in that I must golf my word count in all of my s-a's.
@Cyoce The links in your PlatyPar headers are a 404 for me.
all of them, or just a certain question?
Lemme check.
Also is the bottom one a 404, or just the top
The links to GitHub. github.com/cyoce/PlatyPar/blob/master, specifically.
Removing blob/master/ seems to be enough.
yeah that's what I did
Also, if the revision the answer requires is newer than the challenge, you should add a disclaimer that the submission is non-competing.
I did that for one of my answers. Is there another I missed?
It's hard to keep track because at this stage I'm constantly revising
According to the comments, this one:
A: Russian Roulette, Reloaded

CyocePlatyPar, 26 25 bytes 6#?;wT"*click*"O;"*BANG!* Explanation: 6#?; ## random integer [0,6) w ; ## while stack.last T ## stack.last-- "*click*"O ## alert "*click*" "*BANG!* ## alert "*BA...

That one works
I edited the answer to work with the old version
Ah, OK.
I hate cheap HDD cases. Their LEDs are brighter than the surface of the sun. It shines through 4 layers of black electrical tape.
You should see my "30000 mAh" battery pack. First of all, the DX page said "Nominal capacity 30000 mAh, Actual capacity 15000 mAh". The device itself says 30000. Apparently, there are about 4800 mAh worth of batteries in there.
The main thing though are the LEDs that show the charge level. They turn on every time the thing is on and can be used as a flashlight. (Also, there's a dedicated flashlight LED too.)
Now when the solar panel sees any light it turns the LEDs on, which probably consumes more energy than the panel could ever make. Nice job guys.
So back to the finger food receipes.
Any ideas?
I've made parsnip fries before. You cut parsnips into French fry-like strips, lightly coat in olive oil, season with rosemary, salt, and pepper, and bake until the inside is soft and the outside is crispy. When they're out of the oven, dust with a tiny bit of cumin. (Cumin and rosemary sounds super gross but this turned out awesome.)

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