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I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because stealing other people's wifi passwords is illegal! If he/she clearly stated he does not want you to use it, you must accept this. We don't offer help for obviously criminal activities here. — Byte Commander 8 secs ago
Q: How can I steal passwords of my neighbour's wifi in ubuntu?

SherKI'm connected to my wifi and the person beside my room got his own wifi and its faster than mine. I want to access his wifi, and he'd not accept. How can I know his password using my ubuntu?

some people have very weak google-fu eh
Does anybody know anything about this by the way? :)
@ParanoidPanda apt-get install libgladeui-1-dev
change version number of course
@Chan-HoSuh: Which version number?
The "1"?
@ParanoidPanda See my answer. If you didn't install any dependency for glade installing that single missing library is probably not enough.
@kos good job
@kos: It worked! Thanks! :)
@ParanoidPanda Np. Did you use apt-get build-dep?
@Chan-HoSuh Thanks
@ParanoidPanda Manually installing the dependencies is cleaner, but it's also a big hassle. :D
@kos: But if I install some which are not needed, can't I just remove them with sudo apt-get autoremove or something?
Anything bad with this edit? I don't think so, but I also don't want to get into an edit war with OP: askubuntu.com/posts/706670/revisions
@ParanoidPanda That's another problem. apt-get autoremove will remove them, you should use checkinstall
A: I installed a program by getting its source code, and then running `sudo make install`; how to make `apt-get` know about it?

A.B.TL;DR checkinstall is your friend ;) sudo apt-get install checkinstall After a installation with sudo make install your package manager knows absolutely nothing about this installation. But it knows all about a package with the same name in the Ubuntu repositories or in a PPA. Use sudo che...

@ByteCommander thanks!
@ByteCommander upgoated.
@ParanoidPanda closed.
@kos reading
@A.B. @Terrance: Do either of you know anything about this? :)
@Fabby: What version of Ubuntu are you running by the way? Still 14.04.3? :)
@ParanoidPanda I like stable LTS versions...
Less problems!
Where's the fun in that? :D
@Fabby: Will you upgrade to the next LTS version when it comes out though? Because that's going to be buggy at the beginning too...
@ParanoidPanda No, I'll upgrade when 16.04.1 comes out...
This answer is very nice (benchmarking the other answers propositions), but I am not sure if the measuring method is optimal. Can somebody have a quick look at it? @muru or @kos maybe, as we had a similar thing on comparing files to ZERO? askubuntu.com/a/706683/367990
@kos looks perfect!
@Fabby: What if it doesn't come out? :D
@Fabby Well, that is the next LTS...
@ByteCommander 16.04.0 is.
@ParanoidPanda I'l stay with what I have??? :P
Oh... I was reading too fast and missed the 1... :P
One of the main reasons why I upgrade to new releases when they come out is because software developers for some silly reason don't often provide updates for versions that are not the latest.
Or at least I heard that that was the case...
@ParanoidPanda Not for LTS versions.
You get to debug that $h|t and I get to use it...
No, I remember someone here saying specifically for LTS versions...
Maybe not stuff in the main repo, but in the others...
It takes longer for application updates to make it into LTS versions
What about security bug fixes though?
But that's why I like them!
@ParanoidPanda Read the FAQ: security fixes get applied ASAHP.
@ByteCommander Thanks for rolling it back. Now OP is bashing muru for no reason.
And if you really need some application's newest version because you've hit a bug: there's always PPAs...
@kos Huh? Where? Link!!!
@Fabby That's what I thought. Not clue why OP rolled back.
@Fabby: You've got upstart haven't you?
@kos Oh, Only noticed that now...
Next time, ask me to roll back!
@ParanoidPanda yup...
Well, he seems to have stopped now, and muru has a thick skin, he'll be able to handle that.
Anyway, it's getting late. Good night! o/
@ByteCommander: Goodnight! :)
@kos Funny reading the comments!
@Fabby: And the next LTS has systemd and some other major changes which have slowly been added in the non-LTS releases so wouldn't it be better to stick with the non-LTS ones so that the next LTS one isn't such a major change? I mean, isn't it good to keep up-to-date with the latest changes so that they don't just all hit you at once in the next major release?
@ParanoidPanda Erm... No!
Because I was on 12.04 at some point and then 14.04 was a major shock to me...
I'll read the manual when I cross that bridge and by that time it'll be stable!
@ParanoidPanda meh, I was on 12.04 and then on 14.04 and to me they were just gradual increments...
Not like the difference between Win7- Win8 - Win10...
@ParanoidPanda Like I said: I like stable... Stable is good.
Only when I can get my hands on the developer itself (like @NathanOsman here), I'll be wanting to show some risky behaviour, but not without the possibility to roll back!
I think Wily's quite stable anyway...
And even the PPA which claims to give me stuff that will totally break my system if I don't know what I'm doing hasn't done anything that bad to me yet... :P
Well, I just think that the people who run that PPA are a little over the top... :D
@ParanoidPanda Hey, thank you for debugging Wiley!
I won't touch it with a 10-foot pole, unless I get my hands on a separate machine to test things on...
Not even a VM will convince me! :P
Oh that reminds me... Kubuntu is too user friendly... Too many options leading to too many options leading to a never ending list of options about the GUI! :D
So I corrupted it... Accidentally... :P
VTC this Windows Minty question as off-topic.
Please also VTC my question here. :)
@ParanoidPanda I'll VTC yours first! (gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to be able to vote one of yours as closed!) :D
@ParanoidPanda I already voted 23 hours ago!
I was AFK, what was the removed message?
@ParanoidPanda Mail server, unix command, etc...
:D :D :D
Anyone know anything about this?
Well Ubuntu Ask has officially died. Now it is just collecting spam.
Even the spam gave up though, last post was 7 months ago xD
Do we know who runs that site? They should probably just shut it down.
Nope... But they don't even seem to be updating the software it's running on...
@Fabby Late to the party. :)
Howdy, everybody. Does anybody know if it's possible that a (toshiba pavillion, specifically) can't support the *nix kernel?
@kos Ah, back from dinner!
What did you have?
@FizzledOut Download Ubuntu, burn it to DVD, boot it up on the machine, chose "try Ubuntu" and you'll know!
(that's why there is a "try ubuntu" in there: to test whether it'll work... ;-)
@Seth I'm having a job interview on Tuesday at their hoster...
If I get the job, I'll gladly shut it down myself!
;-) :P
@Fabby That's one of the things I've tried. It freezes 100% of the time shortly after loading the desktop. I think the kernel works, but there's always 10+ errors or so. A persistent one is serious GUI glitches, like not loading the screen or stuff like that. Actually, I'm at the end of a 3yr crusade to get linux to work. Live CD, Virtualbox, installed... nothing has worked in the end.
(Actually, I think this question is mostly venting, to be honest...)
ah, I found him: launchpad.net/~magicfab
This site is sending me a ton of spam... Is there anything I can do? Like, is there anywhere I can report the site (all the report places so far only allow it if they have CCed it instead of used BCC or only sent it to me)?
@FizzledOut I was just trying to tell you: that looks more like a rant...
@Fabby cool!
I would say: collect your thoughts, post a question on the site, giving as much detail as you can, and we'll take it from there...
oh, and install 14.04.3 LTS (Long Term Support)
@Seth That's a big IF though! ;-)
@Fabby Yea, it is. I just wanted to learn Linux, but I get obscure errors everywhere, even with stuff that works "out of the box". Here's a better question: is there a way to learn Linux without using it?
@FizzledOut: Are you an exhausted scientific experiment, or a fizzy drink? :D
@Fabby Wait, I missed the hoster part. Neat-o!
@ParanoidPanda The former.
Ah... I thought the latter at first! :D
@FizzledOut Not really
but you can learn Linux by just using the command-line!
no graphics, no sound, no nothing! Just a computer that does what you tell it to do!
@FizzledOut: If you're having trouble running it as your main OS why don't you try it in a VM?
@ParanoidPanda He's tried that already!
@Fabby I guess it was worth a shot. I think I'll try again when I have a newer computer; hopefully that will work. I'm going to see if I can't learn the command line through Cygwin.
@FizzledOut Which distributions have you tried so far?
@FizzledOut Try lubuntu: that is very hardware-agnostic...
I've got a USB stick with Lubuntu and have booted it on a variety of hardware and it's always worked for me...
(Even on a Toshiba, though I don't remember the model)
I've tried Ubuntu Desktop, Linux Mint, Damn Small Linux, Ubuntu Server, Puppy Linux, and a variety of other flavors. I can't say I've tried Lubuntu yet, so I can give that a shot in the meantime.
Where are your main problems?
I mean, I've never heard of someone having so much trouble with it... :P
Though I haven't read your rant so don't know what the exact trouble is but sounds like you've tried everything and it's not working...
@FizzledOut However random freezes like those you're describing, expecially since you experience them over totally different distributions, would led to think of a hardware malfunction (RAM sticks are usually the faulty components)
Just all kinds of things, I guess. Random audio clicks at max volume. Lack of Broadcomm driver support (I chased that one for a long time). Serious graphic issues, even without an external monitor. Random menu freezes, and so on. But @kos I don't think it's a hardware malfunction since I run windows and it's never froze on me in 3 years. In my earlier attempts, many failed to get as far as the desktop, leading me to command prompts and grub and so on.
@FizzledOut for Broadcomm have a look here
@ParanoidPanda in-line or delete, please?
@FizzledOut as you'll still have that problem on lubuntu as well...
@Fabby: Well, their arrival was accidental in the first place... :D
@Fabby Yep, I've been there. I went through the whole entire thing before obscure error after obscure error left everybody scratching their heads and wondering how I got such errors :P. I haven't tried lubuntu, so I'm going to.
It's a hardware design issue: broadcom chips are DSP chips that need the right firmware to work...
@ParanoidPanda Yeah! That's what they all say! ;-)
@FizzledOut I have the lubuntu stick to be able to disinfect Windows computers...
And I get a 50/50 chance that people tell me: what is that $h|t that just repaired my entire computer?
Can I have some of that???
Me: sure: here it is: dual boot!
I you call me for Windows problems in the future: pay me
If you call for Ubuntu problems: I'll solve them for the gas money..
I usually burn onto USB with pendrivelinux using Universal Install Loader, which is what I'm going to use to try lubuntu. I have no trouble with any windows issues. So here's the ultimatum I'm faced with, I suppose: 1) try lubuntu. 2) get a new computer and try ubuntu, lubuntu, linux mint again, and so on. 3) stop trying.
@Nathan: What language is NitroShare written in by the way?
@Seth: Why don't you wear your cute little hat any more? :D
I only ever wore it on Meta Stack Exchange.
VTC this question as off-topic.
@Seth: Why?
because meta.
Does anyone know if Lubuntu has changed much? Because I remember it being not very good but that was probably 12.04 or something...
@Seth: I think that you should get a real hat though and put it on yourself, then take the picture again and put it on all the sites as your profile picture... :D
Speaking of hats, I saw terdon posted a question on Meta Unix & Linux to ask whether they wanted them this year or not, maybe we should have the same post here?
@ParanoidPanda C++
@ParanoidPanda It's a minimal OS: It doesn't use graphics acceleration, no LibreOffice, no ... But it's very good at booting on everything and with ClamAV installed, it has disinfected every Windows machine I've ever run it on...
@kos: They have hats?
@ParanoidPanda They had hats, I read on his post that they start on the 15th of December for sites that opted-in
What kind of hats? :D
And what did they use them for?
Q: Winter Bash 2014 Secret Hats

KevinSo far, I've unlocked one of the secret hats. I'm wondering what other secret hats are out there and how to earn them?

@kos it's been opt-out for a year or so now.
Why don't we have hats?
2 mins ago, by kos
@ParanoidPanda They had hats, I read on his post that they start on the 15th of December for sites that opted-in
@Seth Don't know why I assumed there were last year.
Too bad, I'd have voted yes!
Where do these hats get displayed? Are they like badges or something?
where do you think they get displayed silly? On your head!
Jan 6 '13 at 2:49, by mateo_salta
user image
Whether I have an internet connection or not, even though I don't tick the box, why does the Ubuntu installer always try to download updates while it is installing Ubuntu?
notice the snowflake at the bottom too
Jon Ericson on December 15, 2014
There is no better antidote, at least for the worst hours and eclipses of the soul, than to conjure up...serious frivolity.- Friedrich Nietzsche
@ParanoidPanda it shouldn't. What makes you think it does?
@Seth: The Terminal output always tells me that it's downloading updates. And it even tries and tells me it is failing when there is no internet connection...
I don't know, it's always happened and I've installed a lot of flavours in a lot of places and different ways...
@ParanoidPanda I think you're confusing that with the "fake" download from the APT repository in the DVD.
But it gives me the URLs and everything...
And why would it fail when there is no internet connection then @kos?
without exact output we can't tell you what is happening.
@ParanoidPanda In fact I think you're confusing things. :D
Ok, well I'll try and get some... There's no installation log is there?
Not one useful for this purpose I believe.
(and keep the rep of both?)
yes and no.
no, there is no direct merge function. yes because if the answer is old enough with a score of >=3 then deleting it won't remove any reputation.
@Seth :O
@Seth Yeah, it was that long ago: When I was still writing StackExchange and AskUbuntu until I was corrected by you!
:P ;-)
@Seth: This is what I mean:
@ParanoidPanda That's not updating anything, that is just attempting to get the latest package lists.
Although why it is trying that without an internet connection I don't know.
Well, I don't really want it to try to do anything regarding the internet at all during the installation...
@kos :P
@kos Editing all my AskUbuntu answers... (CC @Seth )
@ParanoidPanda why? It's not like it causes a problem..
@cl-netbox: Well, at least now I'm nearly at 9.9k now! :D
@Seth: Well, it does because it stops all my other downloads for some reason...
Anyway, goodnight now guys! :)
@ParanoidPanda what other downloads?
@Fabby Sorry, it's just that I'm so bored that even writing down an SQL query looked exciting. :D
@kos Well, in that case, I've got this POS database written in FrontBase that needs to be linked to this MySQL database and the whole shebang is running on CentOS...
;-) :D
@Fabby I'm not craving for a nervous breakdown though...
@kos :D :D :D
I'm reading the FrontBase manual...
@Fabby Good luck! Is this work?
@kos There! All edited except for one... For some or other reason there is one I cannot save...
(probably because it contains a link to lmgtfy.com...)
(and I want to keep that in there)
Yeah, the front page is spammed with your questions / answers! :D
@James: I'm going to take you up on your offer tomorrow! :-)
Q: How can I get two different questions merged?

Ashhar HasanThere are two questions. Both have the same final problem. How to get them merged? Also both the questions have a lot of too localized information that will need to be removed after the merge. What is the policy on that? Do we edit the resulting merge question and remove unnecessary information...

@kos Meh, not the "newest" ones, just the "active" ones and that'll go away quickly)
@Fabby 'bout time! I've been waiting for you to update our comments ;p
@Seth And I've been waiting to do some github with a more senior person next to me...
(senior in github; not in years as that would be difficult, being a Vorlon and one of the First Ones)
well feel free to ask away :)
@Fabby haha, yeah :p
I need my beauty sleep!
Good night all!
Can you use "display" reflexively in English? E.g. "the information displayed [itself] on the monitor."
Night @Fabby!
Q: Is there a limit on how much rep I can give away?

FabbyNow that I've reached 25K, I'm not really interested in the next level: 100K is too far off and too much trouble for a T-shirt and a mug... So I've been giving away all my rep above 25K (sort of) to: Original answers Interesting answers Answers that helped me in the past Answers that took a lo...

@kos the information contained in a book; the information displayed on-screen...
Yup, sounds legit!
@Fabby Maybe I gave a bad example: "The system was previously properly configured to display the time/date on the menu bar through System Settings - Date/Time, and the information displayed properly.". <- is this correct? By the way found here: askubuntu.com/review/suggested-edits/498472
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: How to disable profile name in Google Chrome? by 12321 on askubuntu.com
^^ It's also spam.
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