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@RecycleBin great idea.
Hell no
@qasdfdsaq then you get flagged, a mod sees it and you get suspended.
mods swear too
and youve seen plenty of it
In context
@JourneymanGeek Cows ARE context!
Do I swear?
Do you cow?
Nope. It does not moove me.
I hate people who cant think of other words other than swear words..
Being a bit hypocritical there?
Profanity is basically the sign that one lacks the vocabulary to properly deal with the world.
how is that
@JourneymanGeek Oh shit. You got me.
Have you seen your earlier messages in this chatroom?
@RecycleBin you swear a lot.
im not hypocritical
@JourneymanGeek Or, it's just a cultural thing.
Swearing is fairly normal here.
I dont overuse swear words much
unless win7 starts fucking with me again
cough cough And there's not much water in the nile.
@Bob i have had a angry conversation with a wall once, it was much more satisfying , walls dont keep presenting cross logic , especially after they find themselves in the dumpster
@qasdfdsaq Hm. I wonder if it's something specific to the benchmarking tool.
im not in a dumpster
But they want my email address to get a copy of it, so I'm not gonna be testing that right now.
@Bob: I think that benchmark tool's SSD specific
@JourneymanGeek Dunno. I'm testing with a flash drive.
I think @qasdfdsaq was testing a flash drive too, considering it apparently went through the wash.
Okay, signed up for a Firefox Account. Sync server is returning "it works!" (located on the SSL-protected blog subdomain)
Flash drives handle the wash fine.
In any case, mine can manage far higher read speeds in USB 3.0 mode.
Other than falling apart.
@Bob Not to mention when was the alst time you saw a hard drive that couldn't do more than 10MB/sec write?
@bwDraco \o/
@RecycleBin I believe the train of conversation has left the station.
@qasdfdsaq ...I don't think I was benchmarking them back then :P
Still have a couple lying around but no devices that have PATA ports anymore.
Apache2 with WSGI.
I'm looking for some CCNA studying advice. Is this a good room for that?
@bwDraco I went with Nginx + Gunicorn
I could do that XD
Not much to add on the server config, just piggybacking on the existing Apache configuration.
does that mean I can tell grammar nazis where to go ?
@duzzy Not particularly..?
No, it means, no one is really interested in that conversation.
Does anyone here even have a CCNA?
since nobody gives a damn here
@duzzy Maybe?
why cant I
I wasn't sure, but the room specifically for networking never has anyone in it.
@duzzy can't think of anyone off hand who has done it.
Okay, thank you.
@duzzy Ah, yeah. The networking site is kinda quiet too.
@JourneymanGeek Err... Me?
@duzzy: NOW I can think of someone offhand who has.@qasdfdsaq ;p
I've played with it a bit, but it's a very frustrating thing. I prefer Packet Tracer.
@JourneymanGeek :P
@duzzy: You'll need some cisco roms from like switches / aps / and etc for it to work.
Ah, I see.
Maybe that's why I couldn't get anything to work. :P
"The Comms Room http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/127/the-comms-room
Server Fault
This room is NOT for 'Live Support', Please ask on the main site. Thank y…" painted that picture out :-)
People do that anyway.
likely , i do know you can find them out there on like piratebay etc however i dont torrent.
Which is even funnier since folks have moved on to slack.
I'm not really looking for actual networking support.
Oh, we're typically cool if its interesting, but we're more interested in discussing stuff than support.
So this is prolly fine ;p
@duzzy GNS3 is the best, if you don't have an actual pile of hardware to fiddle with
I'm just having a difficult time figuring out a good way memorizing what output you get from commands. So many show commands.
@duzzy cheat sheet.
@duzzy Don't?
cisco ios supports auto complete.. you just press tab
Actually make your own as you go along
that way you know what you need and it helps you remember.
The test seems to want me to. Practice tests I take keep giving a bunch of output and then ask "Which show command produced this?"
@duzzy Yeah, that. Is a pain.;
Fiddling around with it in GNS3 makes it fairly easy to memorize
@Dave I do love tab... and the question mark.
I mean it's not like you have to memorize the output of ping. You just know it after a while
If i get disconnected from my vpn once more im going to scream >:)
Question mark has become one of my favorite keys.
Okay, Sync is up and running. Lots of data to upload to the server...
It's all a load or arbitrary proprietary faff anyway.
You'll have to learn it all again for Juniper kit or HP kit.
@bwDraco What does it do? Is it just a sync account?
But then I suppose that depends why you are doing a CCNA in the first place
@qasdfdsaq Yeah, hopefully I can get some experience in those areas first. I think this would be a lot easier if I actually used cisco equipment for work.
It's a self-hosted Firefox Sync server. Authentication is done on Mozilla infrastructure but data is stored on my server.
@qasdfdsaq It's part of my school work.
After this I also need to do a CCNA for security.
Oh. The fourth option.
@duzzy: If u use GNS3 you're literally running the equipment, just through virtual machines.
@duzzy: hence why it requires the cisco roms
@Dave Last I knew the switch support was broken though
are there any questions on office sway?
@Dave That makes sense, and that's pretty cool. Packet Tracer seems to do the same sort of stuff, though. Only it doesn't need roms.
I made a tag Microsoft-sway but I'm not sure if it already has a tag for it
Packet tracker is a fake ass doozey
@qasdfdsaq: not sure, i do know depending on the version of the firmware you use with it that some versions have issues. I had a excel sheet at one point a friend sent to me that had the best ones to use though, but misplaced it.
What is wrong with Packet Tracer?
never used packet tracer
Just like the "simulator" they use in the exam
eww simulator
Basically, it's all pretend
You enter commands, and it pretends to respond in the way a router might
its like that shell i wrote in qbasic when i was 14... got cha.
Except it's just pulling a list of stock responses from a list of commands.
So anything not pre-programmed as a stock answer just gets chucked
yeah, you're going to want to head on over to gns3 pronto
Whereas GNS3 is a real emulator that actually runs the command on an actual router.
screw that
Ah, okay.
I'll run with that.
It's like the difference between talking to a chat bot, and talking to a real human
no idea where my earphones have went
Depending on the person, sometimes a chat bot is smarter and more interesting.
alice bot #1
Also GNS3 lets you do crazy ass things, like bridging a virtual router to your physical network and driving your network admins crazy.
im smarter than the chatbot
@qasdfdsaq Wow, that sounds interesting, and potentially dangerous.
i once wrote a chatbot that communicated on irc using http requests to alicebot's site in rooms.. the conversations it had with people... interesting
did it get klined dave
@duzzy Not as dangerous as Miley Cyrus videos
Great, Firefox Mobile is syncing with the desktop.
@Bob ^^^^^
Would you people consider this link spam: superuser.com/questions/999342/…
I wonder how much bandwidth is used by chat bots talking to each other.
no, that link is for SU
@RookieTEC9 No indication of spam.
recycling: No this is back when mIRC first introduced socket scripting in the scripting engine. It still wouldnt get klined / glined to this day.
@bwDraco Thank you
duzzy: wouldnt be that difficult to calculate
@bwDraco Yep, I already have that set up.
The shared 'top sites' is a bit weird/annoying, but otherwise it works well.
I mean total, on the internet... in any given day.
Being able to send tabs back and forth is nice too.
@bwDraco The original revision in the revision history almost had some hints
There is an autumn sale on GOG: gog.com
@duzzy Nowhere near as much as Gangnam Style does
lol true.
@qasdfdsaq what the what?
@JourneymanGeek Sorry I meant G2A
Actually I don't know what I meant
@RookieTEC9 lack of context hurts tho
Wow, 2.5 billion views
Only 1000 of which were probably me
Make that 1001.
@qasdfdsaq I much prefer 'Psybrid Theory'.
Mouse middle button doesn't click sometimes => call Logitech => get case number for replacement => going to the store now.
Took... 5 mins to get the number. Not bad.
@Bob That's actually good customer service.
Firefox Mobile doesn't feel as smooth as Chrome.
Hm. I haven't actually had a reason to use mobile Chrome so I wouldn't know much about that :P
I went from Opera Mobile (12.x on Presto) to Firefox
@bwDraco OTOH you can install adblock on FF if you want. Though I think Chrome was planning to introduce addons on mobile at some point.
heading out now to get that replacement
Well that didn't work out. Local retail is out of stock for a while :/
Ah well. Will just have to try later.
well maybe if you click up or downvote theyll get some in stock
how does getting so many downvotes mean the question has to be deleted, what kind of logic is that
why does this site rely on votes to do everything, voting is meaningless
it doesnt even explain anything, its a daft number
@RecycleBin If it has many downvotes then the community has decided it is not a good question or doesn't fit the model that we have decided on.
Thus, it gets removed.
how does that make it a bad question
its just a number
what if somebody just does not like it
@RecycleBin The question is already bad, the votes are to determine what happens with it.
or clicks downvote for no reason!
what planet am I on!
@RecycleBin happens all the time, the community (sort of) runs the place, the community destroys what they want to destroy on a whim, the community can "stone someone out on the town square" (archaic dark ages referance). For the most part it still works, but yea it has some built in flaws , dont all communities ?
if there was no voting or comments it would be better. (like a regular forum)
either that or Im just not gonna choose to answer or ask any questions
cus why bother
I shouldnt have to worry about if a user dislikes my question even though it is within the rules, the topic of the community, and is properly constructed
@RecycleBin I suggest there is no Negative voting, and that positive voting still is very good and positive. "if you don't have anything good to say then dont say anything" "if your not here to contribute, then leave" but neither the originators of the site patterns, nor the community find that to be a good idea.
he can dislike it but he shouldnt downvote it
sounds like a good idea
People who really hate the way things are, very smartly Left. people who coped with the way things are, and learned to adapt , often also leave. people who are slightly Sadomasochistic stay :-)
I dont have much choice
ive tried IRC, its crap, and forums are also crap
I dont really wanna leave
@RecycleBin i find forums have all the same information, plus other opinions and ideas that can be very helpfull, PLUS tons of useless and endless dribble that takes an extra hour or 2 to weed through.
people on chat and forums generally dont know that much
they usually just google it like I could do if I didnt try already
just having a helpful or + button is a better idea
I thought it could be abused but it cant really
if everyone googles to find the info, who then writes it the first time? and if the info is wrong, and spreads from the first writing (like it always does) then everything is wrong.
theres another - button, its called alt+f4
or 'back' a page
downvoters dont have backspace or Alt-F4 on the keyboards, it is some kind of laptop problem :-)
@Psycogeek er, that's TOTALLY disturbing
Try not to post things like that, please.
@RecycleBin cause its somewhat subjective, as terms of the wisdom of crowds, and you're cursing the dark again. ;p
There really isnt a huge ammount of downvotes regular anyways, one person can run around and wack people upside the head, and set up a pattern on the whole first page, saying Go Away! . The same person, and all the other persons, find no good reasons to instead upvote the barely adequite and acceptble question. So there is a bit of imbalance there.
When the site originated, the great non-repeated questions were upvoted highly, and still stay on the site , are searchable and hold thier own. but after most questions have been answered already, and only tough, obnoxious or repeated questions are the norm , and not duplicates, the desire to Upvote is not really there.
well you are cursing the dark when I ask a damn question
Nope, I feel you're belabouring a point.
My asus ASUS_Z00AD battery averages 20h 48m 0s (6h 33m 0s active usage) on a single charge. Check out GSam Battery Monitor: - bit.ly/uHT7Vy #badassbattery
Oh look that's not bad
Oh, phone?
Still impressive but...
then dont curse the forums? a large forum would answer your questions, probably not delete you and downvote you, and while they will still opinionate you superuser.com/questions/984568/xp-drivers-for-intel-n-2760 for not following the "proper" methods , you are less likely to feel dumped on.
Then go to a forum
@HackToHell But what's SOT?
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, that;s what the app says
@Bob lemme check
There's actually probably places where folks still go gaga over obsolete OSes
I don't charge upto 100% usually
LOL SOT is at 1hr 28m xD
And current charge is at 32%
screw you gsam
Mine is average 3h 51m
Where can you see that o0
But I spend most of the battery power with the screen on.
Aha, it's on the home page
It's 3h 53m
@HackToHell Bottom of main page.
Yea, sounds about typical.
And max is 3h 46m, so I guess it's standard
So much for a 3000 maH battery :P
But oh well, have a power bank and I don't care much for battery life
no a forum wouldnt answer my questions at all
all there good for is basic help
for fairly basic queries
im amazed you think using votes is the answer to everything
thats just utterly STUPID
@RecycleBin they might not answer your questions, but I dont understand how a "set of people" at a forum , or a "set of less people" at a Q&A site defines the level of help they can supply. certian forums specialise in different areas, and many forums go well beyond the basics.
tomshardware.co.uk I dont see any advanced topics on here
on superuser:
Setting Up Multiple PVC on Linksys X3500
networking internet adsl dsl

Outlook Search Folders - Replication

docker build --build-arg loses value and expands to empty string
ubuntu docker build

How to access computer without password
windows-7 passwords password-recovery

How to create a $RECYCLE.BIN folder on external hard disk?
the fact remains that using voting is a poor idea
thats undefendable
@RecycleBin want to see it defended? go to the meta and suggest a change :-)
(remembering that people who might have fully supported your position Left!)
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
It is also about user rep not just comments, just about anybody can choose to down-vote a comment, question, and answer and every vote counts, especially when you're just starting out. You realise comments can't be downvoted, right? And that reputation is unaffected by comment upvotes? Have you not noticed this in your four years in Stack Exchange communities? — jimsug 47 mins ago
i already have man
they just give the same trash as in here
IDK why the hell meta even exists
@RecycleBin and you got a nice 2 hours of opinions and :-) Dribble.
(good thing this "isnt a forum" )
if you cant beat em join em
ahh now your winning
downvoting shit for no reason, whinging on about grammar
cus why be sane when everybody else is not
@RecycleBin most grammer nazies are happy to edit the post to correct the grammer, i believe that most of the downvoting is more about overall presentation , horribly bad formatting and grammer, or because specific items in the stated Q&A are deemd incorrect by them.
how do you know
Look at some of the well presented Questions, that have only one problem, the user creating the question made what is probably a very incorrect assumpion. These will get downvotes, based on "you dont know what your talking about"
Most of that style of X-Y question, the user would have been better off to present his problem, and not make assumptions about the cause. On The Other Hand, because "something is wrong on the internet" it will get many views, which could be much help.
why the hell would you downvote a question, IT IS WHAT IT IS
if you think it sucks then dont have anything to do with it
you dont have to know what youre talking about to need and want help
But we dont have a backbutton :-) i splained that
not everybody is an expert but what if they are having an issue with there PC
@RecycleBin I really am starting to think you need to cool down.
how do I do that
just not ask or answer anything?
@RecycleBin and that gets even more complicated with this Q&A site. The intent is not to address everyones petty issues one at a time, but to create answers that would be valuable to many people. (to copy the wiki over to the site:-) The community ideal on this , based on the original premise for the site is (actually) to fully reject localised single person problems. The design was to have answers that will work for everyone . . . .
you still can, without this damn downvoting 'thing'
As far as chat goes at least. And well if SU isn't working for you, it isn't working for you.
do you say that to everybody
. . . the problem with that design pattern, is eventually there would be limited activity on the site, as canned answers for problems , like the multi and completly uselesss VIrus one sized fits all answers. limited activity would result in limited users, and eventually no one is there to answer the questions they may specialise some in.
I dont understand
Nope. I say that when people have a whole massive litany of complaints about the site, none of which I think are 'fixable'
or need fixing
I have one complaint wowww
if its unfixable why is there meta then
This isn't meta.
And you've been complaining nonstop for hours
Deploying openSUSE Leap 42.1 on the production server, some downtime should be expected.
you dont think it needs fixing because you dont have to worry about it
Im not a moderator, im just a normal person
Dude. You've been at this for over two hours
I know
I started off with the same amount of reputation you did.
And I've got folk complaining about this, and you've been complaining for over two hours.
downvotes is like saying your question is bad but not saying why which is kinda unfair if you ask me
Its being somewhat disruptive to the normal flow of conversation.
@RecycleBin The problem here isn't whether it's fixable or not. It's that it's not an issue to most people. Most people like it this way.
im sure they do
It is the main distinguishing feature from your standard forum.
That said: if you don't like voting, if you don't like comments, then go. Go to one of those forums where these things don't exist.
forums suck
You're coming at this with a "I am 100% right and everyone who disagrees is an idiot". That will not change people's minds.
for a number of reasons
Second suggestion to take a while to chill out.
you said that, so everything sucks , welcome to life, it sucks then you die, get over it.
its been 5 hours 15 minutes actually
So, you do realise how tiresome this is?
sure I do
So, you have a pattern of disruptive behaviour, you're aware of this, and you're still doing it despite of it?
In that case, take a week to consider how other users feel about it, and hopefully you can come back as a more productive user.
There we are
and eh. I hate needing to do that
Anyway, back to regularly nonscheduled chat.
On an entirely unrelated note:
Got a skype gift card recently. 40% off... annnnnd it doesn't work
Get a refund?
@JourneymanGeek yea, gonna head out soon
it's from the second biggest supermarket chain here :\
Turns out there's been a bit of weirdness with skype and the git card processors in AU recently
Error weirdness or fraud weirdness?
@JourneymanGeek Error.
> Unknown error occurred. Please try again later.
typically unhelpful error.
openSUSE Leap 42.1 is successfully deployed. Firefox Sync still works :P
Fail2Ban is working (I'm getting email notifications).
root@li650-40:~ # cat /etc/SuSE-release
openSUSE 42.1 (x86_64)
VERSION = 42.1
CODENAME = Malachite
# /etc/SuSE-release is deprecated and will be removed in the future, use /etc/os-release instead
root@li650-40:~ # cat /etc/os-release
NAME="openSUSE Leap"
PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap 42.1 (x86_64)"
Website runs as usual.
Experimental server is running the latest openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshot, and the systemd ordering cycles have been fixed.
Doesn't SUSE have a better network stack than Ubuntu
or is that OpenBSD
@HackToHell SUSE uses what's called Wicked for network management. It's a bit fiddly but it works.
Upgrade procedure is no different than from previous openSUSE system-wide upgrades: Change the repositories to point to the ones for the new version and run zypper dup, then ensure that all services (especially databases) are working correctly.
I thought everything has the same network stack in linux
just different tools
and suse typically did things differently
@bwDraco Ah yes, read about it in HN
@JourneymanGeek ubuntu has become the new standard
@HackToHell actually, not reaaaaly
A: Why can't I add any game I want to NVIDIA GeForce Experience?

TalkLittleFor NVIDIA SHIELD streaming, in GeForce Experience, go to Preferences -> SHIELD, and there's a list where you can add additional games for streaming.

Could this technically be flagged as "not an answer"?
Ubuntu does it the debian way mistly
It ought to be.
did you delete it? ;p
mah review :(
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, but isn't it deviating a lot from debian these days ?
but they do still have debian as an upstream for most packages
least till they go to snappy
ugh, you sir, are far too trivially amused.
it's not that the content was what's funny, it's just the situational comedy
superuser.com/questions/999422/fire-stick-using-the-beast# Larry Useum Firestick to tame beast, getum skin problem. Good thing google assisted in telling me what the Heck you talking about, larry.
@JourneymanGeek Just caught up with the Recycle Bin drama. Just-- oh boy. Oh boy.
@Insane: Erm... yeah
I hate having to do that
It's understandable; I read everything
If a question I had got such negative feedback I'd delete it ASAP, not out of shame but because I know it's not a good fit for the site (or else it would've have got such negative feedback, ya'know)
I wouldn't on meta
Well yeah on meta, true.
@Insane people have jumped to delete thier questions on the SU site (not meta) and this self correcting behaviour still can put you closer to a question ban for really bad questions.
It has to be, dont make bad questions to begin with.
@Psycogeek I guess it wouldn't really be self-correcting then would it.
Well you wouldn't be learning from your mistakes I should say
Hm. I wonder if it's possible to use IBM's Watson text analyzer to analyze a question and make it learn the difference between good and bad questions..
I'm not even sure if the api has the ability to learn o.O
research time!
~and off walks he into the distance~

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