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I posted the issues with it here:
Q: Are 'What is a better way to write this?' questions allowed?

ChrisMDo we allow 'What is a better way to write this?' questions on this site? If not, I feel this question is one of those. The issue with those types of questions is that there is no definite answer and there can be many equally good responses. Also, it is unlikely that it will be useful for futur...

@JasperLoy You're definitely human.
And congrats on almost 10k.
@ChrisM I'm glad you noticed the capitalisation.
I'm at ~1.5k
@Mahnax Physically, but not otherwise.
@JasperLoy How do you figure
@JasperLoy Isn't it frustrating? haha I couldn't edit it either as it wasn't "6 characters"
@ChrisM That's to prevent a whole bunch of edits from bumping posts off the front page too often.
@JasperLoy Fair enough, I commented asking the poster to fix it
@Mahnax If you read the entire transcript you will learn more about me but I won't mention those things again ever.
@JasperLoy I learned a few things. I have to go, second block. See y'all later.
@ChrisM Er you can just get me to fix it you know.
@JasperLoy Please do! You're allowed to fix only one character?
@ChrisM Anyone with 2k can edit anything.
* covets 2K *
@ChrisM @Reg did it already. Owl always moving quietly.
@JasperLoy Oh good. I was twitching.
@JasperLoy Is that type of question allowed though?
@JasperLoy The OP was wanting us to correct her work more or less.
@ChrisM It's up to the community to decide. That's why it takes 5 votes to close. I think this is the most accurate answer I can give.
So you see, a lot of things in this world are not about right or wrong but about rules and consequences, and imperfect men make imperfect rules.
@JasperLoy Hmm... fair enough. What's your personal opinion on the question?
@JasperLoy Wow that is an epic quote. Who said it?
@ChrisM It's like proofreading so off-topic.
@ChrisM It came directly from my mind.
@JasperLoy Thank you. I don't feel bad downvoting it then.
@JasperLoy Wow, then you have an epic mind haha
@JasperLoy Not to be meta, but what grammar do you think should be used around the word 'haha'?
@ChrisM What do you mean?
And I consider myself NOT an expert in English.
@JasperLoy Well, saying "Wow, .... mind haha." looks odd.
@ChrisM I think it is fine. It is informal speech after all. One would never use it in formal writing.
@ChrisM "Haha" would be classified as an exclamation if you are asking about part of speech.
@JasperLoy It would, but if I was to add en exclamation mark after it it would be too loud of a laugh. Informal grammar has always confused the hell out of me haha
@JasperLoy This is perhaps my biggest and most frustrating question which has no answer regarding informal grammar.
Can I post a question about it on this site?
Or would that be taken down because it's 'informal grammar'?
@ChrisM I have a grammar book which I have not even started reading. Carter and McCarthy Cambridge Grammar of English. If you are looking for a big book that is not terribly expensive this is it.
@JasperLoy Ah but does it cover informal grammar? All formal grammar I can Google.
@ChrisM You can try, at most closed or downvoted.
@ChrisM No idea.
True, can you create an 'informal grammar' tag for me?
@ChrisM Hmm I don't know how to do that, but you can just use the existing tags, say grammar or sth like that. It's also not good to add too many tags and make things messy.
Ah, alright!
@ChrisM Don't worry too much about posting. It's not life and death you know!
@JasperLoy Sweet! Someone has asked already!
@JasperLoy that is true haha
@ChrisM Huh? Where? What?
Q: If an insertion in parentheses ends with a smiley, how do I distinguish between the two?

mojubaI know smileys are not part of written language (yet), and any questions about them are irrelevant to linguistics and are kind of not serious. So take my question with a smiley then. It bugs me every time I'm facing this situation: if an insertion in parentheses ends with a smiley, what should ...

They even posted that xkcd comic hahaha
@ChrisM I see you are on a number of sites!
@JSBᾶngs Also only I am allowed to sip tea in this room. The rest must have coffee instead.
@ChrisM I saw your question on the main site haha!!!!!
@JasperLoy haha I am on a lot of sites, as soon as I found StackExchange I went crazy!
@ChrisM I join one only when I want to post a question or answer. Otherwise it would get very messy.
@JasperLoy But I have so many questions in so many areas of life haha
@ChrisM Good for you!
I find English is the most fun,
but I have legit questions for work and other projects I'm part of which I need legit answers for as well as a few cooking questions.
Well, we use language all the time.
@JasperLoy That is true, I'm a secret English junkie haha
@ChrisM You keep laughing here haha
@JasperLoy I love learning new words and find creative ways of saying things.
@JasperLoy Is that a problem? =P
@JasperLoy I actually do chuckle each time I type it, it's not just a filler word!
@ChrisM Then you must be a good chuckler.
@JasperLoy Hahaha I never really thought about it that way. It's more of me just being a happy person.
@ChrisM I see. Good for you! Are you a guy or girl by the way? The latter tend to use more smileys and exclamations.
Whoa your question has two answers already and two votes, that's pretty fast!
@JasperLoy I'm a guy haha, and you? It usually is true that girls use more smileys and exclamations, but I think it makes no sense not too. So much of communication is in facial expressions and body language and it can be hard to communicate with only text. I feel that exclamations and emoticons allow me to communicate more effectively.
@ChrisM Same, everything you said.
Q: Is domain-specific terminology off-topic?

FumbleFingersBeing intrigued by this question (What is the name of this rat) I took the trouble to google it and post the answer as a comment. But it got me to thinking. It seems to me... “Supreme court” vs. “highest court” is legal terminolgy. Relationship between professor and student is academia. ...

Interesting observation.
@JasperLoy It is fast! I think it's a good question.
@ChrisM Of course, it's your own after all!
@JasperLoy Jasper Loy isn't your real name then, I imagine.
@JasperLoy Hahaha * bows *
@ChrisM It is. It is usally a guy's name, while Chris on the other hand could stand for Christopher or Christina.
@JasperLoy Oh really? I've never met a male Jasper? What country is that from?
Au reviour!
there exists a Journal of Onomastic Sciences. sounds dirty
oh, wait, i was thinking of onanistic sciences
@JSBᾶngs sounds like a good idea. Maybe we should propose it in area 51.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 i'll let you take the lead on that one
@JSBᾶngs Gee, I'm really busy... maybe we need to get another expert on board.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 this sounds like the sort of thing that @Kit would be into
@mrs I deleted my bacteria free answer, though I think you probably misunderstood me there.
@JSBᾶngs What is onanistic? I don't want to look it up.
Onan () is a minor biblical person in the Book of Genesis , who was the second son of Judah. Just like his older brother, Er, Onan died prematurely by Yhwh's will for being wicked. After Onan's brother Er died, his father Judah told him to fulfill his duty as a brother-in-law to Tamar, by giving her offspring. Centuries later, in the days of Moses, this practice was formulated into a law of a Levirate marriage, where the brother of the deceased would provide offspring to the childless widow to preserve the family line. However, when Onan had sex with Tamar, he disregarded this princip...
@JSBᾶngs If you are talking about m, maybe I am the expert.
@mrs Hope you liked the present I gave you, though you don't need it. :-) Now you are on the front page.
@JasperLoy btw @mrs doesn't ping me on the main site
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh because of the period.
@JasperLoy I love presents! But please only vote for things that are worthy.
I am now on Mageia 1 KDE.
Ok that Onan article is a time-sink of links to other articles that I should not be reading. Every time I read about the Old Testament I feel compelled to read more, it's like watching a train crash, or a white Ford Bronco low-speed chase in California.
By the way, Mageia is very blue too, so I will like it too.
@JasperLoy I thought it was Debian forever!?
Guess what, the Fedora 16 CD I just burned cannot boot.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 What to say...
@JasperLoy You change Linux distros almost as often as I change my underwear, or my son's diaper
Меч Тела и Духа
i like the way that sounds
Now if only it would make sense.
Wife konförmz, "впервые слышу".
In other news, browsing Wikipedia is such fun these days.
@RegDwightѬſ道 it's supposed to translate "the sword of body and mind"
of course the only words that i actually understand there are "и Духа", so i have no idea if the rest of it is reasonable
и Духа seems basically correct
It translates just fine, it just doesn't make sense.
Just why did I suspect it would be a CCG.
@RegDwightѬſ道 you've been looking at my activity on boardgames.se?
You have activity on boardgames.se?
I didn't know you had activity on boardgames.se.
Nice tags.
Except for the Magic nonsense, of course.
what, should i be spending my time on LEGO?
Never claimed anything to that extent.
i've been playing mtg for over 10 years now
A couple friends of mine have been playing for twice as long.
I tried the latest Xbox 360 release.
@RegDwightѬſ道 duels of the planeswalkers? i've actually never tried that
i do mtg online
Um. Not sure if it was called that.
But I gave it a fair try, investing several hours, then uninstalled it.
it's not for everybody, i'll admit that
meeting. l8r
@RegDwight, seen the 2012 lego kits? They have a "Jurrasic Park" theme (not called that, of course)
Huh. Must check.
I was just thinking the other day, "damn, nothing left in the current catalogue for me to buy".
I'm not too impressed with the sets. Everything is yellow and pre-fab.
And the dinosaurs aren't lego-y enough
Not seeing any dinos yet, but the Creator sets look as nice as ever...
A nice assortment of orange pieces.
Not that again.
They used to have such prefab dinos like fifteen years ago.
They almost went bankrupt.
I like the ideas behind the sets, but I find the execution lacking.
That huge windscreen is nice though.
A 12x2? Or a 14x3, even?
I am thinking of building something that follows the same pattern of the dino sets but instead uses a medieval setting and dragons.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I am still looking forward to building the windmill set.
I like this set: the 8-year-old me would have killed for it shop.lego.com/en-US/Earth-Defense-HQ-7066
I have it :P
At a 40% discount, methinks.
Oooooh pink pieces!!!!
Where can I sell those hideous figs though?
not the first time I've seen pink lego. But I hate those minifigs. Can't girls use normal figs?
I'm going to teach my daughter to use normal figs.
I have lots of pink LEGO.
Dark pink, light pink, lilac, transparent with glitter, you name it.
But this set has a few pieces I don't have.
The other day I let her play with the El Dorado fortress (yellow/white pirate castle I built for TLAPD), her favourite thing was to put the minifigs in the jail. "Daddy, can I have another little man? The rest were all bad, really bad, so I put them in prison"
Dangit, that Friends theme has a lot of strange-colored stuff...
I like that, my biggest complaint about Lego is that they over-use the primary colours. The real world is not made up of #FF0000, #00FF00, #0000FF.
Haha, and they stole a lawnmower from their Creator colleagues...
It was in the Appletree House, I think.
that's a nice looking set
Apple Tree House is one of very few Creator sets I actually don't have.
I'm missing like two or three bricks from that set. And those I do have I have literally tons of. Not worth it.
This year's Creator houses looked way better anyway.
And they had minifigs, at last.
yeah it's a bit annoying that the creator sets aren't minifig scale
They are now.
that's a nice set but I have not much use for white and red.
yeah that's a good one too
@MrShinyandNew安宇 The lighthouse is awesome. It has a lightbrick that rotates.
@RegDwightѬſ道 neat
Anyway. Creator houses have been minifig scale for quite some time. It's just that they never included any minifigs.
@RegDwightѬſ道 well, that lawnmower looks pretty large for a minifig
Ah, that.
Well it's probably the best thing you can come up with short of premolding it.
Basically what I like in "Creator" is the "pure" building techniques that rely on clever use of versatile parts; what I wish is that all sets could do that. Instead, the City sets are nearly useless to me, since they are 90% glass walls and airplane body-parts.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I'm sure there's a good minifig-scale lawnmower out there.
Well, I must build it and check. I think it works.
It's probably 10% too big, if at all.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I don't buy many City sets for much the same reason.
Certainly nothing with airports, or even trains.
I do have the most recent fire dept.
looking at it more closely, it's pretty good, I guess. a bit on the wide-side.
Yeah. As I was saying, it's just a notch too big.
But hey, I'll just let Woody handle it.
Or that Harry Potter giant, what's his name again.
If you say so.
the most disappointing fig in the entire HP line, I think
Yeah, he is kind of not gianty enough. And the arms...
and he's not poseable
and he has a regular head with a giant beard
he's the HP world's equivalent of the old sebulba fig from the pod-race kit
Hm. Which pod race kit?
I only have the current one, with transparent technic liftarms.
See this post for a breakdown of the improvements they made
yes, that thing on the left is considered a "fig'
Yeah, I just arrived at that image.
I'm not into the pod-race nor the kits, but I must say they certainly improved the minifigs a lot
Yeah, Watto looks way better, too.
Oh, and I only got the set for the transparent liftarms.
And lots of orange pieces was a nice extra.
Q: Two kinds of bathrooms in Russia: how to translate to English?

RostislavI work in real estate, and sometimes I have to translate respective inscriptions from my native Russian into English. I get stuck in some cases where not only linguistic, but cultural differences have an impact. I’d appreciate it if you would help me to sort out one of these issues. When describ...

@reg this question is for you.
translation is OT, right?
You can turn it into a single-word request, though.
Throw out everything about Russian, and just ask how you'd call a bathroom with a toilet vs. one without.
But this guy spent so long typing it that I feel bad closing.
yeah I just read it, it's a somewhat reasonable question I suppose.
He even knows how to type in Russian which I don't.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Translation questions often are. It's just that they must not be about translation. )))
Gah I make so many typos, what's going on.
Before now, I only thought there is one kind of bathroom. I learnt something again.
Maybe one kind is for pee and the other is for poo.
@JasperLoy I have spent half my life in apartments with a separate bathroom and a toilet.
@JasperLoy There's all different kinds depending on what you mean by "kind'
@RegDwightѬſ道 apartments
But now I gotta go AFK for a while. Will check back in commercial breaks. :P
@MrShinyandNew安宇 "kind", there're
@JasperLoy Muh.
1 min ago, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Gah I make so many typos, what's going on.
Anyhow. Laters.
@JasperLoy no, I intentionally say "There's all different kinds", it's not an error, it's an affectation.
Or else you can interpret "all different kinds" as one "all"
In fact, it seems that "there's all" is more popular than "there're all" books.google.com/ngrams/…
I never knew about ngrams until I came here.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Must be comedy central again.
Linux Mint 12 will have its own shell on top of gnome, so it would be a good alternative to unity shell and gnome shell. It is supposed to look like the old gnome panel.
Perhaps I should start trying the BSDs and Solaris instead of Linux.
@JasperLoy why bother. They have no killer apps in user-space and their kernels support way less hardware than Linux does. Unless you have some specific need, you're going to end up spending time making it work like Linux.
So this new Benetton ad campaign is making me laugh. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2062423/…
I am especially amused at how upset people are getting and how uncomfortable it makes them feel.
@JSBᾶngs Although I can understand why you might think I would have some expertise in that area, I never spill my seed upon the ground. Only other people's.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I thought they were real.
@Kitḫ person_in_room=myself
time to go! bye folks
2 hours later…
@shog Do I look even more creepy now?
@JasperLoy hard to beat mariah.
@Shog9 I thought the purple would make things worse!
I will now try opensuse 12.1 gnome.
@JasperLoy I'm pretty sure that Jbeebs tops Mariah for creepiness
@Mahnax Hi! I was about to ask you too!
@JasperLoy Hello! I only have a few minutes here, then I have to leave for work. Apparently I have good timing!
@Mahnax KFC?
@JasperLoy It's also a Taco Bell, I can't remember which side I'm on tonight though.
@Mahnax Ah OK. Enjoy yourself! Maybe you will meet your Mariah tonight!
I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean... Haha.
@Mahnax Well I mean some nice girl, hehe.
@JasperLoy That would have been my first guess.
I also didn't realize that once I hit 2k I don't need permission for edits; do you still get +2 rep each for them?
@Mahnax I can't think of the second though. I'm going soon too.
@Mahnax NO
@JasperLoy :(
@JasperLoy But it's pretty obvious that it should be that way.
@Mahnax It's OK. Real life's more important than SE rep.
@JasperLoy My "real-life rep" is the amount of brownie points I can accumulate with my manager.
@Mahnax Er brownie points meaning?
@JasperLoy Basically, a measure of how much one can suck up to a person in a position of power...
@Mahnax I thought you get a brownie after every 100 points. OK bye!
@JasperLoy I wish... Bye. I must go now as well.

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