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04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

A: A rule for identifying the stressed syllable in abstract nouns ending in -ity. Is it foolproof?

tchristPity Unless you accept the loss of an i, the best such word is pity. That’s because in that case Latin pietās, pietātem was whittled away till it had no antepenult left to it, and so you have no chance to stress something that isn’t there. :) The version that didn’t get quite so pared down bec...

It isn’t every day that you get to slip preäntepenultimate into the conversation.
anyone is getting error like "Stackexchange is undefined" ?
Error: "Uncaught ReferenceError: StackExchange is not defined"
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@Mitch what if I someone cut your brakes?
3 hours later…
What if someone cut your budget?
What if someone cut your hair?
What if someone cut the cheese?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I would totally use careered instead of careened if someone else had said 'Now that I'm a VP of sales, I've totally careened the shit out of this job'. I would then totally correct them.
Q: Is your question about using English?

user141470Your information has been submitted successfully, don't send hard copy of ministries/department.

careening is when you use a car to go between something
Come on Careen, oh I swear what he means
At this moment, you mean everything.
@RegDwigнt never a more apt question asked
I thought careening was when you are preening while trying to improve your career.
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: Don't floppy the hard copy of ministries/department [remember-sony-drm-scandal]
Shoulda been "Don't floppy/hard copy of ministries department"
Why does it always reen on me?
Is it because I stood when I was seventeen?
Maybe cuz of reenal defects.
As it stands, the room description makes too much sense.
I would need a reenacment to understand what you mean.
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: Floppy the hard, not, but copy of ministries and [remember-sony-drm-scandal]
My hip-hop name will be P-reen.
@RegDwigнt Much better.
I like the enjambment between the description and the tag
Jul 3 '13 at 15:37, by RegDwighт
Eating an Assange
while making love
makes for bizarre enj-
oyment thereof.
Assange is a portmanteau of ass and orange.
Ass is a portmanteau of asombrate and cats.
Jullian ass orange
@MattE.Эллен I don't get it.
it all makes sense now
Crap, the room's broken.
@MattE.Эллен Naval ass orange.
Naval again!
@RegDwigнt don't worry, cap'n. we can steer 'er back on course
His name is Paul Robertson.
Paul is dead. goo goo ga joob
Which reminds me... need more Nutella.
Happy birthday, mr P-reensident.
@Mitch it reminded me of EL&U
ELU is for people whose command of English is not sufficient to use it.
The chat is for people whose command of English is sufficient not to use it.
English for people!
Automatic English for the people!
Ears for Fears!
Don't you forget about me.
Do you come from the land down under?
I try.
But the gravity keeps playing tricks on me.
Try not walking on your head.
Don't give up and use your chance to return to happenstance.
Q: Are these words redundant?

Jony AgarwalTwo statements really. 1. I will not attempt to instruct him again 2. The village poseur is in effect a false prophet If we remove the words in bold letters, the sentence would have the same meaning(more or less). These words suggest to me that the author is inclined more towards style rather ...

Try not walking at all.
Aye-iiow-iieye, ii-eye-ah-oh.
All your words are redundant.
These redundant words are my own, from my heart flow.
There's no other way to more redundantly say.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
Shakespeare was too redundantly wordy with too many words, redundantly. When Hamlet says "Words, words, words," he wasn't kidding. He should have trimmed it down to just "Words" and been done with it.
He should just have killed himself and rid us of his stupidity.
Maybe next time.
Suicide is the only thing you can't be redundant about. Unless you're a total fuck-up, that is.
Or Redundant-Man.
There are copies of Redundant Man all over the place.
Jesus. Paul Rudds all over the map. The goggles do nothing.
The days of wine and roses are distant days for me.
This repo is for sharing things within the org that is not public – isn't is supposed to be that are not public (things that are not public)?
Well. We can't know that.
Right now the sentence says that it is the repo that is not public.
The things it contains may very well be public. Like pictures of Obama.
Could be the org that is not public.
Yeah or that.
Or could be the public that is not org.
@Robusto The organization is public.
A public organization can't have secret repos.
All its repos are belong to public.
How about "This repo is for sharing things privately within the org"?
@IonicăBizău Yes, that should be are but use what Robusto suggested instead.
@RegDwigнt Well, it's an organization on GitHub. :D Organizations, like accounts, are visible by anyone, but they can have private projects.
@Robusto Yes, that's better! :)
You could also say "this repo is for sharing private items within the org".
@RegDwigнt what is this from?
@MattE.Эллен the return to innocence by enigma.
@MattE.Эллен It's from a sick and twisted mind. What else do you need to know?
Thanks, guys. I wasn't sure if it's a common way to express this in English.
@RegDwigнt thank you!
@MattE.Эллен It's what he says in the morning if the coffee's too hot.
I do not drink coffee in the morning or otherwise.
@MattE.Эллен What, you don't recognize Shakespeare when you hear it?
Also, I do not say in the morning or otherwise.
I only write.
That is misfortunate.
Or scream and shout.
come on come on come on come on come on baby now
You're a sick twist.
Your sister can twist, but she can't rock and roll.
@RegDwigнt That explains a few things.
@terdon or perhaps it's a more advanced part of the Old McDonald dialect
@terdon yes, for starters that explains why you're a junkie and I am not.
@RegDwigнt There's that.
Coffeine's one helluva drug.
@RegDwigнt Is that Iranian coffee?
Rick James, biatch.
That is a lie.
That I asked and the cake.
Let's just agree I'm right and drop it.
You can declare victory and withdraw, but then why swarm out in the first place.
Just start by declaring victory.
Everything should be made as simple as possible, and then simpler still.
Won't someone please stuff this universe back into its singularity?
It's leaking out all over the place.
Get more RAM.
There's a limit.
No there isn't.
Stop lying to the American public.
First the cake, now this.
BUT . . . and this may interest @Cerberus . . . I am loving my new LG G4. Battery is much better and it is easily replaceable, screen is bigger, processor is faster, more RAM, and—wait for it—there's a slot for an outboard SD card. I just installed a 128GB card, copied all my music files to it and presto! No need for iPod ever again. Bye-bye, Apple.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇: ^ may interest you as well.
Whoa. He actually copied the floppy. Bastard.
No, I copied the floppy.
Ah. Alrighty, then.
@Robusto Cool. That's one thing about Nexus devices I sometimes miss, there's no SD card.
Yeah, everything's HD now.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'm using Shuttle+ as my music player. Seems pretty good, and it has gapless playback, which is a must for me.
What ever happened to the good old NTSC cards. Alas.
What ever happened to Fay Wray?
@RegDwigнt I still have a thing for playing those. It's called a "VCR".
@Mitch Giant gorilla.
@Robusto is the gapless replay also bananarepublicless?
@RegDwigнt Alas, no.
Giant gorillas don't just happen. There'a a process. Usually from smaller gorillas but I won't hold you to that.
Science would have you believe that smaller gorillas develop into Einsteins.
And Matthew McConagheys.
Matthew McConnaughey is from homo lincolnensis homo
Homo smokentis.
Innokenty Mikhaylovich Smoktunovsky (Russian: Иннокентий Михайлович Смоктуновский; March 28, 1925 – August 3, 1994) was a Soviet actor acclaimed as the "king of Soviet actors". He was named People's Artist of the USSR in 1974 and the Hero of Socialist Labour in 1990. Smoktunovsky (birth name Smoktunovich) was born in a Siberian village in a peasant family of Belarusian ethnicity. It was once rumored that he came from a Polish family, even nobility, but the actor himself disapproved those theories by stating his family was Belarusian and not of nobility. He served in the Red Army during World War...
Why don't you just go take a selfie of your mobile phone and get back to me.
Because that costs $3000.
This was more interesting than it initially appeared; I’m not even sure if it’s “right”, but it seems to conform to common practice:
A: “the 1st and 2nd students” or “the 1st and 2nd student”?

tchristWhen you compare first and second children with first and second child, you see that in published books, the general principle people most commonly follow in this would seem to be that: The plural is used when there are both several first children and several second children. The singular is us...

Hm. Not sure how that is more interesting than anything.
It's quite straightforward in my book.
@RegDwigнt But is it more interesting than nothing?
"born in a Siberian village in a peasant family of Belarusian ethnicity", why not add "of a tubercular Irish mother, and after days of hard labor, strangling his step-father, and eating thin tree bark for the week's meal, turns to the liquor cabinet only to find the vodka bottle empty"
@Robusto Is anything more interesting than nothing?
@RegDwigнt I can see why people might get it confused.
@Robusto Nothing is more interesting than that.
@tchrist I can see why an 11-year old would kill an 8-year old with a rifle. But that alone doesn't make it interesting. Let alone right.
Building Nothing Out of Something is a compilation album released in early 2000 (the copyright reads 1999) by alternative rock band Modest Mouse, comprising non-album tracks from various points in the band's career. Most of the tracks are A- and B-sides from 7" singles, but it also includes three tracks from the Interstate 8 EP, and "Baby Blue Sedan" from the vinyl version of The Lonesome Crowded West. All songs were originally released from 1996 to 1998. == Track listingEdit == All songs written by Modest Mouse. "Never Ending Math Equation" – 3:23 A-side of the 1998 single "Never Ending ...
Thanks but I'm more interested in Nothing Something Out of Building.
@RegDwigнt Oh great, now you're saying we should take guns away from 11-year-olds.
Yeah I know a bit too late.
My bad.
What happens when some 8-year-old pisses off the 11-year-old, like, real bad. What will be the response? Harsh language? You haven't thought this through.
To his defense, she was a girl, too.
Nothing worse than being pissed off by a girl.
You're making my case for me.
Yes, it's a free trial.
See, if the girl had had a gun too it would have been a Mexican standoff, no harm no foul.
But Trump will outlaw Mexican standoffs. Stay tuned.
OR she could have an intercontinental nuke and come out on top.
How do the children in your country get through the day without a firearm?
Whatcha gonna do with them 5000000000000 rotting nucular warheads anyway, if not give them away to children for educational purposes?
@Robusto they might not have firearms, but they do have icelegs.
That's just a metaphor.
@RegDwigнt That seems like overkill. Just get a couple hundred smoke detectors with their radioactive americium and make a mini nuclear power plant. Heats your home one way or the other.
That's just an amphetamor.
that's a methaphor
Expletive deleted.
Well, what about married children?
@Mitch the problem is, as Indiana Jones has shown us, the nucular warheads would not heat the inside of your refrigerator.
So this solution solves nothing.
Hey, why that no one-box?
@Robusto what about married with children?
Nothing is better than something. Also, didn't his mom tell him never to play in closed refrigerators?
@Robusto because you're a horrible person and can't do anything right?
Just a guess, of course.
@RegDwigнt Wrong. I have done several things right.
@Robusto yes, yes, but that's beside the point of whether you have done the anything right.
Also, just because you do things right doesn't mean you can.
That's Horrible.
Ziggy Stardust does not approve.
@Robusto that link links to a location that no do exists on teh internet.
How about Doogie Stardust?
Try link that wurks, then link will wurk.
Nah, Tom deleted his comment after I linked to it. That's why no one-box.
As I said, no do exists.
How is that a nah. That is a yay.
You should look them yes and no up in a dictionary or something.
We should get two-boxes. I'm tired of one-boxes.
Before that happens, you will get bo-toxes.
All I wanna do is get off.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇: Been meaning to ask you, is there any way to turn off the stupid volume limiter for headphones on Android? I listen to podcasts while I walk and sometimes there isn't enough gain, so I turn it up to just under max, which is still barely audible with cars going by. But the stupid Android lowers the volume if I stop playback or the jack momentarily loses contact, anything like that.
Which is aggravating. Then I have to take the phone out of my pocket and adjust the volume again, then put it back, etc., etc. I know, first-world problems. But still . . .
@Robusto holy no.
Unfortunately, yes.
I was going to write off the first one as Noomi Rapace's revenge for what Hollywood did to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. But now we're even. Let it go, Noomi.
Noomi was a fierce and Rapacious creature.
But then the alien appeared and stole the show from her.
Except the Alien was in a different fucking movie. Everybody in that film was.
It's like they assembled a bunch of outtakes from all the SF films ever, mixed them carefully, and then spliced them together and called it a movie.
And now imagine we don't want a sequel to that!
Worked fine for the last 9001 movies Hollywood did.
> IGN reports that the events of "Prometheus 2" takes place before "Alien 5", so there would be a connection between the two movies.
Wait wait wait.
There's an Alien Five?
For that matter, there's an Alien Four?
For that matter, there's an Alien Three?
But in all seriousness, there's an Alien Five?
Yeah first thing I watched two seconds after the credits rolled.
Followed by Everything Wrong With Prometheus.
Followed by Hitler Hates the Movie Prometheus.
Followed by weeks of trying to get my hands on Ridley Scott's street address and 1000 rotten eggs.
@RegDwigнt Same with # of blades in shavers. The next one really makes the shave that much cleaner.
Nonono. Never try to shave with Prometheus.
You will die.
@RegDwigнt I know! How dare they film 'The Martian' on Earth. That is unrealistic.
Oh yeah about that. I've seen pictures. He totally isn't a Martian. He's like totally a human.
I dunno who approved that shit.
@RegDwigнt People died in Prometheus? Scene for scene, same as 'The Martian' and no one died in that movie.
@RegDwigнt scientists. probably botanists.
Now back to my question though.
There's an Alien Five?
Or is that another sequel in preproduction?
Or do they count Aliens vs. Predators?
I am confused.
Dude...there's going to be a Star Wars '7'. I think they must be related.
Oh I see the article mentions it.
> Ridley Scott also has made sure that the story for both "Prometheus 2" and "Alien 5" do not contradict with each other.
'contradict with'
That word with. I don't think it means what they think it means.
I think it means they are a texting-addled teenager
> Filming is going to be done in Australia, it has been said.
Good reporting, Rodney.
'Sources say...'
'My unnamed secrete deep throat sources say...'
Yeah, there is literally no sentence you can't include in an article.
'The', it has been said.
It has been said, by me to myself, that Brad Pitt has seven arms.
I doubt that. I can believe you said to yourself six. But seven? That's just too farfetched.
Go on sue me for the truth. You can't handle the truth!
@Robusto Off the top of my head, I'm not sure. There is on cyanogenmod.
Yeah. Ain't rooted.
Maybe the solution is bluetooth earbuds.
@RegDwigнt I will sue you for the sooth.
Same difference.
Do we have to wait until Christmas to open our presents this year? I want to open mine now.
@Robusto I just checked, my LG Nexus 5 doesn't have that warning.
Why would you not include a setting to override that?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Does it automatically dial the sound down if you disconnect headphones and reconnect? Did you check that?
Try cranking the volume all the way up and doing that.
@Mitch Wasn't Caligula quite awful? Even by the standards of his time and class.
@Robusto I set the volume at 33%. I plugged in headphones. I turned the volume to 100%. I unplugged, and the music stopped. I started the music, and it was at 33%. I plugged the headphones in and it went to 100%.
Does this sound good in English: Simplest way to create match memory games.?
This is the description of a library I'm publishing to create match memory games (that type of game where you have to flip blocks and if they match they are disappearing).
Here is an example of such a game: robrob8.com/games/blocks.htm
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Try setting it to 11.
@Robusto Congratulations!
I am glad you like your G4.
It is interesting that battery life should be better.
Even though the screen should be using more power while the battery is the same size.
Perhaps your old battery was just worn down.
I still get 2 normal days out of my battery.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That don't make no sense.
@Cerberus The screen does use more power, that's for sure. But I'm not using the phone constantly, so that doesn't matter. What burned the battery before was phone idle and android system, which churned constantly. Could be a software thing. Old phone used 5.0.1, this one has 5.1.
But the thing is, I can easily carry around a spare battery for times when I want to use the phone a lot. And I do.
Sure, that would be a good idea.
Moreover, the massive storage available on SD card solves so many problems for me.
I don't have any power-drain issues like that.
Mainly for music, right?
@Cerberus See, it's even better than that. Because without a spare battery, I would use the phone down to maybe 40% and then turn it off so it would be available for later in the day. Now I could use all 100% and then start fresh.
@Cerberus Yep. 15,000 tracks.
And some of the tracks are quite large.
@Robusto Sure, you have my blessing.
Do note that I have never had to turn off my phone, as long as it started the day at 100%.
@Cerberus I don't mean turn it off. I mean stop using it much.
Always knowing you have a spare battery lets you be freer.
I still think you were having some weird software issue. But, sure, a spare battery is great.
I am completely free, because my battery never comes close to 0%.
Mine never used to. Maybe the battery was just getting worn out, as you say.
I take care to charge it at .5A normally.
But where I work is a dead zone, so that churns the cell standby and system software.
And I never charge it over 80%.
Nor let it fall below 20% if I can help it.
Is that a prophylactic measure?
@Robusto Ah, that may explain things!
No Wifi at work?
That's how my car works.
@Cerberus Well, yeah, but phone and SMS don't work off of that.
@Cerberus Of course automatically. You don't think I tell the car when to charge and discharge the hybrid batteries, do you?
Sure, but it's the data connection that uses most of the power if you're in a deadish zone.
Even if there's wifi present?
@Robusto Maybe your car and you have been assimilated and you do so telepathically.
@Cerberus No. The computer on my hybrid handles all that. One of the nice things about computers.
@Robusto No. When your phone is connected to Wifi, I would not expect a dead zone to be a huge power drain.
I have no other explanation.
At work the battery got sucked down very fast. On a weekend it was fine.
Do the math.
Yes, I can't think of any other explanation.
@Robusto What do you mean? It makes sense to me. I wish I could turn off the "stop playing music when headphones are disconnected" thing though...
Perhaps at work the phone is woken up every minute by text messages or e-mails?
@Robusto Tell that to Butler.
The Butlerian Jihad is an event in the back-story of Frank Herbert's fictional Dune universe. Occurring over 10,000 years before the events chronicled in his 1965 novel Dune, this jihad leads to the outlawing of certain technologies, primarily "thinking machines," a collective term for computers and artificial intelligence of any kind. This prohibition is a key influence on the nature of Herbert's fictional setting. Writing for The New Yorker, Jon Michaud praises Herbert's "clever authorial decision" to excise robots and computers ("two staples of the genre") from his fictional universe, but suggests...
"Darwin among the Machines" is the name of an article published in The Press newspaper on 13 June 1863 in Christchurch, New Zealand. Written by Samuel Butler but signed Cellarius (q.v.,) the article raised the possibility that machines were a kind of "mechanical life" undergoing constant evolution, and that eventually machines might supplant humans as the dominant species: We refer to the question: What sort of creature man’s next successor in the supremacy of the earth is likely to be. We have often heard this debated; but it appears to us that we are ourselves creating our own successors; we...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Mine has a switch like that. But I didn't mean the behavior of your phone wasn't reasonable, only that I don't understand why yours would behave one way and mine another, given the same operating systems, more or less.
@Cerberus Don't be tellin' me about Dune. I read that whole series before you were born, sonny.
@Robusto Oh, that's probably because the vendors customize it
Yeah. Verizon motherfuckers.
well, LG in this case.
your LG is running LG's version of the OS. My LG is a Nexus, so it runs stock Android.
@Robusto I believe you. But it's still nice, eh?
I enjoyed the books, yes.
The David Lynch film sucked, however.
I remember seeing two films.
One sucked; the other was perhaps tacky but quite enjoyable.
@Robusto That was the tacky one.
The book was far superior, but I still enjoyed the film, as a child.
I only read the book later, I believe.
That's sad enough. I won't watch it.
Sure. If you can say "the last but one" to mean the penultimate word—which you can—I suppose the rest is just arithmetic. — Robusto 33 secs ago
@Cerberus "Book" singular? You didn't read the series?
@FaheemMitha Ha ha. I know. That's how bad Harper is? I don't know.
anyway, I think Caligula was misunderstood.
Q: Word for the point where we stare when in a deep thought

Youstay IgoAs stated in the title. What is the word or phrase for the point where we stare at, when our mind is caught in a deep thought? To a sanctum, past the reaches Of my fancy and my whim I sit, staring at the (??????) My haggard face grim

WTF! Are we helping people write their own poetry?
@Mitch They'll be sorry.
@Mitch How so? He was a murdering psycho with serious mental problems. Maybe he should have been in a psychiatric facility, but was in the wrong millenium.
David Lynch was forced to do the film and the quality was a passive aggressive response.
Well, either leeches or sneetches. Nothing else really captures the sense. — Robusto 13 secs ago
@FaheemMitha Mitch is putting you on.
@Robusto If you say so.
@FaheemMitha It was all made up and he had the press against him. He did make his horse a senator but he was joking. That thing with his sister...well let's say he wasn't the only one.
@Robusto 'beaches' was all I could come up with.
@FaheemMitha Not only if.
@Mitch I wasn't aware Imperial Rome had a press.
@Mitch I think he should go with sneetches.
And if it did. he probably had them all beheaded or something. Lovely man, by all accounts.
@Robusto No I am not. Who wrote all those stories? How did they all get to the 'modern' world? Marcus Aurelius. He had all those adages ghostwritten for him to make him look good.
@FaheemMitha Ugh...of course not an actual printing press, but the had the equivalent of a marketing team (also books were created just the stuff they were written on fell apart quickly).
@Robusto belches? That fits semantically but the rhyme is off
also the speling
There's quite a lot of documentation about the Claudians. For whatever reason. From widely disparate sources.
They seem to have been a pretty sad collection of people.
@FaheemMitha all the royalty (the patrician families) had some cannibalism. it was part of the roman religion. The most respected auguries were not goat intestines but human. very rare of course but still the most reliable.
At least JS seems to have had some ability. Though he was also probably a pretty horrible person.
At least psychos with life-and-death power over people isn't quite as common as it used to be. I guess that's what they call progress.
has anyone here heard of an 'ontic fit'? Basically a very calm seizure where one stares off into space with no thoughts whatsoever. Socrates was supposed to have them.
@FaheemMitha JS? Jesus Shrist? JavaScript? John Smith?
@Mitch Julius Caesar, sorry.
I was talking about the Claudians. And I was being lazy. Mea culpa.
@Mitch *Jon Skeet
I don't think there are a lot of good things to say about him, but he was probably the pick of the Claudians, with the possible exception of Augustus. The rest of them were the dregs of humanity, pretty much.
@FaheemMitha OK. JC - killed bunch of people. Augustus - killed a bunch of people. Tiberius - killed a bunch of people. Caligula - killed a bunch of people and ate babies. Claudius - killed a bunch of people. Nero - killed a bunch of people, did not know about Rome while it was burning. ... Marcus Aurelius - wrote a bunch of books leaving ut the parts where he killed a bunch of people... Obama had other people kill a bunch of people.
@Mitch Point taken.
Actually, everyone you mentioned had other people kill a bunch of people.
William Henry Harrison didn't kill people but he only had a month to get his plans together before he died.
I don't think they did any killing personally. With the possible exception of JC, who was actually a battlefield commander.
the only few things I know about Roman Empire, I learned them from Asterix&Obelix, like the things I learned from cowboys are from Lucky Luke
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