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I'm not a newb :/
Eh, there's always a first time for running into the butterfly wings.
yeah that thing was new D:
Moon Butterfly is a fun set for newb hunting.
it was a invader
posioned me and ran away, lame
That's how Moon Butterfly usually works. The stats on it are terrible so they use hit-and-run tactics.
I#ve been working on my resist stats too D:
Also your attacks don't interupt the golden knights at all...
I just feel like the game has gone 'fuck you'
The Syan Knights in the Castle?
Or are you talking about another mob?
> Basical chess movement rules apply but game is no longer played in turn-based. Instead, the game becomes real-time, with cool downs on the different chess pieces (the cool down can be monitored below the chess pieces, a full circle indicating that it is ready to be moved).
14 mins ago, by djsmiley2k
Shine Entrance/Dragon Shrine /DS2
Holy shit barrier skip may be real
Isn't realtime chess just a race to table flip?
@Wipqozn That is fascinating
^^ @Yuuki
and ffs
And this person may have a lot of glitch bounties coming their way if it holds up
same invader again, although i'm hollow??
Seriously these dragon knights are pita
Oh, I see, it required a dolphin cheat to get into the air. But the clip seems to be possible if you could get that set up
@Unionhawk That should be helpful for speed runs
@Wipqozn I'm not sure it's legit now, actually
We'll see, I guess
Currently it's possible with dolphin cheats enabled, but it's currently sounding like one of them is essentially the Storage glitch, which isn't possible in hyrule
> PSA: This Save State is cheated and contains a NOP (No Operation) instead of the function call that does the precise collision calculation. This is basically the same as Chest Storage (except that Chest Storage causes a BNE Jump from 800a38dc to 800a38ec), but it's cheated in by modifying the Assembly. Most likely from modifying wiiztec's Cheat Code that allows you to walk through walls.
Man. Game hackery is serious stuff.
@AshleyNunn btw the cookbook is 938 pages.
Also, excerpts
oioooo ffs
Yeah, no. Not real. Oh well.
kill the big black knights and the dragon guys don't attack.
@LessPop_MoreFizz that site is so fuct in mobile
seems if you have a summon they are instantly hostile??!?!
Q: Are there class-specific versions of autoexec in TF2?

ASCIIThenANSII'd like to have certain commands execute when I change to a specific class. For instance, when I change to Spy, I'd like to immediately disguise as an enemy Pyro. I know I can use this command to do so: disguise 7 -1 However, I'd like to do this as soon as I spawn as Spy, not when I press a k...

@djsmiley2k Ah, those bastards.
I pull 'em one at a time with ranged weapons and then either lightning to death or giant f--kin' hammer.
@GodEmperorDune so is this site.
I'm more upset by this barrier skip thing than I should be
@Unionhawk intensifies
I have no lightning
So I summoned a gbuy and he cleared my way to teh stairs d:
but then despawned
@djsmiley2k pay your bills man
Is it time to go home yet?
Who half-assed this feature update? (looks at svn log) Oh, turns out it was me.
In my defence, that was over a year ago when we were nowhere near shipping.
@djsmiley2k That link you posted said that a specific summon makes them hostile
> However if one were to summon the shade Bashful Ray all of the Knights will become hostile and will attempt to kill the player.
@LessPop_MoreFizz holy shit that's huge and amazing
@murgatroid99 yup, this was just a random person
yet all turned hostile
still, he killed everything...
But right at the end there is one dragon knight who is always hostile
@djsmiley2k yep, that's what the article says
@AshleyNunn literally 1/8th the price per page of Modernist Cuisine
Seriously a cookbook at that page count at that price is insane.
@murgatroid99 yeah that last one killed me D:
@djsmiley2k Generally my strategy for very hard enemies is to get to the outer limit of my arrow range, then pelt them with arrows while slowly retreating. Generally, if you retreat far enough, they'll give up and start walking back to their starting point, and then you can start shooting them again
yeah you can't do that here
well might be able to with him
if I ever get back there :/
but if you go outta the range of the black kngihts
then the dragon knights all turn hostile
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah it's pretty crazy and also pretty tempting. Not that I need another cookbook....
Q: Minecraft (with mods) crashes after entering a word

AleAfter a power failure when i tried to load my world it crashes every time at the startup of the world. i have Forge My crash log: Time: 21/09/15 03:49 PM Description: Exception in server tick loop java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -2 at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Nibble...

Q: Are there any character effects for having no/low [HIDDEN STAT]

TelestiaI read this question: Why is Snake covered in blood even after a shower? and thought the mechanic was really cool. Is it possible to have negative demon points, and are there any physical changes that happen if you're a good person?

@AshleyNunn unrelated:
every game making me :( right now
games shoudln't make you feel like this :(
@AshleyNunn the first bonus pack of that cat puzzle game was way too easy :( I had to redo two levels out of the whole pack to 3star everything. I had to restart one level because I made an error too, and that's it, rest was super easy.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Apple stuff?
I plugged my laptop adapter into what was apparently a loose socket. Plug end detached and fell, hit the ground, and now I have a bent prong.
Anyone know of a site where I can tell them what materials I have and they'll suggest mixed drinks?
@SaintWacko I think I remember something like that.
Found one
Really should have done a google search first
Q: Rubber Banding / Freezing In CS GO

user125471I have started playing CS GO but am experiencing BAD rubber banding and players and grenades suddenly freezing. This makes the game unplayable and I really need it fixed. I have played many multiplayer games and never experienced this before, it is exclusive to CS GO. I recorded what is happening...

No clue why that site doesn't use checkboxes though.
DS2 is makinjg me sad D:
so time to invade random worlds D:
maybe killing some innocents will make me feel better
urgh nop
And SCNREW the giant knight with the mace
But it seems to be a little broken
@Yuuki I'm really looking for something where I can log in and save my supplies
Muppets show airs tonight
Q: How to tell if a craftable item will be an upgrade?

JeroenIf you go to craft an item in Dragon Age Inquisition, you get the following kind of screen: Now I would like to know if the craftable is a potential upgrade. I'm assuming that I can do so somehow, because top-right you have a set of controls to switch to different party members. However, I ca...

Q: Is there a way to get wired internet on a PSP-1000?

mugen2099On a PSP-1000, I am trying to update it's firmware. It is at version 2.7.1 with the newest like 6.6.1. I cannot adjust my security settings atm and was curious if there was some sort of wired connectivity feature? My model is the PSP-1000 (the original).

@GnomeSlice tomorrow.
I even got the dang egg but this guy is impossible
lol ok, first black knight is actually gone for good...
note to self: do not try fight achient dragon
Woooooo Also finally got summoned to help someone
wtf is with the really deadly punch in DS2?
maybe my build is just pure suck
Q: Can you return to Skyhold during DA:I The Descent

Morgan BlackthorneOnce you start The Descent DLC, are you able to go back to Skyhold, or is it like The Trespasser in that it locks you in to the new campaign until you've completed it? I heard that there's a new variant of the war table inside the Deep Roads, so I'm a little bit concerned about starting it and ge...

@djsmiley2k ?
@Yuuki invaders who usen o weapons then punch you in the back
almost insta killing
So I found you don't need to fight that guy, you can just dash rtound him carefully
@djsmiley2k You're past the Dragon Shrine, so I imagine you're doing Giant Memories?
More baby animals.
@djsmiley2k are you sure they're not using some fist weapon that you're just not noticing?
Whoops, completely missed "invaders".
They probably have the Vanquisher's Seal.
> This ring increases the base damage of unarmed fists to 200 and increases the scaling to 75% of your ATK: Strength stat and 25% of your ATK: Dexterity stat. The damage is 280 at 20str/20dex. Caestus +10 are at 194 damage with the same str/dex. At 40str/dex the damage of your bare fists equals 340 and caestus are 272.
The advantages of the ring are 1) less equip weight and 2) fewer durability issues.
ah hmmmmm
yeah prob that D:
Q: Trouble with multiplayer on Minecraft PE 0.12.1

JeremyMy friends and I wanted to play Minecraft Pocket Edition together when the new update came out, but my iPad can't find any worlds on other devices and none of my worlds are appearing on their devices either. However, I'm the only one who it doesn't work for. We all have the same version of the ga...

night anyway o/
@MBraedley haha I've been there before
@Wipqozn I don't even remember doing that initial implementation.
Q: What is the Original Candy Crush/Bejewled game

Sam I amContext: I just came from a Reddit thread, where someone said something about a game ripping off Candy Crush. From what I understand, Candy Crush is essentially another version of Bejeweled, but bejeweled isn't that old. It seems to me that there might be another version of the game that is e...

Q: Differences between the N64 Passport Plus versions

GraydaLast night I bought an N64 Passport Plus from someone on eBay, as there's a bigger range on N64 games, and some that I just can't find in Australia. While researching the Passport, I noticed that there are four revisions - N64 Passport, N64 Passport Plus, and N64 Passport Plus II and III. Are t...

@Lazers2.0 This is game ID
Damnit, I spent so long trying to get my friend to play Destiny with me and now we're about to play and he goes AFK :|
We do still close game identification questions, right?
Q: How many ions a day keep the rebels away?

KazaaakplethKilikSome say you cannot teach new tricks to an old dog. I found that decapitation is the best way to ensure the error of mistaking a mantis for a dog never happens again. Anyway, I went to kick some Rebels' asses today with the Vortex for the first time. Sadly, there wasn't much kicking going on wit...

Q: Diablo 3 - What is affected by resetting quests

user73224I just completed the main story line in Diablo 3 and I have option to reset quests. Well, I don't really care if I will have to redo all the game one more time, especially if there is a legendary drop waiting for me at the end - however before I do it I need to know what is reseted exactly. Is i...

@murgatroid99 I'm not sure if that's game identification
I'm also not sure if it's off-topic
Q: Are "what was the first..." questions on topic?

user6234456In another question, someone pointed out that the "first game of X" class of questions, and those that are similar, have certain faults and should get some additional analysis. What should be done with them? Examples: Which FPS came up with the hologram effect first? What was the first ever com...

@Wipqozn It's literally the example the close reason uses
It's basically that
oh nevermind then
I thought it should be clsoed, just wasn't sure if it was actually off-topic
> Questions asking for help identifying a game, whether based on a description, or feature list, or any other set of criteria (i.e. "What was the first game to…") are off-topic; this blog post might help. We allow an exception for identifying games based on an actual piece of the game, such as screenshots or audio clips.
A: Are "what was the first..." questions on topic?

WipqoznThis question is really old, but wanted to point that these questions are now considered off-topic on the site, and have been wrapped into the "game identification" close reason: Questions asking for help identifying a game, whether based on a description, or feature list, or any other set of...

bam. Updated meta.
@Wipqozn and upvoted
@LessPop_MoreFizz Maybe in America Land
Canada gets it tonight
Q: GB Serial Data Pin Usage

Alexander MOn the original gameboy (DMG) or the color version (CGB) is the Serial Data pin ever used by a retail game? It is a middle pin on the link port.

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