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[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] 3 commits. 46 additions. 14 deletions.
[Hosch250/VSDiagnostics] 19 commits. 14032 additions. 1510 deletions.
[Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics] 14 commits. 3 opened issues. 4 closed issues. 1 issue comment. 11979 additions. 538 deletions.
Looks like Sublime is XML based. though it looks quite a bit more complex than Notepad++
^ Part of the SQL syntax highlighting script
Ooh, regexular expression matching.
Ah yes I see that too
There's a directory with all the language folders and multiple XML files for each ones
A: Sublime text: how to customize syntax highlighting?

NateBackground @MattDMo is right that a .tmTheme file is the principal file which controls the highlighting. It is an XML file with a series of Regular Expressions and tags that denote which RegEx matches which type of syntactic element. You can search on GitHub and find many people who have alrea...

As usual, Stack Overflow has answers to all the things.
I agree. While Stack Overflow can seem like a pretty rough place most of the time, it is still a treasure trove of great knowledge.
I suck at regex though; might need some help with that
Hey wait, there's a regex syntax highlight too, I bet that's weird looking
This place has a syntax highlighting, too.
@Phrancis I'm fair with regexular expressions. I may be able to help if you need it.
@SirPython Ahh nice! I could just punch the content of my example file in there and have fun with it
I don't think whole-word matching is very hard in regex right?
^^ Matches "nope"
simple enough... ^^"
Looks like you can make your own color schemes in Sublime as well in a similar fashion
Don't think it uses regex though, just XML - I guess it probably has a number of keywords/tags which are then referenced in the language-specific XMLs
@SirPython : @jacwah's already made all the regexes, how convenient :)
@jacwah Hey maybe you could make 3 separate directories in that repo and we can put the highlighting files for Atom, Notepad++ and Sublime all in there?
Sorry that I haven't worked much on the project today. I've been scouring for free/interesting sheet music.
We all could use days off, no worries man
You play an instrument?
Yup! I play the alto saxophone and the piano.
Nice! I used to play saxophone when I was in secondary school, played mostly tenor and baritone, but I had an alto for a while too
Could never really get the hang of playing instruments very well besides that, though. I can play a little bass guitar and basic drums but that's about it
@Phrancis I love the barry sax.
@Phrancis Basic drums as in a drum set?
Baritone has a beautiful sound and is fun to play, but it's so damn heavy!
It must be. I feel bad for the neck that has to wear one of those.
Yeah. I was able to get a harness to use instead of just the neck strap, made it far more comfortable
Really? I've never heard of using a harness before, but it sure sounds like the better way to go.
Those were the good old days :) I still remember how to play it though, even though it's been like 10 years since I last spent much time with a sax
Like riding a bike, right?
Yeah. I mostly stick to writing music these days. I'd like to find one of those electronic wind controller MIDI instruments that I can plug to the computer
Ah yes! I've heard of those before!
I feel like I've seen one before, but in clarinet form.
Yeah they look like clarinets indeed
Ooh, a very nice sound.
What I love about those is you can use them to play literally any instrument
Wow, that's pretty amazing.
I have a really nice orchestral suite of sound patches and samples I use with Reason, that would work beautifully
Could probably make some pretty damn cool synths also that I could modulate with the breath control!
I've got my eye on this piece.
Whoa, so rusty, haven't read sheet music in a while
Listen to 14. 001_Orchestral (War) this will give you an idea of the kind of music I compose (along with my partner)
@Phrancis I was just listening to 4
(lots of other orchestral-sounding pieces there too, if you like those)
Is "Jay1148" your partner?
Does WordPress not allow for favicons?
He's had more of a hand in the newer pieces (those near the top), the old ones I made before I knew him
@SirPython I'm not sure if it does or not
Probably does and I haven't found it
I'll have a look next time I have to update the site
I must say, that is some pretty good music.
010_Dub (Deep Forest) is one of my favorites, I made that a looonnnng time ago and pretty recently remade it and posted on there
That reggae-like shuffle is just addictive, and that flute melody is somewhere between soothing and haunting
I like the pizzicato in the beginning, and then the low bass that fills in later.
That too
I had originally written that piece for a friend who was working on creating an adventure game for iPhone or whatever. Game was never made though lol.
The name "Deep Forest" stuck
I agree: that air-y sound to the flute does give it a slightly daunting/lurking feel that certainly matches the title.
If you're into science/scifi, navigate to the Psych-Nein page under the Music header, and check out "Dark Matter"
Psych-Nein is our personal "for fun" electronic music, you can download all songs on there free if you want
(but if there are any under Instrumentals that you like a lot and would like to download, let me know; as long as it's not used for business I'm happy to send them free to friends)
If I find a song that I really want to download, I'll pay for it because whoever made it deserves the money.
Thanks though!
Well, the $25/song fee is intended for singers/rappers/artists that want to lease the instrumentals
I could certainly give you an iTunes-priced deal though, if you insisted on paying :)
I'll notify you if I find anything.
Do you play with a band or group on saxophone?
Well, mostly a group.
But it's called a band.
Jazz or orchestral?
@SirPython Have you ever heard of ChucK, the audio/music programming language?
No, I haven't.
Er, well; more like scripting,language, but yeah
ChucK is a concurrent, strongly timed audio programming language for real-time synthesis, composition, and performance, which runs on Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, and iOS. It is designed to favor readability and flexibility for the programmer over other considerations such as raw performance. It natively supports deterministic concurrency and multiple, simultaneous, dynamic control rates. Another key feature is the ability to live code; adding, removing, and modifying code on the fly, while the program is running, without stopping or restarting. It has a highly precise timing/concurrency...
// set tempo to 120 bpm
0.5::second => dur beat;
4::beat => dur measure;

// freqIncrement value is approx: 0.059463
Math.pow ( 2.0, 1.0/12.0 ) - 1.0 => float freqIncrement;

// oscillators
SawOsc fizzbuzzOsc => dac;
( 55.0 / 2.0 ) => float oscFreq => fizzbuzzOsc.freq; // Musical note: A0 | 27.5 Hertz

// audio controls
0.15 => fizzbuzzOsc.gain;

// variables for looping
now + 16::measure => time stop; // 64 beats
1 => int stepCounter;

while ( now < stop ) {
    <<< "-----" >>>;
    if ( stepCounter % 15 == 0 ) {
Little fizzbuzz script I was working on a while back (never did post for review, at least not yet)
That looks interesting.
I want to make it play different chords on Fizz, Buzz and FizzBuzz values. Right now it just goes up a half-note from A0 on each iteration
Now that would definitely be HNQ worthy.
Hot Network Question
Oh, right! I think when I'm done with it I'll record a short YouTube video with it and include that in the post
I one time had an idea for an audio programming language, but it didn't get past documentation: github.com/SirPython/ML
That will also be the first post on CR (as long as somebody doesn't beat me to it)
Hopefully not. I've never heard of it before, and I don't think most anyone else has heard of it either.
ChucK supports MIDI as well
Audio programming languages aren't that popular on this site.
I thought of maybe using it for Cardshifter at some point in the future, once we get to the point of having sounds and such
Not sure how well it would interface with Java, but no doubt it can work somehow
Now that would definitely be a huge improvement to Cardshifter.
We could still do sounds, and probably more easily with Java (and I think JavaScript probably has support for sound in the browser too)
Sort of. JavaScript only plays audio files, AFAIK.
But imagine you had music that was programmatically generated? Like the intensity, tempo, key or whatever can change based on game events!
That makes sense! I've always wondered what audio programming languages before, and that sentence perfectly clears it up.
I could just imagine that when your health is dropping low in a game of Cardshifter, that the music picks up and instantly the entire mood is changed.
You should try it sometime perhaps
Oh, you could make it change MIDI instruments, too!
Can you have multiple instruments at once?
Another idea, you could have the same soundtrack scores for both Mythos and CC, but use different instrument sets for each :)
@SirPython Oh yeah
Don't forget these ideas.
So imagine you play it with an orchestra set for Mythos, but change to more techno/industrial set for CC
Ah, that would make sense!
BTW; have you actually played Cardshifter games much?
A few times, but never a full, real (non-testing) game.
But I've played it enough to enjoy it.
Just curious. When Simon gets back I'm going to ask him to help me on setting up a public server, playing with AIs gets old after a while
It's vastly more fun playing with real people
I've played against Simon, he's really good at it
At 1000 commits, he better be.
Hey I just got to thinking, and I want your opinion on this...
The official website we currently have is a pain to update/maintain because it is all assembled using Tomcat. Now that we (or you, mostly :) know how powerful AngularJS is, I'm seriously considering rebuilding the website with that, an integrate the web client within it
I completely agree.
I think it would be 1) simpler; 2) faster; 3) more flexible since it uses native web technologies
Having a sleek and flexible website is very important if this project wants to make a good impression on others.
^^ Thank you!
And I think we could have some neat things like say someone wants to just view the card sets without having to actually play the game, the website could just ping a server (assuming we have one live, which I also want to have) and get the information to display
That would be low-maintenance and powerful, methinks
I think that would work, because I think that the server allows for card query messages without needing to actually have a user signed in.
Yeah it should, or if anything we can just use one of the AI users or make an admin user for queries like that
(Note that my computer may shut down unexpectedly so if I suddenly leave chat, do not take it the wrong way)
Hey while I'm thinking about it, would you like to be included on the contributors page of the site?
Sure, if it makes sense to put me there.
You've certainly been valuable in your contributions
Thanks :-)
When you have a chance, I would just need the URL for your SE Flair
Sure, I'll grab that now.
And I can add as little or as much info as you want me to. Most of us have our real name and Twitter on there, but that's by all means up to you
I don't feel comfortable displaying my name nor my twitter. Is that okay?
Absolutely and completely
Be back in a bit, phone call
Awesome, thanks!
Hello, @Jay1148!
Hey Jay
@SirPython I was on the phone with him so I told him he should stop by :)
Ah, I was a little confused because the last time I saw him, you were him.
Oh, right. I was at his place and couldn't log in on my account from his PC very easily
@Jay1148 I don't think I showed you what it looks like in action, but see this^^
@SirPython is almost finished with the "functional" part of the rest of the web GUI, I'm going to be working on the graphical parts and soon enough we'll have a fully fledged client, and we can start having card images and such very soon!
Those for Mythos should be easy to find, since Wikimedia has tons of images for the deities and all that. Miranda said she would like to make some art for Cyborg Chronicles too
@Jay1148 Have you written down anything for that "nature" cardset for Mythos? I'd love to start adding some new cards to what we have
improved date formatting

Now, when a date/time number is less than 10, a '0' will be added before the number. This is better on the eye when reading chat because now every message will start on the same line.
"clicker" mouse display now shows for links

Before, when going to click on one of the "links", the mouse symbol that looks like a capital "i" would be shown. This, to the user, does not look like something that should be clicked.

To fix this, a blank "href" attribute was added to these link tags so now the mouse will form the small hand that is used looks like it is trying to click something.
Two small commits, not related to the issue at hand ^^
Cool cool
Nice little touches
Yeah, just small UI improvements.
@Jay1148 for the Greek card set you made, it looks like a lot of the art on Wikimedia are statues, which should give the Greek cards a distinctive look
A lot of the images I found for Chinese and Hindu sets I made are paintings and such, so each mythology might have a distinct look just based on the available art
^^ Vishnu, Hindu set
^^ Yu Di / Jade Emperor, Chinese set
@SirPython Would you like to make a card set for Mythos, at some point?
Isn't there already a card set?
There's about 3 mythologies in there so far, we'd like to add more
If you'd like to add more, by all means, add more.
@SirPython See: Mythos cardsets
I've just asked several of the regulars here to pick a mythology and come up with stuff (doesn't need to be coded, I can take care of that)
Ooh, that's an interesting issue.
I can still pick up more.. just got to get around to doing so. I still want to do the Nature/Wiccan set.
How do you "make a card"?
So, if you have a favorite mythology, let me know, and if you want to just write down card ideas in a text file I can take care of the coding part
@SirPython Depending if you want to learn the game's DSL or not, you can send me a text file (I can show you Jay's file for the Greek cardset) or write the DSL code yourself
Pick out famous or not famous characters, places, and artifacts from your chose mythology, come up with a name, characteristics (effects, attack/defense) and a description (flavor text).
I might write down some ideas for the Roman mythology.
@Phrancis has anyone chosen to do Native American, or like Mayan or Inca?
@Jay1148 Not that I know of
Herm... might hit that too, have one set for north american people and one for the south american people.
Someone still ought to do is African/Voodoo set
@SirPython Mythos Greek set text file from Jay, for inspiration/ideas on the format
Ah, thanks.
I need to look more into the documentation still, for information about (for example) effects.
Sure. One thing though, don't let currently available effects get in your way... If you look at the actual Greek card set as loaded into the game, you'll see sections of code commented out, along with issue numbers
@Jay1148 came up with lots of really cool effects that we didn't think of yet, as you can see :)
I'm going to have to use some of those as inspiration.
Once those issues get implemented, I'll go back and uncomment/write the code
Gladiator - Human(? what do I put here?)
Flavor Text - an ordinary fighter
Attack - 1
Health - 3
Mana - 10
Sickness - 1
Effect - For each gladiator in this user's battlefield, each gladiator's attack is increased by 1
Something off the top of my head ^^
@Jay1148 I looked into voodoo, it would actually fall under the broader "nature" set, along with Wicca and others
I would love to have a native american set though. I'll see if Miranda is interested, she loves this stuff
@SirPython For the unit type, I'd suggest using things like Roman (for normal Roman cards, as your Gladiator), Roman God / Goddess, Roman Hero, things like that
AND - You do not need to go overboard like @Jay1148 did and make 50-60 cards for one single mythology lol. 15-25 cards would be plenty
For unit types (or, creatureTypes in the game's lingo) eventually we will implement something to where one card can have multiple types. In either case, those can be used for filtering effects and such
So a card that has creatureType "Roman Goddess" eventually will be able to be creatureType "Roman", "Goddess"
That sounds more structured.
So we'll be able to make effects like "All Goddesses gain +1 health" and "All Roman creatures gain +1 attack"
Mythos will have lots of really interesting interactions like that
I'm going to push what I've done so far and cease work for today. I need to take a break and write some documentation for my new client idea.
Sounds great :)
started method for showing cards in opponent's hand

Obviously, the user should not be able to see the cards that the opponent has. So, instead of showing the cards, the HTML will show how many cards the user has in their hand.
started method for sending actions

This sort of works: mulligan-ing cards works just fine, but after that, multiple "play" available actions are sent. There needs to be something set up that allows for combining actions into a single action and sharing properties between these actions so multiple "play" actions buttons are displayed (which only leads to bugs and errors)
Hmm. I just realized I start my commit messages like "started method" a lot.
Descriptive enough! I personally like your commit messages a lot better than mine, very detailed
BTW.Work - Currently working on this, should push an update soon
Aug 7 at 21:28, by Phrancis
@TODO Make Wiki page about using branches, and add to issue #309
^ A bit more to do, but that's a start
I've finished my first draft of the documentation and now I must turn in.
Have a good one @Phrancis and @Jay1148!
Seeya later @SirPython !
> It's hard to believe we've been working on Cardshifter for a bit over a year! I would like to ask everyone about their experience(s) so far, so we can make a sort of "mural" of each other's most meaningful moments!

I did a bit of digging, and found that [this room was created by @Zomis on Aug 1, 2014](http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/16899075#16899075):

It's time to create a room for it I think :)
So that all messages are gathered at one place instead of scatt
@Duga ^^^^^ Please contribute if you like!
@SimonAndréForsberg @skiwi @bazola @Marc-Andre @SirPython @jacwah @Jay1148 @GreyFox @Lokkij
Aug 1 '14 at 14:29, by ckuhn203
Imagine that.. Programmers who also like TCG? Who would've thunk?
Aug 1 '14 at 14:46, by Simon André Forsberg
2. What platform/framework to use? I'd like to see it playable on Android, Web, iOS, Desktop, I know of a couple of Java libraries that would allow that.
"Imagine that.. Programmers who also like TCG? Who would've thunk?" @Rubberduck203 remember that? http://bit.ly/1NjKh8n
@SirPython Can you actually give me the flair link, instead of just the image? It should look like this:
<a href="http://stackexchange.com/users/4456394/phrancis"><img src="http://stackexchange.com/users/flair/4456394.png" width="208" height="58" alt="profile for Phrancis on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&amp;A sites" title="profile for Phrancis on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&amp;A sites" /></a>
> "Start local game" in general feels shoehorned. I think if we're going to allow this, we should definitely fix this. There would also be the option of not supporting local games (i.e. a user has to connect to a server, even if it's completely local, to play a game).
That needed a bit of maintenance, sorry for @Duga spamming the chat room.
4 hours later…
@Phrancis I'll think a bit about how to organize the different plugins. The thing is that I think to put a package in the Atom package manager's repositories (to be easily installed by people) it has to have its own Github repo. Maybe a repository for each makes more sense? They can still include links to each other in the READMEs. What do you think?
I'm starting my new-ish job today, but I'll be on tonight (European time :))
5 hours later…
Hey everyone!
Hey @Marc-Andre!
> The layout of this page is not very good. I originally did the layout as a grid of sorts, but it doesn't scale very well at all, and perhaps just having a more inline, "top-to-bottom" view of the page would look better in general.

![2015-08-16 10_45_58-cardshifter](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8539648/9293737/3c5e93a2-4404-11e5-90b2-934a1237ced7.png)
3 hours later…
@Phrancis Sure, I'll grab that now.
<a href="http://codereview.stackexchange.com/users/59481/sirpython">
<img src="http://codereview.stackexchange.com/users/flair/59481.png" width="208" height="58" alt="profile for SirPython at Code Review Stack Exchange, Q&amp;A for peer programmer code reviews" title="profile for SirPython at Code Review Stack Exchange, Q&amp;A for peer programmer code reviews">
@Phrancis I'm going to look into #58 again.
4 hours later…
It's rather quiet in here.
@SirPython It is
Hey jacwah!
Hello :)
Sunday I guess
How are you?
Oh I'm good. I had my first day of my new job! I'm lucky having relatives who have their own software business so I can work part time and study
What about you?
Congrats on your new job!
I'm doing fine. Same old for me.
Thanks! Right now I'm struggling with Groovy/Java though :)
Is there anything you'd like help on? I'm not the best with Java, but I'm a new pair of eyes.
I'm not actually struggling with the language as much as the overall architecture of the mods. I still haven't grasped it which makes finding where the magic happens hard.
On the server side or the client side?
On the server side, the whole logic behind the DSL and such
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 8c5c2868 on ???: The Travis CI build passed
Ah, I'm not too familiar with the server side, but my thought on it is that the server just compiles the mods and reads it's properties for how to interact with the client.
But that's very general. Is there anything in specific that is confusing?
@Duga This is how far I've come up to now
PR is here
I guess I just need to read more code... I still need to find how the creature property is loaded and how to serialize the data
I wish I could understand the code better...
(Not your code, the Cardshifter code in general)
Ditto :)
Well, at least you know enough to be able to commit :-)
Says the person with 131 commits on HTML-Client :)
Well, that's because I have more experience with JavaScript. And, I was able to start the project from zero code.
I'm not very good at coming in from the middle of a project.
Perhaps it would help if I were better with Java.
That would probably help
But understanding other peoples code is a very valuable skill to learn.
Yes, which is why using Code Review is a big benefit to everyone.
Yes! I find I can learn a lot just from browsing the site.
Definitely. Even if you don't answer someone's question, just copying the code into a separate window and reading it a help.
May I ask your opinion of something?
Go ahead
I had a small idea for a new Cardshifter client, but I don't know if it's a good idea, or if it's too much.
The README has some not-yet-implemented information.
Haha, wow! That's pretty cool.
I'm not sure how useful it certainly has a coolness factor.
I was thinking about this: why have this when we have a libGDK version that will work for mobile?
Well, I'm not sure if the libGDX version allows for custom mods to be entered.
It probably does
Shoot, it does?
I think that and the web client both already provide the "play anywhere", without the burning usb sticks part
Well, I don't know, but why wouldn't it?
Well, I'm not sure how to store mod files on a mobile phone.
The mods are server side, aren't they?
Yes, but you can only use the mods if they exist on the server.
So you mean that you want to host a server on the phone?
Either way you can store files on a phone just as on a PC
Ah, that makes sense.
I have removed the repo.
I'm sorry to see an interesting idea die, but I don't really see users go burning ISOs to play a game when it's available in their browser
TTGTB for me
You're reasoning is correct. I was unaware of the ability to play custom mods from the client in the mobile version (and you currently can't in the web version).
See you.
You trust me too much :) I'm only guessing here. Maybe ask @bazola for facts
Even if you could, the boot client wouldn't be allow online playing, so it would just be the same thing as starting up a server with custom mods and a client to play to custom mods.
200_success vs. janos: 15507 diff. Year: -4093. Quarter: -1172. Month: -358. Week: +125. Day: +125.
Mat's Mug vs. Simon André Forsberg: 1066 diff. Year: +1956. Quarter: +452. Month: +730. Week: +3. Day: +3.
200_success vs. rolfl: 3324 diff. Year: +2577. Quarter: +2911. Month: +332. Week: +115. Day: +115.
Loki Astari vs. Simon André Forsberg: 2955 diff. Year: -2821. Quarter: -1225. Month: +75. Week: 0. Day: 0.

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